Transsexual in women’s locker room. What could possibly go wrong?

avatar for doctorevil
This is a timely story given some of the reactions to my previous post about the transsexual Miss Nevada.……


last comment
avatar for misterorange
4 years ago
Interesting comment by the spa: "Wi Spa strives to meet the needs of all its customers."

Umm, no... you don't.

Hopefully enough customers will never return that they'll have to implement a "penis policy." But since this is Los Angeles, I doubt it.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Its ridiculous to fear transgendered people.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Im all for gender neutral restrooms dressing rooms etc
avatar for misterorange
4 years ago
@Icee - So it's fine with you if this "woman" struts around with "her" penis in full view of little girls? If it was your daughter seeing that and having to be naked herself around that, you'd be "all for it?"

Man, evolution has seriously taken a big step backwards if we find this acceptable.
avatar for misterorange
4 years ago
And why do we consider someone "trans" if they still have their cock and balls?

If I'm going to "transport" something from Point A to Point B, it's got to be at Point B or else I haven't transported it. So if you still have a dick, I don't think you can be a "trans woman." You're either a wannabe or a straight up fraud. "Man up" and get your junk chopped off, or don't claim to be something you aren't, and haven't even attempted to be.
avatar for Jascoi
4 years ago
i like gender neutral restrooms. and i haven’t encountered a locker room yet. but i’m sure I’ll like it.
avatar for Jascoi
4 years ago
The big question in my mind is with the children. Maybe after a while if it becomes common it won’t be an issue.
avatar for georgmicrodong
4 years ago
Maybe if you taught your little girls about penises they wouldn't be so traumatized when they see one.

Fucking idiots.
avatar for lotsoffun201
4 years ago
It amazes me that in this country we can’t figure out which bathroom to use? You’ve got a dick, you’re a man, otherwise you’re a woman. If you’re a preop transsexual, change at home or do it privately. Spas and gyms better build a gender identity locker room real quick or this is going to keep happening
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Or people should stop tripping over the human body.

For guys liking strippers and wanting prostitution to be legal youre pretty uptight should worry more about telling your daughter why mommy isn't enough so daddy pays young girls to fuck him and auck his dick. Thats more traumatizing than the possibility of a trans person in a locker room.
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
A society that caters to the fucked up will fail. If we are lucky climate change kills us off first. Icee is a sick disgustingweirdo who likes the idea of an adult male in the little girls changing area. Fucking mentally ill = progressive.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
A spa locker room isn't a little girls changing area.

avatar for theeastcoast757
4 years ago
I think you have a type they must stay on your mind since you can’t post about anything else.
avatar for doctorevil
4 years ago
As sick as some of the posters here have proven themselves to be, it still hard to believe they condone a grown man exposing his genitals to little girls.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
The transgendered individual was allowed to use the locker room. Would you prefer exposing a child to grown women's pussies?

This thread is just a transphobic rant.
avatar for doctorevil
4 years ago
If you condone a grown man displaying his genitals to little girls, which you obviously do, you are a borderline, or probably over the line, pedophile.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
A man didn't expose himself to a child.

Explain to your kids why you pay young girls for sex.
avatar for doctorevil
4 years ago
"A man didn't expose himself to a child."

Did you read the article? Did you watch the video? I know you did. Thanks for admitting you're a pedophile.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
A trans individual used a spa locker room.
avatar for doctorevil
4 years ago
The individual who used the women's locker room had a penis and testicles and exposed them to a little girl. That's a man exposing himself to a little girl. You condone that. That makes you a pedophile.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago

At least post a legit news story.... woman complained about a transgendered woman disrobing in a locker room
avatar for doctorevil
4 years ago
Last comment was for Icee.
avatar for doctorevil
4 years ago
Nice video Icee. A bunch of cowards dressed in black ganging up on people protesting a pedophile exposing himself to little girls. Which one of the cowards in black was you?
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Watch the news story again. You have language comprehension problems. Or just come out and say you agree with the bigots attacking a business for following the law and not discriminating against a trans woman
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
There is something truly despicable about progressives.
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
A shemale goes into a locker room and exposes himself to a young girl and we are supposed to somehow be ok with that? This is really getting out of hand now. Women and young girls are being made less safe by the day by supposed progressives who lack even the most basic common sense. Mark my words, it's only going to be a matter of time before a variety of sexual predators start taking advantage of these fluffy self identification standards - if they aren't already.
avatar for kenrodchitown
4 years ago
After reading the article, watching the video, and reading the discussion here, I have a few thoughts/questions:

