Going to a club while neurodivergent

avatar for nicespice

Opinion video from a therapist’s point of view of why clubs are terrible for neurodivergent people. The specific part about “why do we have to come up and tip the stage, can’t you guys just pass around an offering plate” was great imo 😆
Anyways, have any stories about any neurodivergent people? That you either knew or saw at a club? I know several dancers who are autistic, or at least that is what they consider themselves anyways.


last comment
avatar for ilbbaicnl
4 years ago
I'm the reg of a dancer whose day job is working with autistic people. I have an autistic relative. I asked her, since he's unsurprisingly low on female company, how she thought it would work out if I took him to a club. She didn't really answer, just looked at me and pressed her lips together. I admitted he'd be hard to dance for, not capable of feeling much empathy. Dancer would have to tell him no calmly, cause if she got angry, he'd have a meltdown. She just nodded.

One of my ATFs I'm pretty sure was mildly autistic. I found her extremely charming in an off-beat way. But, full fess, her perfectly dew-dropped shaped, knobby nippled, double D boobies had much to do with her ATF status. I worried some she was making her daughter mental. Her daughter was about 5 when I was her reg. She use to take her deer hunting, and expect her to stay totally quiet. She got torqued because, in pee wee soccer, her daughter thought it meant she scored a goal every time she kicked the ball. I was like, um, she's 5, I think that's totally fine. She took classes in allied health, and totally aced them cause mild autism is good for that, then stopped dancing. She broke her back racing dirt bikes. Between that and the big boobs, she might have had the most fucked-over back in human history. She liked cake. The club she worked at had food, including pretty good cake. Many of my favs asked for cake rather than drinks, the waitress called them my cake whores.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Cd DC beat etc whatever he calls himself now should offer his input
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
On a serious note. A lot of men with mental illness resort to prostitution and strip clubs. Its the only positive interaction they have with women
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
And a lot of people with serious problems come on a strip club web site and tell everyone they’re thinking of offing themselves
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
Autism/Aspergers/Neurological Difference is a hoax which is being used to legitimate the abuse of children and adults. This tendency to stigmatize and other someone existed long before the eugenics movement and the Nazi Party gave us these syndrome names. Look to the boy Simon in Lord of the Flies.

The reason this stuff has been resurrected today, really in the 1990's, is in support of Neo-Liberal Capitalism.

In the UK this corresponded to the Tony Blair administration. In the US it corresponded to the dotcom boom. And you hear far more endorsement of this hoax online than anywhere else.


It is still largely a syndrome of the English speaking world. In France and Latin America they don't take it seriously, seeing it as a Psychosis and seeing Psychoanalysis as the best way to respond to it.

These are Catholic countries, so they have less Self-Improvement and Recovery Programs, and less Salvation Churches. And being Catholic countries, they are also Civil Law Countries. So it is just about impossible to disinherit any of your children. The child will not even need a lawyer to collect. A will which attempts to disinherit is completely disregarded. The party is treated like they died without a will. The effect that this tends to have is it limits child scapegoating. You are less likely to find families which have built up around a myth of some kind of innate moral defect. And the Autism/Aspergers/Neurodiversity hoax is after all just another attempt at finding the locus of original sin in one's child or in ones self.

When done to children it is an example of what they used to call MSBP, Facetious Disorder, or now just Medical Child Abuse.

Consenting Adults are free to talk to each other. But we should not be allowing our government to license such therapists, as this is much of where the problem starts.

And Mandatory Reporting was supposed to stop those medical personnel who work with children from being accomplices, because they usually are. But even as written the law is not complied with in private practice. If you hier some sort of a fix my kid doctor they will not report. Their business model demands that they do not.

The laws should be strengthened so that anyone who works with children who sees a minor child showing up at their office for some sort of behavioral, emotional, or psychological problem, must promptly report it, or face prosecution for a federal felony.

Not everyone likes loud music, or color organs that make the lights flash. Not everyone like loud people. But if someone has grown up in an environment when they have been stigmatized, othered, made into the scapegoat, then they will have learned that they need to protect themselves 24-7.

Things start to improve when they no longer live with their parents, and not exposed to any kind of therapists or doctors, and when they have learned how to protect themselves in common situations. Often this will necessitate physical violence, because some people respect nothing else.

Political activism, principled conflict, and political consciousness should always replace therapy, recovery, and salvation seeking.


The Faces - Maggie May
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
"On a serious note. A lot of men with mental illness resort to prostitution and strip clubs. Its the only positive interaction they have with women"

Yeah @icee there was this on PL that resorted to paying a stripper whore money and drugs for 5 years and then after she found a better source of coke she dumped him.


Trying to kill yourself over a junkie stripper whore is seriously mental, no? 🤪
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
Also, in the time since I had last spoken about this sort of a subject, I have read:


This book is extremely well known and Dolto was one of those who always opposed the concept of autism. She ran this program, it still runs, Green Mansion. It offers child therapy, which for small children is just play therapy. And the parents are welcome. Her approach is the alternative to going along with the Anglo-American Hoax that there is some objective reality to this so called Neurological Difference.

