@mikey admits to trolling as @zipperhead then trys to take it back

avatar for DoctorPhil.
because i am a space geneious i was able to trick @mikey into admitting that he used to troll as @zipperhead. he even claims @zipperhead was his worst character

he also admitted to being @slaux_pas. it is only a matter of time before i get him to admit that he posts as his many other crap characters like @CaraLynn87, @rickthezoo, @4got2wipe, and @TheeOSU

now we need to figure out how to get him help. i am a qualified psychiatrist and can prescribe powerful anti-psychotics. but i dont think @mikey trusts me. could somebody else find him psychiatric help?


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avatar for crazyjoe
9 years ago
Fuck you jackie
i am phil, not that jackie @juicebox69 moron. you should really be offering to help @mikey find help for his trolling addiction @crazyjoe. i think @mikey may listen to you
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