
"The road to hell ..."

Older than dirt
"The road to hell is paved with good intentions" seems to be my theme of late. My ATF and her BF stayed at my home for about 3 weeks. Neither were using drugs but both have a long history of heroin addiction and describe themselves as chronic relapsers.
They were able to rent a small apartment and I delivered them and as many of their belongings as we could just before Christmas. I read on Facebook that they were going to a very rural northern town to celebrate the holidays with my ATF's ex-BF's family
Three days later she called me asking her to "come rescue her", driving 125 miles each way and bringing her & her BF who had just broken up with her to drop him off at their apartment and bring her home with me. I had sworn her off; vowed to not part her legs again; never to have her lips & tongue pleasure my member again. But there was no discussion, no pay for play, no discussion. We just ended up in bed together and despite the 40 year difference in our ages, it was mutually beneficial.
The next day I drove her to her hometown where she left with her brother and then we came home for the new year. She apparently got dope & coke and then had the involvement with the cops.
It's been tough living with her the past few days with one overdose and lots of drama, but she's scheduled for detox tomorrow ( probably a day later due to an impending blizzard).
I've made it clear that I want her to leave but she has no where to go. After detox she'll return, work for a few weeks, save $$ & move to Floriduh.
Tomorrow she wants to fuck again, I said no, and that's my INTENTON. See you all in hell.


  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    You need to cut all contact w her bc you are codependent and enabling her.
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    My ATF and her BF stayed at my home for about 3 weeks. "
    Stopped reading after that sentence
  • Mate27
    7 years ago
    BJ99 is right, but unless the person is willing to hear words of wisdom it’s falls on deAf ears. Gawker has been stuck in this loop for a long time, and his emotional state is almost in as much disarray as the heroin addict. I believe he shared his wife’s predicament, and the ATF could be his choice of respite.

    He’s taken escape to a new meaning, and now it’s seems more permanent.
  • FTS
    7 years ago
    If I were you I would do some research and determine the statistical probability of her early demise. Perhaps there is some research which studies the long term survival statistics of heroin addicts of similar demographics as your ATF. I may not be using all the right words, but the point is, if she’s about 30 years old, what are the chances that she is miraculously going to turn her life around and get a normal job with an income that sustains her? If the chances of that are low, and the chances of continued self-harm are high, then you might want to consider what you personally can do to prevent further harm coming to her. The only other option is to allow the statistical probabilities of life to run their course in her life.... an option which may be less appealing.

    Kinda like... if a bird flew into your dick and broke its wing, and was severely injured, would you release it into the wild knowing that it is extremely likely that it will die? Or would you care for it until it is healed? (Obviously in this analogy you cannot put it out of its misery).
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    The utter chaos of a wife with dementia and a GF who's a heroin addict is just hard to imagine.
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    Glad I didn't miss this week's soap opera episode.
  • Bavarian
    7 years ago
    Fuck drugs.

    It’s not Gawker’s fault. That bitch just won’t her life in order and stop contacting him.

    I’m sure Gawker would prefer for that bitch to get her shit together and move on even if it means that he won’t fuck her again. It’s hard to be cold hearted and leave someone you know on the street. You have no choice but to take them in.
  • CJKent (Banned)
    7 years ago
    Gawker, thank you for sharing your life history.
    While life with your ATF is not always good, that is what is good about it to you, it makes you reflect on what you have done wrong or right. Keep trying, perhaps in vain, to correct what is wrong, (her addiction), and perfect what is right (the sometimes amazing sex). And if you come to think about it, your life is forever amusing, no matter how awful it was at the time, but at the end , it leaves you with some anecdote to tell, sometimes laugh about it.
    Your life is beautiful, live it , embrace it and enjoy everything about it.
    If you sincerely do what you can to help her and she can't get rid of her addiction, you did your best, let God take care of the rest.
    I have been recommending to you to move on and find another ATF, but if you can't or don't want to, then go all in with your ATF, have mind blowing sex, help her with whatever she decides to do, she might want to go all in in her addiction or get out, is up to her. Tell her that, that as long as you don't get into trouble you will support her in her decision. Remember the reason why they do drougs is because they get relief, sometimes momentarily, of the internal emotional pain they have. Accept that fact and be happy you are with her, as long as the good times (sex) are better than the bad times, you are the envy of most men that desire her, but can't and will never have her.
    Good luck to you and your ATF. Now go and make love to her.
    Happy New Year to you and your ATF
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    The fat lady still hasn't sung.
  • Hugh_G_Rection
    7 years ago
    To be honest here I was Captain Saveaho once and got burnt badly, which is why I'm on an extended hiatus from the hobby. I need people like Gawker to show me why (while I definitely want to club again) I need to separate fantasy from reality.

