Why do so many strippers have broken down cars?

avatar for theDirkDiggler

If i'm a stripper, i believe that a newish, reliable, safe, comfortable and fuel efficient car (yes, there are cars with all these qualities) is a important investment for what should be obvious reasons. More important than costly cosmetic surgery. Yet so many girls are driving beaters and money pits that they're spending a large portion of their earnings on. They're wasting money on repairs, extra gasoline, missed work, and sometimes insurance (big destructive behemoths are more expensive to insure). That seems to have been the most common expense i've heard lately. I know many girls don't have credit or good credit to secure a loan for a brand new or nearly new vehicle, but there are other better options available than what they're usually doing.


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avatar for JohnTitor
7 yrs ago

I haven't encountered the broken down car routine yet (but where I'm from isn't TOTALLY ghetto lol), but now thanks to TUSCL I feel prepared to avoid!!

avatar for Rick999
7 yrs ago

They could do research and buy a good quality used car checking consumer reviews for reliable cars online but hey they are strippers, they don't worry about planning to save money. If they did that much planning, they might not be stripping.

avatar for Subraman
7 yrs ago

The problem is, just like their phones are always broken or lost, you never know when it's just a story, versus really having a crappy car. Of course, lots of these girls DO have crappy cars (the result of poor financial decision-making, warped priorities, bad credit, and the fact that some of them make far less money than we all think)... but it's also a pretty convenient excuse to not be where they said they'd be

avatar for theDirkDiggler
7 yrs ago

^ It just the constantly reoccurring story. I did have one stripper that told me she finally got a newer car after driving her POS car to the junk yard. Good for her.

Maybe they have their sugar daddies buy them their boobs or whatever plastic surgery they have?

Also, remember that stripper earnings are wildly inconsistent and burn out pretty regular. So even if a girl makes 700 one night, 1200 another night and 300 another night all in consecutive nights, it does not mean that is her weekly average every week for 52 weeks per year. Some girls pay out of pocket for school too which can add up.

Plus it's hard legitimizing yourself in a cash-based business to make such a large purchase.

avatar for SuperDude
7 yrs ago

No credit. No basic knowledge about where to go to get a good used car. Willing to take or buy a junker hand-off from anyone. Always looking for a regular to pay the repair bills. No concern about a car breaking down in a bad neighborhood with a child in the car seat. Always looking for a ride to the mall, the flick or the next party. Can't save or budget. Using unemployed live-in boyfriend's junker. I could go on.

avatar for mark94
7 yrs ago

At my club, many of the dancers drive nice, upscale, cars. The club is located near car dealerships, so I suspect they have customers who can help them get financed even with little proven income.

I recall one popular dancer, for example, who drove a new BMW X5. I suspect she made more money on her website than in the club, however.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
7 yrs ago

Strippers have broken, unreliable cars, phones, and boyfriends. I think that it's been firmly established that strippers aren't at the top of the pyramid as consumers of pretty much anything at all.

Sex workers who are smart about money are usually escorts.

avatar for Warrenboy75
7 yrs ago

I seem to be the contrarian this morning but what I've observed is too much car in terms of their income.......they tend to buy on impulse and match the monthly payment up to what they are making when they have great weeks or a month or two and then can't make the payment when the income falls off to normal or slow time levels.

avatar for rockstar666
7 yrs ago

I agree many dancers drive beaters; you see them in the dancer part of the parking lot. But of the dancers I know, they all drive Hondas. Maybe my taste in dancers leads me to better adjusted lifestyles on their part?