1. Y'all are really throwing around the phrase "exposing [themselves]" as though there is some kind of sinister intent. We're just talking about a transgendered individual getting dressed in a locker room.
2. Similarly, what's with all this hypothetical outrage over "young girls" when the video is just a Karen going off in a room full of adults?
3. There's a (not actually) surprising dearth of documented cases of hetero men posing as transgendered women for all the huffing and puffing that you hear about the possibility of it happening. I guess actual cisgender men don't like to pretend to be women?
4. What are the Karens' demands in regards to gay men using the men's locker room, leering at young boys? And gay women using the women's locker room?
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
===> "3. There's a (not actually) surprising dearth of documented cases of hetero men posing as transgendered women for all the huffing and puffing that you hear about the possibility of it happening. I guess actual cisgender men don't like to pretend to be women?"

Right. Because it's not heavily "documented" means that it doesn't happen. For starters, most of the laws supporting this are fairly new. Give it some time before sexual predators become shameless enough to go this route, though I suspect that some already have. Shit I could see predators eventually touring different areas of states with these silly laws.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
4 years ago
Prosecute the sexual predators. Don’t persecute people who are just trying to take a piss.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Have hou ever used a gender neutral restroom???

I've used a urinal while women touched up their makeup in a mirror ....went into the stalls. Theres nothing sexual about it. People do what they do. Associating bathrooms or dressing rooms with sexual predation just says a lot about you.
avatar for BBBC
4 years ago
"A shemale goes into a locker room and exposes himself to a young girl and we are supposed to somehow be ok with that?"

^shemales are great but they still have yucky vaginas 😉 We are 100% gay huh ricky
avatar for yahtzee74
4 years ago
WTF is wrong with you people? Most grown woman, let alone a child, would want to see a strange man's dick.
avatar for yahtzee74
4 years ago
*would NOT want to see a stranger's dick.
avatar for yahtzee74
4 years ago
"Prosecute the sexual predators. Don’t persecute people who are just trying to take a piss."

If he was just taking a piss nobody would have seen a thing because there are stalls with doors on them.
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
===> "Prosecute the sexual predators. Don’t persecute people who are just trying to take a piss."

Since when did making a dude piss in the bathroom for dudes become persecution? This notion that we're now supposed to make female bathrooms more open to sexual predators just so some dudes who feel like ladies can feel better about themselves is absurd.
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
Cisgender is a word used only by douchebag progressives, not men.
avatar for BBBC
4 years ago
^ right! Real men love cocks and us gay guys dont use those words
avatar for bkkruined
4 years ago
So, if he has a non conventional gender identity, people get all afraid of him.

But if he spent millions of dollars on the pageant just for the privilege of being creepy, his supporters are all gonna make excuses for him.…
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
^ Bkk, was Donald Trump accused of saying he feels like a lady and then hanging out in the women's dressing room or bathroom? If not then it's an apples to bananas comparison.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
I've yet to see anyone stare at genitals or expose themselves in a gender neutral restroom.

At a bar I had a girl flirt with me in one though.
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
Gender identity - mental illness.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Skibum you identifying as a man makes you mentally ill? Thats your gender isentity.
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
Yes Icee- me being a man makes me the opposite of you.
avatar for RandomMember
4 years ago

You can figure that only 0.5% of the population is transexual and that only a tiny fraction of those are pre-op trans-women. And only a tiny fraction of those accidentally or intentionally exposed themselves at a spa. By the time you do the math, you probably have a case or two across the entire nation sensationalized on right-wing media. Because claiming that all liberals are trying to push an alternate view of reality is a lot more "sexy" than coming up with a simple solution (like installing a locker room curtain for privacy).

Of course, sensationalizing a few trivial cases obscures the real issue that the trans population needs protection against discrimination and bigotry. And there are lots of topics that contain some substance. For example, Trump's ban on transgender soldiers and Biden's recent reversal. Why should gender identity disqualify an otherwise well-qualified soldier?

Let's face it -- most of these threads represent thinly-veiled intolerance and bigotry.
avatar for TheeOSU
4 years ago

Sure rummy, ask your chicom friends how many trannies they have in their military.…

Even your fellow lib Bill Maher admits we're losing to china!…

Yeah I know Maher is a centrist same as your worn out false self description of yourself. Dipshit!
avatar for doctorevil
4 years ago
“ Why should gender identity disqualify an otherwise well-qualified soldier?”

