
How common are 9s and 10s?

Of course these are rare in general. Less than 10% of the relatively young female population, and well under 10% if you include all (well, adult anyway) females. I don't know if strip clubs automatically attract and filter more attractive women, although this is an industry in general where looks are very if not extremely important. At least a certain standard is required.

So i don't expect to see many, but almost every club i've been to regularly or more than occasionally (so about a handful or a little more clubs) usually has at least a 9 or two or more in the rotation. I've only seen less than a handful of 10s ever, but they're still relative 10s (IMO), and could be lower if not much lower to someone else, but they've all tended to be very popular. They tend to draw attention on the stage, even when the stage was completely empty prior to their turn, so i can't be the only one that feels that way, not that i really care. If i like them, that's all that matters to me. I actually kind of wish i had a personal 10 that no else thought that way of.

How common are very attractive strippers (9+) at the clubs you go to?


  • PrimetimeSchein
    7 years ago
    I've barely if ever saw a hardcore 10 at the clubs I frequent. Seen a 9 a few times but not in awhile it's usually hard 8s or 8.5
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    It's been a long time since I have seen anything higher than an 8 at Follies and even 8's are becoming hard to come by.
  • Cowboy12
    7 years ago
    Never seen a 10.
    There are several 9's at my local club, but most of them only work late night, and I almost always go during late afternoon, early evening.
    Maybe 1 or 2 9' s in late afternoon, and 5 or 6 more at night.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    That’s because you guys aren’t members of the 350k club if you were the 9s and 10s would come out of the dressing rooms for you like they do for us rich studs. ;)
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    i've seen a few.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    Not common at all. According to huff post a guy with a 9 is in the top 99.992 percentile.
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    “but almost every club i've been to regularly or more than occasionally (so about a handful or a little more clubs) usually has at least a 9 or two or more in the rotation.”

    yes, this has been my experience as well.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    Not common. That's why they're considered 9s and 10s.

    A true 9 or 10 can leverage her looks into piles of cash without ever rubbing up against a stranger's hard on. The bell curve range at the average/decent strip club is 6 to 8, relative to the outside world.

    I suspect that most guys who come here stating that they saw a 10 at a strip club are really talking about 7 or 8s. But in the context of women who strip, they're calling her a 10.

    Also, a lot of guys lie.
  • eyeofodin
    7 years ago
    I break down my rating system into 4 parts: face, body, attitude and then an over all score.

    Met hundreds over the 30+ years of visiting clubs who are a nine or ten in one of the categories, a hand full that meet two of the four, and only one that I would say was a solid 9+ all around in the three scoring parts to make up the total package.

    Met a 10 face, 9+ attitude and a 7+ body last night at Crazy Horse in Bedford Hts, Oh last night...... honestly the highest rated dancer I have seen/met in years..
  • orangepicture
    7 years ago
    It is all subjective, but I rarely claim a girl to be a 10. When 4 buddies of mine and I were camping last spring, it came up and I had trouble listing any popular celebrity that I would consider a 10.

    At clubs in New Orleans, I've seen just 1 at the Hustler club, 1 at the Hustler Barely Legal club and 1 at Babe's Cabaret & Nightclub over two trips visiting 7 or 8 clubs. The Electric Blue Cafe in CT has 1 that I consider a 10, but she has a unique looks, so most others would probably put her at an 8 or 9. The club I go to now in NJ has 1 too. Never saw one in PA clubs or when I went clubbing years ago in Las Vegas, but we didn't hit up the most expensive clubs. I've seen plenty of 9's in my clubbing experience.
  • orangepicture
    7 years ago
    My ratings are solely face and body ratings, not taking into account personality or dance ability. Finding the girl with a perfect 10 face is the tricky part. I've seen lots of 7, 8 or 9 looking girls with perfect 10 bodies at clubs.
  • Huntsman
    7 years ago
    Ishmael summarized it well.
  • mark94
    7 years ago
    There are no 10s on this earthly plane. A 10 only exists as a platonic ideal. It is something to be aspired to, but never attained.

