
OT: Worst career politician

My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
We all seem to agree that career politicians are a cancer on out society. Who do you think is the worst tax leech currently in office?
2 rules: Must be a career politician (3+ terms). Must be currently holding office.

My vote is McCain. That doddering old fool stuck his nose so far up Barry's ass it was a fucking embarassment. Now he's running around the WORLD undermining his commander-in-chief. He's a disgrace to the country, and to the armed forces he served in.


  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^You are still dumber than a sack of rocks LOL
  • rane1234
    7 years ago
    Overpaid govt(all levels) paper pushers
  • rane1234
    7 years ago
    Sherriff clarke for pres
  • bkkruined
    7 years ago
    I'd think a guy who goes to the middle east, tells them their human rights abuses and authoritarian policies are their own internal business, keeps stating that we should have better relations with Russia, and then wants to condemn Cuba and do everything he can to restrict normal relations with them would be on the top of most people's list....
  • Warrenboy75
    7 years ago
    Nanci Pelosi........followed closely by Maxine Walters......the hypocrisy and levels of bullsh*t that escape their mouths on a consistent basis is enough to fill all the pastures in the state of Montana.

    No matter what your political affiliation if you are not for these two being muted something is seriously wrong with your brain waves.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    Mccain, rauner, snyder, bush, christie
  • pensionking
    7 years ago
    Michael Madigan, Illinois Speaker of House for 34 years.

    Specializes in giving away other peoples money to keep himself in power. Architect of financial destruction of Illinois. Master at blaming each of the 6 governors during his tenure.

    When Madigan ascended to Speaker, Illinois debt was $7B. It is now over $150B.

    Madigan's daughter is current Illinois Attorney General.
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    Paul Ryan

    He's basically a fake policy wonk. Like the AHCA, just about everything he's proposed over the years involve savage cuts for the poor and middle class with tax cuts for the wealthy. He presents himself with a sort of Midwestern innocence and the media eats it up -- but he's basically a dipshit fraud who knows how to use Powerpoint.
  • gammanu95
    7 years ago
    I don't think there any Bushes left in office, while Rauner, Snyder, Christie, and Trump are ineligible since none fit the description of a career politician - each is only in the first or second term of office.

    Pelosi and Walters are both scumcunts who definitely need to be kicked out.
  • pensionking
    7 years ago
    Feinstein (age 83), Pelosi (77) and McCain (80) need to move to a deserted Pacific island -- forever.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    Too many. Kennedys, Sharpton, Clintons, Pelosi, Jessica Jackson, David Duke, .....
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    Forgot about Rahm Emanuel.
  • Cowboy12
    7 years ago
    McCain is at top of the list.
    Voter's need to demand term limits for these fools
  • jester214
    7 years ago
    Patrick McHenry (Definition of career politician). I don't think 3 terms makes you a career politician.
  • JamesSD
    7 years ago
    I'll go with McCain. He's lost his mind. He hates Putin and should be leading the charge against Trump.
  • DandyDan
    7 years ago
    Now that I live in Iowa, I got a whole bunch of politicians who ought to be eliminated from their positions, starting with Chuck Grassley and Steve King. Terry Branstad would qualify if he was still governor, but Trump decided to make him ambassador to China.
  • lotsoffun201
    7 years ago
    I'd have to vote Pelosi and Walters. Walters in particular whenever she speaks I feel ashamed for what this country elects. She's a complete illiterate imbecile.
  • ThereAndBackAgain
    7 years ago
    yes u cannot become a career politician doing right every time. so the result is a cross between gollum and dorian gray.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
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