Ex step daughter is a stripper

I spoke with my ex-fiancé's daughter and she told me she is a stripper. We lived together for 6 years. I'm realistically the closest thing to a father she ever had. I know I'm a perv but I really want to go check her out. I know it's a bad idea on my end. How bad of an idea is it on her end?
last commentYou expect us to know what she would think or what her idea is of you checking her out? If you really want to know, ask HER.
At least half of your reviews are from extras clubs arond Detroit. If she works at one of those clubs then I would say it's crosses perv line
She doesn't work at one of those clubs. It's a pretty clean club.
It sounds like a bad idea on her part. This is the kind of thing that could seriously screw up her relationship with her mother.
She is now estranged from her mother. Everything she's done in life was to piss her mom off.
I know it's a bad idea all around. That doesn't stop the perv side of me wanting to go.
Why did she tell you about her stripping? I don't think she's expecting you to be at the club.
And I'm betting it'll be uncomfortable for her if you guys were close.
I had a friend who started dancing invite me to her club to watch her dance. I ended up doing a VIP with one of the other dancers. My friend and I never really spoke again after that.
On some level, she is probably wanting your acceptance, so if you do go, don't do what I did.
She posted on FB that she was working there. I asked if that was real or joke. That is how the conversation started.
So if she posted on FB, she didn't actually tell you she was a stripping. Sounds like a bad idea all around if you go.
Go and quickly while the iron is hot.
Not many opportunities in life like this one
At death you don't need to look back and regret not engaging her
Head to the Bank and withdraw $1,000 and spend it in this fashion
$10 on admission
$100 on drinks for the both of you
$100 on a meal for the both of you
$90 in stage tipping only on her
$200 in lap dances only on her
$500 on sex with her back at her place or yours
Note if you don't feel comfortable about her place or yours then take a $100 from the $500 to purchase a room.
God bless my friend and happy fucking
Ha yeah that's not exactly an invitation or a private conversation in which she sought to tell you. My guess is she'd be pretty grossed out if you went to see her dance.
She'd probably have some uncomfortable moments, but what the heck. You aren't married to the ex-fiance. The daughter is open territory.
Just remember when your deep between her legs and ball's deep in her pussy juice and you notice a tear cascading down her face reach up and wipe it off and apply it as a lubricant. Wait ever you do don't stop. Much like a train your full steam ahead at this point . Best advice speed up and Bust a load all in that cherry pie. The tears is her hoe cherry being popped. We all will thank you for breaking her in much like a wild horse.
Maybe John Smith can shed more light on this since he is the forums specialist on this matter
You should show up and act like it is a complete surprise to see her there. You might wanna act like it is a little weird for you too. that's what i'd do. And make sure you have another stripper on your lap during the night so she doesn't feel like you are obessed with seeing her.
You should be so proud.
Man, your handle says it all! No good can come of this.
I'm confused here. If this is your ex-fiance's daughter (emphasis on fiance), that means you and her mom were never married and she was never actually your step daughter.
Since you seem to be calling this girl an ex-step daughter even though she never was, it sounds like you have some sort of fetish/fantasy for this situation and are probably going to go see her no matter what we say. Have fun.
"Since you seem to be calling this girl an ex-step daughter even though she never was, it sounds like you have some sort of fetish/fantasy for this situation and are probably going to go see her no matter what we say. Have fun."
Of course, he could have become so close to her that he felt like she was his step-daughter. However, he probably wouldn't want to see her in the strip club if that were true. So I say that a21985 has probably hit on the correct answer for this thread!
Have fun Quagmire248!
This works out great in all the movies I've seen! What could go wrong?
Tell us where and when she works. We'll all get dances and let you know how it was.
If you read it on FB then she didn't exactly tell you, did she? ;) She kind of told the world.
Had she had told you directly, which didn't happen BTW based on what you told us, then she's probably looking for non-judgemal emotional support. That would have been my guess had it happened, but it didn't.
With so many fish out there I don't see why you need to fuck with this one. What you do is up to you though. You are both (consenting) adults. I don't understand the incest fantasy though. But I don't have any daughters or (common-law or ex-engaged) step-daughters.
Just mentally be prepared for your visit to go link this visit did for me:
Fuck her in the pussy
Juice: Only $100 on a meal for two?
That's expensive for me rock
If I was going cheap it would be $25 for 2
Keep in mind I also added $100 in drinks
So total is truly $200 for 2
^^Good point!
With a name like quagmire I'm betting you are going to go and try to get her in bed. Giggity, giggity :-) lol
Clean club in Detroit? Wonder if it's Nina?
My guess is Deja Vu in Ypsi. Maybe I've just had terrible luck there, but it's about as squeaky clean and low mileage of a club I've found in the area.
nail her..
-->" We lived together for 6 years. I'm realistically the closest thing to a father she ever had."
-->"She is now estranged from her mother. Everything she's done in life was to piss her mom off."
