I don't think it is a controversial at all to say that guys can be self deceptive when it comes to their own experiences at the club. We tend to over exaggerate and brag.
But it seems like there is some self deception going on from the dancers as well. If you get on the "pink forum" a lot of the girls seem to describe making $500-1000 nightly (and without doing extras). But that math doesn't add up to me. Just keeping light observation one day it seems like most dancers in one club tended to average $20-30 in lap dances an hour plus $5-10 on stage.
I know this is a weird topic. As someone else on here said strip clubs are bizzaro world. My personality is one where I try super hard to figure out anything that interests me and strip clubs are hard to understand.
Dancer income as reported by dancers to some customers might be similar to a guy talking about his stock trades or big fish catch. He likes to talk about the big wins. He doesn't mention all the losses or bad days, expenses incurred, etc, etc. He might have actually lost money but only talks about successes. If a dancer was bragging about her yearly profit was xx thousand per year after taxes and expenses are subtracted, She might sound like an accountant but possibly very successful.
Another example, a dancer talks about making 400 a night. Guy thinks that means she makes 7*400 a week. For the dancer the reality may be she only works 3 nights and pays a hotel fee of 400 each week, tip out fees of 100 a night, gas expenses, food expenses, etc, etc, of 200 a night and ends up with only $300 a week which might just barely cover the rent which I didn't mention.
@rick i can make this a lot simpler. dancers often make a lot of money. oftentimes they also spend a lot of money. when you make money hand over fist you tend to spend it the same way
Add in a extra work night every so often in the above example for the dancer to make ends meet. The extra nights might be slow nights where the dancer has trouble breaking even. When it comes to stock trades, I don't mind mentioning big wins sometimes unless it seems too big, but then I really mention losses. I've had large losses and big wins. I don't like telling anyone about the losses. My younger brother invested in an inverse ETF a couple years ago and may still be holding a position in it. It was a triple inverse of the Russell 2000, ouch. That money is mostly gone. I know he doesn't go around telling people about that.
^^^There are always a few that earn good money, but most struggle just to keep a car on the road usually a beater and the phone is always getting turned off for missing payments as many have said the end of the month is a tough time for many of them it makes them willing to prostitute themselves, my take on it is simple. Who really knows how much is SS how much is bad decision making and how much is not earning enough I lean towards not earning much just because if you have more money decisions become smarter.
A stripper told me once she had 6 sessions. So she makes 120 at her club along with the tips received. If she does a HJ, that nets 40. CBJ nets 60. And 100 for FS. So if she does two of each, that is 400 plus the 120. She cries poor while pocketing 520 in tax-free income. NEVER feel bad for a stripper
There are definitely strippers making $500-1000 per night without doing extras. But they are the exception, not the rule. It depends upon her looks, hussle, work ethic, and the type of club.
There are definitely dancers who make good money - and they can make good money on a consistent basis. Some probably don’t require extras to make good money. There are clubs where customers spend more freely - and clubs that attract high spending customers (who don’t get extras). These dancers are probably excellent at the art of stringing men along.
The other arguments in this discussion - regarding dancers and money - are a very different topic. Many dancers don’t maintain reasonable spending practices. They may get accustomed to having customers ready to hand them money - and that leads to them not thinking about saving money.
The difference with dancers is that their use of cash only will minimize their ability to create a credit history. The lack of credit - and the lack of a declared reasonable income - will hurt them when they stop dancing (or when their looks decline) as they won’t have the same flow of cash - and they will need credit.
Strippers spend a lot of money. I lived with one who would come home with 1200 dollars and the next day be completely broke after a trip to the mall and a night out at PF Changs. As fast as she made it, she spent it even faster. She would brag about making 130k a year but never had more than 200 to her name. When she moved out I remeber seeing her have bags of clothes with all the tags still on them, never worn and about 47 designer bags she probably used 2 or 3 times.
Who knows how many discussions i've started related to this? What strippers spend their money on, how many do drugs, how many get cosmetic surgery, why they have broken down cars, why they have poor or no credit, what other jobs they can do, etc...
It's hard to tell how much "average" strippers make (take home) at "average" clubs. I know they have considerable expenses ITC (rent, tip out, clothes) as well as OTC (transportation and sometimes lodging) so they might only net less than half of what you think they make (dances sold, VIPs and stage shows). I still think they make more than one dance an hour on average and a few dollars per stage show (although that's probably pretty accurate), but less than what the pink site would like to believe.
there are plenty of girls who make that much. A lot depends on the club, and how popular they are, or if they know how to hustle. Guys come in on night shift with stupid money to spend and no expectation of extras.
It isn't what you make.....it's what you keep. And here in lies the problem ( or issue)
There are numerous reasons as to why the income a dancer talks about what she makes doesn't seem to add up at the end of the day, week, month and year.