    My best guess is that Gawker isn't looking for the sexual relief, he thrives in the drama. I can only roll my eyes and feel sorry for him
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    another chapter of an interesting story. hope it ends well.
  • grand1511
    7 years ago
    One definition of insanity is to continue to do the same thing and expect different results.
  • Bavarian
    7 years ago
    And this gentlemen is the biggest drawback of having a CF/ATF/DS.

  • mjx01
    7 years ago
    on one had I feel for you... getting away from a chick who you've gone 'stupid' for is hard. Ending my ATF thing wasn't easy, but shit dude this is out of control.

    get her out of your house, change your locks, block her # on your cell phone, embrace the idea that pink is pink and find a new friend.
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    I posted this just three weeks ago...

    rickdugan - December 12, 2017 - This at least the third or fourth time that you've posted some version of "this is over, I've had enough!" I don't know, but I think I'll believe it when I see it, so to speak. ;)

    Now I do believe that you really do mean it each time you say it. But I suspect that, as time passes, you miss the drama in your life and the connection that she sometimes make you feel. I honestly don't believe that you will be done with her until she is finally done with you, unless you manage to find something else to fill that void in the meantime.

    But good luck I suppose and, as flagooner said, please update us again when she moves back in again. :)

    Shoot gawker, cynical as I am, even I expected your resolve to last a little longer than 3 weeks. ;)

    Anyway, make this time number 4-5. Also, this isn't the first time we've heard the "Detox to Florida" plan, which didn't seem to stick the last time she tried it. As I said last time, I honestly don't believe that you will be done with her until she is finally done with you, unless you manage to find something else to fill that void in the meantime.

    Good luck I suppose.
  • anonlvone
    7 years ago
    as much as I would like to accept this all at face value, i can't. i'm sure the sex isn't mind blowing, i'm sure as hell nothing about this is mutually beneficial. gawker is hopelessly in denial and that's the best spin I can put on this. as sartre said, hell is other people, and gawker has found his own personal hell right here on earth. this isn't gonna end until she ODs or ends her life in some other way, it's really a toss up who's gonna exit this world first but my money is on the heroin addict. especially if she's near the age of 30, i'm betting her life ends in a year or two. reading gawker's posts is like reading the journal excerpts of a stockholm snyndrome survivor
  • CJKent (Banned)
    7 years ago
    Gawker; you wrote:
    "Tomorrow she wants to fuck again, I said no, and that's my INTENTON. See you all in hell."
    Do not fuck her, make love to her. Fucking Wikipedia says is "the act of sexual intercurse", Making Love "It is bonding, a reinforcement of the partners commitment to one another".
    I remember how exited you were when she first moved in, the problem was that you had unrealistic expectations, you need to accept the reality of her being a pain in the neck, unpredictable, and roll with the punches. That is the price you have to pay.
    I remember the advice given to people about to be married: " Happy wife happy life". Just make her happy within your limits, let her know that even drunk you wouldn't eat fire. She knows that there are limits she just likes to push them, she has a self defeating behavior and will push the limits too far.
    Like I told you, make love to her make her happy, she will make your life happy. If you read the comments of most people on tuscl regarding if they would chose the money over the memories they had having sex with girls, the vast majority chose the memories over the money, most just said they would like to have been just more efficient with the money...
    "Fill your life with experiences not things, have stories to tell no stuff to show"
    Now go make love to your ATF make her happy and come back and tell us every detail about it.
    Thank you again for sharing your life history.
  • rh48hr
    7 years ago
    Nothing is going to change. It's the same story each time. Unfortunately this won't end until something drastically bad happens to one or both of them.

