Most hot in demand dancers here in South Fla want $1K for OTC. I've tried to get some hot ones for $500 OTC and they won't do it. They tell me that they make $300 for doing a 30 minute room so if they come to my house and spend a couple of hours with me they won't do it for less than $1K. I think $1K is a lot and don't like paying that much, though I have done it before. Just never felt good about it. The only time I've spent $1K and felt good about it was with famous porn stars in the past that I'd watched many times and fantasized about. But I can't justify it for a local stripper. Wondering what the OTC rates are for you guys with the hot dancers in other places? For $1K I can go into the club on three separate occasions and get my rocks off. I prefer to have those three separate experiences rather than just one at my house. Now if it was $500 vs $300 I might opt for my house due to the convenience factor.


  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Thats the price they quote when they think they have leverage. Or what they think they can get out of you.

    Tell them there's no guarantee how much they'd make in a night. And with you its a guaranteed bag. Or just find someone else.

    I don't pay hoes. But I've had offers as low as $200 in Vegas and Los Angeles. I think a lot of factors come into play when they quote a price.

  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    $1K is a lot, but I'm in southern New England and not Southern Florida. I would also never invite a dancer (or any sex worker) to my home. So, mid-tier hotel for me (DayUse app is useful). The lowest I've had for OTC within the last couple of years was $300 plus hotel. It's usually $400 to $600 plus hotel. I'll note that I go after the hotter dancers in the club. Obviously, I could save money with lower standards.

    That said, I did have dancer recently quote $1K. And, yeah, she's gorgeous ... but $1K is a lot of money. Maybe I'd feel differently if money was no object, but that's not where I'm at.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    She sees you as a sucker, I doubt very much, many South Florida dancers/hookers are getting half of that amount, there might be some outliers but it’s certainly an unusually high amount
  • gobstopper007
    3 years ago
    Maybe she needs to buy some new tires
  • DenimChicken
    3 years ago
    > Maybe she needs to buy some new tires

    Yeah - those $1k girls will go down to ~$400 if you pay upfront through Zelle
  • georgmicrodong
    3 years ago
    Not gonna lie, it sucks here sometimes for some things, but inexpensive sex is not one of them. Flyover country is wonderful for some things.

    The roughly 6 hour romp I posted about recently in the Dayuse app discussion cost me about $350, including lunch and the room itself.

    This week's hour and a half meetup (not the same girl) cost me about $225 in total.

    I've had all-nighters that cost less than the $500 your locals won't take.

    Are the girls here all 9s and 10s? Of course not, but they're all hot *enough* to make it worth it to me.

  • misterorange
    3 years ago
    At the massage parlor I pay 60 for the room (1 hour) and tip the girl 200. I only see one girl there. She used to be a dancer, that's how I know her. Then she switched to full time MP. She's hot (like an 8 I'd say). She's very comfortable with that amount. I upped it from 150 about two years ago, so maybe she's due a raise soon.

    I don't do OTC all that often, but when I do it's with another dancer I've known a long time. First time we did it I didn't ask the price in advance. We did our thing and then I politely asked what she normally gets, having no idea what she'd say. Told me usually between 200 - 300. I gave her 250 and she was happy. That became our standard amount from then on. (Of course I pay for the motel also.) I also have to pick her up at her apartment and drop her off after because she doesn't drive, and she's not as hot as the other one (I'd say 7). She looks good and provides a great time, it's just that she's a little older, like early 40's and bit of cellulite butt. I like her though.

    So if I was to do OTC with a super-hot 9 or 10 who has her own transportation and there's no drama or bullshit, she's reliable, and gives a good GFE, I could see going up to 500 or so. A thousand? No way, not me. But it's whatever the market will bear. If you offered 500 and she flat out turned it down with no counteroffer (1,000 take it or leave it) then my compliments to her. I'd say either pay it or lower your standards a bit and find another.
  • herbtcat
    3 years ago
    I suggest that every wanna be PL who plans on getting a VIP or OTC spend at least 10 hours watching Tom Hopkins videos before you go into a club. You need to learn how to negotiate.