    It is extremely rare to see a 9 in the wild. They are captured quickly by alpha males with limitless funds.

    Most upscale clubs have multiple 8s. The key to happiness is finding joy in the company of 8s and not obsessing over unattainable 9s and nonexistent 10s.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    I’ve seen only one 10 and a handful of 9’s. I’m a tough grader.
  • Rickberge
    7 years ago
    A true 10 wouldnt be working on a stripclub. She would probably be wifed up by some rich stud or professional athlete/entertainer.

  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    Based on the clubs I frequent - I don’t expect to find 10’s. I tend to grade on a curve - so the hottest dancer (in one of my normal clubs) might look like a 10 - but she might not stack up to the more classic beauty at higher end clubs.

    I’ve stopped looking for the 9-10’s. I like the way a dancer moves - and the way she interacts with me - and then I give extra points when she tells me about her enjoyment of extras - and if there’s some kink in her closet - my wallet will open on it’s own.... lol!

    There are strip club 10’s and then there are models outside of the club (who might also be 10’s) - and they are probably a very minimal percentage of women overall. The chance of finding one in a club is minimal. You might have a better chance of finding one is a civilian night club.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    I understand it's relative. But i don't give my 10s or even 9s lightly. But i think some people here might be overrating their 7s and 8s. To me 7 is just above average overall. The mid-point/median between 1-10 is 5.5. So 5 and 6 are the lower and higher sides of average. These 9s for the most part are way above average. 8 for me is when a girl is legitimately considered attractive or good looking (in body and face).

    I don't see a lot of 4s and 5s or worse at the clubs i go to. 3s (when you are definitely in the eyesore category) are probably less common than 9s. 2s are the polar opposite of 9s so they would be very unattractive women and scare most customers away. I've never seen a 1 and don't hope too; i'm not even sure i've seen a true 2 (ITC) either. Because that is as low as you can go. I imagine that would be butt ugly or even better coyote ugly, where you might literally chew your arm off to get away from the girl. Extreme yes, and maybe not really literally but i guess that would be the polar opposite of corn fine, where you might literally eat the corn straight out of her shit. Again, extreme and maybe not literally, but that would you give an idea of how i give my ratings...
  • rockie
    7 years ago
    I believe what could pass for a 10 in life doesn't totally meet that requirement when naked on stage. Taken in context, I've seen 10's in about 2% of the dancing population. I've seen 9's in about 10% of the same. While I agree that the 9"s and 10's bank easier, when they get the reputation of avoiding contact - their advantage is lost except for the newbie customer.
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    I can ony recall seeing a true 10 once in the last decade, and she was in a semi-dive club in Toronto.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    When people talk about seeing 10s in the civilian world or at regular night clubs, i don't really know how they truly make that assessment without seeing the girl naked and up close and personal (like on your lap, albeit in pretty dim lighting). I mean there are all kinds or "tools" that girls use to make themselves look great while fully or nearly fully clothed and made up including selfies and IG. There's no hiding, at least in terms of the body (which is big part of this personal rating), when she's completely naked and relaxed (stomach muscles).

    So i think it's actually rarer for me to see a true 10 IRL. Even in porn it's pretty rare, although i can probably come up with a few. And Playboy (and Penthouse in their heyday) rarely has near 10s (9.5+) and they only have to find one girl a month out of thousands that meet these qualities, and they have the advantages of editing, tricks (tape that can be removed later), professional hair and makeup people, lighting, etc. The strip club offers me a unique advantage that i just won't find elsewhere. What are the odds that you will ever see a civilian "10" naked?
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    When you mention a 10 - I think back to the old movie with Bo Derek. I only mention this because she didn’t do it for me. I know she was a beauty - but in the movie - her looks were at most an 8.5.

