
Strippers on-line presence

layin low but staying high
Subraman made a comment on another thread that made me think of this question. When meeting a stripper that you are interested in, should a PL ask about her on-line presence in any way? For example, should a guy ask if she has a listing on SA? Or should he ask if she does Twitter or whatever. Assuming that you want something more than an itc relationship, are these types of questions helpful? If so what do you ask?

I’m not really into the whole social media thing so this isn’t my strongest area. I’ve never asked these questions before although I have had dancers at shadowcat’s fav club refer me to their on line prostitute profile. I can’t recall call what web site these girls were on.

Do I need to modify my system to account for strippers on line presence?


  • joc13
    7 years ago
    Good question. I have 2 stripper's Instagrams, but neither is anything to get excited about.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    You're in luck - I believe RickDugan will add this to his next version release of "The System"
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    I have no use for social media sites other than this one. I have exchanged PMs with a couple of strippers on here but basically I use texting or phone calls and that is all I want.
  • goosman
    7 years ago
    If I find them super hot & have a good rapport with them, I've asked if they have an Instagram before. I would imagine that they all do (snapchat too), based on the age demographic but ones that have personal Instagrams & not "Instagram model" profiles, may be reluctant to give them out.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    I've been debating with myself whether I tell you guys how well it works to talk to strippers about SA or not. I've mentioned it a few times, but I'm underplaying it. Most strippers are on SA, and they want SDs, and you can see their interest pique the moment you start talking about your SA profile. And, as I said, very often, the power dynamics shift to them asking you OTC.

    Beyond that, Snapchat is the most desirable social media platform. Because of the incorrect feeling that what gets put there is temporal, and it's so easy to use, she'll very often send you little pics and videos. If I can connect with her Snapchat, I will.

    Instagram is second best. She'll put lots of hot pics for everyone to see on there. More savvy strippers will even talk about their "brand", and seek to build that on instagram.

    Facebook is the least useful, if for no other reason than her family and non-stripper friends are on it, so few hot pics, and more conservative behavior. It is interesting to watch the interactions there between her and her family sometimes. I don't ever ask about Facebook since it's more personal, but if she offers, I'll definitely Facebook friend her.

  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    " Most strippers are on SA"
    I bring up the subject every single time I go out clubbing. I'm guessing that most strippers have tried sugaring at least once. Whether they are on SA, I'm not so sure. It's one occupation where they can easily meet prospective SDs without any advertising.
  • wildbourbon
    7 years ago
    I agree with Subraman.

    1. Snapchat-nudes! Unfortunately more and more girls are monetizing their Snapchat usage, creating an account for previews and an account for PLs who pay a monthly subscription.

    2. Instagram-no nudes but lots of near-nudes. This is a much less personal platform that basically allows everybody to follow everybody else. Some accounts are private but if the girl knows you, or if it's real clear from your profile pics/girls you follow that you're a strip club hound, they'll accept your request to follow. They do this to keep prudes from reporting every near-nude post.

    3. Facebook-nearly worthless. Unless a stripper has a profile set up for her stripping, her personal Facebook is going to be filled with totally-clothed selfies of her and her dog. The Facebook show is for her friends and families so unless she comes from a completely non-judgmental lineage, there won't be a trace of her stripper job on her Facebook.
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    I think a lot of this has to do with the quality of strippers and where you are located.

    Subra is in Cali, so of course he’s going to be around savvy strippers. Probably the same for Random as well. Me, well I’m usually fumbling around Midwest working class towns where I’d imagine the majority of strippers I encounter are lucky to have a working cell phone that hasn’t been shut off for non payment let alone smart enough to market their Instagram or even know what SA is.

    I think with all this talk the past few days about a sugar arrangement you need to look into your inner PL and think about what you want. Do you want to just have sex, or do you want to hang out with a hot babe, in addition to having sex?

    I’m in the phase right now where I wanna have sex and be left alone. Strippers are fine with me thank you. I was a regular on SA over 5 years ago and had more headaches than success, although I’m sure these days the quality of the “fish” has gotten better. I think if that’s what you want (sex with a stripper and not much more) you don’t need to dive into a social media frenzy or crash course in Snap Chat.

    If you’re looking for your next DS to blow loads of money on, or invite a girl over to your house and not have to worry about your wife’s jewelry getting stolen, then you may want to look at some Sugar sites to find some high”er” end girls to meet your needs. IMO they really are just hookers, don’t ever tell them that, they get pretty offended.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    -->"I bring up the subject every single time I go out clubbing. I'm guessing that most strippers have tried sugaring at least once. Whether they are on SA, I'm not so sure."

