
Comments by DoctorPhil. (page 11)

  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    What happened to 'America's Mayor'? 'Drunk' Giuliani imitates the Queen
    “Cognitive decline is no joke and affects many senior citizens” Also affects those who ate lead paint as a child, like Mr. Dugan and Mr. Mark. Oops, I misspoke. Dugan still eats lead paint. He accompanies his every meal with a side of paint chips and a warm Sancerre.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Wanna go clubbing?
    Strippers making more $$$ in one night than most people do in a week
    Mr. Mark you scoff at Mr. Twentyfive but I think you should really consider making a move abroad, making a shit ton of money, and returning to the States. I recommend that you consider a career as a member of the Saudi royal family. All yo need to do is go to the embassy and make some inquiries. Tell them that you really admire MBS and that you would like to be adopted. I’m sure MBS can find it in his heart to call you “son”! You’re welcome!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    In the wind
    Is Ivermectin Right for You?
    Disclaimer for the clueless: ivermectin is a safe and effective drug...for the treatment of helminth parasites. As Mr. Scrub indicates there are formulations for humans and for animals (more than two, but I’ll give this one to lil’ Mr. Scrub because he’s tryin’ so hard) Do not purchase the formulation for horses and dose yourself. I promise that none of you can do the calculations necessary to get a proper dose. I realize that calculation is simple, but I still don’t think Skibum or Scrub can do it) And do not, under any circumstances, mainline horsey dewormer.
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    3 years ago
    In the wind
    Is Ivermectin Right for You?
    ^ Don’t be mad Mr. Skibum. If you practice practice practice you might win the Belmont Stakes next year. Here is an idea for you: you get a bigger dose of ivermectin if you take the horse dewormer both orally and anally. You should try that. You’re welcome.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    2Icee Has Some Competition For Pimping
    That article is 100% true. Have you seen the OnlyFans executives? Here is a photo of the CEO and board of directors https://media2.fdncms.com/chicago/imager/u/original/43760736/x00003_9.jpg You’re welcome for letting me educate you.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Learn me how not to be a shithead in the future
    Also, for those paying attention to Mr. ATAC I have a special Phil hint(tm) When you share something you believe to be helpful you should end your post with “You’re welcome” (or “your welcome” if you’re trying to blend in with the hoi polloi - you know, the mouth breathers of the world ) I do so whenever I share a helpful Phil phact(tm). You’re welcome.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Learn me how not to be a shithead in the future
    It pains me to acknowledge those rare occasions when Mr. Dugan is correct, but he’s correct here Mr. Illibby or whatever your face is you should have let her sit with you unless you wanted her gone fore some reason. She’s a grownup who can decide when she wants to leave. You’re welcome.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Also, for Mr. Dain, somebody has to say this: DON’T DICK PICS FOR YOUR PROFILE!!! Nobody wants to see your teeny tiny weewee. No males want to see it. No females want to see it. Mr. Skibum doesn’t want to see it and he fucked a Wookiee. Even Mr. Dugan want to avoid your peepee and he’s an insane douchebag. You’re welcome!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    How do we explain Mr. Dugan’s douche baggery you ask? You say that he seems younger than Mr. Skibum. He probably never fucked a Wookiee you say... Simple, he spent his teen years wearing shoulder pads and Jheri curls. That broke his brain. Not to mention the fact that his mommy dropped him on his head many times as a child.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    What you have to realize Mr AZDD is that in the 1970s people went ultra hairy like fucking wookiees. You think the hairy guy in Star Wars was a guy in a costume. Maybe that’s true in the recent Star Wars movies but in the original Chewbacca was just a guy George Lucasian met in an orgy. Why do you think so many of the grumpy old guys on here are so psycho grumpy? Simple: fucking Wookiees drove them out of their fucking minds! Take Mr. Skibum for example. When he turned 18 he was probably an okay guy. Then he went to college and woke up next to a fucking female Wookiee. He didn’t know the word Wookiee at the time because there was no Star Wars movies yet, but he knew that he did something unspeakable. He knew it in his heart. So the Wookiee sex broke him. He was like one of those characters in a Lovecraftian novel where they see some eldritch horror so mind bending that it breaks their brain! Only thing is that Mr. Skibum went to a crappy law school rather than an insane asylum and now he’s a fifth rate attorney who spends more time posting on a titty club discussion board than he spends helping his clients. SAD!!! And it’s all due to 1970s pubes.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Disturbing New Fashion Trends
    Come now Mr. Shailynn, the fashions of the past were far worse than those of today. Remember those fringed outfits of the 1970s? And the absence of shaving? The 1970s was a time of fucking Wookiees wearing fucking fringes. That shit will warp your brain. Why do you think Mr. Skibum is fucking INSANE? Simple, he was wearing a fringed jacket while he had sex with a female Wookiee. Then his brain short circuited an the rest is history. And then there’s RickiBoi. You know that guy was wearing Michael Jackson hair during his teen years. A well-known side effect of growing up as a white boy with Jheri curls is advanced douchebaggery as an adult. Yep...I blame the whole Dugan “personality” (I use scare quotes because he doesn’t have a personality as much as he has a collection of douchebag behaviors) can be traced to shoulder pads and Jheri curls. Zoomed fashion ain’t gonna scar people emotionally. It’s all on the outside. Now that I’ve explained things you can provide Phil with a hearty “you’re welcome!”