    So sad ...

  • Cowboy12
    7 years ago
    ^I agree.
    Gawker has proven time and time again he cannot deny her requests.

    Hoping this story ends well for all, but it seems that neither he nor the girl can give up their addictions.
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    Did he fuck her in the pussy yet ???
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    I wish you the best. As they say - prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

    I’m not sure what will happen with you and your atf - but I’m hoping things will get better for your girl. With the brutal winter storm heading in - you and your atf will be couped up together for a few days. I’m hoping this will provide for a positive outcome. Maybe your atf will be forced to detox a bit. Maybe the sex will be amazing - and maybe you will be a happy man.

    Keep fucking your atf - it’s definitely the major benefit of having her there!
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    Bavarian said: "And this gentlemen is the biggest drawback of having a CF/ATF/DS."

    Bullshit. Plenty of guys have a favorite dancer (whatever acronym you want to use) and don't come close to this level of dysfunction.

    I want this to be fiction, because the possibility that it's real is just sad. I also don't fully understand what Gawker gets out of posting this scenario here, other than attention.

    Even with anonymity, I would not want to share these stories with anyone. There comes a point where you need to stop posting to the internet and just fix things.

    But hey, maybe that's just me.
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    > I want this to be fiction, because the possibility that it's real is just sad. I also don't fully understand what Gawker gets out of posting this scenario here, other than attention.

    > Even with anonymity, I would not want to share these stories with anyone. There comes a point where you need to stop posting to the internet and just fix things.

    Maybe sharing this kind of thing it turns it from a vague suspicion to something like a peer-reviewed finding.

    Maybe he's just taking one for the team and coming up with interesting logical conclusion type scenarios as next level shit to share the guys posting garden variety RIL scenarios that are normally shared with guys who have been to a strip club a few times and could use the knowledge that gaslighting and other forms of SS are a thing.

    Back when I first started going to strip clubs, I had someone point out a mutual acquaintance telling me that the guy had sold a house to play in the strip clubs.

    I think of it like those anti-smoking ads where they have the guy with cancer smoking a cigarette through his breathing tube. What does the guy in the ad get out of it? Maybe the same thing as gawker does with these posts. In either case, those aren't shoes I want to walk a mile in to find out and can appreciate it as a heads-up.
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    Nah, @ppwh, you're overthinking everything. It's just free group therapy.
  • Uprightcitizen
    7 years ago
    I have posted this quote once before in Gawker's saga. I think this is what is part of his motivation for posting...

    "My one purpose in life is to serve as a warning to others." Jamie Zawinski
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    She's coming to Florida?
    Woo hoo!
    Hook me up bro.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    Sadly, if her drug use continues in Fl - she may put more duh in Flori-duh...
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    This has so long ago entered the theater of the absurd that, despite it not being aligned with gawker's persona here, I've wondered whether it's fiction (the way I believe Doces3000's tale here is fiction). If it's not fiction, if I may project a bit, I'd say it's very cathartic to write about these kinds of things (or as RM says, free group therapy), and I'd guess that's the primary motivation. I don't think gawker's tale needs to serve as a warning to others, while many of us do dumb things when it comes to strippers, this is the SC equivalent of taking a bath just a few feet upriver from the falls ( http://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me… ) -- it takes a rare and special level of poor judgement to get here, that nearly no one needs to be warned about (or maybe my faith in common sense is too high :)
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    i don’t think gawker truly wants her to recover bc then she won’t need him. He’s now wondering if him always being there when she needed him is finally paying off; it’s not.

