
Comments by DoctorPhil. (page 15)

  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
    you think aliens have strip clubs on their planets?
    as a space geneious i know the answer for this my good friend alan guthman proposed the theory of eternal inflation which least to an infinite number of bubble universes within an inflating space and a consequence of this is that even very improbable events can happen this means that we are but a chance thermodynamic event that led to the first coupled replication translatification system in the priobiotic and after billions of years of evolution yielded humans and the rest of the earths biodiversity however a corrallary of this theory is that there is no extraterrestrial life in our local noninflating bubble universe so we are truly alone in a godless universe so enjoy the velour tracksuits and sodomy. but most of u folks have to restrict urself to dude on chick sodomy the way ur fictional god intended i hope that answers ur curiousity your welcome
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    3 years ago
    Just Go To The Clubs For The Articles
    Shortz in The Klub
    mind u phil is a respectful customer who would never say anything off putting like ive got a luv missile in my pants because i usually refer to my dick as mr roundtree because richard roundtree is a beloved character everybody can relate to except for weirdos
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    3 years ago
    Just Go To The Clubs For The Articles
    Shortz in The Klub
    ^^ but does it scare u if the guy calls his boner a luv missile? if it doesnt it prolly should
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    3 years ago
    Evil Lair
    Transsexual in women’s locker room. What could possibly go wrong?
    ppl can u believe what a dim bulb some people on this thread are? all it took was 1 minute of analysis by a space geneious an i realized that we could end up in a country dominated by stylin velour tracksuits and hotties that like it up the butt if only we kicked the cissies out of the army an had an all trannie force im already tattooing любовь on the knuckles of one hand and ненавидеть on the other hand and getting ready to welcome the ruskies does anybody know how to translate this phrase to russian: hey babe imma bury my luv missile in ur butthole but only if it is male on female sodomy as god intended? o well ill figure it out cuz im a geneious and ur not
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    3 years ago
    Evil Lair
    Transsexual in women’s locker room. What could possibly go wrong?
    ^^ im not gonna engage with the trannie stuff cuz phil dont care but i am curious about something: given that u hate modern america why do u care who defends it? lets go worst case scenario and assume the russians invade and they win cuz our army is a bunch a trannies. all those ruskies would do is outlaw the trannies an then issue an edict instructing all male americans to wear velour tracksuits. i would think u would like that plus if ive learned anything from eastern european porno it is that hawt eastern european babes like it up the ass. so if the ruskies take over its all velour and sodomy and i like that idea so i think ive proved that our military should be 100% trannie your welcome
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    >:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
    Why the fuck do people drive without insurance?
    relax mr ishmael regardless of how u feel about generational animosity u have to admit that mr skibum is the worst of his generation or any generation i mean rly if he had cited vietnam as a hardship for his generation and expressed gratitude that he was lucky enuf to come of age just after the draft. all while lamenting the sacrifices of those who actually went to war BUT NO he starts off with selfish shit. mr skibum is all ME ME ME while complaining about everybody else plus he makes everything political and gets folks all riled up. politics in the front room makes baby jesus cry and dont tell me that u are down with making baby jesus cry on the other hand i do understand his odious qualities now that i have seen his photo https://www.phun.org/newspics/funny_friday_12/21841.jpg
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    3 years ago
    >:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
    Why the fuck do people drive without insurance?
    ^^ u may not know this mr skibum becaus ur not very smart but u have just made a really cogent case for the proposition that BOOMERS SUCK BIG FAT DONKEY DONGS u had everything handed to u by parents who actually had the guts to fight for freedom from a real enemy in ww2 and korea then u turn into pussies and lose a pointless war but ur only concern is whether or not u could be drafted. yes ur a real patriot then u refuse to pay it forward by helping the next generation because WAH WAH WAH THAT WOULD MEAN PAYING TAXES finally u wont even wear a mask to protect ur fellow americans because u think it only affects u because ur a stupid selfish pussy who doesnt even comprehend how communicable diseases work. i guess that cheap college didnt teach u critical thinking skills did it dumbass and worst of all ur generation thought this dumbass outfit was cool: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlOxUcTcUH0 and once again since ur clearly a moron i will splain something for u: skibum is a boomer and boomers suck donkey dongs so logically: SKIBUM SUCKS BIG FAT DONKEY DONGS!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Strippermuda Triangle / Floriduh
    mr shailynn u should book a ride on flight that simulates free fall by parabolic trajectory aka the vomit comet flight and have all sort of kinky space sex ms sally ryder felt so much better when i told her lez out in the zero g environment and that could be u. well except for the lezzing out stuff unless u want to hire a young woman for ur wife as usual your welcome for my space geneious advice
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    3 years ago
    Hoes saved my life
    do not dispair mr scrub for ur favorite space geneious has deployed his custome space geneious algorithm to answer definitively the question of whether the alleged ms club lust is indeed the same poster as mr cowboy. u will be dissappointed to learn that ur own posts are a much better match for ms club lust’s than mr cowboy’s are. However, it is crystal clear that u and ms lust are distinct entities whereas (the alleged) her posts are focused on the donkey dongs ur post often bring up the motif of giving mr juice the rimjobs i do not judge ur sexual fantasies mr scrub and feel they are perfectly within the realm of appropriateness since both u and mr juice are adults (chronologically) but a psychological geneious my advice to u is to send mr juice a pm and see if u can arrange something. i do not think he swings that way but u never know until u ask your welcome
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Sex Furniture
    also did u know that hatches green chili burns if u use it as lubricant? as a space geneious i assumed it would but it was an interesting experiment
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Sex Furniture
    did u know that most restaurants do not allow u to eat using a sex swing? since the pandemic began i have often eaten take out in my sex swing. the sexy girls who bring the uber eats to me often join me for a hatches green chili burrito in my sex swing. u should try that but u prolly arent as sexy as me so u may have to pay but definitely try it. u will thank me. your welcome
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    ^ mr skibum if u forgot what k meant it may mean that u have the old timers dementia disease. perhaps u should go to ur physician for a diagnosis u may save some time if u send him a document with ur posts from this site because they read like somebody with the old timers disease and thistle is my diagnosis as a doctor of space geneiousness and close personal friend of many important stars like eddie vedic i hop u find ur old timers diagnosis helpful. your welcome
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    3 years ago
    Forcing Baby Boomers To Stop Being Babies
    If you could launch anyone into space...
