Our current politics is all about narrative vs facts and only one narrative allowed to be discussed - there is little to no dissemination of vaccine deaths, side-effects, or true-efficacy - anyone just raising a question is automatically attacked, deplatformed, labeled an anti-vaxer, or worst a racist - I'm pretty-sure there are a lot more deaths and injuries from the vax that is allowed to be disseminated - the issue is not someone asking questions or raising issues w/ the vax, the issue is the constant attack on anyone that raises questions.
Case in point of only one narrative allowed to be disseminated
Recently there was a video of an immunologist (Dr Dan Stock) that was speaking before a school board in Indiana - he had a different take on masks and vaccines, as well as many other doctors and scientists - anyway his opinion runs counter to the only narrative that's currently allowed - if one does a search for the video it's very hard to find and almost everything that comes up is of doctors refuting his opinion but not the original video of him stating his viewpoint - I had to go to Rumble.com to find it b/c it would not come up in a search - his far from the first, or only scientist/doctor, who is attacked and deplatformed b/c he refutes the narrative:
Stock is no immunologist. He is a Family Medicine practitioner. He does complementary and integrative functional medicine, just like Tenpenny and Mercola. For these types, bullshit = clicks and clicks = money. So, yeah, many internet sites actively attempt to suppress this type of misinformation when people's lives are at stake.
The gummint is probably beaming XTRA POWERFUL MIND CONTROL BEAMS (tm) at Mr. Anderson. To be on the safe side he needs two layers of foil on his stylish fedora and a trench coat completely lined with foil.
He might not need foil shoes but you can never be too safe. The CIA might be beaming shit at him from satellites on the other side of the Earth.
Recently there was a video of an immunologist (Dr Dan Stock) that was speaking before a school board in Indiana - he had a different take on masks and vaccines, as well as many other doctors and scientists - anyway his opinion runs counter to the only narrative that's currently allowed - if one does a search for the video it's very hard to find and almost everything that comes up is of doctors refuting his opinion but not the original video of him stating his viewpoint - I had to go to Rumble.com to find it b/c it would not come up in a search - his far from the first, or only scientist/doctor, who is attacked and deplatformed b/c he refutes the narrative:
>>You can't make this stuff up.<<
Sure you can let me show you how,
aluminum foil protects you from government overreach rays
I just make that up as I go along, but you can rest assured the truth will never penetrate your aluminum foil lined headgear
The gummint is probably beaming XTRA POWERFUL MIND CONTROL BEAMS (tm) at Mr. Anderson. To be on the safe side he needs two layers of foil on his stylish fedora and a trench coat completely lined with foil.
He might not need foil shoes but you can never be too safe. The CIA might be beaming shit at him from satellites on the other side of the Earth.
Lol, it was more than disseminated; his BS went viral
Real Danger In COVID
has PDF link for actual 10 page text