
Comments by DoctorPhil. (page 12)

  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Founder should close and lock old threads
    ^ As always Mr. Slash makes a great point. This space genius does, however, have one bone to pick with Mr. Slash. It is this: when you make a cogent point that will be helpful to the rest of the board you should end your post with a hearty “you’re welcome” Or “your welcome” if you’re feeling saucy! That how the poorly educated of TUSCL know that they are supposed to listen. You’re welcome!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    What are the chances of dying while taking a crap?
    Relax Mr. Scrub. Ms. Spice is performing the service of bumping threads about dying on the shitter. I think you would be grateful. You strike me as the most likely TUSCL poster to die on the shitter. Well...it’s a toss up between you and Mr. Dugan. I mean really...that guy has shit for brains and that does not bode well for his future bathroom activities. Perhaps ironically, Mr. Crazyjoe will not die on the shitter. That is just not in his future. He’ll try. But he won’t succeed
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    You know I used to think back in the day Ferris Buehler was so cool
    ^ Yep, the guy who played the principal was busted for the kiddie porn. He was a sick dude. And that’s why Ferris was fucking with him throughout the movie. You totally misunderstood the film. Ferris was helping his bud grow by fucking up a classic car, setting up his sister with Charlie Sheen, and fucking up the life of principal pervert. Ferris is a national treasure. As always, you’re welcome!
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    3 years ago
    * disclaimer for the overly liters and/or gullible: there is no evidence that Einstein fucked Ms. Monroe But c’mon man...is a universe where Einstein didn’t fuck Monroe worth living in? I HAVE TO BELIEVE IT HAPPENED
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Leaving aside Mr. CJ and Mr. Icee, I’d like to return to something Mr Scrub said: “POMPEO jerked off marilyn monroe that caused 911 and the cow jumped over the moon, but trump did not catch it..” Now I’m as down with a good time travel conspiracy as the next guy, if only for the lulz. But I’m disturbed because you seem to be implying that Ms. Marilyn “Einsteinfucker” Monroe was a dude. C’mon man, if Pompeo followed a closed timeline loop to engage in sexual activity with Ms. Monroe he’d be a fool if he didn’t use all three holes! She was all woman. Einstein fucked her and he was a fucking genius/demented pervert! Side point...Mike Pompeo calls subscribers to his PAC the “PIPEHITTERS”. Make of that what you will...
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    ^ And I recommend “Big”. Tom Hanks plays a kid who turned into an adult and smashes with Elizabeth Perkins. Good fun! Two thumbs up!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    ^ To be fair Mr. Random is correct that we did not bomb Iraq in 2001 since that wa 2003. If I were being pedantic I might inform Mr. Mark that we did not bomb Afghanistan in September 2001 either as Operation Enduring Freedom(tm) began on October 7, 2001. But I would hate to pedanify Mr. Mark too much because he has made it clear that he was educated in logic, rhetoric, debate, and advanced bottle opening at his university. You don’t wanna cross brains with a guy that can successfully remove a bottle cap in less 1/2 hour (much faster if it’s a twist off) so just admit defeat now! If I were being extra pedandomaniacal I’d inform Mr. Gamma that the fall of Saigon was during the Ford administration and that Mr Gerald R. “Pigskin HUT” Ford was a Republican. But saying that might get me labeled as a pedantifying librul so I shan’t do that. Besides Mr. Gamma and Mr. Mark were BFFs who graduated valedictorian and salutatorian at their University of Advanced Logic, Rhetoric, Debate, and Silly Walks. Now you know Mr. Random! 😃
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Free Legal Advice - Serious Question
    For Mr. Dunderino AZ, you asked Mr. Skibum “ How does saying all old guys are fat making the comment "chicken shit"?” Simple, Mr. Skibum is an old fat boomer guy who grew up thinking outfits with fringes were cool. There is only one man in the history of the world who could pull off fringes and that was Mr. Roger “Dodger” Daltry. But Mr. Skibum thought he could pull them off and it warped his brain. Made him hate young people who didn’t grow up wearing fringed outfits. That, my goog sir, is why he posted nonsense about you. You’re welcome! Dr. Phil, S.G., B.S.C. (space genius, Bronze swimming certification)
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    THAT Girl
    Okay, now that we’ve all given Dugan sufficient feedback aren’t we going to address the 800-lb gorilla in the room? I’m speaking, of course, about the forced vaccination of Mike the Tiger that the other rick pointed out. Now, I don’t want to cause this thread to degenerate into more covid bullshit. But I think we can all agree that having this thread descend into covid bullshit due to a fucking tiger has the potential to be funny as shit. MIKE HAS RIGHTS. MIKE HAS RIGHTS. MIKE HAS RIGHTS. Say it loud and proud: MIKE HAS RIGHTS!!!!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Vaccinated man dies from Covid, doctors say "would have been worse" if he was un
    I dunno Mr. twentyfive. The gummint is probably beaming XTRA POWERFUL MIND CONTROL BEAMS (tm) at Mr. Anderson. To be on the safe side he needs two layers of foil on his stylish fedora and a trench coat completely lined with foil. He might not need foil shoes but you can never be too safe. The CIA might be beaming shit at him from satellites on the other side of the Earth.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    It is not great wealth in a few individuals that proves a country is prosperous,
    ^ Ooo ooo I’ve got a better psych 101 experiment! Everybody pays $1 to enter a lottery to win a car. But you win and it turns out to be a 1977 Mercury Bobcat. Turns out the professor just wanted to get rid of his old Bobcat. And he made money! Yay!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Wanna go clubbing?