    I find it far too subjective to provide a reasonable answer regarding this type of rating. I know that my evaluations are highly flawed - so I should recuse myself from this discussion.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    Anyway, these 10s are definitely the most beautiful women overall i have ever seen in my life with my own eyes, if that means anything. When she's in your lap, you almost have to pinch yourself. I've never been one to do meet and greets with celebrities, but i imagine they don't look as good IRL.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    "Most upscale clubs have multiple 8s. The key to happiness is finding joy in the company of 8s and not obsessing over unattainable 9s and nonexistent 10s."

    Well said.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    I doubt I will ever see a civilian 10 naked and in my lap. I hold out no hope for that.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    Bo Derek an 8.5? Actually, she never really did it for me either, but if she worked at a strip club in her prime (and she has done nude, or at least mostly nude), i might give her around a 9; 8.5 is definitely fair IMO. There probably is a thing or two or more about her that i might not like about her physically; if you're an ass man, she might definitely not rate much higher than 8. But yes, it is very subjective.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    I’m trying to think of a woman who is in the mainstream - who would rate a 10. If you can name one - I’d be interested - as I think that would add to the discussion - as it’s a challenge to discuss from a purely hypothetical perspective.

    Maybe Christie Brinkley in her prime? Or Cindy Crawford? Both were mainstream models.
  • Clubber
    7 years ago
    Only once in my 45+ years, my ATF.

    I am saying that in the realm of strip clubs since this is TUstripclubL. In my case, to be a 10, being Asian is a requirement. I think from that you can get the picture.

    Out side strip clubs, I used to see quite a few in the banking industry. Why that is, no real idea, just what I saw. Another thing with me, I am not enamored with blondes, so that would tend to limit 10's as well. This is likely a holdover from my attraction to Asian women.
  • Clubber
    7 years ago

    In her prime Sung Hi Lee.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    I actually don't care too much about supermodels. They are usually too thin, tend to have smallish boobs (although there's nothing wrong with that). They're too tall (which often means big or bigger boned, noticeable in hands/feet and jawline). Their asses are flattish. And they don't also fully show their body, but that's why they're mainstream. I think SI swimsuit models are more my thing. Some of them are absolute gorgeous and curvaceous. Names, i'll have to get back to you later, but i'm sure a few of them have been randomly posted/discussed on TUSCL like a few TUSCLers like to do. I did like Sharon Stone in Basic Instinct (even if she was already in her 30s in that movie). Her beauty and sexiness was almost unreal.
  • theDirkDiggler
    7 years ago
    How about Brooke Berry? She was PMOM May, 2000. She's half Japanese, and 100% beautiful. Travesty that she didn't become PMOY.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    I understand your point. I was trying to find common ground - in order to have a basis for comparison to dancers encountered in a club.

    You have excellent taste in women - Sung Hi Lee is gorgeous. I went through a phase where I was very into Tamlyn Tomita. I also find Ming Na Wen to be quite beautiful - but not to the level of Tamlyn.
  • Uprightcitizen
    7 years ago
    A 10 implies near perfection. But a 10 physique quickly drops lower if she has a non-appealing personality or is something like a ROB. This is super hard to find and I put it as 1% or less of strippers. i.e. 1 out of 100. I guess I am a tough grader but there it is...
  • JohnTitor
    7 years ago
    In real life, Kate Beckinsale is a 10. At clubs, I have seen 9s and 10s. My CF rates far above a 10 in my opinion. Totally, absolutely flawless. Other guys would rate her an 8, probably.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    I have to say that, contrary to every forum I've ever been on, tuscl as a group has the most realistic, un-inflated standards for the 1-10 rating ... in fact, if anything, as a group we're tough graders (except when it comes to whomever we OTCed with last night; those women are all 9s, shockingly LOL). I've moved away from 1-10 grading to crowdsourcing my grading, which takes the personal subjectiveness out of the rating, but nevertheless...