    as a space geneious i must inform u that an anvil would be rendundant. the important variable is the heat shield however the bezo flight will be suborbital so it will definitely return to earth and the heating of the heat shield will be limited heat how much heat can the heat shieild take? just ask urself how much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood and u will have an answer your welcome
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    3 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Mission Accomplished
    mr mark u are such sheeple. have u had covid? do u actually know anyone who had covid? and if u THINK u or someone u know had covid do u actually know that is true? did u sequence any viral rna urself? if not then u dont know i think mr dugan actually has an agenda here. think about it. he is all obsessed about face coverings to the point where he posts and posts and posts and then when restrictions are relaxed he comes back still grinding on the issue. then when somebody like u mr mark starts asking real question he comes back with some bullshit about sincere risk averse experts and oppotunistic politicos WELL I CAN SEE THRU THE AGENDA MR DUGAN HAS!!! maybe u cant mr mark but i can! i bet mr dugan is being paid by mr fauci to calm down anybody who is starting to question things. shame on u mr dugan to the rest of u who can now see the truth all i have to say is your welcome!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Why do you think American porn is much "rougher" than porn from other countries?
    mr beat, have u seen legalporno? that is some twisted shit outta europe. check it out if u wanna see some woman take 3 dicks in her ass while a 4th pisses on her your welcome
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    New law puts hundreds out of a job at Texas strip clubs
    dont worry about the hypocrisy mr goodyman as a space geneious i predict that mr skibum or mr theosu will appear and explain how this is all due to liberals then mr dugan will appear and explain to u how mask mandate are equivalent to the holocaust but this law is perfectly reasonable and actually expands freedom im certain these explanations will be truely brilliant and will not bring politics into the front room and therefore make baby jesus cry. i am now starting the countdown to their geneious explanation: 3, 2, 1 ...,
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    Vaccine Question..
    Serious question Cowboy: why do you think you’d understand the safety data? I’m not saying this to insult you, but really understanding the available data would require much greater background than the average person has. Intelligence alone isn’t enough. You might well be able to crank through the info if you spent a few years learning the background material, but even a very intelligent person simply doesn’t have to tools to really evaluate the data themselves. Frankly, the average M.D. or D.O. probably doesn’t have the background to really evaluate safety of the vaccines in a rigorous framework, but I think they are likely to have a reasonable gut feeling. TheeOSU’s way of going about this by asking a nurse an indirect question isn’t what I’d do, but I suspect the truth is that what he really wanted was a reason to feel good about not taking the vaccine. Which is fine, though it would have been more sensible to just go with his gut in the first place.
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    3 years ago
    StripperWeb AssKisser
    I finally did it!
    u are truly a ninja mr powders did i ever tell any of u about how my father was friends with brucie lee. i hung out with his son until his sun blew his brains out. nice guy
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    What Is Your Best Song Ever?
    Heroes by Bowie Venus in Furs by the Velvets and Search and Destroy by the Stooges are a close second and third
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    3 years ago
    Strippers who are against the globalist conspiracy?
    ^ Since I broke character with TheeOSU I’ll also do so here and answer your question mr shailynn: No, mr anderson does not realize how outlandish the crazy shit he posts is. If you believe the trilateral commission is beaming messages into your brain to activate the fluoride in the water and turn you into a sheeple you don’t think that’s crazy. You actually think you’re smarter than everybody else However, I have a question: why is mr anderson asking strippers about whether they are anti-globalist or whatever stuff he’s apparently delving into? I get what you’re saying. Crazy shit can kind of be fun. But I’m not sure I’d engage with crazy politics. If I go to a strip club I want to see tits. If the girl has a really neat story to tell that’s a bonus. If the story is UFOs that’s cool - I’ll nod and smile. If it is Qanon it is just sad
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    3 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    Vaccine Question..
