
Comments by DoctorPhil. (page 13)

  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Vaccines nearly useless in preventing transmission of Covid?
    For the uninitiated (and unable to use google) the BNT162b2 vaccine is the Pfizer vaccine
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Vaccines nearly useless in preventing transmission of Covid?
    Question for dugan: Why do you care so much? You post thread after thread in the “we overreacted to covid” genre and freak out when people disagree. But you live in a state where covid restrictions are essentially non-existent. My friends in Florida have told me that they see some places with “we request that you wear a mask” signs up but even those places aren’t forcing anybody. Add to that the fact that your man-crush governor isn’t going to be up for reelection until next year and my friends say he’s probably going to win. I haven’t dug that deeply because I don’t care, but the point is that your utopian state is very likely to have the policies you want for some time. So what’s your issue? You are clearly sinking time into this. You’re obviously doing “research” and, to be fair, you linked to an actual respected medical journal (the Lancet) and two medrxiv papers. The latter are not yet peer-reviewed but they do come from genuine medical researchers. Color me skeptical that you understand said articles completely. For example, the article you cite as supporting the contention that “natural immunity” is 6.7x more protective than vaccination is entitled “Protection of previous SARS-CoV-2 infection is similar to that of BNT162b2 vaccine protection: A three-month nationwide experience from Israel” and it doesn’t mention the 6.7x figure in the abstract...y’know, where you might expect something so striking to be reported. Instead they report values of 96.8% protection from severe illness [CI 92.5-98.3%] by prior infection vs 94.4% protection from severe illness [CI 93·6, 95·0%] by vaccination. In other words, essentially the same values... Vaccination vs prior infection values were similar for the other outcomes assessed. Maybe the 6.7x figure is buried somewhere in the full paper, which I didn’t read. Although your links interested me more than Anderson’s because they were to reputable sources, I don’t have the energy or interest to wade through the details. But, again, I am highly skeptical that you actually understand the minutia and I am fairly certain that the authors wouldn’t bury greater efficiency in the paper rather than highlighting it in the abstract. I will point out one benefit of that you may not quite understand...you don’t have to get the disease to get the immunity. I would think that is pretty obvious but given your posts I’m not sure you actually understand what the vaccine does. You just seem to be sure of one thing: ricky no like vaccine! But here’s the thing: nobody is forcing you to get vaccinated. Sure, people complain that you’re an idiot for not getting vaccinated but somehow I think you’ve been called an idiot at previous times in your life. I’d think you’d be used to it and let it roll off your back at this point! Dugan, you write well. You’re not fucking Hemingway, but you spell correctly and use proper grammar much of the time. Basic literacy skills put you ahead of a lot of internet posters. Why don’t you return to posting stories about your adventures in clubbing and OTC and lay off the covid? Sure, you come across as a major douche in your “I’m letting my pervert flag fly” posts but you’re an entertaining douche in those posts. You’re just a douche in your covid rands. As always, you’re welcome!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Grateful to be back in Floriduh
    also u misspelled your welcome just thought id let u know since im a geneious and u arent
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Grateful to be back in Floriduh
    ^ i guess ur iguana molestation embarrasses u i guess ur not a real floriduh man(tm). sad that u dont want to live ur heritage I feel sorry for u 😞
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Vaccines nearly useless in preventing transmission of Covid?