    She’s starting to need him emotionally as well as for help and money, bc she has less and less else in her own life. This too would disappear if she got her life together, and I think he knows it.
  • Uprightcitizen
    7 years ago
    Sub Gawker has established his credibility as a professional with some measure of life success which implies some level of reason and discipline. But you are making the presumption that we all make optimal choices based on purely reason and logic. This is a matter of irrational lust, love, impulsiveness/rush, mixed with a good dose of escape from his harsh late life realities. Those feelings can and do crush reason into oblivion.

    Many men might just might jump in that pool to share that river by the falls if it was with a naked and horney Jennifer Lawrence when its the best thing to happen to them in years.

    Homer captured it in Odysseus when the sailers were forced to put eax in their ears when facing the Sirens who would lure sailers to their doom. Odysseus ties himself to the mast and curses his men who dont let him embrace the beautiful Sirens who he knows are his doom.

    Gawker cant escape that song and just put it to full mast!
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    > Many men might just might jump in that pool to share that river by the falls if it was with a naked and horney Jennifer Lawrence when its the best thing to happen to them in years.

    That does kind of sound better than dying of cancer from smoking Marlboro. As long as it stays in the river by the falls and she doesn't fuck up the granite countertop, I mean. Talk about a boner-killer.
  • anonlvone
    7 years ago
    Agree with bj99. Something I've noticed, if someone really cared about a dancer they would be agonizing over whether they could have done more or could do more. With Gawker I don't ever get that feeling, instead it's lust, voyeurism, occasionally anger, but always this feeling that he's her greatest enabler who has always been standing there between her and recovery.
  • CJKent (Banned)
    7 years ago
    "In this country, you gotta make the money first. Then when you get the money, you get the power. Then when you get the power, then you get the women.” - Tony Montana in Scarface.
    You have the woman you worked so hard all your life to have, but she is not perfect.
    Love her and accept her for who she is, help her to grow and get better if she wants to. If she decides to keep going down with her addiction embrace the caos, double down, go all in. Remember getting the girl (to have sex with) is the ultimate goal.
    If you don't want to "live together" get her "her own little place" inside your house.
    I just saw that sign that says:
    "Good Moms have
    Sticky floors
    Messy kitchens
    Laundry piles
    Dirty ovens and
    Happy kids"
    Forget the granite countertop and make her happy and make yourself happy in the process. Life is too short not to enjoy the good things. Live the moment, because the future is uncertain.
    Good luck Gawker, I hope you will tell us mote about the good times the sex and love.
    Good luck to your Lady too.
  • gawker
    7 years ago
    I took her to detox today. She was as high as a kite and kept nodding off. I was as pissed at her as I’ve ever been and told her she’s not welcome to return when she’s out. She got angry and asked if she could return for a couple of weeks sober, work 4 or 5 shifts in Providence, save a couple of grand and go to Floriduh. I told her to explore other options. She said I was a fucking asshole who got off on the drama.
    I stopped the car at the front door of the facility and she lit a cigarette. She reached in her pocketbook and withdrew a baggie. I couldn’t see the contents. She pulled her pants down and inserted the baggie in her vagina. She then took out a couple of dollar bills, folded one and crushed a pill, then rolled the other and snorted the contents. She then put on her makeup, smiled at me, and got out of the car. She went to the front door, holding 3 packs of cigarettes, her phone and her overnight bag. She will call me within 4 or 5 days asking me to come get her. What do you think I should say?
  • K
    7 years ago
    Normally i advocate for confronting problem people. In this case i strongly suggest you not answer the phone. Maybe get a new number. Move so she cant find you
  • ATACdawg
    7 years ago
    Practice in front of a mirror:

    "No. No. No. No......."

