talk about sleepy time rape
write paragraphs upon paragraphs or nonsense that no one really reads
say the same things again and again
try to talk about an organization you are going to build, that will never happen
Stories about asian sex slaves in purple dresses
why would you want to be an internet troll @chessmaster. is it because you actually cant play chess.
try tic-tac-toe with chief TUSCL troll @mikey aka @zipperhead aka @CaraLynn97 aka @Meat72 aka @san_jose_gay aka a bunch of other crap characters.
i would love to see an @chessmaster versis @mikey tic-tac-toe game. they would be drawing all sorts of stupid things in addition to x and o. it would be like watching that juice retard order 4 loco in a 4 star restaurant
Once upon a time Andy Warhol said that everyone in America would get 15 minutes of fame.
Then Social Media came into being. And with everyone wanting to stretch their 15 minutes into a virtual 24/7/365 presence, it evolved to where attention whores behind a keyboard would give everyone 15 minutes of harassment day in-day out (minimum), if they were not the center of attention. Thus evolved the Internet Troll from lifetimes of entitlement reaching the natural wall where their expectations of instant gratification were no longer sustainable, because the world requires that someone else take the spotlight away from them on occasion and that 'just isn't fair'......
^ Vince did you kill Douchester? Did you ever loose weight and get your diabetes under control? Yeah, that was a scream, Doug's never met me, I could have met his dumbass when I was out in Seattle, but I didn't want to. He had no clue, I don't have diabetes, my weight is in a good range. Oh yeah, Doug, you were another dumbass troll.
"^ Vince did you kill Douchester? Did you ever loose weight and get your diabetes under control? Yeah, that was a scream, Doug's never met me, I could have met his dumbass when I was out in Seattle, but I didn't want to. He had no clue, I don't have diabetes, my weight is in a good range. Oh yeah, Doug, you were another dumbass troll."
Wow! There was clearly some bad blood between vincemichaels and Dougster I wasn't aware of.
I always thought that Dougster was 100% focused on rickdugan but otherwise just posted his theories on finance.
got2wipe, you betcha there was bad blood between me and Dougster. I won't ramble on about it, but there it was. As was the case between him and several others.
Dougster used to.
write paragraphs upon paragraphs or nonsense that no one really reads
say the same things again and again
try to talk about an organization you are going to build, that will never happen
Stories about asian sex slaves in purple dresses
Then you can reply to your own threads and make yourself looked loved
Then pick on the real user's
Just messing w/ you.
I'm litery paying my rights to do I magic
try tic-tac-toe with chief TUSCL troll @mikey aka @zipperhead aka @CaraLynn97 aka @Meat72 aka @san_jose_gay aka a bunch of other crap characters.
i would love to see an @chessmaster versis @mikey tic-tac-toe game. they would be drawing all sorts of stupid things in addition to x and o. it would be like watching that juice retard order 4 loco in a 4 star restaurant
Then Social Media came into being. And with everyone wanting to stretch their 15 minutes into a virtual 24/7/365 presence, it evolved to where attention whores behind a keyboard would give everyone 15 minutes of harassment day in-day out (minimum), if they were not the center of attention. Thus evolved the Internet Troll from lifetimes of entitlement reaching the natural wall where their expectations of instant gratification were no longer sustainable, because the world requires that someone else take the spotlight away from them on occasion and that 'just isn't fair'......
Wow! There was clearly some bad blood between vincemichaels and Dougster I wasn't aware of.
I always thought that Dougster was 100% focused on rickdugan but otherwise just posted his theories on finance.