
Comments by DoctorPhil. (page 14)

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    3 years ago
    New Jersey
    When the clubs close again
    ^ i agree with mr dugan. assess ur own risk tolerance and behave accordingly for example i u see a life size blow up doll of ron desantis by the side of the road u can be sure mr dugan has deposited his cooties in it so DO NOT touch it. in fact u should stay at least 6 feet away at all times call in professionals to incinerate it your welcome
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    New Jersey
    Don't let the Delta Variant bite your dickoff
    ^ Mr. mark, ‘tis true that asking whether Sweden was a relative success is not delusional. And now that you have the phil phacts(tm) indicating that Sweden was a failure relative to the other Nordics you can go on to ask other questions! Here is something for you to ask: how exactly was Obama responsible for the Apollo 1 fire? I mean really...he was just a kid at the time but somehow he MUST have been responsible. I’m sure BLM was in on it too. Maybe you should write the editor of the “Everybody thinks we’re insane-os home journal” where you get your news!
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    3 years ago
    New Jersey
    Don't let the Delta Variant bite your dickoff
    So mr. mark, you claim to be totally non-delusional and you’re comparing mask mandates to the fucking Reichstag fire? Yup...totally and completely non-delusional... There is a problem with your challenge to identify delusional statements. Specifically, I’m really not interested in reading all your posts. However, I figured I could start at the top and scroll down until I saw your name. Surely I’d find something delusional... Strategy paid off! There was some drivel about the Swedish strategy and no covid deaths for a week. To which I say “cool” because Sweden is a nice place and I don’t wish them any ill. But it is one week out of a fucking year long pandemic. One could, of course, argue that Sweden did better than much of Europe. To which I say “doing better than the Greeks is no accomplishment, unless the competition is anal intercourse” Anyway, the full context is that Sweden had an about 4-fold worse death rates than any other Nordic country. Moreover, all Nordics took just about the same Economic hit. Not completely true... the economic hit in Sweden was slightly worse than the other Nordics. But not much worse. Judgement: mr. mark was wrong but not completely delusional. Next one was about the early Polio vaccines. Relevant to this discussion because, you know, biotechnology is right where it was in the 1930s... DING DING DING we have achieved delusion!!! Look mark, I’m mostly just funnin’ with ya. But the reality is you’ve twisted yourself into some sort of mental pretzel because it is emotionally important for you to think covid was overblown. On the other hand, I sure hope you voted in line with your concerns regarding covid shutdowns. After all, you thought government actions to control covid were all attempts to control us and impose fascist rule and I have to tell you about the guy who was in the White House when all of those government actions took place. It was this crazy sumbitch whose name starts with T and he did nothing as the country shut down. Just let the governors do it. Well, that’s not completely correct...he held a press conferences and - get this - at one of those press conferences he asked a doctor whether injecting disinfectant or stickin’ a uv light up yer keister would help covid patients. Then he said it was just sarcasm because Presidents are usually sarcastic like all of the fucking time. Since you’re all concerned about fascist takeover I have to let in on a secret: that crazy guy encouraged his supporters to attempt a putsch where the were gonna hang his Vice President. But I’m sure it was a sarcastic putsch because the insurrectionists were kinda incompetent. Sadly, there was death among the police officers but they mostly just smeared shit on the walls... Certainly a freedom lovin’ American(tm) like you wouldn’t support THAT ASSHOLE!!!! Discuss....
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    New Jersey
    Don't let the Delta Variant bite your dickoff
    Cashman, I can’t see why you want to close comments. This thread was never going to come to a “logical conclusion” The only thing that can come out of it is some laughs. If you’re taking it seriously you’re taking it wrong. So laugh at the sheer assclownery of dugan quoting Franklin and Webster. And the delusional assertions of Mark. I’d buy their bullshit about vaccines if they were to say something like “I’ll go get the shot as soon as it receives full FDA approval”. But you know they won’t say that because they are emotionally invested in the position that covid is nothing at all. The reality is that people who can’t see the potential utility of mask mandates during a fucking respiratory disease pandemic - and remember that they couldn’t see it during the worst part of the pandemic before anybody could even choose to be vaccinatated - is just so invested in their position that they can’t see logic. Of course, it is possible that both dugan and Mark are incredible princess in the pea characters that can’t deal with a mask on their faces. Even for 5 minutes. There is a word for folks like that: PUSSIES!!!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    New Jersey
    Don't let the Delta Variant bite your dickoff
    Dugan sez: “ And there it is in a nutshell. When someone becomes so emotionally invested in a position, he dramatically overestimates his own intellect and undervalues the decision-making skills of others.” Truer words have not been spoken. Of course, they apply to you and Mr. Mark...