How about because the “treatment” will include medications and surgery that will make the person non-deployable for an extended period of time. The military doesn’t accept any other persons with medical conditions that will make them nondeployable. Why do transsexuals get a special right to join the military that others don’t have?

I’ll set aside now the social issues that are also impacted given the communal living and forced lack of privacy inherent in military life.
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
Under Random's theory we are fucking up a country that was formerly successful and creating a civil war over about .01% of the population who are mentally ill.,
avatar for DoctorPhil.
4 years ago
im not gonna engage with the trannie stuff cuz phil dont care but i am curious about something: given that u hate modern america why do u care who defends it?

lets go worst case scenario and assume the russians invade and they win cuz our army is a bunch a trannies. all those ruskies would do is outlaw the trannies an then issue an edict instructing all male americans to wear velour tracksuits. i would think u would like that

plus if ive learned anything from eastern european porno it is that hawt eastern european babes like it up the ass. so if the ruskies take over its all velour and sodomy and i like that idea

so i think ive proved that our military should be 100% trannie

your welcome
avatar for DoctorPhil.
4 years ago
ppl can u believe what a dim bulb some people on this thread are?

all it took was 1 minute of analysis by a space geneious an i realized that we could end up in a country dominated by stylin velour tracksuits and hotties that like it up the butt if only we kicked the cissies out of the army an had an all trannie force

im already tattooing любовь on the knuckles of one hand and ненавидеть on the other hand and getting ready to welcome the ruskies

does anybody know how to translate this phrase to russian: hey babe imma bury my luv missile in ur butthole but only if it is male on female sodomy as god intended? o well ill figure it out cuz im a geneious and ur not
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
===> "Because claiming that all liberals are trying to push an alternate view of reality is a lot more "sexy" than coming up with a simple solution (like installing a locker room curtain for privacy)."

Here's a solution: If you have a frank and beans, you do your private business where other people with franks and beans go, not where women and children go to do theirs. Simple.

You're welcome.
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
===> "Let's face it -- most of these threads represent thinly-veiled intolerance and bigotry."

Right. You got me. I should be fine with burly guys with 3 days beards walking into the same locker room that my 10 year old girl is undressing in. How could that go wrong? 🙈
avatar for DoctorPhil.
4 years ago
two things mr dugan

first what sorts of trannies are u fantasizing about? i mean chicks with dicks isnt my thing but if it is ur thing thats ok with phil.

but ur picturing some burly guy with a three day beard. does said guy at least have tits? if not ur thinking of a dude and not a trannie

second ur forgetting that skibum wants a civil war so u rly need to ramp this shit up. ur already fantasizing about burly guys that u call trannies now jus ramp that shit up to 11 and we will have some fun on this thread

here is an idea make the burly guy that ur fantasizing about be that weirdo that posts as bbbc. maybe rite some erotic fiction of mr bbbc and mr random and hell put mr skibum in there as a three way. i am sure u will enjoy it and it will dial this thread up to 11

but leave the 10 year old out of all of this shit u weirdo

your welcome
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
===> "but ur picturing some burly guy with a three day beard. does said guy at least have tits? if not ur thinking of a dude and not a trannie"

Dude I guess you haven't been keeping up. The places that allow this are all applying a self-identification standard. If the guy says that he's a woman then he gets to use the female facilities.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
4 years ago
Dugan “Right. You got me. I should be fine with burly guys with 3 days beards walking into the same locker room that my 10 year old girl is undressing in. How could that go wrong? 🙈”

How is this different than a gay 70 year old man walking around naked in front of your 10 year old son in the locker room at the gym? Happens every day in every gym.
avatar for doctorevil
4 years ago
C’mon McNulty, you’re not even trying now. The obvious difference is that if the 70 year old gay male just minds his own business and doesn’t do anything inappropriate, he is jus another guy with a dick in the locker room, and I don’t have to explain anything to my 10 year old.

A better analogy would be a 70 year old biological female, who may or may not claim to be a male, going into the male locker room, displaying her saggy breasts and worn out vagina, and forcing me to have a discussion with my 10 year old that he isn’t ready for.

avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
===> "How is this different than a gay 70 year old man walking around naked in front of your 10 year old son in the locker room at the gym? Happens every day in every gym."

