
Mission Accomplished

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Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer

π•„π•€π•Šπ•Šπ•€π•†β„• π”Έβ„‚β„‚π•†π•„β„™π•ƒπ•€π•Šβ„π”Όπ”»

We have beaten COVID. A vaccine is readily available to anyone who wants it and our most vulnerable have now been protected. Even in the Wild West known as Florida, COVID related deaths, positivity rates and hospitalizations are plummeting. We have won. It's time to ditch the masks, get back out there to ball games and the arts and to fully enjoy our lives.

π•„π•€π•Šπ•Šπ•€π•†β„• π”Έβ„‚β„‚π•†π•„β„™π•ƒπ•€π•Šβ„π”Όπ”»


last comment
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 yrs ago

The worst can still be ahead. New variants on the rise. A false sense of security with a rushed vaccine. Lax mitigation efforts

avatar for rickdugan
3 yrs ago

^ Evidence suggests that existing variants are also stopped by the current vaccines. If a new variant pops up which defies the current vaccines, that will be a new mission. But since we can't live our lives frozen by wild speculation about what could happen in the future, for now it is...

π•„π•€π•Šπ•Šπ•€π•†β„• π”Έβ„‚β„‚π•†π•„β„™π•ƒπ•€π•Šβ„π”Όπ”»

avatar for JimGassagain
3 yrs ago

Ho hum. Such a mundane topic beaten to death.


avatar for whodey
3 yrs ago

I guess Rick declaring π•„π•€π•Šπ•Šπ•€π•†β„• π”Έβ„‚β„‚π•†π•„β„™π•ƒπ•€π•Šβ„π”Όπ”» against covid means it is over just like when Bush declared π•„π•€π•Šπ•Šπ•€π•†β„• π”Έβ„‚β„‚π•†π•„β„™π•ƒπ•€π•Šβ„π”Όπ”» in Iraq in 2003 meant that the fighting in Iraq was over.

Wait a minute ...

avatar for rickdugan
3 yrs ago

^ But in this case there's nothing more left to do. So...

π•„π•€π•Šπ•Šπ•€π•†β„• π”Έβ„‚β„‚π•†π•„β„™π•ƒπ•€π•Šβ„π”Όπ”»

avatar for Tetradon
3 yrs ago

It's all a calculated risk. Every infectious disease is an arms race. We develop drugs and vaccines, it mutates and recombines. It doesn't look like vaccine protection lasts that long, but future vaccines will be developed with the aim of longer lasting protection.

These vaccines have been tested in tens of thousands of patients and been found to be effective.

I'm vaccinated, will still mask up, but have been back in the clubs for 9 months now.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 yrs ago

History will tell us how the pandemic response was botched and lives endangered for the private sectors profits

avatar for 623
3 yrs ago

As far as the vax being rushed were we just supposed to keep the death count ar 90,000 per month while the beaurocrats finished the paperwork? It’s now been tested on a few hundred million and I don’t think anyone has grown a tail or a third eye. The only serious side effects are from the traditionally developed J&J version.

avatar for docsavage
3 yrs ago

Texas ended all restrictions a couple months ago and have had dropping death rates since then. Yesterday they had zero deaths. You have also seen death declines in other states. A lot of the decline is due to herd immunity because of increasing numbers of people being vaccinated or having had the disease.

Ending the lockdowns may also have been helpful. A number of studies have found the disease was primarily transmitted at home. Concentrating everyone in small spaces at home and in a few businesses considered essential spreads the disease more than spacing everyone out in more locations. Now that the weather is nicer, people can also go outdoors and that spaces people out even more. I went to a strip club last Saturday night and the club was so full I couldn't find a place to sit so I think we are near the end of all this.

avatar for 623
3 yrs ago

Amen to that Doc.

Your comment about it mostly be transmitted at home is misleading though. It had to get in each home first so each β€œin the wild” transmission may have been responsible for four or five in-home transmissions, but if the first one didn’t happen then none of the other ones would either.

avatar for Studme53
3 yrs ago

Lol - let’s continue to suppress the economic life of this country because of possible virus variants.

We could also save lives if we made the the speed limit a mandatory 45mph on all interstate highways - I don’t care if your in Wyoming or NJ.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 yrs ago

Immunity doesn't last long with covid19. Hence re infections

avatar for RICKtheLAWYER
3 yrs ago

ricks are immune to everything

avatar for Dave_Anderson
3 yrs ago

There was nothing to "beat" in the first place.

Biggest con job ever pulled off in human history. You were all duped by this SCAM.

Can you at least admit it?

avatar for Dave_Anderson
3 yrs ago

More illegal aliens have entered the US in the past 4 months than even official (overstated) "deaths" form Covid.

We didn't even reduce population with this SCAMDEMIC. Complete fucking joke.

avatar for Dave_Anderson
3 yrs ago

Anyone who spent even five minutes "worrying" about this media hyped non-event of a so-called illness needs his or her head examined.