    If a stripper asked me for $1k for OTC, I'd just say nothing and wait - as long as it takes - until she said something else. Or I'd laugh and tell her that's not in my budget.

  • Subraman
    3 years ago
    I haven't had an OTC in a while, but that sounds like a number from a higher-earner Saturday nightshift girl. Or a girl who is so reluctant that she has to say a high number to make it worth her while. I'd be shocked if dayshift girls in a non-extras club were asking even half that. The whole "this is what a VIP costs, so OTC has to cost some function of that" is something only the most gullible buy into. It ignores way too many factors, it's just a meritless sales tactic ... although maybe meritless isn't the right word, since I"m sure that tactic works with a lot of guys.

    On thing for sure, if you're not going to pay the 1k, move on. She's either going to hate you for trying to bargain her down, or be very unhappy on the date.
  • doctorevil
    3 years ago
    "On thing for sure, if you're not going to pay the 1k, move on. She's either going to hate you for trying to bargain her down, or be very unhappy on the date."

    I don't agree with this. I negotiate often, and I've never had it negatively affect the experience if we reach a deal.
  • Subraman
    3 years ago
    I've heard lots and lots of terrible stories in TRs over the years.

    To clarify, if she's asking 1k and your max is 900, sure, bargain. If she's asking 1k and you're offering 450? I'd just walk. Maybe I'm missing out, but like I said, back in the RB days when TRs were explicit, bargaining her way down didn't always work out
  • Papi_Chulo
    3 years ago
    Hard to know w/ 100%-certainty what a dancer is thinking; but I’m in the camp that girls that ask for a huge amount are hardly ever worth it – as Subra mentioned, these are usually girls that are not into OTC and “may” be willing to do it only for an obscene amount; so they may not be worth the $$$ b/c they’ll likely not provide a worthwhile experience (and they may even try to play you to try to get the $$$, or at least part of it, while all along she’s not planning to follow-thru).

    What @DrE mentioned also has merit as some guys are good at negotiating, and many guys are not – there *are* girls that will come down from obscene amounts (they may just be testing the PL to see if they have a sucker-on-the-line but may be willing to come down to going-rates) – but as Subra mentioned, many of the girls asking for obscene amounts are likely just trying to play the PL in some way, IMO.

    A lot of inexperienced SCers think that OTC is as simple as just making a fair/decent offer – reality is that OTC is way more miss than hit and it’s more of an (PL) art than a science – often times it takes being a regular for a while b/f many a dancer may consider it (where she feels the PL is safe-enough and good for the $$$ given their ITC-experience); and many-a-dancer has no interest in taking anything outside-the-club – some clubs may be a bit more OTC friendly than others but they are not necessarily the norm – getting a dancer to do OTC “cold turkey” w/ an unknown PL has a very-high failure-rate for the avg PL (some guys have a knack for pulling it off but most PLs don’t IMO) – also doing OTC w/ a dancer you don’t know nor have even done ITC-extras with is not only kinda a long-shot but misguided (best to try ITC dances followed by ITC extras b/f considering OTC, IMO – if the dances don’t wow you, unlikely ITC-extras will; and if ITC-extras don’t wow you unlikely OTC will).
  • Papi_Chulo
    3 years ago
    I think you were being played - they probably pegged you for a sucker - I doubt the avg SoFlo SCer is paying that for OTC - as Subra mentioned, the "I get $X for ITC so I need $3X for OTC" is often just logic from girls that don't wanna do OTC to begin with; similar to the girls that are reluctant to do ITC-extras and want $3X the going ITC-extras rate for them to possibly take the plunge - at the end of the day you are either dealing w/ a GPS-queen or a reluctant dancer meaning likely you won't have a good-time and it'll be a waste-of-$$$ - again one should try and have some kinda rapport w/ a dancer ITC b/f throwing out OTC offers to see if they stick (if you’re not feeling her ITC nor feel she’s acting in good-faith; likely you won’t feel her OTC nor will she act in-good-faith OTC) – and yeah; not the best idea to invite someone you don’t know over to your house, or go to her house; nor meet in *her* hotel room; best-practice is for the PL to rent the room then meet her at the lobby or parking-lot then walk to your room (don’t even tell her the room # upfront) - doesn’t mean there’s a high-risk of something bad happening, but the risk is not zero. Also, some PLs are of the mind that it’s best for the PL to state the price vs ask a dancer “how much she charges for OTC” – asking an open-ended question like that makes the PL look clueless and ripe for over-charging in many a dancer’s eyes.

