I Think Some of My Topics Are Getting Deleted

avatar for Dougster
In the last couple few days I've started a couple of topics entitled "@vincemichaels is a Self-Admitted Pedophile". These topics seem to have vanished from the board.

What is up with that?


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avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
Enough is enough Dougster, cool it.

avatar for vincemichaels
7 years ago
If you had a brain, it'd be obvious.
avatar for TFP
7 years ago
Looks like there is finally some moderation going on.

It does make the board a lot easier to navigate, even when not signed in now. Dougster those millions of threads you start with the same topic? No one reads them, we just scroll right past. But it's annoying even having to scroll. Thankfully with the moderation, we don't have to anymore.

Not sure if it's Founder directly removing them or if he's appointed someone else to clean up the board. Bit whatever the case, it's certainly welcome IMO.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
7 years ago
I noticed that another user's (not Dougster) number of comments went down by about a dozen and wondered if there was some quiet moderation going on.

I guess the obvious question would be 'have you messaged Founder?' Or, are you hoping that he'll state something publicly here?

Pure speculation on my part, but I suspect that he's at a crossroads between being completely done with the off-topic trolling and drama, but also loathe to start moderating the forum (for any number of reasons).
avatar for tumblingdice
7 years ago
RedJohnsons' threads were deleted also.
avatar for Dougster
7 years ago
TFP: " Dougster those millions of threads you start with the same topic? No one reads them, we just scroll right past."

Nobody? Incorrect based on the replies I see. Again you pretend like you are speaking for the entire board when you are not.
avatar for TFP
7 years ago
Which replies? You mean the ones where people are disgusted by pedophiles? It doesn't take reading everyone of your hundreds of threads for that. You've made your point. It doesn't mean you have to keep spamming the board with the same damn thread topic.

Out of curiosity when I first got on this forum and saw your spam threads about Rick Dugan and Vince Michaels I clicked on them just to see the replies. Lo and behold it was you commenting over and over. No one else. Much like those SJG unibomber threads that I also learned to avoid.

So which replies are you talking about?

avatar for Mate27
7 years ago
Lol! Who’s next on the chopping block?
avatar for Dougster
7 years ago
TFP: "Which replies? You mean the ones where people are disgusted by pedophiles?"

TFP: "So which replies are you talking about?"

This is hilarious. In the first sentence, you are like "well, yeah, I guess there are replies". Then in the last sentence you are like "there aren't any replies". Have a little trouble keeping your story straight even across the space of one post, TFP? Just how much of a pea-brain are you?

avatar for vincemichaels
7 years ago
He's a genius compared to you, fag. LMAO
avatar for Dougster
7 years ago
Says that @vinceygirl who has also said "just because I lied about military service doesn't mean I lied about military service" and "just because I admit to being attracted to underage girls and have admitted to having sex with at least one of them doesn't mean I'm a pedophile". Yep, real smart one you are, vinceygirl!
avatar for vincemichaels
7 years ago
Yep, you wish you had a brain. Perhaps some thing you write just might have value. All you do is whine and whine and whine. Get a life, fag.
avatar for vincemichaels
7 years ago
What you write above, moron are just more of your lies, trying to get an audience. We know better, dumbass. Now be a good little fag and eat shit.
avatar for vincemichaels
7 years ago
Choke on it. :)
avatar for Dougster
7 years ago
Oh is that what is when people say they are disgusted by you and your self-admitted pedophilia? Just whining? Okay, got it. In your Neanderthal mind you have none nothing wrong. The problem is with the whiners. Got it!
avatar for TFP
7 years ago
Dougster, the point was that your millions of same thread spam isn't what caused people to be disgusted by pedophiles. Funny thing is, you're taking credit for exposing Vince Michaels as a pedophile but it wasn't any of your threads that did that. It was clubber, who posted the direct quote about the 14 year old girl on a sailboat incident. Up to that point all you did was harp on a statement he made about a woman being a woman no matter what age. Which can be taken in any context but you took it as him talking about underage girls. Once you changed your annoying, daily spam threads from being about stolen valor/fake war hero to charges of him being a pedophile, people still didn't take notice. It wasn't until Clubber's quote that Rick Dugan and others started talking about it.

Interestingly enough, once Rick spoke out is when you stopped attacking him. Which was cool since, like most of those crappy threads you start, it wasn't changing anyone's perspective on Rick and just clogging up the board.

Point is, no one misses your Rick Dugan is gay threads and they did absolutely nothing. Much like your VM threads, which are thankfully being deleted also.

avatar for Dougster
7 years ago
@TFP: what are you talking about? It was DoctorPhil who put the final nail in the coffin for @vinceygirl. Why are thinking it was clubber? And plenty of people were disgusted with him long before that. That just picked up the remaining people who were convinceable. Another big moment was when he said "a woman is a woman regardless of her again". And, yes, it was the relentless by txtittyfag including the spam you are complaining about that finally got him to crack on that one.

I don't think you were around the board long enough to know the impact my campaign against RickDugan had against perspectives against him. It definitely changed them.

You are just saying a bunch of stuff you wish were true, "spamming and prolonged campaigns never helped!" but is provable untrue given the evidence. It's definitely had a big impact against both Dugan and @vinceygirl, although it turns out that @vinceygirl is by far the bigger problem.