    Best Strip Club Cars
    All of you are wrong. Mr. Dugan says he’s the most successful club goer on this board and I have it on good authority that he drives a one-eyed Mercury Bobcat without a muffler. That MUST be the right answer!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Adventures of Assjobman
    Thunderstorm = Lights out
    ^ Take Mr. Scrub’s advice he’s a lawyer so it is legal advice. Wait, that was the Skibum character that was playing a lawyer. Regardless, Mr. Scrub seems to have a firm grasp on reality so do what he says and report back! This is some high quality Phil advice(TM)
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    It is not great wealth in a few individuals that proves a country is prosperous,
    ^ Based on what you say Mr. Skibum the smart EU countries a conning the stupid Americans into paying for their defense while they party on. Maybe you like loser America but I like the WINNER countries! Wait, you hate America too. Seems to me like you should also like the EU conning the stupid Americans. I guess we’re on the same side after all. Yay!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    THAT Girl
    I dunno Mr. Dawg. Mr. Dugan might retain his interest. It is my theory that this particular “that girl” reminds Mr. Dugan of his meemaw, Dixie Dugan. Back in the day Ms. Dixie Dugan was such a freaky girl - the kind you don’t take home to mother as Mr. Rick James would say - that they mass produced pornographic tracts about her in Tijuana. You want evidence? Check it out: https://tuscl.net/discussion.php?id=76829
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    SJG's frenzy-posting to nicespice's threads
    ^ Is keeping Ms. Spice’s tits at the top of the page a bad thing? Seems to me that San Jose Guy is onto something here. Phil’s solution: Ms. Spice should post more tit pics and all of them should be at the top of the fucking page! As always, you’re welcome
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Going to a club while neurodivergent
    ^ I’m all down with inclusion when it comes to being autistic or even generally being a sped. I mean really, some speds are also nice guys. Speds need love too! But I draw the line at douchebaggery. Just on’t call a douche “neurodivergent” The hard thing from a moral standpoint is when a sped is also a douche. I mean really, do you forgive the douche behavior just because they’re a sped?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Going to a club while neurodivergent
    ^ Yes. Yes it is. TUSCL should embrace it given the number of strokes, spazzes, and retards posting here. I mean really, when I was in elementary school taking the genius classes there was this short bus - err...neurodivergent - kid that we all called spedmonkey Calling the guy sped monkey scarred him for life. I heard that he grew up to be a real douche. I’ve considered issuing apologies for the spedmonster I made, but then again I don’t care that much.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Vaccines nearly useless in preventing transmission of Covid?
    Mark, the point is that you have an opportunity. You say you want a debate. But then when somebody answers with an actual link to a part of the scientific literature you dismiss it. I describe - in a civil response - why I think you’re wrong. Specifically, I said that you copy-pasted a paragraph from the introduction of the paper in question rather than the conclusion But instead you switch back to complaining about how twentyfive is insulting you. Personally, I don’t see the appeal of a real debate in this forum, but if you want to have one it is within your power to make that happen. The truth is that you are guilty of a fallacious debate tactic; the “Gish gallop”: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gish_gallop That’s when you move from topic to topic so fast you’re opponents in the debate can’t engage with specific points. Dugan provides links to three scientific publications, stating that one indicates that post-infection immunity to covid is actually better than vaccination. I respond by stating that his his interpretation of the publication is inconsistent with the title of the publication and with the abstract summarizing the work. Now to be fair, it is clear the Mr. Dugan doesn’t want to debate. Ever notice how even the people who agree with Dugan on specific issues think he’s a douche? Hell, I’ve been shitposting for giggles and people have PM’ed me with comments about what a douche he is. Given that I’ve been being an asshole that should tell you something. Trust me, dugan does not have the high ground. The point is that YOU claim you want to have a debate. So start a thread about the topic, avoid the Gish gallop, politely ask participants to be serious, ignore off-topic insults, and have that debate.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    The Art of San Jose Guy
    ^ Mr. shailynn are you more offended by San Jose guy’s man crush on you or by Dugan’s man crush on Ron DeSantis? Let’s assume that the will be no panel vans, zip ties, or chloroform irl. There may be homemade sex dolls. In fact I have it on good authority that dugan already has one. But I suppose that you can’t trust every pm you get...