If you can't process the difference between an old gay guy with the same biology walking around the male locker room vs. opening up a woman's locker room to predators and other perverts with penises, I'm not sure what else anyone could say to you.
avatar for DoctorPhil.
4 years ago
no mr dugan u are not keepin up

come on man ur keeping this shit at 10 and I ADVISED U TO RAMP THIS SHIT UP TO ELEVEN

how about this one what if we were talking about a burly guy with bushy eyebrowsthat also has 2 dicks and 5 tits goes in the womens locker room all waggling tits and dicks

not gonna happen u say? im making up shit to get a reaction u say?

u dont know that! i mean what if some deviant on this web site such as mr skibum goes xtra nutso and creates a body suit with a whole bunch of tits and dicks and then wears it into the locker room?

it would be ok as long as none of the supernumerary dicks are real u say then ur a fuckin woke liberal jackass

ok mr dugan thats how u ramp this shit up to 11 to get reaction. also notice how i didnt bring any underage kids into my rant. u should really try that in the future becaus ppl will think ur a fuckin sicko if u keep pulling that shit

your welcome
avatar for Cashman1234
4 years ago
I have an overly simplistic view of trans folks and bath/dressing/locker rooms.

If you’ve got a cock - you can use the men’s bath/dressing/locker room.

If you don’t have a cock - you can use the ladies bath/dressing/locker room.

Let’s not make this a gender identity issue. This is about plumbing.

I have no hate for transgender folks. I respect their ability to identify as they feel comfortable. But, don’t expose your junk in the ladies room.

Maybe there should be a penis room and a vagina room?

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
4 years ago
@doc - fair point. Seeing someone of the opposite sex’s bits may be a bit of a different discussion but if a trans female who still has a dick goes into a women’s locker room in most cases they probably won’t be showing it off, which brings me to…

@dugan - this is the second time you’ve used the “predators and perverts” argument and I don’t agree with it this time either. You’re not saying trans people are a threat. You are saying hetero male perverts will use trans as an excuse to get into the women’s locker room and do pervert things. My point is still the same as in the other thread. Prosecute the hetero perverts. Let the trans people go on about their business. I think we may actually agree that perverts don’t belong in the locker room. You just want to catch a few dolphins in your tuna net while I want to leave the dolphins alone.

My response is always going to be along the lines of if what you do is no threat to me and mine, do whatever you want. Trans people aren’t a threat just because they are trans.
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
===> "My point is still the same as in the other thread. Prosecute the hetero perverts. Let the trans people go on about their business."

Good thinking. Let's give much larger and stronger male pedophiles and other perverts unfettered access to locker rooms where women and young girls change and then hope for the best. How could that go wrong? Because of course allowing that is preferable to denying the emotional desires of a small population of dudes who feel like ladies.

Yup, that's some powerful logic there. Let's see how that little experiment goes after a while. In the meantime, I'll be watching from Florida, where male pedophiles and other sexual predators will NOT be allowed unfettered access to vulnerable women and girls - including my family. ✔

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
4 years ago
I guess. I’m not ok penalizing an innocent trans person because of the fear of what a hetero criminal might do. It’s more right to penalize the criminal.
avatar for Estafador
4 years ago
phew I saw that yesterday. What a mess. I mean technically they can't kick the trans-woman out because that would be discrimination. And that's a potential lawsuit I'm sure they're not willing to do in this covid client. I feel bad for every single person in the building. Treating the trans person like shit, treating the employees like shit, the woman feeling "scared" because they saw a penis.

But what, do they expect you to go in a nude spa with CLOTHING ON?!
avatar for Estafador
4 years ago
and I said this before in a different forum but creating seperate bathrooms would be SOOO expensive. The amount of money for plumbing and extra water to flow through the building would be bananas I'm sure. Because you gotta then make 2 extra bathroom, one for trans men and other for trans women. A penis policy would have to be made, but that's not exactly easy. Trans-woman probably wouldn't feel comfortable in a men only space either.
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
===> "I guess. I’m not ok penalizing an innocent trans person because of the fear of what a hetero criminal might do. It’s more right to penalize the criminal."

You're forgetting about the biological women and girls. Aren't they being penalized when we make them more vulnerable to predators? You do realize that by the time we're penalizing the criminal, the harm to the woman/girl is already done, no?