    If you type “OTC” in the TUSCL search box, you’ll see plenty of previous OTC threads w/ good recs.
  • Dolfan
    3 years ago
    A lot of solid points, but looking at your old reviews you're clubbing in the same areas as me. There are certainly girls who are going to ask for that, but a more realistic number is probably $350 or so. If you're only seeing numbers in that range you might want to consider your approach.
  • Nidan111
    3 years ago
    All I have to say is DON’T fuck that! Centreville, IL will blow that shot out of the water ALL DAY! ANY DAY! EVERY DAY! For $200 ! There is not a stripper in this USA that can hold a candle to any of those Centreville AMP Gals!
  • SteveSutton
    3 years ago
    Agree with never pay upfront.

    I don't know if prices have gone up post pandemic, but I've said before that I've done MANY SA dates which cost me around $300 in cities such as Louisville, Cincy, Columbus, El Paso ... and $500 in LA, Vegas, Miami, Boston. The only extra expenses you have are dinner, maybe a movie and Uber. I have not had great luck with OTC, maybe a few times and it was in the $300 or less range. One time in Atlanta where I met a young hot one at the old favorite and she went to my hotel after the shift for $250. Only spent an hour but that was enough.
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    Sometimes a dancer is saying no without saying no. It’s possible the $1000 amount is telling you she doesn’t want to do OTC with you.

    I have no idea what the going rate might be in south Florida - but $1000 is high for northeast NJ. If this girl is a real looker - making great money in a top club - then she probably doesn’t need to go to a guys house and deal with the added dangers she might face.

    Obviously you are taking chances having whores back to your house - but you should already know that - as you aren’t a newbie.
  • patrickbateman
    3 years ago
    @cashman1234 I've already done OTC with her one time for $1K but I thought it was too much to pay and didn't repeat. Since then I've seen her at the club regularly for $300 for a 30 minute room. I figured I got more value at the club. She really does charge her OTC clients $1K as she's shown me texts from other clients showing they pay her $1K. The first time I didn't believe that anyone would pay that much and she showed me some of her text convo's with clients. This girl is one of the hottest girls at her club and makes a lot of money. Sometimes when I go to the club I have to wait a long time to even do a room with her as she is already with another customer before I arrive. So, I get why she wants $1k to come to your house but I just think it's a lot and would rather just keep it in ITC at $300 for that rate discrepancy. I also agree with you about the risk of having whores in my home. I honestly feel safer in the champagne room at the club with no worries.
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    After reading tour reply - you’ve already paid the $1000 for OTC. - so I don’t think it will be easy (or possible) to negotiate future sessions at a lower rate.

    She’s a top earner - and she does OTC - and she knows her value/worth - so she’s in a good negotiating position.