Dolto was a conservative psychoanalyst. For her there are two genders and they are immutable. Not everyone today really goes along with that. The English translation of her book was 1973, but the actual sessions with Dominique were mostly in 1960.

If you ever have seen or heard something which makes you feel that there must be some objective reality to Autism/Aspergers/Neurological Difference, then read this book and you will be shocked.

Hey, I stepped into something I didn't need to and helped put a man in San Quentin for sexually molesting his daughters. What really angered me about him was that he was really trying to harm his daughters, and really all of his children. He was trying to make them like the people in his Pentecostal Church. And the members of this church were completely behind him.

Most of the Autism advocacy groups in the United States were started as defensive formations of parents, trying to defend themselves against Bruno Bettleheim. Still today this is what they are.

And it is most of all in these so called Autism/Asperger's Narratives, the writings of those who have been convinced that they suffer from such afflictions, that you can see that it is nonsense. All the things they say they cannot do, are clearly evidenced in the writing of the book, and in the stories they tell. And they are not just "normal", they are way way above average for all kinds of intellectual, social, and emotional skills. They had just grown up in an abusive environment, and then they are still under the influence of very conservative political ideas, like the Self-Reliance Ethic. And it is this which is the basis of Neo-Liberal Capitalism.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Not wanting to live without my soul mate and someone I've spent every day with for 5 years of my life is healthy venting. And my point was how a strip club outing saved me.

Autism is real though. Have you seen people with it?
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
I've seen people who have been convinced that they have it. And this is a horrible situation. The doctors and the parents should be incarcerated, at a bare minimum.

Read Dolto, or read some of the recent Autism narratives and see for yourself how ridiculous it is.

In honor of Dominique, as in his last session with Dolto he kept intoning the coda.

pam pam pam -- pamm

avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
"Not wanting to live without my soul mate and someone I've spent every day with for 5 years of my life is healthy venting. And my point was how a strip club outing saved me."

^^^ LOL @icee you thinking a junkie stripper whore is your "soulmate" is where the mental issue is. It's simply pathetic and unhealthy to think that you can give money and drugs to a junkie stripper whore and then she'll be a "soulmate". If this is your only positive interaction with a woman you might wanna up your game. Jes saying.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
I know someone with an autistic kid and the school sports team therapy have done wonders for him.
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
They've told him that they can make him passably acceptable to most people most of the time. And in particular, since his affairs are still under the control of his parents, he has gone along with it. They have taught him to get by in life by submitting and asking for pity.

We should not be allowing our gov't to license such therapists, because most of the harm they can do comes from this licensing. Without such a license to hide behind, most of these people would already be behind bars:




avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
Usually what it is is that at some level the parent finds the child to be an embarrassment. So these gov't licensed therapists come in to continue the abuse that the parents started.

Not everyone likes loud music. And not everyone cares to be around intoxicated people either.


Peter Frampton - Do You Feel Like We Do
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Without help autistic people end up in poverty on ssdi unable to make real connections with others and the risk of homelessness as adults.

What's the alternative to therapy? Many still can't function
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
No, without the concept of Autism/Aspergers/Neurodiversity, people do just fine. The problem is usually the creation of the family, backed up by these therapists and doctors.

These issues should be dealt with in a court room, being represented by a lawyer, not in the therapists office.

The therapist's office is just the modern version of the confessional.

avatar for nicespice
4 years ago
Lol, this is not the brightest thread to have created…😅
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
Without family autistic people have issues; too bad progressives hate family and love the "it takes a whole village to fuck up a child" mantra.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
They need help and are very fortunate if it works
avatar for ilbbaicnl
4 years ago
NS what do you have against SJG that you can't take a little joy from giving him hours of fun?
avatar for Cashman1234
4 years ago
Is it me - or does everyone have SJG on ignore? His denying several mental health issues existence is like the pot calling the kettle black (in a non-racist way)…
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
What do you get out of harassing sjg?
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
4 years ago
SJG embarrasses himself. If he's going to show up in every thread and invite ridicule, then that's exactly what he's going to get.
avatar for Cashman1234
4 years ago
Have you noticed SJG’s complete waste of space here? His posts rarely make relevant points. He is intent on spamming his blubber in each discussion.
avatar for datinman
4 years ago
Apparently, autism doesn't exist.
600+K Americans have died of Covid 19 because they didn't get enough sleep.
Covid is a hoax by Democrats to prevent him from getting free healthcare.