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    The eviction moratorium ended yesterday!
    Seems like this thread went political pretty quickly. Who could have seen that coming? It’s almost like Mr. Dugan wanted to stir the pot by posting about politics in the Front Room. But surely that paragon of morality Mr. RickiBoi Dugan wouldn’t do that. Surely Mr. RickiBoi wouldn’t want to make baby Jesus cry...would he?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Why the contempt for strippers?
    Mr. Ishmael, do you not enjoy the occasional stirring of the pot? That’s all the multiple alias folks are doing. What is TUSCL if not brief discussions regarding the best kind of shorts to jizz in at the climax of a lap dance punctuated by long threads focused on getting folks to stay stupid shit. Now, personally, I think multiple characters is a bit lazy. There are folks on here that really overreact pretty easily. Mr. Skibum for example. You can say “The sky is blue” an he’ll respond with a post about how “the damn demorats(sic) are putting honest hard working ‘muricans out of der(sic) jobs with their environmental regulations”. And Mr. OSU convinced himself that I’m some character named rummydummy (likely Mr. Radommember, but possibly a figment of his imagination). I don’t have to do multiple characters when he’s creating new characters for me! But Mr. Dugan is the best. He posts all sorts of dehumanizing shit then turns around and posts a thread like this. I don’t know if he’s oblivious to the irony, though I suspect he is given that he’s a 🤡, but he’s definitely doing it to stir the pot!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    The eviction moratorium ended yesterday!
    Mr. Dugan, you’re making baby Jesus cry by posting political bullshit in the Front Room. The rest of the board AND baby Jesus would like you stop posting politics in the Front Room. Thank you. To everybody else: you’re welcome.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Why the contempt for strippers?
    Bonus points for Mr. Dugan if he can spot the spelling errors i embedded as a test. He thinks he’s an expert in everything after all!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Why the contempt for strippers?
    ^ But don’t you dehumanize strippers with your constant nickel and dimming, Mr. Dugan? I’m not justifying Mr. Chester (who I believe to be you anyway) because he seems pretty douchebaggy. I’m just saying that you don’t have the moral high ground due to your general douchiness. Everybody discuss 🍿🍿🍿
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    The United States has a undeniable history of provoking/instigating wars based o
    Mr. Daddillac said the truth about one thing but seems confused about another: “CJCunt "has a undeniable history of provoking/instigating wars" Nothing useful has ever come out of his mouth... he just bitches and tries to start fights... what a cunt” What if Mr. CJ’s goal is stirring the pot for laughs? Seems like he does a pretty good job of that. I just think he’s using too crude a tool. Really Mr. CJ it’s easy enough to get Mr. OSU to perform like a dancing monkey without resorting to the political shit. If you overdo the political shit you’ll give Mr. Skibum an aneurysm and you don’t want that shit on your conscience, do you? Just focus on getting Mr. OSU to perform. Repeat after me: dance OSU monkey 🐒 dance! Then get the popcorn 🍿 🍿🍿🍿
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Why the contempt for strippers?
    just when you think Mr. Dugan is a irredeemable douche he goes and posts something that makes him sound like a human being. Of course, he undermines his moral high ground by going into full flame war mode with the other douche bags. Said flame war motivates a space genius theory: RickiBoi ain’t being sensitive to strippers because he’s just shitposting. I’ll add that I’ve been told in PMs that Mr. Dugan has anti-Semitic aliases. Now I’m not saying that the statement “RickiBoi has an anti-Semitic sock puppet” is a Phil Phact(tm). I’m just saying that I’ve been told stories of RickyBoi having sock puppets that hate Jews. I’m also asking a question: has Mr. Cheetah said any anti-Semitic shit? If so, I smell RickiBoi’ Time to get the popcorn 🍿 🍿 🍿
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Since 1963 ...