    mr anderman i thought u did not believe in viruses becaus u felt the data pointed toward diseases being caused by evil spirits or alien anal probes regardless mr anderman i believe u have stated that u live in californium or some other place u consider benighted so i want to tell u that u should consider becoming an “honorary real floriduh man”(tm) just go to a burger king and wash ur balls in the soda machine. let things unfold from there
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Grateful to be back in Floriduh
    since mr dugan is lamenting that this thread has begun io spin into covid bullshit i shall rescue the thread just because i am a stand up kind of geneious rr dugan becaus this is a thread about returning to “Floriduh” why dont u explain the ritual behind becoming a “real floriduh man”(tm) after all it would appear that u consider mr twentyfive a “pussy florida man”(tm) as i understand it all “real floriduh man”(tm) candidate undergo a rigorous and demandding ritual to earn the right to call themselves floriduh men: the ritual begins in some sort of fast food restaurant. the young “floriduh boy”(tm) will enter the establishment, say a burger king, remove his pants, and find a way to wash his ball in the soda machine. all the while he leads a chant of “if this is a free country why cant i wash my balls in the soda machine this is floriduh so fuck u fuck u yeah floriduh!!: most north florida an panhandle fast food restaurants will give free fries after the “holy ball washing”(tm) then the floriduh boy gets good an drunk on the cheapest form of alcohol he can procure. a large number of floriduh boys fail becaus the cheap liquor they obtain causes blindness once sufficient cheap booze has been ingested the floriduh boy must perform the holy ritual of “gatormania”(tm) the holy ritual of gatormania(tm) requires the florida boy to find a gator and stick his thumb up said gators butthole. then he feeds the gator a french fry to show respect for the most important “floriduh animal”(tm) and make up for any psychic pain inflicted during gatormania(tm). gators are actually sensitive creatures who dont like thiat shit u may ask why ther arent more gatormania(tm) fatalities. the short answer is that most floriduh boys get confused, go to a pet store, and molest an iguana or bearded dragon do u remember ur gatormania(tm) mr dugan? trick question becaus no real floriduh man(tm) remembers gatormania. but somewhere there is an iguana that remembers and rly hates mr dugan DISCUSS! now that this geneious has shifted this thread away from the covid and toward the sociology of floriduh we can proceed with the discussion your welcome
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Grateful to be back in Floriduh
    ^ religious reasons the midget was catholic
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Grateful to be back in Floriduh
    yes u should totally convince a stripper to do a two on one with u and ur buddy she can stand on her head while taking ur dick in her mouth and ur buddy’s dick in her butthole but to make it truly worthwhile u need a midget covered in salad dressing to lick ur ass thru the whole experience but get vaxxed if ur gonna do that shit or u could post fantasies about ur strip clubbing all the while staying locked in ur basement with ur ron desantis sex doll like somebody who shall remain nameless what sounds like more fun?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    'I'm a Porn Star—Porn Sex is Not Real Sex'
    it sounds like ms stokeley is actually one of the lesbianese i think she doesnt like the dick in vagina kind of sex however this space geneious thinks that she was referring to the simple fact that many actions in the porn movie genre and things normal average ppl engage in seldom or not at all i mean rly when is the last time u and ur buddy did two on one with a chick who was standing on her head takin ur dick in her mouth and ur buddys dick in her ass all while a blindfolded midget covered in balsamic vinaigrette give u a rimjob? it has been at least two weeks for me plus there was no dick in vagina mentioned so no sex by ur definition either I hope this clarifies things your welcome
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Olympics - Anybody Watching ?
    i like the womenfolks beach volleyball but they should rly mandate thongs. those bikini bottoms rly cover too much id also like it if they had a d cups leage too i am planning to write the IOC with my ideas. u can thank me in 2024 when ur watching topless d cups volleyball your welcome
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Infrastructure bill and crypto
    bad mark remember: no politics in the front rom. ur making baby jesus cry dont make me thwack u on the nose with a rolled up newspaper
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    Eviction / Homelessness Crisis and the Pandemic
    mr dugan are u sayin ur never lit ur own farts with a match? i know that can’t be the case my posterior predictive algorithm gives a 99.9% posterior probability to the statement “mr dugan lights his own farts and he laffs and laffs and laffs” dont take that as a criticism mr dugan lighting ur own farts endangers fewer ppl than most of ur u bein u activities. so fart away my man!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    Eviction / Homelessness Crisis and the Pandemic
    on second thought mr mark may think he understands gaslighting I fact I suspect he is holding a match behind his ass rite now trying desperately to fart when he does hell say “im gaslighting im gaslighting”
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    Eviction / Homelessness Crisis and the Pandemic
    ^ au contraire mon frere twentyfive mr mark doesnt know the meaning of gaslighting he is knocking over the chess pieces, shifting on the board, and following u around saying “i win i win i win”