    My impression is that there's a LOT of strippers on SA, at least in this area, nearly every one I've spoken to has been able to show me her profile. That said, a pretty big percentage of them are on SA, but not ON on SA, if you're picking up what I'm laying down. What I mean is, while there are some strippers who are absolutely out there actively hustling for a SD, many of them just seem to do it by rote. I imagine them sitting around with their other stripper friend, stoned. Stripper #1: "I wish someone would totally just give me money so I didn't have to work." Stripper #2: "Ya, totally. we should get sugar daddies. Let's create profiles." Stripper #1: "Ya totally." Then they create profiles, are active for a few months, realize it's not as effortless as they think it will be, and then basically neglect their profile ... until one day I meet them at the club and tell them that I'm looking for a sugarbaby, and they remember they have a profile and want a sugardaddy...
  • MrDeuce
    7 years ago
    Well damn -- this is pretty enlightening! I have a fake Facebook account, just for interacting with strippers, on which I have 50+ friends, all of whom are either strippers or SC employees. I find it useful for arranging club visits or even OTC dates by Messenger. I also have an Instagram account, primarily for posting stripper-related humor, that is followed by several dozen, including a lot of my stripper FB friends. I hadn't even considered getting involved with Snapchat, but now I think I will!

    Another revelation of this thread is Subraman's claim that most strippers at least toy with the idea of being a sugar baby. I've never thought about sugaring, though my rent-for-dates deal with my ATF for a few months last year was comparable. I must say, I've found it surprisingly easy to advance in less than two years from my first OTC date ever to currently knowing at least 10 strippers, ranging in age from 19 to 33, who have expressed a willingness to meet me in a hotel room or in their apartment.
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    I am officially adopting the subraman system, effective just as soon as I figure out how the duck to use Snapchat.
  • RTP
    7 years ago
    I actually find Facebook really useful. That is because I am using it as research, not as a way to get hot photos of the girl. Facebook will tell you lots about their lives, drug use, kids, boyfriends, etc. It is amazing how many of those phone numbers that you get are linked to a personal Facebook account.
    Also, many of the strippers are all linked together on Facebook. So, once you have one address, you have a whole bunch.
    Strippers seem to think this is stalking or creepy. To me, it is just doing research to keep yourself safe in a very risky hobby.
  • 3LeggedMan
    7 years ago
    This summer I had a "relationship" with a stripper here in Texas. The incredible thing is that when we became Facebook friends I was able to see dozens of topless pics and even one closeup of her kitty. Apparently sharing this type of art is not prohibited between "friends" although I've seen other folks that get lotsa flack from the general public users if an occasional nip slips.
  • SirLapdancealot
    7 years ago
    Yes it is good to ask and know all social media / online resources that pertain to a stripper you like. It is merely for knowledge which helps you build a better relationship and to know your stripper better. I've had some strippers that have personal stripper persona websites in addition to FB/Instagram/Twitter accounts. All of it is just good info to have at your disposal and it can be entertaining just to lurk and peruse it.

    Personally, I mainly just use online info to know if a stripper is dancing somewhere and when, but also just looking at her personal stuff gives me info that I can use to help with future conversation and building a rapport with her.

    As for acquiring the info, yes just asking a stripper after knowing her from a few visits is all that is needed. For me I ask her directly either as I am leaving the club or when we are spending civie time together if she uses social media or online resources to share her schedule.
  • Subraman
    7 years ago
    RTP-->"I actually find Facebook really useful. That is because I am using it as research, not as a way to get hot photos of the girl. Facebook will tell you lots about their lives, drug use, kids, boyfriends, etc. It is amazing how many of those phone numbers that you get are linked to a personal Facebook account.
    Also, many of the strippers are all linked together on Facebook. So, once you have one address, you have a whole bunch.
    Strippers seem to think this is stalking or creepy. To me, it is just doing research to keep yourself safe in a very risky hobby."

    I agree with this 1000%. I was answering this question as "which social media gets you the hottest pics". For backgrounding a stripper, facebook is it. And yes, I don't give a fuck if the strippers (or anyone else) thinks it's creepy -- I do a quick background on strippers I meet OTC. And Facebook is the best tool there for all the reasons mentioned. It's the easiest to find (being on one stripper's FB is often all you need to find nearly everyone in the club), reveals the most info, etc. I spoke in a different thread how I was able to screen my CF when I only knew 3 things about her (stripclub she worked at, who her in-club friends are, and her real name), and as usual, facebook was the weak link. My buddies and I have also had situations where a very sketchy stripper facebook had us re-thinking things.

    But of course, none of that has anything to do with naked pics! For you guys who do get Snapchat, everyone knows you can take screenshots (in fact Snapchat knows when you take a screenshot, and notifies the other person), but most people don't realize there are screen-scraper programs that will record everything that you see on screen -- so you can use it to record any snapchat video. I use AZ Screen Recorder. It's downstream from Snapchat's I/O path and Snapchat doesn't know when it's being used.
  • Warrenboy75
    7 years ago
    Twitter......they are all friends with each other.....and with the female bartenders as well.........btw I am 100% with Subraman on the creepy factor.......if they are willing to put it on social media than its out there for anyone to see......and although most of these girls seem to think so.

    As a side note when Snapchat first came out a few of us in the tech industry came up with the marketing slogan of "Snapchat---social media for the truly sleezy"....it still fits a few years later.
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