    Enjoy her ITC experiences. It seems like a great time - and the rate is much lower too.
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    Damn I forgot what K meant and thought he was bitching about OTC for $1.00 lol.
  • DoctorPhil.
    3 years ago
    mr skibum if u forgot what k meant it may mean that u have the old timers dementia disease. perhaps u should go to ur physician for a diagnosis

    u may save some time if u send him a document with ur posts from this site because they read like somebody with the old timers disease and thistle is my diagnosis as a doctor of space geneiousness and close personal friend of many important stars like eddie vedic

    i hop u find ur old timers diagnosis helpful. your welcome
  • jacej
    3 years ago
    Just make sure that if you text young dancers, that you don't say "K" just by itself in a single text. Apparently, when you say "K" in a text, that means you're blowing them off or mad at them. It's apparently a short and terse version of "okay". I had no idea until I said "K" in a response to a text, and then got a text back asking why I was made at her.
  • Tiburon
    3 years ago
    I've seen some of these prices on online E-sites. $1K for ladies in certain areas seem to be common depending on how big her breastisis and/ore butt is. I did $500 at most and was very hard on the fact that I wouldn't go a penny more. But I also spent a small bit on drinks and/or food so I guess that shut her up. Have you tried offering up dinner?
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    Cashman said "you’ve already paid the $1000 for OTC. - so I don’t think it will be easy (or possible) to negotiate future sessions"

    Not necessarily. Before Covid, I overpaid for a VIP (as I do on occasion) with a dancer. We had a great time, but it for too much $$$. The next time I was there she approached me and I said, "You're a lot of fun, but I just can't justify paying that much for fun in a glorified broom closet." But I also told her that I wasn't haggling, because her price was her price. She thanked me and was nice about it, and walked away. After about a half hour, she came back to me and quoted a price that was about 25% less than before. I told her, "You know, most of the dancers here charge around $XXX." (which wasn't a bullshit number). She thought about it, came down in price again (still above but closer to the number I quoted), and off we went to VIP.

    The smarter, more practical dancers will recognize when they land a "big one" based on a customer's you-only-live-once, tiny-head reaction. After that, if you're polite and word it the right way, they'll often adjust their rates without holding a grudge.

    Depends on the dancer, though. Some do get and believe they deserve $1K per romp. For them, either you want to spend the money or you don't.
  • goodyman
    3 years ago
    Careful with OTC in South Florida. Those broads can be shiesty. Many Stories of dudes being ripped of and robbed meeting chicks there
  • Tiburon
    3 years ago
    @SteveSutton you say $300, but do these SA girls go all in or is it just dinner and a movie? Because that seems incredibly low for escorts (that's whatthey are) to give up the viscosity for. At least from what I've seen.
  • Tiburon
    3 years ago
    @goodyman I thought EVERYONE in South Fl was packing heat. You can literally buy one in the swamps for $100. I know, I been talking with private dealers. Apparently it's all legit from what I hear as long as the seller is licensed.
  • CJKent_band
    3 years ago

    I will play along and answer your question.

    Q: Wondering what the OTC rates are for you guys with the hot dancers in other places?

    A: In my limited experience in Los Angeles between 400 to 800.

    However some strippers would do ask for thousands if they think they can get it from a wealthy person (celebrity, business man, foreign royalty, wealthy drug lord, rappers, athletes, or anyone perceived as having the money to burn)

    In any case what difference would that make to you?

    “A thing is worth what someone is willing to pay for it; and someone is willing to accept for it.
    No more, and no less.”

    It is all inside your head, you wrote and I quote:

    “The only time I've spent $1K and felt good about it was with famous porn stars in the past that I'd watched many times and fantasized about.”

    You fantasize about her (the porn star) and made her worth that to you, others would not be willing to pay that much for the same “porn star”.

    If you wan to “negotiate” for a better deal for you, you have to make her believe that it is a better deal for her too. Like a Sugar Baby type of Arrangement. The security and consistency of weekly meetings for a better price.

    Think of the movie Pretty Woman for reference:

    Edward: Vivian, I have a business proposition for you.
    Vivian: What do you want?
    Edward: I'm gonna be in town until Sunday. I'd like you to spend the week with me.
    Vivian: Really?
    Edward: Yes. I'd like to hire you as an employee.
    Would you consider spending the week with me? I will pay you to be at my beck and call.
    Vivian: I'd love to be your 'beck and call girl', but you're a rich, good-lookin' guy.
    You could get a million girls free.
    Edward: I want a professional. I don't need any romantic hassles this week.
    Vivian: If you're talkin' 24 hours a day, it's gonna cost you.
    Edward: Oh, yes, of course. How much?
    Vivian: 6 full nights, days too. 4,000.
    Edward: 6 nights at 300 is 1,800.
    Vivian: You want days too.
    Edward: 2,000.
    Vivian: 3,000.
    Edward: Done.
    Vivian: Holy shit!