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    New Jersey
    Don't let the Delta Variant bite your dickoff
    Also, for dugan, given that your governor ain’t going to tighten covid restrictions I’m curious why you are commenting on so many covid threads. Are your panties in a bunch because DeSantis imposed restrictions in the past? If so, my advice is to build a time machine so you can go back and meet with DeSantis and tell him that his restrictions really put sand in your vagina. Surely a scientific “geneious” able to interpret CDC data better than CDC scientists know how to build a time machine! And if you are the kind of guy who just is willing to look forward to the future and let the past be the past then you should really get back to jacking off over your life size poster of DeSantis secure in the knowledge that the will be no more covid restrictions That DeSantis poster ain’t gonna cover itself in Dugan cum so get busy!!!!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    New Jersey
    Don't let the Delta Variant bite your dickoff
    Okay, I’m going to break character here because it might lead to more laughs that staying with the phil character... Riddle me this Mr. Mark94: Why do you care whether other people consider you anti-science? After all, you think you’ve made the right risk-benefit calculation. Do you really think the government is going to put you into camps? I don’t know where you would get some paranoid idea that the government has been using covid to oppress you. Restrictions everywhere have been loosening. I have no idea where you live so *maybe* you live in a place where restrictions *may* tighten a bit *if* spread of the delta variant gets much worse than it currently is. But that’s a lot of maybes right there. And dugan has no reasons to be irritated. He wants the state open and based on what I’ve read about DeSantis (and heard from friends who live in FL) there ain’t gonna be any restrictions there. So what’s the fucking problem?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    New Jersey
    Don't let the Delta Variant bite your dickoff
    u are correct about mr dugans psychological issues mr 25 the issue is not mr dugans specific statements it is his inability to to accept the fact that he cannot accept any limitations he believes he is geneious and that belief clearly comes from the fact that his mommy and his daddy gave him participation trophies every day of his life. then they told him the reason he failed his high school classes was that he was to smart for the teachers now he thinks he is an expert in everything and he cannot cease his outbursts that is why he is hyperventilating the fact that u are contradicting him i hope this explanation of mr dugans psychology from an actual geneious helps your welcome
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    New Jersey
    Don't let the Delta Variant bite your dickoff
    well mr 25 i see ur point and blame the whole issue on self esteem culture. all the time growing up mr mark was prolly told how great he was for trivial accomplishments like eating all of the broccoli on his plate or managing to shit in the appropriate place. in fact my space geneious algorithm assigns a 97% posterior probability to the contention that mr mark still has at least 5 awards given to him by his mommy saying: it has be more than 10 days since lil mark took a shit in the cats sandbox all other shits since then have been in da potty 😄 that sort of treatment growing up makes u think ur a philosopher king when u finally becom an adult. in the phil household my pappy would not even let me eat until i could accomplish something like calculate the trajectory of the pioneer 11 space probe on my texas instruments caclulator or devise a marketing strategy that would have got the velvets undergrounds to number 1 album for a straight year but that sort of discipline is what made me a space geneious whereas the participate trophy culture that mr mark was immersed in is why he think he knows everything your welcome
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    New Jersey
    Don't let the Delta Variant bite your dickoff
    Since/ this thread has gone political i feel compelled to point out the one truth of TUSCL: politics in the front room makes baby jesus cry However, I will add in all seriousness that threads like this make me weep. I am not going to engage with any specific opinions because there is little point in doing so. But I am amazed by the broad suite of topics many of you feel comfortable discussing with absolute certainty. You people have some industrial strength self esteem. In fact, you people have such high self esteem that I bet your mommies gave you a participation trophy every single day of your lives! I can visualize Mr. Skibum’s trophy wall right now: hundreds of plaques saying “Mommy luvs he lil Skibum cuz he successfully made boom boom in da potty (with only minimal smearing of feces outside of the designated feces disposal site)” Hey SKIBUM - can you post a picture of all your “successful boom boom in the potty” awards? We all want to see them!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    Miley Cyrus poses on her dad's truck
    i feel a bit responsible becaus i may have contributed to her delinquency. back when her pappy was trying to break in to the country music game we were talking and he had a skeeter bite and i said dont itch that spot that itchy twitchy spot and he said that would be a great song so he changed the song and it was a huge hit and that set miley on her collision course with fame on the other hand u old perverts would not be talking bout her if it wasnt for phil your welcome
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    North America
    Canada to reopen its borders to fully vaccinated Americans starting Aug. 9.
