Who is Trucidos and what is the issue ?

avatar for JuiceBox69
Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
Reminds me of myself a few years ago when I flipped my shit on the site

What happened

I'm not around as much as I used to be so what did I miss ?


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avatar for anonlvone
7 years ago
don't know, don't care. i've had it with these fucking faggots. something i've learned in life is that when people claim they're trying to protect you, and especially when they claim they're trying to protect children, they're usually trying to control you and/or take away your rights and liberties

if someone truly cared about fighting pedophilia, there's a lot of useful things they could be doing - but not one of those things involves spamming a strip club forum. this is nothing but a personal vendetta and founder really should just ban all of them. i'm not talking about account bans, i'm saying ban their ip addresses
avatar for LecherousMonk
7 years ago
It's txtittyfaggot. He got scared by Founder's New Year's post, which indirectly rebuked the troll / anti-vince michaels accounts, so he's shifted the majority of his trollposting to a different account.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
7 years ago
"Who is Trucidos and what is the issue?"

He's a twat.
avatar for JuiceBox69
7 years ago
LMFAO...I think he's hilarious as fuck.....LMFAO
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
7 years ago
avatar for JohnTitor
7 years ago
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
Better question, WHO CARES ?
avatar for skinnywhiteboy
7 years ago
Just use the ignore button until his mom gets back home and checks the browser history
avatar for mark94
7 years ago
I have about 10 usernames, including Trucidos, on my ignore list. Suddenly, the discussion forum is a reasonable place to discuss strip clubs. No flame wars. No politics. No Bitcoin. The anger is gone. It’s magic.
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
I think he felt that his discussions weren’t getting enough attention - so he started spamming with all caps. He’s become a huge troll in a short amount of time.
avatar for skibum609
7 years ago
Trucidos is simply an impotent little cunt who gets pissed on by society daily and comes here to vent her impotent rage. Its similar to calling people gay and pedopohile.
avatar for warhawks
7 years ago
I think it’s SJG’s Mom.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
7 years ago
"I think it’s SJG’s Mom."

If I didn't strongly suspect that she's a set of skin pajamas in his basement closet, I might agree.
avatar for Bj99
7 years ago
Trucidos is an attention whore fag. Not funny, or clever. Just a fag.
avatar for RandomMember
7 years ago
Trucidos has some good satire and I think he's horsing around. Best avatar on TUSCL.
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
His posts about attracting “baby strippers” weren’t taken seriously, and his posts about his expensive toys also fell flat, so this is a last ditch effort to get some sort of attention. Now, his posts are being noticed - because they are inflammatory and in all caps - but he’s proving to be more obnoxious than interesting
avatar for Mate27
7 years ago
Mark94, I never figured you as a guy that had to use the ignore feature. You don’t seem sensitive like others. Probably just efficient with your online use.

My theory is Trucidos is Juice. If the spelling starts to slip up it’s him. If the grammar is good it’s not him.
avatar for Rick999
7 years ago
I was glad when founder added the ignore function but if he ever does another site change and if it's not much work or cost, adding categories to ignore or not ignore could be a benefit in my opinion. Strip clubs topics, then other topics like politics, music, art, money, which I think is strip club related anyway, stocks or Bitcoin, etc. plus a delete thread option. Of course I'm not sure who would delete or move threads posted in the wrong section. I'd like to see more picture threads. More tits etc.
avatar for Rick999
7 years ago
I noticed txtitty. Posts not showing up when trucido appeared.
avatar for Rick999
7 years ago
However there are so many fake accounts looking alike, I don't analyze every post on here so could be anyone.
avatar for Uprightcitizen
7 years ago
Whoever he/it is adds negative value to the board. Possibly my first candidate for ignore if it doesnt go away.
avatar for wildbourbon
7 years ago
Maybe we could get Geraldo to do some investigative journalism.

He could have a big reveal on air...that would make great TV!
avatar for Hugh_G_Rection
7 years ago
Honestly, why even let him yank our chains- he's a pathetic POS and I feel sorry for him because he has no LIFE
avatar for vincemichaels
7 years ago
He wants us to yank his dick. I'll help rip it off. LMAO
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
7 years ago

Meh. Not really. Juice asked a question and got answers.


Right. Perhaps in the loosest Charlie Sheen sense of the word. You're just a guy posting on the internet.

Just like the rest of us.
avatar for Bj99
7 years ago
That’s just how Trucidos rolls. If it annoys us too bad. Brub, brrub, brrrub!
avatar for vincemichaels
7 years ago
It's funny how a loser POS like it thinks it's winning. The only thing he wins is a lifetime and then some supply of poop to eat. LMAO
avatar for mark94
7 years ago

The 10 people I have on ignore all have the same pattern of debate

Me: Facts, facts, facts
Troll: Fuck you, asshole
Me: Facts, facts, facts
Troll: Idiot ! All your facts are false.

At some point, it’s not worth the effort.
avatar for LecherousMonk
7 years ago
When Trucidos 1st showed up on this board, it was in the guise of a normal member curious about how to best enjoy the strip-clubbing hobby. A few weeks in. all his posts were about how Dougster/txtitty was so right about this awful vincemichaels guy, who not only should be kicked off the board, but deserved to die, etc., etc. Now txtitty's two-line all caps troll posts have largely disappeared, to be replaced by nearly identical, if slightly more aggressive, posts from Trucidos. It's not hard to figure out, people.
avatar for Rick999
7 years ago
Founder , I recommend banning txtitty, aliases, and trucidos for unprovoked harassing online which is criminal in my opinion. I know you have agreed with me in years past.