    I debated adding this, but here goes - one thing that surprises me is that it isn’t that hard to find actual medical literature that is simple and well written. My problem with the Tucker Carlson link is not that it is Carlson or Fox but rather that it is not a medical professional, be it M.D., M.P.H., Pharm.D., etc Letters after your name don’t mean you’re right, but when people write in the medical literature they give their true name, their professional affiliation, and disclose potential conflicts of interest. For example, the following: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2777417 Was something I found after about 5 minutes of googling. It is short, easy to read, and asks a simple direct question (although it only focuses on the mRNA vaccines, not J&J). It was written by medical professionals who disclosed any potential COIs, not a TV personality. To be fair to Carlson, he does acknowledge that VAERS data he quotes has issues. However, it is also easy to find criticism of Carlson’s claims regarding VAERS - like here https://www.statesman.com/story/news/politics/politifact/2021/05/07/tucker-carlson-misleading-claim-deaths-after-covid-19-vaccine-covid/4989132001/ At the end of the day the quoted Journal of the American Medical Association data seems more consistent with my experience (i.e., the fact that out of about 15 people whose comments regarding the vaccine I remember there was one issue) than with BabyDoc who knew of four strong adverse reactions out of eight. Maybe BabyDoc is just an outlier - but 50% adverse seems really high to me.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    Vaccine Question..
    I debated posting on this since TheeOSU has a bit of a “rivalry” with me but this seems like a sincere question so I’ll give a sincere answer. It is certainly rational to have questions about a relatively new set of vaccines. That said, I urge you to just ask your doctor. I’m sure you can send an electronic message to you doctor through the electronic charts system. Frankly, I think you’re overthinking the question. It is impossible at the point to be 100% sure but you can certainly ask the your doctor’s gut feeling. If you want an additional opinion a pharmacist may be a good source. At this point it isn’t horribly difficult to get in most places and pharmacists will have seen the reactions of many people. It just seems to me that pondering questions like “why doesn’t Cleveland Clinic require COVID vax for workers?” is just muddying the water. Even if your understanding of the Cleveland Clinic’s policies are correct (and twentyfive says the contrary for the Florida hospital) there may be plenty of reasons. Ultimately, I would say that if you’re still unsure based the widely available the best place to go is a gut check from your doctor. Finally, remember that your doctor’s gut check isn’t final - not like you can’t wait a little longer based on your own gut if he says “yeah, I’d get it.” As far as anecdotes, I was fine with Pfizer. Slightly tired after first dose and totally fine after second. With only one exception, none of my family or friends reacted particularly negatively. Negative reaction was a fever and some aches. I know people who’ve had all three vaccines.
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    3 years ago
    New York
    since this thread keeps being bumped anyway i might as well share the results of my space geneious forward time projection future history projector. if the usa was partitioned into into a republican and democratic countries here is how it would go: with much fanfare the us is divided into the red states of america (RSA) and the blue cities of america (BCA). the negotiations to divide the military were difficult, but most personnel ultimately chose to remain in the service controlled by their country of residence. the largest challenge was partitioning the nuclear arms, but the BCA ultimately abandoned the nuclear triad and limited their nuclear arms to their submarine service. RSA ships were even allowed, by treaty, to use port facilities under the jurisdiction of the BCA. partitioning is surprisingly straightforward, with only the most die-hard and obsessed political partisans choosing to move in response to the partition. it turns out that the vast majority had already chosen to live in cities vs exurbs and rural area. trade actually flourished, with RSA agriculture acting as the breadbasket for the BCA and the BCA specializing in tech. The BCA even launches an ambitious high speed train infrastructure project. The RSA readily agrees to this project, allowing these trains to cross RSA jurisdictions as long as the stations are built at the edge of BCA territory where it is convenient for RSA citizens to board. Thus begins a new era of cooperation where most Americans are happy and love their countrymen. Many even wonder why the partitioned occurred in the first place. America has become a utopia, with the only flaw being the lack of a reason to complain about the other side since you mostly don’t have to deal with them. I bet you were expecting something else...right?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    New York
    ^ as a space geneious i worry that u will give mr ratt an aneurysm with that comment mr king. remember what mr jesus said in matthew 5-39 mr ratt may simply not understand how to obtain only subsets of the post to filter out the most unhinged. u see mr ratt all u have do do is click on forums and then u get to choose specific rooms one of which is the political room and ther u see all of what passes for political discourse on tuscl. if u dont want politics u can for example go only to the front room. but remember that posting about politics in the front room makes baby jesus cry u dont want to be a bad mr ratt who makes baby jesus cry do u?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Can I get a drink? What do you want? Water.
    ^ geneious comment mr ishmael the op could have carped some dime and just said this: how about we go replenish ur bodily fluids with some of my bodily fluids? your welcome