    In this area, for DAYshift, on a typical day you'll find probably no 10s. At the hottest club in the city, there will be numerous 9+s, but everywhere else expect 0-3 in the 9+ range.
  • Warrenboy75
    7 years ago
    I'm tough on grades but I have seen a few 9-10's with their bodies........and I am an admitted leg and ass man but a complete 10......not yet.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    I stick to dives and I'm not into eye-candy/beauty-queens, actually don't do that much for me; I'm about the body and a nice big pair of fat natural Ds and a big round ass is what moves the needle for me - "proportioned girls" w/ a pretty-face is just that and doesn't move the needle for me that much - in the clubs I go for the biggest tits and the biggest asses and never look for the "prettiest girl" - even when I was a kid in school, most of the guys in the class would have a crush on the prettiest girl whereas for me it was the one w/ the best/most-developed bod.

    From reading reviews it seems the most upscale clubs are the ones w/ the the highest # of very attractive women.
  • Clubber
    7 years ago

    RE: "How about Brooke Berry?" Certainly a beautiful woman, but she really doesn't have the Asian look I cherish. I saw a couple of pictures of her with her jet black hair, but not in the straight silky way it needs to be for me. It's even difficult to find such a picture of Sung Hi Lee. I guess you can say I am very picky about MY 10s. :)
  • Huntsman
    7 years ago
    Cashman, I was just reading the thread about age differential. Then I clicked here and see your references to Bo Derek and Christie Brinkley. I agree with your take on both of them but now I really feel like an old fuck. Oh well, as a kid I thought Barbara Eden was hot in her little costume.
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    I'm a computer geek so I use a binary scale:
    1 - I'm interested in having sex with you
    0 - I'm not interested in having sex with you

    Any further subdivision isn't really necessary for me.
  • Cashman1234
    7 years ago
    Huntsman - that’s a good point. The 10’s I mentioned definitely show my age. I remember when Christy Brinkley was in the SI swimsuit issue.

    Barbara Eden was very sexy in her genie costume. It was a big thing to show her midsection on that show. They didn’t show that sort of skin back then.
  • Darkblue999
    7 years ago
    I rate based on hair,face,body,and smile

    I have seen four dancers above 9.5
    Current favorite is 9.75
  • Clubber
    7 years ago

    Hair is way up there for me as well.
  • Uprightcitizen
    7 years ago
    Haha Joc, soo true on the binary method. Oh and Barbara Eden has aged amazingly
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    i'm an eights and nines kinda guy. a ten is icing on the cake.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    brooke berry is easily a nice nine plus. she still looks very good. as do some of the other very well kept ladies.
  • Huntsman
    7 years ago
    Now that I’m convinced I am an old fuck, how about Farrah Fawcett?. Holy shit, I’m pathetic, if I’m thinking of the deceased as possible 10s.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    9s and 10s are very common if your talking about the IQ's of TUSCL members who are also Bitcoin skeptics. Or among those TUSCL members who lied about military service.
  • WetWilly
    7 years ago
    They are uncommon.

    Next question?
  • JamesSD
    7 years ago
    Never seen a stripper I would call a 10.

    9s aren't that rare, but everyone I've met had an entitlement issue. I'm sure a few would have played the game for a high price.
  • AnonymousJim
    7 years ago
    Crazy thing: I once was at an event with some famous models present. Some names you'd know -- there was at least one Hadid. Didn't get to personally meet them, but got to see them in person from not too far away.

    Even they didn't necessarily strike me as 10s. They were kind of freakish in ways you wouldn't expect. Legs so long they looked stretched. All rail thin to the point of looking almost frail. Boobs that, if real, didn't seem to match the body. Actually seeing them in person, they didn't even look normal, and it was a little freaky.

    That's how rare 10s are. Plus, my 10 is different than your 10. Presentation matters, and I can't help but take personality into account, too.

    I can probably say I've only met one in my life. Girl from Florida. She was like a second-coming of Marilyn Monroe in a 5'3" package. A lot of nines. Just one 10 in my eyes.
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