I said this was a fucking scam in February of 2020, and I have been 100% vindicated.

avatar for BBBC
3 yrs ago

Hell yeah! We played bouncer and greaser last night and π•„π•€π•Šπ•Šπ•€π•†β„• π”Έβ„‚β„‚π•†π•„β„™π•ƒπ•€π•Šβ„π”Όπ”»! πŸ˜‰

avatar for Tetradon
3 yrs ago

@Dave_Anderson, you're the only one liking your own posts. Lonely? Not even CJ does that.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 yrs ago

I have a feeling that Dave just now discovered that who likes and dislikes a post is viewable by all.

avatar for Tetradon
3 yrs ago

^ I've pointed this out. I think he just gets lonely when the voices in his head stop responding.

avatar for Cashman1234
3 yrs ago

I’m viewing Rick Dugan’s declaration of mission accomplished with a bit of skepticism. I agree about the facts. A vaccine is freely available in this country, many Americans are vaccinated, and infection rates are declining.

A vaccine will likely become a yearly occurrence.

However, arent Ricks immune to infectious human diseases? I doubt the council of Ricks saw any concern over the virus - so wouldn’t Rick be uneffected too?

avatar for georgmicrodong
3 yrs ago

Well, to be fair, "beaten" in the same way we've "beaten" the flu. So, if one is susceptible to respiratory infections and afflictions, one should probably be prepared to get a shot for this every year or so, just like the flu.

avatar for rickdugan
3 yrs ago

As an update, masks have now all but disappeared here in NE FL. This includes schools and child activity centers, which have all just dropped the requirements. Some stores still have those signs up that recommend masks for those who aren't vaccinated, but pretty much nobody is paying attention to it anymore. We are living normally again.

π•„π•€π•Šπ•Šπ•€π•†β„• π”Έβ„‚β„‚π•†π•„β„™π•ƒπ•€π•Šβ„π”Όπ”»

avatar for mark94
3 yrs ago

CoVid presented a significant risk to the old and infirm. The odds of the young and healthy dying was infinitesimal.

Early on, the correct response should have been to isolate those at greatest risk and let everyone else go about there business. Within months, a significant portion of the population would have developed natural immunity and the spread would have stopped.

I hope someday someone discovers why the β€œexperts” told us the entire country had to lock down for a year. Was it incompetence ? Chinese collusion ? An attempt to bring down Trump ?

avatar for FLOrange
3 yrs ago

@rick the funny thing is I’ve seen more masks on people at strip clubs then going into grocery stores now it feels like. Why are you going to wear a mask like a dumbass into a club but then I see you take it off for a dance? Kinda defeats the whole β€œpurpose” of a mask lol

avatar for rickdugan
3 yrs ago

===> "I hope someday someone discovers why the β€œexperts” told us the entire country had to lock down for a year. Was it incompetence ? Chinese collusion ? An attempt to bring down Trump ?"

IMHO it was a mixture of genuinely risk averse "experts" and savvy politicians who never let a good crisis go to waste. Biden and his CDC subordinates continued to try to stoke crisis conditions yet more even as the vaccine was rolling out, no doubt in an effort to get his $6 trillion social welfare bonanza passed. Thankfully the public is not buying it anymore and his attempts to shackle my children and grandchildren to a welfare state have stalled in Congress.

avatar for JamesSD
3 yrs ago

I'm incredibly grateful for the vaccine stopping covid. The last six months most of the states and the federal government did a fantastic job on the logistics side rolling it out and distributing it.

Good job everyone who stayed home and wore your masks to help this thing not be as bad as if could have been.

avatar for mark94
3 yrs ago

I am also grateful for the record breaking speed at which the vaccine was developed. A vaccine like that typically takes 3-5 years to develop. It was developed, and produced, in a matter of months.

avatar for DoctorPhil.
3 yrs ago

mr mark u are such sheeple. have u had covid? do u actually know anyone who had covid?

and if u THINK u or someone u know had covid do u actually know that is true? did u sequence any viral rna urself? if not then u dont know

i think mr dugan actually has an agenda here. think about it. he is all obsessed about face coverings to the point where he posts and posts and posts and then when restrictions are relaxed he comes back still grinding on the issue. then when somebody like u mr mark starts asking real question he comes back with some bullshit about sincere risk averse experts and oppotunistic politicos

WELL I CAN SEE THRU THE AGENDA MR DUGAN HAS!!! maybe u cant mr mark but i can! i bet mr dugan is being paid by mr fauci to calm down anybody who is starting to question things. shame on u mr dugan

to the rest of u who can now see the truth all i have to say is your welcome!

avatar for JeffJefferson
3 yrs ago

News this week is of the myocardia problems in young men, a side effect that is happening more than random chance, this country and elsewhere. It makes me fearful for mandates that college students Must get the vax before they can be allowed on campus for Fall 2021.

It would be nice to have more long longitudinal research before a mass mandate like this becomes locked in.

Especially for all those college students who got a positive covid test during all this: remember all the in-person classes closed down? remember all the football games and basketball and all sports with games canceled or postponed? It's fairly easy to predict that someone who caught this coronavirus in 2020 or 2021 probably is already immune, naturally.

Somebody -- probably us -- will have to pay some day, if the younger gen's deaths due to side effects are more numerous than the deaths due to the virus would have been. But, more than the costs and lawsuits, the real tragedy will be the unnecessary loss of life!

(Easy new rule: If their own doctor gives them a pass, then the university should too.)

avatar for mark94
3 yrs ago

One doctor estimated that there is 50 times the risk of a teen dying from the vaccine side effects than for a teenager dying of CoVid. A small chance in both cases, but still…..

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