    Vivian: I would've stayed for 2,000.
    Edward: I would've paid 4. I'll see you tonight.
    Vivian: Baby, I'm gonna treat you so nice, you're never gonna wanna let me go.
    Edward: 3,000 for 6 days. And Vivian, I will let you go.

    One more word of advice, before you hop into this bed/deal, just be clear on what you are looking for in the relationship (a sugar baby relationship?, Casual “escorting type of sex?” Boyfriend/Girlfriend sex? PSE sex?) so you can make informed choices and can be honest with her about your expectations and the length of the Arrangement.

    Once more I will refer you to what Vivian said in Pretty Woman”
    “Baby, I'm gonna treat you so nice, you're never gonna wanna let me go ...”

    You probably want her to have that attitude to provide you with a good experience.

    I think the goal here is to have a mutually beneficial experience where you both walk away feeling that it was a good deal and would like to do it again.

    In any case just prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

    Let us know what happens.

    Good luck and be careful out there.

    And of course:

    Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen.

  • CJKent_band
    3 years ago

    What has worked for me for good OTC is to build a trusting relationship with a girl, make sure she knows I am a respectful reliable gentleman, safe, clean, discreet, and fun, funny.

    My All Time Favorite Stripper, Ally, started dancing when I was going to see a Current Favorite Ariel.

    Ally was just over 20 years, sweet, beautiful and shy. She became friendly and would seat with me while I was waiting for my CF, would let me know if my CF was not there, would tell the waitresses to let Ariel know I have arrived.

    Once she was tired and fell asleep on my shoulder and thanked me for letting her sleep and rest.

    One time when my CF didn’t show up I asked Ally to go to the 15 minute VIP, she was so sweet and excited.

    We had to wait for a “room” and she sat in my lap and we made out like teenagers. Once in the VIP we went as close as humanly possible to Full Service but didn’t do FS.

    After the VIP I asked Ally if she would be interested in OTC (would you be interested in meeting outside the club, we can have a better, more comfortable experience, and you don’t have to share money with the club?) and gave her my number, but she say she didn’t do that.

    I keep going to visit my CF and she didn’t show up another time and I took Ally to the VIP again, and again we were so close to FS, but we didn’t have FS, however she was so nice, excited, shy and cute.

    I was still visiting my CF, on the weekends, when Ally texted me on the middle of the week to ask me if I was still interested on OTC with her, I answer of course I am.

    We made an appointment, I went to pick her up near her place and we went to a small hotel and had a very nice GFE type of experience. Ally was a sweet and nice Baby Stripper.

    Ally and I developed a Sugar Baby type of relationship we had OTC almost every week for more than two years.

    I would pick her up on Sunday afternoon, get a nice hotel room and make love, massage each other, have room service sometimes we would go to dinner to a nice fancy place. She would refer to me as her fiancé to other people, her sister told me.

    I have thousands of pictures of her modeling cute sexy outfits I got for her. Around Halloween she was slave princesses Leia from Star Wars, Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader, Playboy Bunny. Around Christmas a sexy miss Santa, naughty school girl.

    Like I said Ally was a baby stripper when we meet, very sweet and nice, the sex got better and better because she was more comfortable and felt safe relaxed and was able to let herself go and enjoy it, I enjoyed it too, she would experience multiple orgasms and was very shy and sweet about it.

    Sometimes she would spend the night and would fall a sleep with her head on my chest like the little angel she was.

    She texted me one last time letting me know she was moving on and thanking me for the relationship...

    She was worth every penny and every second I spent on her.

    Thank you for making me remember that OTC relationship.
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