Obviously enough, I can't get the full story from a dozen-line post or two. But if I take some of the statements you made at face value, there is a lot of damage and potential damage and other feelings at play, including a one-time almost-fatherly relationship. For me, this is beyond the pale as far as being despicable and unethical, no matter how you or anyone else tries to bend over backwards to make that not so. I realize that, as a guy who goes around paying to have sex with 20-something-year-old strippers, I may not be the most ethical guy on the planet, but what you're talking about is on a whole 'nother level.
^^^ okay, that sounded more judgey and preachy than I wanted it to be. I'm not trying to be preachy and I'm not in a position to judge anyone, despite how that came off ... instead, I'm trying to be frank and clear and direct, because to me the issues here are pretty clear, to give a bit more voice to your inner conscience
When I got married 40+ years ago, my wife's daughter became my step daughter. We divorced back in 2002 after 27 years. So is she still my step daughter or is she now my ex step daughter?
^^^ Where's she stripping?
@shadowcat - my understanding is that legally speaking, the step-parent/step child (minors) relationship after divorce is treated similarly to biological parent/child relationship in a similar situation. However, I imagine that obviously has more to do with visitation/financials than custody. And just like with biological kids, you're divorcing the spouse, not the kids, so why would the relationship be thrown away.
If we carry this over to adult children as well, I'd imagine they are still step-children (not exes) regardless of marital status. This further leads me to believe that Quagmire is more interested in refering to girl who he had no legal relationship eith as a "ex-step daughter" and is considering seeing her as more of a living out a fantasy situation than anything.
I think most dancers would find it a bit weird to be seen at the club by someone they know, but if she broadcasted it on FB maybe she is a very "free spirit" & may not mind who knows or who sees her?
Yea, this would probably be pretty tramatic for the honey. Probably best to take a pass.
I imagine Nina would have a beautiful heartfelt response to this thread.
Quagmire, I would seriously treat this situation as "too hot to handle" (but keep your options open if all of a sudden her car breaks down and she needs a ride to work ...) Seriously though- too close to home and too much chance for blowback from my viewpoint.
I agree with Subraman. We as PLs should strive to be non-judgemental around here. And no, Subraman, I didn't find your post too preachy. ;)
Also just because it's a extras club (or not or whatever) doesn't mean you have to get extras, let alone extras from what was essentially a common-law step-daughter. Ew, ew, ew. But I'm not judging!
maybe you could go and bring 100 singles and make it rain on her on stage or tip her a 100 dollar bill or something. Or here's something, make sit down to her and talk to her about the biz. Maybe you can give her tips so she's doesn't have to resort to do extras for $$ to survive.
How to make it rain (I suggest the downpour. She's family, don't go cheap on me Quagmire!):
^ click the link!
I wanna hear about the 3some
If she's the closet thing you had as a father, you going to visit her dance is creepy beyond reason. You might just break her trust of all men because you seem to be held in a high light amongst men to her and could give her a slither of hope for true love. For the one man she trusts above all to completely act like a dog towards her create a discontent towards men. Fortunately you're not related by blood so it's a variable she may or may not have to get over it.
Who else but Quagmire?! Giggitty. Lol
Seriously guys you've over analyzed and knit picked my comments pretty crazy and I don't feel like explaining every detail.
I doubt I'll go as the club is too far from me anyways (no it's not a Detroit club), but if I do I'll ask if it's okay first.
Wow. BH
if OP hadn't been an established member, I would have taken this as a troll question.
Then when he doesn't like the answers posted he gets BH
Use a simple rule-of-thumb - if she has big tits then it's worth the risk, if not then pass
Motorhead- What is BH? I don't keep up on these terms.
Butthurt PL, or butthurt regular. It's a new term just introduced recently that a folks are trying to make happen.
But seriously, a lot of people gave you their thoughts. You introduced the controverdial topic and probably expected to get some the lashback and opinions that you did. It makes no sense at this point to give up on thread because you don't "feel like explaining the detail."
That response certainly comes off as butthurt and/or delusional over what the response would be over the original info you provided. If we are wrongly overanalyzing the situation, put us in our place with the truth or just move on.
Oh. I didn't mean my last post that way. I just don't want to go into full explanation of everything. Too much from too long ago in my life to explain. I was just commenting that I thought it was funny to over analyze some things. Like referring as ex step daughter, I guess I could have said Ex-Fiancé's daughter but that seemed more difficult.
No worries on my end.
Understood. It would be interesting to know more, but good luck either way you to decide to go in the end .
+1 Tiburon.
@Quagmire248 has all of the classic signs of being an @mikey troll sock puppet. notice ho many other @mikey aliases respond to this obvious cry for help
@mikey doesnt have an almost step daughter because he is a weird hipster with dreadlocks that plays the hacky sacky 24/7 and never showers. would somebody like that ever have a fiance? i dont think so. would somebody like that have dated an actual woman? i dont think so
In your mind, what's the upside?
In your mind, what's the downside?
In your mind, you decide!