Yes, there are exceptions---a lot less than what people even on this site think---just keep in mind SS as the term is used on here just doesn't happen between you and her--it happens between her and other girls at the club.
Well for a girl to regularly take home the big bucks ($1k+ every night she works) she has to have consistent regulars and likely some type of extras (or more than what is considered average activity at that club), as the little bucks from numerous casual customers or the once or more than once in a while fools (i know i've spent my share of stupid, scary amounts of money on just "regular" dances) isn't really sustainable at the vast majority of clubs.
The other side to this is how much they walk out the door with as opposed to what they made.
Tipping out depending on the club and the culture within can deliver a blow to the bottom line.
Hey I did great---but then I need to tip the management, the bartender, the DJ, the "mom", possibly pay for dinner---misc fees, etc.
Similar to Jordan--I've had conversations and heart to heart discussions with a few dancers over the years and watched their lifestyle not match their words." Denial isn't only a river in Egypt. "
@25 - i've posted elsewhere i have a friend who is 19 and the age difference between us is at least 24 years, so i don't completely want to give away my plausible deniability but i'm late 40's early 50's
okay, let's suppose for the sake of argument a dancer is making over 100K a year, you guys think that's good money, except you're not taking into account these tend to be young, immature girls with poor decision making skills, who are literally having guys throw money at them while they "party" at the club, so the usual sense of work = salary gets thrown out the door right there, for these girls it almost is as if money grows on trees...
then consider that of that 100K a girl might have to give 30K to a really damn good lawyer to deal with a pretty serious criminal issue or else her cute little toosh is gonna be behind bars for awhile,
then she spends another 30K buying a brand new car, which she then totals before the year is out,
most dancers i've known seem to have personal expenses of at least 3K per month, so 36K per year,
then throw in a couple of vacations overseas,
and by the end of that year that dancer who started out with 100K suddenly can't scrape up enough money to buy Christmas presents,
now this might be what i mean by really poor decision making, except that all of the above is completely hypothetical and made up and a work of fiction
At my preferred club a fifteen minute private dance is 100. She keeps 60. The shifts run from 4 PM to 1 AM five nights a week or until 3 AM Friday and Saturday. If she only averages one per hour which is easy, she makes 540 before tip outs and any tips she gets. Add in the stage tips, the five minute dances, the dollar dances she gets from going around the club and the tips after the private dances and I believe the stories they tell me of 600 being a bad night.
Wednesday night I went in and there was a lesbian show on stage. The two dancers easily split 400 from that one 15 minute show. I'm not sure if this counts as extras
@analivone I saw your post but my point was simple I never said that they are renowned for their great decisions but the vast majority do not make that kind of money sorry but 100k a year isn’t attainable in many parts of this country it might be doable in Vegas or NYC and a few other places but the cost of living in those places is incredibly high. I know for a fact that most of the dancers here in FL average about 200- 350 per shift in dayshft or 350- 500 on night shift weekends days are usually 25-30% less. There are always exceptions to the rule but those generally are the girls with a plan. The truth is that many will quit dancing after less than 6 months. The reason most quoted is I don’t make much more than I would at a regular job after I figure all of my expenses. There are always new dancers and many bank for a short period of time but the lifestyle takes a major toll on both their looks and their thought process.
I was talking to a girl visiting from Seattle, she said she regularly makes 1-2K on the weekend nights in Seattle. I just nodded at everything she said, but of course I thought it was BS.
The truth is - most folks (about 95%) will overstate their income. I’ve rarely encountered anyone who understated it.
I wouldn’t doubt a dancers ability to make over $1k on a weekend night. That’s prime time - with guys going out - and bachelor parties. That’s also why I don’t go clubbing on weekends.
If a dancer works a few nights a week - she will probably be more energetic - and it will help with her customer interaction too. Her hustle may be much better - and fresher - and that should result in more money.
I think the self deception (on the part of dancers) might involve thinking that they will only be dancing until...(she finishes college, she has enough money to get back on her feet, etc.)
Those thoughts can be more prevalent - and much less realistic - as the money can be like a carrot in front of a rabbit’s nose.
The money doled out each night is certainly not evenly distributed. I am sure that on weeknights, a large portion of dancers in my area earn little... Maybe net zero to a hundred bucks. General rule, strippers who stick with it for several months are making money and it's all worthwhile. Think about the typical turnover you see at your favorite club... If the money was really that great, more of them would rough it out and stick to it.
It's not self deception. It's just that people don't want to admit that they're not really working even though they are at work.
Stripping is just like any other commission based sales job. You have to hustle. You have to build clientele. You have to master your craft. And you have "sell" yourself by knowing your audience and how to appeal to them. The strippers that do these things make the big money. Simply getting naked and shaking your tits isn't going to cut it. Sure, it'll get you a few tips on the stage and maybe a couple of regulars. But if you have to treat it like a business or a "real job" if you are going to make any money doing it.