There's a reason why separate changing and bathroom facilities exist and it's as valid today as it ever was. The overwhelming majority of sexual crimes are male on female. We give women and girls separate privacy areas precisely to prevent much larger and aggressive males from having unfettered access to them when they are most vulnerable. Now to make a few chicks with dicks feel better about themselves, suddenly this is no longer a concern for some. Where the fuck did the common sense go?
avatar for Estafador
4 years ago
@rickdugun you do realize there is no real law against men and women going into separate bathrooms. It's more of a business policy than it is law. I know I've went to a few female bathrooms. Single stalls and only because I had to go BAD!

@desertscrub thanks buddy. I'll do that. at least your spittle will land on the fabric and not me. Plus my arms are like sex meat for females. They gotta work to see these gains!
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
4 years ago
@dugan - you keep wanting to focus on the hetero criminals and have dodged the main point of whether trans women should be allowed to use the ladies room. You do realize any such hetero male perverts can already masquerade as women? I’m not sure what incremental risk is created here. So we can move on, I’ll concede that some hetero male perverts could masquerade as trans to enter the women’s room. But let’s move back to the original point. I’ll ask the question directly:

Do you have anything against a former male now trans female using a women’s restroom? For sake of argument, let’s assume they are not a pedophile, not attracted to women and use the women’s bathroom like anyone else, entering the stall, closing the door and not showing their junk to anyone. If it makes you feel better, we can even assume they belong to the same church you do and have daughters of their own. Would that be ok?
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
nuclear fireball over this country would solve so many issues.
avatar for DoctorPhil.
4 years ago
see mr dugan this is how u crank shit up to 11

maybe try to think of things that u can actually accomplish however since i am sure that neither u nor mr skibum have access to enriched uranium
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
===> "@dugan - you keep wanting to focus on the hetero criminals and have dodged the main point of whether trans women should be allowed to use the ladies room."

Dude, the two issues are inextricably linked when the only standard is self identification. If you open it up to one dude with a cock and balls who only has to say that he's a woman to get in, you open it up to anyone who merely makes the claim.

Of course I have no problem with a post-op tranny using the ladies room. But we keep exposed penises away from private facilities where our wives and daughters are vulnerable for a reason.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
4 years ago
The perverts in the world already masquerade as doctors (Nasser), priests and Boy Scout troop leaders. They can masquerade as women without needing to pretend to be trans. Prohibition of trans use of a bathroom doesn’t make your or my daughters any safer. Gay men use locker rooms which would allow a pedophile access to a locker room. You’re not making anyone any safer by not allowing a trans to use a bathroom.
avatar for misterorange
4 years ago

So I think what you're saying is something like this:

I PRETEND to be a licensed contractor, and I forge some documents to make myself look legit. You hire me to build an addition to your home, but because I'm a demented sick fuck, when I'm done I purposely infest your house with termites. So since I have the ABILITY to pretend to be something I'm not (just to pull off some twisted prank) your solution would be to create laws that protect fake contractors, and make it a free-for-all.
avatar for doctorevil
4 years ago
So it turns out the transexual “female” has a long history of sex offenses and was walking around the ladies locker room with a partially erect penis. Charges of indecent exposure were recently filed. I suspect those charges will go nowhere since this happened in California.…
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
===> "So it turns out the transexual “female” has a long history of sex offenses and was walking around the ladies locker room with a partially erect penis."

And so it begins.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
Sounds the perv was using the "I identify as a woman" bullshit to do his perv thing even in front of young girls.

The fucking left is demented - they go after Dr Seuss and Mr Potato Head while pushing sexually explicit shir to middle and high schoolers - e.g. a while back parents at a school board meeting were complaining of the reading materials given to the high-schoolers that were pretty-much porn-novels such as one reading saying "... sometimes a girl just needs a big dick to ..." - and this is passed as "sex ed" to teens and sometimes early-teens
avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
A while back I heard of some male-prisoners being transferred to womens-prisons bc "they identified as women" and subsequently female-prisoners started getting pregnant.
avatar for Jascoi
4 years ago
oh shit. that’s good to remember.
avatar for From978
3 years ago
It appears that nobody in this discussion bothered to check whether the incident actually occurred.…

avatar for doctorevil
3 years ago
Check the dates on the articles. The Slate article is the hoax, which any moderately intelligent person could tell just by reading it.
avatar for yahtzee74
3 years ago
The guy who wrote the phony slate article is annoyed that he had to update his story with some facts.…
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