One dancer I knew was driving a Cadillac, but it was a gift from a whale. She was really cheap with money and I wouldn't be surprised if she sold it and bought a beater to bank the profit.

avatar for RTP
7 yrs ago

I have seen strippers who have decent cars, but seem to not take care of them or wreck them frequently. I know one stripper who had a nice small Mercedes that seemed to get more bumps and bruises weekly. I also knew another stripper who was very proud of her late model Honda, and within a few months it looked like it had gone through a war. Of course, this could also be because they let their good for nothing bf's drive them.

avatar for larryfisherman
7 yrs ago

Actually most of them that I know drive nice cars.

avatar for shailynn
7 yrs ago

They are STRIPPERS they don’t make the best life decisions and that’s why most of them wound up being strippers. Yes, a select few are stripper with an exit plan but most wound up at a strip club for what they believe is easy money with little effort.

Want a girl that’s reliable and makes good decisions? Chase a teacher or nurse! Lol

avatar for mark94
7 yrs ago

Most of my faves are pretty level headed and seem to manage their money well. They understand the concept of good customer service and keeping steady customers. All of that is probably why they are on my fave list.

Yes, I encounter lots of ditzy, drug using dancers, but I cut them loose quickly. Basically, I’m too old for that shit.

avatar for joc13
7 yrs ago

@RTP "I have seen strippers who have decent cars, but seem to not take care of them or wreck them frequently."

It's because it's even harder for them to use their phones and drive when their phones have cracked screens and buttons that don't work.

avatar for JohnSmith69
7 yrs ago

I was always amazed at how the DS abused her car. She once went over 20K miles without an oil change, and her tires were usually some degree of bald. It ran maybe 50% of the time and cost her a fortune for repairs by some guy down the street. But that was better than DS II who went through three cars in the several months that she was my paid girlfriend. She wrecked them all, and could not find another car or car insurance.

avatar for theDirkDiggler
7 yrs ago

^ That's also a common occurrence. So many strippers wreck perfectly decent cars which then become broken down cars or worse. Some of it is inexperienced/bad driving, but i also believe the lifestyle with drinking and drugs and texting and late night fatigue all play a role.

avatar for Lanechange
7 yrs ago

I know the struggle is real... my first atf (now former atf) had a 6 year old chrysler 300. Her payments were as high as mine were on a new silverado,paid via western union. Of course i know that from "helping her out" and she eventually blew her head gasket, which i know because she called me to get the thing home with a tow strap when it happened.

Then while her dad was rebuilding the engine, she borrowed my spare car and got it forfeited by falling asleep and subsequently arrested while in possession of heroin.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 yrs ago

Owning a car is a responsibility and many-a-stripper is not very strong in the area of responsibility - a car requires upkeep and often monthly payments and many-a-stripper live day-to-day and seem to often be behind on bills - add to that often bad-credit and often $$$ spent on partying/drugs, then owning a nice-car becomes a responsibility many are unable to undertake - also car-payments are consistent (need to be made every month) yet their income is not always consistent (either the club goes thru a slow-period; they are burned-out from dancing and need to take some time-off; etc)..

avatar for Lurker_X
7 yrs ago

Heck lots of them no longer can drive. DUI, license revoked for failure to appear at traffic court, lose keys to a functional car.

avatar for JohnSmith69
7 yrs ago

On the opposite side of the spectrum, last time I saw the blow job queen she was driving a very expensive, slightly used, sports car. She told me that it cost $85K and I believe her. It was paid for totally by her income from sucking guys dicks. Yeah, as her name suggests, she sucks a lot of dicks. Now of course the car may be in a ditch somewhere, or totaled in some junk yard, but for a moment there a stripper was driving a much nicer car than me.

avatar for wildbourbon
7 yrs ago

I've spent time outside the club with 3 dancers in the last 4-5 months, including rides in their cars.

Girl #1: 15 year-old Acura RL she paid cash for (she deposits her cash in a bank weekly so she can show regular income for apartment rentals, etc. She kept the car very clean and didn't let her boyfriend drive. She recently totaled it. She smokes weed and drives while under the influence. Best friend to girl #2.