    On Discourse
    I mean this with no disrespect Mr. Tetradon, but do you really think that any “undecided neutrals” are swayed? Frankly, I’d be a bit scared by anybody who could be swayed by the arguments on this site. Or 99% of the sites out there. The “political discourse” room is fine as an excuse to bullshit and bust somebody’s balls for a laugh, but the reality is that most of us don’t have the knowledge or expertise to actually say something informative. I’m including myself in that. I’m sure as fuck not going to say anything about the topic where I am actually an expert because there’s no point. The difference between me and Mr. Mark and Mr. Dugan is that they seem to actually think they ARE EXPERTS. Take my attempt to engage Dugan. He states that a paper (not yet peer reviewed, but from a genuine groups of medical researchers) state that natural immunity to covid is something like 5- or 6-fold better than immunity from vaccines. Not directly directly relevant to the topic at hand since people who get vaccinated want to avoid getting covid but it’s actually interesting... However, his statement was contradicted by the title and abstract of the paper he linked to. Hey, maybe there is something buried in the paper and I’d still be interested because...well, it’s kind of interesting. But when I challenge Dugan to point out where - in the paper he supposedly read - the 5- or 6-fold was difference was stated his response was to google it. My conclusion is that Dugan found this paper as a link on some dumbass Facebook site and never even looked at it. I suppose it’s possible he looked at it and didn’t understand it. But either way, Dugan was bringing no actual interesting info to the table. The point is that a lot of folks here is that they don’t even have the expertise to link you to interesting info you might want to think about. And, like I said, this is no disrespect to you. You may be a smart guy and have real expertise in some area. But have no idea if that is true. So, would I change my mind based on anything you said? Fuck no. I suppose I could use Dugan as a sounding board by listening to him and believing the exact opposite...but even a broken clock is right twice a day!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    American Ingrate
    Well, actually, if we’re going to contemplate who is obsessed with who I would point out that I had taken to just lurking and trying to have a laugh you, Mr. OSU, brought up my name. But that’s cool because you’re really funny. Not intentionally of course. But you still motivate me to laugh and laugh and laugh. But I will say that your not as funny as Mr. Dugan. He’s as stupid as you but he’s also a bigger asshole. Now, I’m not saying that you’re not an asshole. Trust me, you are. But you’re not a Dugan-level asshole. You could up your comedy game if you just became more of an asshole. Maybe you could purchase a Ron DeSantis sex doll just like Mr. Dugan. Of course, you’ll have to get over your hang ups about anal action (unless you can find a hermaphrodite version of the DeSantis doll). I’ll help you out: contemplate the fact that your mom switched exclusively to anal after you were born. She took one look at you and said I don’t want any more of those popping out so it’s in through the out door from now on. I hope this helps you. As always, you’re welcome!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    American Ingrate
    Oh...I know what it is. She put on a strap on and buttfucked you. I guess that would hurt...
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    American Ingrate
    Mr. OSU, why are you so obsessed with Omar? Are you in love with her? Did her brother buttfuck your mom and send you the video? Did she use a strap on to buttfuck your mom and send you the video? What’s the story morning glory?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Fucking Pussy into J.E.L.L.O
    I am seeking advice...🤔
    Mr. OSU, you seem to be obsessed with this “rummy” fellow. I’m rummy, Mr. BBBC is rummy, everybody is rummy. He’ll, you probably think Mr. Dugan is rummy. Why do you think that is? Are you attracted to rummy? Did rummy buttfuck your mom and send you a video? Seriously, what’s the story morning glory?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Using injury, illness, disease to your advantage for guilt sex
    Mr. Muddy, have you considered telling the strippers that you were dropped on your head as a child? Because this is the kind of idea that a guy who was repeatedly dropped on his head as a child would come up with. On the other hand, don’t worry. I suspect they know about the whole being dropped on your head thing based on other shit you say. Just make sure you tell ‘em you have covid. Kinda like the way you tell ‘em that you have herpes simplex IX. You’re welcome.