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Sponsored Vitamin V Super Stud, the secret!
    “ At its heart it's really a troll on Shailene that's thinly veiled as a juicebox man-crush. And note the missing "no homo" disclaimer.” is there anything wrong with that? I mean rly, if anybody on here would see the humor in San Jose guy having a man crush on him I think it is Mr. Shailynn It’s all good as long as there are no irl panel vans and chloroform If you’re going to complain about man crushes here’s a weird one for you: Mr. dugan and the governor of Florida. C’mon man. It’s one thing to feel a politician is doing a good job but dugan has a notebook filled with doodles that say “Mr. Rick DeSantis”. Somebody tell him DeSantis is already married — to a woman!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Vaccines nearly useless in preventing transmission of Covid?
    Mark, maybe you should think about your own logical fallacies. “ 25 seems to have spent all his time in comedy clubs listening to second rate insult comics.” Why aren’t you deconstructing his arguments dispassionately and responding based on their substance? There have been exactly two posts in this thread that have referenced SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE. One was dugan’s and the other was Justin’s. I responded to dugan’s by pointing out that the TITLE of the article that he advanced as evidence that prior infection is substantially more protective than vaccines. Both the TITLE and the ABSTRACT implied that prior infection = vaccination. So dugan is wrong about the details. But I’ll be fair and say that if that preprint passes peer review it definitely suggests that previously infected individuals don’t need to be vaccinated. What else do YOU take from that paper? Justin posted a paper which you promptly dismissed. Then you went back and looked for info to back up your contention that the Justin’s link to a SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION was just guesswork. To be fair, you actually quoted the paper. Your analysis of the paper would have been more convincing, however, if you had actually quoted material from the end of the paper, not the beginning. In other words, you quoted the authors’ INTRODUCTORY material (i.e., right now we don’t know if masks work) rather then their CONCLUSIONS. Look Mark, I don’t think anybody on here is going to change anybody’s mind about anything more substantive than the best kind of pants for a lap dance. My intention was to bust your balls a bit and have a laugh. I’m perfectly happy for you to throw shit back at me. And the truth is that If you can’t take a joke that’s fine. You could politely PM me and ask me to lay off. But I’m just you look kind of foolish when you hold yourself up as the expert debater trained in rhetoric, logic, and philosophy and then you don’t actually engage with the source relevant material
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Vaccines nearly useless in preventing transmission of Covid?
    By the way, I noticed that you’re offended by “boi” so I chose to use that term for you. My armchair psychoanalysis is that you panic when you think about your latent homosexual desires and the term “boi” reminds you of those desires. You and markyboi should powwow and see if you can solve your internal conflict. Not sayin how ya might do that, just trying to help! As always, you’re welcome! 😉
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Vaccines nearly useless in preventing transmission of Covid?
    Dugan, I can see that I my modest complements have gone to your head. I’ll make three points: First, my “retard idiom” often gets funny reactions. Given that my goal is to have a laugh it serves it serves its purpose. In contrast, constantly posting covid bullshit on a site where all vocal posters - with the exception of twentyfive - agrees with you seems kind of pointless. Of course, you probably think it does serve your stated goal because you’re kind of a dumbass... Second, you probably didn’t understand this but my contention is that you - MR. RICKYBOI DUGAN - are a DUMBASS WHO DIDN’T UNDERSTAND WHAT HE READ. I’d advise you to google more but you probably still won’t understand what you read. I will give you credit for the fact that at least identified reliable sources - albeit two that weren’t yet peer-reviewed. I’ll cut you slack since you probably don’t understand what that is. Overall, that puts you up on Mr. Mark and Mr. Anderson. But if you want to shoot for “geneious” I would recommend aiming a bit higher. Third, you may just have to live with the fact that other cities and states may do things differently that you would. I suspect you haven’t actually traveled abroad so I’ll tell ya something: other countries also do things differently. Just be glad your man-crush governor is doing what you want and accept that you ain’t gonna change what NYC and CA are doing by posting your opinions on a web site for perverts. C’mon man. You’re obviously a demented pervert. Lean into that and tell some good stories! I suspect 90% of your stories are bullshit, but most of the words are spelled correctly, your grammar is passible, and you have a good sense of narrative flow. Go with your strength and don’t waste your limited brainpower trying to understand things beyond your ken!