Girl #2: 8 year-old Chrysler 300 she was making payments on. I was with her when she bought it. She rode around with her pit bull and boyfriend in it, so it was in pretty gross condition. Boyfriend rear-ended somebody while she was working and the car was impounded due to his suspended license and DUI at time of accident.

Girl #3: Just started stripping earlier this year. Still driving the car her dad gave her as a graduation present (high-mileage Mazda 3). Car's in rough condition and her transmission is going out. She doesn't want to buy a new car since this one works OK.

On the whole, stripper cars seem to vary according to personality, with some cars being kept up and others being run down. I can't say I've noticed much difference between stripper car upkeep and civilian girl car upkeep...as I've spent lots of time with civilians who turn nice cars into real pieces of shit in short order. Strippers do tend to be less protective on who drives their cars...mostly due to them being too high to go get snacks.

avatar for joc13
7 yrs ago

My SB's car is a piece of crap. The inside of it would lead you to believe she's homeless. No way I'd ever ride in it.

In my experience, women in general treat their cars more poorly than men do. It's a generalization, but that's what I've found.

@Call.Me.Ishmael said "Sex workers who are smart about money are usually escorts."

Really? I would think dominatrices would be the most savvy about money. That's my guess anyway. I don't have much experience with them.

avatar for YoungVet
7 yrs ago

Because most strippers have broken down lives. There you have it.

avatar for theDirkDiggler
7 yrs ago

@BurlingtonHoFactory There's something about dominatrices and their ball busting, cock teasing, humiliating nature that makes me want to have nothing to do with them. I don't see how those qualities would make them more savvy about money except that they are like the uber ROBs where they get suckas/PLs to pay to be treated badly.


I agree. Although I do enjoy watching fetish porn, it's just not something I would want to participate in real life. Basically, you're paying them extra to rip you off even more. It doesn't seem like a good time. Kinda makes the stuff we complain about here seem pale by comparison, but to each their own.

avatar for goldmongerATL
7 yrs ago

A lot of the young ones are emotionally attached to their very first car and run it into the ground before buying another one. Many of us were the same way with our first car.

When I was in college I knew a stripper also in college (I know because I saw her around campus). I was a regular customer but had no money to spend. I would buy a couple of dances and we would mostly talk.

This girl had some regulars that would help her out with car repairs. I mean actually do them. I remember her bragging about bartering a trip to VIP for a transmission rebuild.

avatar for theDirkDiggler
7 yrs ago

^ I actually have a certified mechanic friend that does my repairs for real cheap (basically i only pay for parts and maybe treat him to lunch or dinner if that and then not anything fancy). I can only imagine the amount of stripper pussy he could have by doing "free" repairs. He also has hookups with friends in auto parts. Too bad he doesn't do strip clubs.

avatar for twentyfive
7 yrs ago

Actually I have a theory about this and it involves how men and women treat each other. I think most men love both cars and women so they take care of them accordingly as opposed to many women hating men and equating men with cars and abusing them regularly.

avatar for flagooner
7 yrs ago

Strippers don't have to compensate for having a small dick and try to impress with a fancy car. Maybe, they have their priorities right, and use their money to provide for their kids.

avatar for twentyfive
7 yrs ago


avatar for flagooner
7 yrs ago

Yeah, I chuckled when writing that one.

avatar for twentyfive
7 yrs ago

^^^The funny part was having their priorities right. ;)

avatar for Cashman1234
7 yrs ago

Flagooner - that’s fucking funny! Lol!

If a stripper is flighty and she’s very unorganized - then a car is a responsibility that’s going to be ignored. Owning a car - or leasing a car - requires making regular payments - paying insurance - renewing the registration - putting gas in the tank - and bringing it in for service. When considering how much of a challenge it is for dancers to keep cell phone contracts going - a car is far more responsibility than they might be able to handle.

With variable cash flow - dancers should estimate their ability to handle car payments on the low end of the scale. It’s better to not get an expensive car that gets repossessed because she’s had a bad month.

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