    And also make sure your land line is disconnected and your cell phone I'd discharged. Seriously:-/
  • ATACdawg
    7 years ago
    *is discharged*
  • 79terrier
    7 years ago
    Just don't answer the calls. Block her.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    gawker said: "What do you think I should say?"

    Is this when we pretend you give a shit about the opinions expressed here?
  • Lurker_X
    7 years ago
    She knows where Gawker lives and will probably take Uber there even if he ignores her calls. This ain't over.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    Block her number for the next 30 days. If you must, send her a text now telling her you are doing it. Don’t cheat and check.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    gawker. YOU need to move to florida. and get on with your life.
  • rh48hr
    7 years ago
    Good advice from everyone but ...

    It doesn't matter what we advise, gawker will go pick her up when she calls. It had been his M.O. for years. I won't believe it until he actually says no.

    What you should have done was call the detox place and let them know she's hiding narcotics in her cooch. I would assume you are paying for her detox.
  • anonlvone
    7 years ago
    accepting her the way she is and providing a financial safety net by definition is enabling her. when everyone else has seen the light of day, gawker will still be there enabling her like the sexual parasite he is. and for those who think i'm being harsh, there are no winners here. both gawker and this junkie are exploiting each other, nor do I think gawker has any free will in this situation, after this many years with an out of control junkie prostitute, he can't possibly have any self-respect or self-esteem left, she completely shredded that long ago, ending this cycle is just as important for gawker as it is for her, but at this point for him to stop sabotaging her relationships is just as impossible as it is for her to stop using drugs, her behavior in the car prior to entering the rehab unit proves it. this is just a charade, she knows the drill, she knows gawker will be there to do whatever she asks, only death is going to stop this insanity and separate these two parasites from one another
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    I think there’s good advice/insight from both taxi_driver and anonlvone. She’s demonstrated that she’s not sincere about getting clean (by concealing drugs in her vagina) - and by your silence - you’ve tacitly supported her attempt to sabotage her detox.

    When she calls, you will resist the urge to answer, but you will still answer her call. Who knows how sober she will be? The truth is - you both need each other. You’ve stuck with her when basically all others have moved on. It’s commendable that you’ve kept trying to help.

    I’ve no idea what the future will bring, but I’m doubtful that it will be peaceful. I think it will involve you picking her up from detox. Then taking her to your place. You will enjoy her nude body and enjoy fucking her. She will provide amazing views of that great body. Things will seem stable. Then you will go to visit your wife. Then return to find an insane mess has occurred at home.

    In certain relationships, the relationships exist because of the partners dysfunction. I think that’s the basis for your relationship.

    I’m sorry to sound harsh, but I’m not expecting much from this attempt at detox. I’m not expecting any change from you either. I live in NJ and there are many commercials (because of our previous governor) about the epidemic of opioid deaths, and it’s very sad. I think of your atf - when I see those commercials, as the drugs have such control over her, and the drugs have also made a mess of many lives surrounding her.

    She probably needs to be confined to a rehab facility for 90 days - where she can get clean - and get accustomed to how great it feels to be clean again. I think her “normal” is being high, and the abnormal is being sober, and she’s not sober long enough to realize how good it feels anymore.
  • stripfighter
    7 years ago
    Nobody cares about intention, it's actions and the results of that matter.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    That main takeaway from many of your posts @Gawker is that many of us have weaknesses and my personal bet, is that those that are the harshest on you and others that exhibit some personal weakness, IRL are probably weak as well much of the critics responses seem very self serving at best.
    For myself I wish you good luck and hope that you find a better way to deal with your demon.
  • Htxx
    7 years ago
    It's so easy to judge. Frankly I was one of the more fuck em and leave them types for 25 plus years while strip clubbing. Never gave a shit about any of them, they were just sluts for hire serviced me then I'd move on. So I get all of the more "serious" advice on your posts. At the same time, until it happens to you, you don't know. While my biggest weakne$$ doesn't have a drug issue, I've certainly developed a habit for her. Civilian women no longer measure up. It's definately fucked me up and believe me I'm one of the more practical cynical guys out there. So, I get it. I like the other advice now. Go in 100% with and for her. Your wife is out of the picture so who gives a fuck what others do or think or say. Do what makes you happy. Hell why not shoot up with her sometime? You might like it. I love smoking weed with a couple of my other OTC women. I've had opportunities to do more than weed but haven't done so. Either way reading your posts is therapeutic for ne. I see myself in your weaknesses and am glad the girl I like isn't a drug addict. Make yourself happy bud fuck everyone else and fuck her like crazy!
  • Corvus
    7 years ago
    @Gawker, I wish you the best but fear she will continue to drag you down until death do you part. Both physically and financially.