If you do so and think it's best for me to change my user name again, no problem. I do not see how to send a private message. I've been very busy and not on this site as much as in years past.
avatar for sharkhunter
7 years ago
I haven't been here much either but I will second that.^
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
^^^@Rick999 I don’t recommend banning anyone these idiot just make fools of themselves with their bigoted ranting. Smart people here on the board don’t pay them no never mind. Remember it’s hard to win an argument with a smart person, with a moron, it’s impossible.
avatar for JackScott
7 years ago
I agree with what was said about the ignore button. I use it too. I don't mind a little bit of off-topic discussion every now and then but for the most part we are here to give SC advice, to get SC advice, or just to read what others have said. If you're here for any other reason, you need not apply.
avatar for BurlingtonHoFactory
7 years ago
I have to admit, he is pretty funny. But of course, this forum is private property and Founder can and should feel free to ban anyone he wants to (including people who have been accused of pedophilia and people who troll the board endlessly). Kind of a catch-22 though. The endless troll posts do make the forum less useful, but at the same time, if Founder bans somebody or edits a thread, then everyone will be worried that they may similarly get banned in the future, leading to self-censorship and fewer posts. Either way, TUSCL takes a hit. There are no easy answers.
avatar for TFP
7 years ago
@BHF I disagree with that. It seems the only thing Founder is taking issue with is the multiple threads with the same title. Namely, the 'attack Vince michaels' threads. We have multiple threads about LDKing, none of those get deleted. Multiple threads about OTC. Hell, even one of the taglines reads 'where starting a bunch of threads about OTC is alright alright alright!!!'. Difference is, those topics are actually about strip clubs. Talking about Vince Michaels all day has nothing to do with strip clubs.

I just wonder how long whoever is moderating is gonna be able to keep up. It seems these trolls have an endless amount of time to be able to post thread after thread just for the sake of spamming. I'd get tired of hitting the delete button after awhile.
avatar for BurlingtonHoFactory
7 years ago

Yeah, I mean, if it were my website I would probably delete the spam posts and the troll posts, but I'm glad I don't have to make that decision. It also would be a lot of work.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
7 years ago
BHF said: "I have to admit, he is pretty funny."

Nah. He's a twat. Alternately, you can explain the wit to me. Because I don't see the chuckles in posting playground insults in all caps.

"The endless troll posts do make the forum less useful, but at the same time, if Founder bans somebody or edits a thread, then everyone will be worried that they may similarly get banned in the future..."

Sure. And? Forum moderation isn't a binary state. Founder can impose a low level of moderation without converting TUSCL into an Evangelical book club.

Really, if it comes to that it would be battle of wills between Founder and the trolls. Which the trolls would ultimately lose, because Founder can simply scrub the forum.

I guess that would suck. I like killing time here. But if Founder deletes the forum, I probably won't spend much time weeping into my teacups before I move on to other things.

But that's up to Founder. His castle; his rules.
avatar for BurlingtonHoFactory
7 years ago

It's a Donald Trump impersonation. I've always found Trump to be funny, ever since I was a kid. The "Winning" video that Trucidos posted is hilarious. And his avatar is amusing, too.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
7 years ago
Whatever floats your boat, I suppose.
avatar for vincemichaels
7 years ago
Well, remove the drain plugs from the boat. :)
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
7 years ago
VM... Honestly, you've played no small part in exacerbating this entire situation. If you think yourself blameless then you're delusional.
avatar for TFP
7 years ago
Txtittyfag I had you on ignore so I didn't see your response until just now since I was logged out.

Anyhow, you're right. There's plenty of non strip club topics posted here. SJG will post a topic and continue to talk to himself for a year or more straight. No one worries about that because it's only one thread, which is easily scrolled past. But your threads are posted almost daily, and in blocks of 6-12 threads in a row. That's where the problem is.

avatar for vincemichaels
7 years ago
Delusional, Call.Me.Ishmael. How wonderful, let's talk about delusions. You've had your share all over these pages. Exacerbating, you consider it exacerbating defending oneself against the creepy trolls here. Tell you what, why don't you go to Douchester/txtittyfag/Trucido's shit pile and bend over. Let's find out how many times you get buttfucked. LMAO

avatar for Hugh_G_Rection
7 years ago
Wrong thread but- Finally got Trucidos on the Igore list. THANK YOU FOUNDER.

Unfortunately you know the uber troll will reinvent himself and spew the same shit.
avatar for Trucidos
7 years ago
avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago

King Trucidos The Great!


SEX WORKERS & COMMUNITY PROTEST TO OPPOSE FOSTA/SESTA Harmful legislation does nothing to support sex workers or survivors of trafficking
avatar for Trucidos
7 years ago
Tell those women to get back in the whore house
avatar for ProudLiberalHusband
7 years ago
This site supports sex trafficking FACT
avatar for Trucidos
7 years ago
That’s not true. I disagree with you.
avatar for Trucidos
7 years ago
Honestly this site really supports women.

How could a whore like bj keep the lights on without a site like this to whore herself out on?
avatar for ProudLiberalHusband
7 years ago
Good point
avatar for Trucidos
7 years ago
avatar for ProudLiberalHusband
7 years ago
Your welcome
avatar for Trucidos
7 years ago
So what’s new?
avatar for ProudLiberalHusband
7 years ago
avatar for Trucidos
7 years ago
avatar for Trucidos
7 years ago
avatar for 48-Cowboy
3 years ago
Juice! Juice! Juice!
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