    ^^ i am surprised that mr skibum has gone with insult the sera troll. my space geneious algorithm assigned a 62% posterior probability to mr skibum advocating a nuclear first strike on canada. perhaps mr skibums meds are helping i would like to help mr skibum. mr skibum u claim to smoke marijuana. based on ur endless hostile comments i think u are doing it wrong. next time u spark up u need to remember to inhale your welcome
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    is The System (tm) merely Paying Hookers For Sex?
    i am not bickering mr wallsanon I am trying to help with my space geneiousness your welcome
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    is The System (tm) merely Paying Hookers For Sex?
    does anybody else find it kind of strange that mr skibum said only an impotent homosexual bottom would use the word misogynist? phil thinks mr skibum is subtly signaling his homosexual desires. phil does not judge in fact phil told mr george michaelson to keep believing in himself that wake me up and go go would be a hit and mr michaelson was a big ol fag that said i feel sorry for mr skibum becaus being impotent must suck. phil would not know because phil has a huge dick befitting a space geneious that gets as hard as a diamond at appropriate times. but i can still imagine mr skibums pain on the other hand he said he was a bottom and taking it in the ass requires skibums partner to get it up and mr skibum does not himself have to get it up i hope this explanation of how gay sex works helps the non geneiouses here. keep tryin mr skibum u will find ur top :)
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Evil Lair
    Transsexual in women’s locker room. What could possibly go wrong?
    ^^ see mr dugan this is how u crank shit up to 11 maybe try to think of things that u can actually accomplish however since i am sure that neither u nor mr skibum have access to enriched uranium
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    is The System (tm) merely Paying Hookers For Sex?
    it looks like phil has a lot of work first mr theosu u need to stop sending links to ur photos https://libredd.it/r/trashy/comments/mzd3nj/any_takers/ becaus even if i was into guys i would not be into u second mr player i am not sure why u want to buy back ur own cum in a condom for $500 but i bet u could make some of that money back by selling the cum to mr theosu iust trying to help the clueless your welcome
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    is The System (tm) merely Paying Hookers For Sex?
    the real question we all have is why mr theosu engages with mr san jose to tell mr san jose that nobody wants to engage with him phils space geneious algorithm assigns a 98% posterior probability to the contention that mr theosu actually finds mr san joses posts rather hot to the point where he jacks it to them it further assigns a 69% posterior probability to the proposition that he has added a cardboard sign to the grill of his 1982 yugo that reads ‘this is mr richard dugans mercuree bobcat’ my predictive space algorithm is surprisingly insistent that mr the mispelled mercury i suspect it did so due to mr thes atrocious grammar and spelling also yes the system is paying hookers for sex i hope these phil phacts(tm) have answered all of ur questions your welcome
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Unlisted Detroit 2AMer
    how is this unlisted if the story lists it as happening at dolla bills? dolla bills is only a good name for a club if all of the dancers are named bill and they dance for a dolla so i will refrain from going but mr scrub might like it because he can use it to practice his trannies checks
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Where the fucked up is ordinary
    ^^ phil happens to know that mr san jose went on a quest to meet mr dugan mr san jose an mr dugan exchanged pms and agree to meet in the club so mr dugan can teach mr san jose his dugany ways but then mr san jose was disillusioned when he discovered that mr dugan wears mickie mouse t shirts and drives a 1975 mercury bobcat and isnt actually allowed into strip clubs because he gives off a weirdo vibe that is “just too much” for the bouncers your welcome
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Evil Lair
    Transsexual in women’s locker room. What could possibly go wrong?
    no mr dugan u are not keepin up come on man ur keeping this shit at 10 and I ADVISED U TO RAMP THIS SHIT UP TO ELEVEN how about this one what if we were talking about a burly guy with bushy eyebrowsthat also has 2 dicks and 5 tits goes in the womens locker room all waggling tits and dicks not gonna happen u say? im making up shit to get a reaction u say? u dont know that! i mean what if some deviant on this web site such as mr skibum goes xtra nutso and creates a body suit with a whole bunch of tits and dicks and then wears it into the locker room? it would be ok as long as none of the supernumerary dicks are real u say then ur a fuckin woke liberal jackass ok mr dugan thats how u ramp this shit up to 11 to get reaction. also notice how i didnt bring any underage kids into my rant. u should really try that in the future becaus ppl will think ur a fuckin sicko if u keep pulling that shit your welcome
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Evil Lair
    Transsexual in women’s locker room. What could possibly go wrong?
    two things mr dugan first what sorts of trannies are u fantasizing about? i mean chicks with dicks isnt my thing but if it is ur thing thats ok with phil. but ur picturing some burly guy with a three day beard. does said guy at least have tits? if not ur thinking of a dude and not a trannie second ur forgetting that skibum wants a civil war so u rly need to ramp this shit up. ur already fantasizing about burly guys that u call trannies now jus ramp that shit up to 11 and we will have some fun on this thread here is an idea make the burly guy that ur fantasizing about be that weirdo that posts as bbbc. maybe rite some erotic fiction of mr bbbc and mr random and hell put mr skibum in there as a three way. i am sure u will enjoy it and it will dial this thread up to 11 but leave the 10 year old out of all of this shit u weirdo your welcome