    If you seriously want to be done with her next time you see her (based on previous cycles she will leave detox and call you within a week) get ahold of her phone and remove all your contact information. Name address phone number, anything and everything you can to find including from the call log and all old text messages. She likely does not have your number memorized? She may be able to direct a taxi back to your house though? Or have your lawyer or therapist (I think in the past you have written your lawyer knows all the details?) go to the detox center and tell her you fell on icy steps and are in the hospital unconscious and that she cannot depend on you anymore.

    Or if you are not able to be done with her maybe follow @Sal69's advice above. It's all up to you, but I fear you are as addicted as she is.

  • gawker
    7 years ago
    Taxi driver made a good point, but all of you are making it too much of a black & white situation. My ATF’s pattern over the 9 years I’ve known her has been to lapse in and out of active addiction. When I first met her she was on a daily dose of methadone. She had a nicely decorated & furnished town house. Her BF/baby daddy was in state prison and she was dancing ( and providing ITC extras) 3 shifts per week and actually saving money. Through many relapses and visits to detox and/or rehab she’s gone from being a well functioning person to being a homeless wreck. She blames me for talking her into OTC and the road that led her to follow.
    Over the last year she’s determined that being on methadone or the more convenient suboxone is trading one addiction for another, albeit a legal one. She therefore has decided that if she’s going to live drug free she has to do it without chemical support.
    She and I have never proclaimed great love for each other - we have stated clearly that we use each other - she uses me for money & I use her for sex & tittilation. And then, things spun a little out of control. In my opinion, she started using me for more than I got in return. I, stupidly allowed her access to my house. It was a shit show. My daughters are aware of her past and won’t visit if she’s here. That’s unacceptable. My neighbors are aware that her presence led to a police visit. That’s unacceptable. She has increased her lies, half-truths, and mis-statements while using and that’s unacceptable.
    She’ll emerge from detox clean. She’ll do what she needs to do to survive until she relapses again. I’ve told her she’s not welcome here and yet I won’t let her be homeless again. All of her belongings are here. There’s enough to fill a small cargo van (3 loads or so in my SUV). I’ve told her that I’ll store them for a year, then donate them to Big Brother-Big Sister.
    My distrust of her combined with a decrease in my need/desire for her services led me to tell her I don’t want her back here. Time will tell what happens. I don’t see myself as being any better than she. 50 years ago I worked cleaning toilets and have kept the key to the toilet paper dispensers on my key ring as a reminder of where I was at that point in my life. Someone much brighter than I once declared that all humans are equal. Some of us just have more things than others.
  • TFP
    7 years ago
    Well I'm still somewhat new on this site (less than one year) and got attacked by a few people when after reading one of Gawker's threads, suggested he might be a troll. I suggested that, because I thought that there's no possible way someone would go through all of this. I later apologized for calling him a troll and just figured he was as addicted to her as she is to her drugs.

    Then he posted the thread saying he was completely done with her. I thought, finally! Then I saw the comments from members who have been around awhile like Subraman, Rick Dugan, RL348. They were all skeptical. Saying they'd seen this kind of post before. Now lo and behold, 3 weeks later and here we are.
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