So at the end of the night when the true hustlers tally up their earnings the stragglers want to be in that same conversation. When they've been at the bar playing video poker all night it wouldn't surprise me if they bragged about having a better night than they really did.
The truth is - most folks (about 95%) will overstate their income. I’ve rarely encountered anyone who understated it.
Conversely I doubt I share with even 5% of the population what I earn and almost always understate it if I share any financial information about my income.
Many dancers mentally tie the amount of money they make directly to their looks and sexuality. ( most sex workers do as well) Another reason why figures tend to be inflated.
last commentI don't remember any, zip, zero.
The other arguments in this discussion - regarding dancers and money - are a very different topic. Many dancers don’t maintain reasonable spending practices. They may get accustomed to having customers ready to hand them money - and that leads to them not thinking about saving money.
The difference with dancers is that their use of cash only will minimize their ability to create a credit history. The lack of credit - and the lack of a declared reasonable income - will hurt them when they stop dancing (or when their looks decline) as they won’t have the same flow of cash - and they will need credit.
It's hard to tell how much "average" strippers make (take home) at "average" clubs. I know they have considerable expenses ITC (rent, tip out, clothes) as well as OTC (transportation and sometimes lodging) so they might only net less than half of what you think they make (dances sold, VIPs and stage shows). I still think they make more than one dance an hour on average and a few dollars per stage show (although that's probably pretty accurate), but less than what the pink site would like to believe.
There are numerous reasons as to why the income a dancer talks about what she makes doesn't seem to add up at the end of the day, week, month and year.
Yes, there are exceptions---a lot less than what people even on this site think---just keep in mind SS as the term is used on here just doesn't happen between you and her--it happens between her and other girls at the club.
Tipping out depending on the club and the culture within can deliver a blow to the bottom line.
Hey I did great---but then I need to tip the management, the bartender, the DJ, the "mom", possibly pay for dinner---misc fees, etc.
Similar to Jordan--I've had conversations and heart to heart discussions with a few dancers over the years and watched their lifestyle not match their words." Denial isn't only a river in Egypt. "
okay, let's suppose for the sake of argument a dancer is making over 100K a year, you guys think that's good money, except you're not taking into account these tend to be young, immature girls with poor decision making skills, who are literally having guys throw money at them while they "party" at the club, so the usual sense of work = salary gets thrown out the door right there, for these girls it almost is as if money grows on trees...
then consider that of that 100K a girl might have to give 30K to a really damn good lawyer to deal with a pretty serious criminal issue or else her cute little toosh is gonna be behind bars for awhile,
then she spends another 30K buying a brand new car, which she then totals before the year is out,
most dancers i've known seem to have personal expenses of at least 3K per month, so 36K per year,
then throw in a couple of vacations overseas,
and by the end of that year that dancer who started out with 100K suddenly can't scrape up enough money to buy Christmas presents,
now this might be what i mean by really poor decision making, except that all of the above is completely hypothetical and made up and a work of fiction
Wednesday night I went in and there was a lesbian show on stage. The two dancers easily split 400 from that one 15 minute show. I'm not sure if this counts as extras
There are always exceptions to the rule but those generally are the girls with a plan. The truth is that many will quit dancing after less than 6 months. The reason most quoted is I don’t make much more than I would at a regular job after I figure all of my expenses. There are always new dancers and many bank for a short period of time but the lifestyle takes a major toll on both their looks and their thought process.
I wouldn’t doubt a dancers ability to make over $1k on a weekend night. That’s prime time - with guys going out - and bachelor parties. That’s also why I don’t go clubbing on weekends.
If a dancer works a few nights a week - she will probably be more energetic - and it will help with her customer interaction too. Her hustle may be much better - and fresher - and that should result in more money.
Those thoughts can be more prevalent - and much less realistic - as the money can be like a carrot in front of a rabbit’s nose.
Stripping is just like any other commission based sales job. You have to hustle. You have to build clientele. You have to master your craft. And you have "sell" yourself by knowing your audience and how to appeal to them. The strippers that do these things make the big money. Simply getting naked and shaking your tits isn't going to cut it. Sure, it'll get you a few tips on the stage and maybe a couple of regulars. But if you have to treat it like a business or a "real job" if you are going to make any money doing it.
So at the end of the night when the true hustlers tally up their earnings the stragglers want to be in that same conversation. When they've been at the bar playing video poker all night it wouldn't surprise me if they bragged about having a better night than they really did.
Conversely I doubt I share with even 5% of the population what I earn and almost always understate it if I share any financial information about my income.
Many dancers mentally tie the amount of money they make directly to their looks and sexuality. ( most sex workers do as well) Another reason why figures tend to be inflated.
Sometimes under estimating. But usually radically over estimating, extrapolating from their best night, or even their best hour.