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    Eviction / Homelessness Crisis and the Pandemic
    mr twentyfive y are u arguing wit mr mark and mr dugan? arguing with those two is like playing chess with a pigeon. no matter how good u play the game is gonna end with all the pieces knocked over and shit on the board after that mr mark will follow u around and continually proclaim victory mr dugan is actually more fun becaus the rick the pigeon way is to chug a bottle of flying whiskey, shit everywhere, and fly off thru a red light causing an 8 car pileup mr dugan does something analogous. it is fun to watch as long as u wait at least 1/2 hour after his mercury bobbcat has left the area your welcome
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Infrastructure bill and crypto
    y u discuss any sort of bill in front room? dont u know that politics in the front room makes baby jesus cry? u dont want to make baby jesus cry do u? thats what bad ppl do
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    New Jersey
    When the clubs close again
    since i have turned over a new leaf and only want to help rather than debate i would like to make a recommendation to all of u u should really keep the eagle birds music playing in ur head. u know like earworm but deeper then if the cdc demands more business closing it will happen except in florida because mr desantis wont let it but u will be happy because those mellow early 70s californee sounds will be echoing in ur head trust me u will be all reichstag smeichstag or u could move to florida but then it is all ppl washing their balls in the burger king soda fountain and gators and ricks and shit like that. do u want to live like that? better to take it easy in the hotel california your welcome
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Indiscreet Girls
    it would have been a funnier story if mr dugan had been with his wife u should do that one next mr dugan your welcome
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Simone Biles - Yay or Nay?
    ^ i would have have thought that the 69th comment would be nice i realize ur disappointed in me biles but i did not even realize that she dropped out or whatever. i am focusing on the beach volleyball. u should try that mr motorhead your welcome
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Judge orders destruction of tape showing Robert Kraft having oral sex
    ^ u seem angry mr scrub when i feel like i might become angry i imagine that old eagle birds song about runnin down the road tryin ta loosen my load then i heed the words of glenn freyerson and i take it easy u should try that your welcome
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    New Jersey
    Don't let the Delta Variant bite your dickoff
    Look Mark, I wrote 5 paragraphs because you seemed genuinely hurt. As I said, I don’t think anybody is going to convince anybody of anything meaningful on this site. So all that is left is joking around. Joking around by mocking you is fine, if you’re taking it in that spirit. But if I really did kick you in a sensitive spot it officially became “non-fun” for me. If I did that I’m genuinely sorry. Take that for what it’s worth. If you weren’t bothered that’s great. You be you man. Peace
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    New Jersey
    When the clubs close again
    ^ are u saying that ppl SHOULD touch ur discarded ron desantis doll? i was just informing ppl of the risk associated with touching ur discarded sex dolls so they could make their own informed decision. i thought that was what u wanted
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    New Jersey
    Don't let the Delta Variant bite your dickoff
    Fuck! This thread is still going! Great trolling Mr. Willy! Two things. First, Mr McNulty nobody is going to change anybody’s mind on here. The only thing a thread like this is good for is to have a laugh Second, for Mr. Mark: why so sensitive? I was having a real laugh until I got you your thread about how those “on the left” need to feel all morally and intellectually superior. You seem very bothered by people on the internet thinking you’re ignorant of science or whatever the fuck you think other people think about you Given that I’m mocking you for laughs one thing I don’t feel is morally superior. That said, your posts sort of felt a bit like that point when you were in elementary school and you’re hanging out on the playground and everybody is ripping on each other and one kid starts crying because something go said that was too close to home My advice to you, and this is 100% sincere and not intended to mock you, is to not worry about what other fuckers on the internet think about you. I don’t know you at all. You may very well be morally upstanding and quite intelligent. You may not be. I have no info One thing you should never do is change your mind about things because some rando said shit on the internet. If you’re really interested and willing to change your mind you should ask yourself what information might make you change your mind about something you believe and focus on THAT. But stop being so bent out of shape by people mocking you on the internet. And now back to our regularly scheduled idiocy! Have you heard that Mr. Dugan has a life-size Ron DeSantis sex doll?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    I'm surprised more strippers don't look for info on here
    if u were a stripper would u look for info on here? i am not saying tuscl isnt entertaining. it is very entertaining. but the only useful thing a stripper might glean is that if a guy wearing a tattered suit comes into the club and tries to grease a manager u should stay away especially if he has a life size sex doll of ron desantis riding shotgun in his car