Sorry, but you just like to pretend you speak on behalf of the entire board when you uses phrases like "nobody and no one" when you are not speaking for everyone. You wish you were but it's just not true.
avatar for Dougster
7 years ago
@TFP Also it's just factually wrong that RickDugan wasn't disgusted by vinceygirl before "Clubber's quote" (actually DoctorPhil) he spoke out about @vinceygirl
s pedophilia long before, as early as when @vinceygirl started complaining about the end of teenage swimsuit competitions. @rickdugan also made fun of vince's lying about military service.

So much of what you say is just plain factually incorrect. You have decided the conclusion you want to arrive at, and ignore all facts that show that it is wrong, and then you just pull thing you would like to be true, but are provable false (rickdugan's long time stance) out of thin air and present them as fact.

tl;dr: you are a real dummy
avatar for TFP
7 years ago
Your spam threads have had a big impact against Rick Dugan? Prove it. Yes I haven't been around long but I don't see any change in how he goes about doing what he does. He still operates 'the system' which you seem to despise so much.

Much like you have accused me of coming to a conclusion, I can see you've done the same in regards to your spam threads. You think they are the ultimate weapon against pedophiles and system runners and nothing will change your mind.
avatar for Dougster
7 years ago
It's just demonstrably true. @vinceygirl did not crack until it was the relentless pressure from (mostly) txtittyfag, but me and vincemichels as well which caused him to say "a woman is a woman regardless of her age". And if you had actually read the thread you would see it was exactly in the context of discussing underage girls. (Again looking at actually facts don't seem to matter to you: you already have your erroneous conclusion reached.) Here's let me help your little pea-brain. Here's the the thread


Here is the exact context:

vm: "And who here doesn't like looking at beautiful young women ? You are a stupid asshole, Douchester. I don't doubt for a moment you have looked at a young women or a hundred of them and wanted part of them. It's what you do about it that counts and I've never molested any of them. Can everyone here say the same ??? I doubt that. Not trying to insult those of us with restraint"

And who here doesn't like looking at beautiful young women ?

^^^^^^ ROFLMAO @ dat BS!
13yeer oldz aint yung womenz u DUMBAZZ #PEDO!
November 29, 2017
13yeer oldz b kidz!

vm: "You are an idiot. A woman is a woman no matter what age they are, what a stupid POS you are, fag. Lick my asscrack. LMAO"

And who do you think made fun of RickBoy's The System in the first place and won't let them forget? Again you know nothing of the history of this place. You have decided conclusions you wish were true, which fit in your little erroneous narrative of the world, but don't look at what the facts actually say.

tl;dr you are a real dummy
avatar for Dougster
7 years ago
And, sorry, here is the correct link to a "woman is a woman regardless of her age":


avatar for TFP
7 years ago
^^^that entire post proved not one thing about changing anyone's mind about Rick or his system. Who cares if your spam threads reminded us of it daily? Whoop dee fucking do! You used to post periodically that he was gay or a fag. What I'm asking for is the proof that those threads succeeded in changing someone's mind to thinking he was a fag like you claim it did.

As far as the Vince Michaels comments, I only know the history that you guys have dug up. The sex with the 14 year old is indeed, damning. But the quote you posted, not so much. He said who hasn't looked at a beautiful young woman. When I hear young woman, I think of an 18-20 year old woman. He didn't say older teen, he didn't say young teen, he said young woman. So like I said, it's all about the context. He said, a woman is a woman matter the age. Here once again, I assumed he meant an 18 year old is a woman just like a 60 year old is a woman. He didn't say, an older teen is a woman, or a child is a woman, or a girl is a woman.

Anyway, all this means nothing. Like I said before, just like you feel I've already made up mind, I feel you have also and nothing will change it.

avatar for Bj99
7 years ago
Why not just ignore him and not see the spam threads? Then you could choose for yourself what to not see.
avatar for Dougster
7 years ago
Wait? Wait? You keep changing your story. First you wanted proof that I changed someone's mind about the System? Then when I present it, you said, no, no I wanted proof that I changed people's mind that he's a fag. Again, if you were here for the history of it, you would notice that opinions of his, absolutely degraded over time, and, yes, due to my reminding people of what he had said. Same with vinceygirl.

@TFP: "The sex with the 14 year old is indeed, damning. But the quote you posted, not so much. He said who hasn't looked at a beautiful young woman. When I hear young woman, I think of an 18-20 year old woman "

Dude, get a brain. Read what he wrote. He clarifies this himself, by saying it doesn't matter if he thought about it because he never molest "any" of them". (Contradicted by what DoctorPhil, not clubber, quoted later). Why is he talking about not "molesting" any of them if he is only refering to women 18-20?

Again, you just aren't a person who comes to conclusions based on facts. You have a neat little narrative of the world you want to believe. You people you like: dugan, and clubber. And those you don't like: e.g. me and DoctorPhil. So when you "recall" thing you play back a narrative and fill in people you think are the good guys a scenario you want to believe is true. Good guy clubber did this. Good guy dugan did this but not until after good guy clubber did this. All these facts you are getting wrong should give you a hint that there is something majorly wrong with your mode of thinking. But that's just the way it is with dumb people like you.

tl;dr you are a real dummy
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