Honestly, I think pre-quarantine SJG was less irritating when mostly he just called me a chump and said I spent my entertainment dollars the wrong way.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
If you don't like what he says and can't debate his points. Leave him alone. It's that easy
avatar for Cashman1234
4 years ago
heaving that’s an excellent post. I think there’s lots of insight in your post, and I respect you for posting it.
avatar for Cashman1234
4 years ago
21icee I agree. If SJG didn’t spam the discussions, it would be easier to ignore him.
avatar for gammanu95
4 years ago
It seems there are some Scientogiats posting here. Isn't it part of their claims that most mental disease does not exist, and have been fabricated and often even created by physician-pharmaceutical industrial complex?
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
4 years ago
^^^ Scientologists. Yeah, that's one chapter in their crazy-pants manual. It wouldn't surprise me if SJG was trying to base his creepy sex cult on Scientology. What he's missing is basic coherence and the ability to get to the internet when the library closes.

If SJG insists on inserting his commentary to every thread, then people can react to it however they want. That's how discussion boards work. In the past, I have debated SJG, and it almost always ends with him in an endless autistic loop where he paints himself into a corner and then threatens violence (or puts me on "Ignore").

SJG knows exactly who here will go after him for his horseshit. The fact that he regularly puts those users (including me) on "Ignore" and then takes them off Ignore shows that he wants an audience more than he wants to engage in a discussion.

So, perhaps Icee should spend less time white knighting for TUSCL's creepiest Asperger's patient, and more time not being a pot-stirring attention whore himself.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
4 years ago
Trying to be more "on topic"...

Neurodivergency is a wildly varying condition. I think it's safe to say that a strip club would be a bad idea for anyone at the "low functioning" end of the spectrum. That said, even at the high-functioning end, a strip club might work out well for some but be a mushroom-cloud disaster for others.

My only experience with this is a single time when I was sitting with a dancer, and there was a guy in the club who just seemed a bit off. Not in a bad way, but just ... off. Anyway, the dancer saw me eyeball him and explained that the guy was autistic and he came into the club about once per month to see a particular dancer. She would come out and they would immediately go into the VIP for a full hour. The dancer I was with didn't think there was anything sexual going on. Her impression is that they just sat together in the quieter, smaller environment of VIP and maybe talked or cuddled. She fully admitted that she wasn't 100% sure on any of that, but it's just what she had heard.

Assuming that any of it is true, I have no problem with it. He didn't appear dangerous and both the dancer and the customer got what they wanted/needed from the arrangement. It's not how I'd want to spend an hour in VIP, but this falls under not telling people that they're having fun wrong. It could also be argued that there are better, more conventional ways for him to get the social interaction he wanted, but that's subjective and none of my business.

Anyway, I haven't seen him post-Covid.
avatar for 8TM
4 years ago
I think there are some clubs that have a vending machine where you can put in money and make it rain. Though that tends to be done only because the club layout is impractical for stage tipping.
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
Icey, above you posted two videos and said that this is not normal.

Might it interest you to know that there is an entire industry which works to build the case that raising children who have been labeled as autistic is like living hell and comes pretty close to making the case to kill them.


You are watching stuff based on that kind of thinking.

If someone is living in a hostile environment, and especially from early childhood, then they are going to be negatively impacted. And therapists exist to back up the parents, because that is how they get their money. They violate mandatory reporting as a matter of standard practice because their business model depends upon sucking up to parents. We should not be allowing our government to license any kinds of psychological, psychiatric, or behavioral therapists.

People have tried and tried to find biological markers for autism. What does this absence mean?

Autism only became a commonly accessed phenomenon in the US in the mid 90s, when the works of Hans Asperger were translated into English. And then this also corresponded to the dotcom boom and a much greater cultural interest in computers and in the people who use them and write programs for them. And it also corresponded to the rise of Neo-Liberalism in the conservative Democrats like Bill Clinton.

Hans Asperger wrote about maybe 10 children whom he thought were interesting. But he also signed the papers to have thousands of others euthanized.

Besides being Hitler's personal physician, Karl Brandt ran the Nazi eugenics program. He was executed by hanging 2 June 1948. If Hans Asperger had not been able to hide is involvement with the Nazis and to have drifted into obscurity, he may well have received the same fate.

The autism/aspergers/neurodiversity movement qualifies as Crimes Against Humanity.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
4 years ago
Hey SJG, perhaps the thread that's more appropriate for you to comment on is right here...

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Treating mental illness isn't eugenics.

There's autistic porn though


avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
The idea of mental illness and the idea of autism/aspergers/neurodiversity falls within the definition of Crimes Against Humanity

Penalties start at 20 years and go up from there, and the Statute of Limitations has already been lifted, and lifted retroactively.

"They are not isolated or sporadic events but are part either of a government policy (although the perpetrators need not identify themselves with this policy) or of a wide practice of atrocities tolerated or condoned by a government or a de facto authority."


"committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian

And much of the "autism treatment" is clearly medical torture. And it is targeted at vulnerable groups, children.


avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
The entire Mental Health system is in Josef Mengele territory. The focal point in the adult edifice is schizophrenia. The focal point in the child edifice is this Autism/Aspergers

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago

Autism therapies are interventions that attempt to lessen the deficits and problem behaviours associated with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in order to increase the quality of life and functional independence of individuals with autism. Treatment is typically catered to the person's needs. Treatments fall into two major categories: educational interventions and medical management. Training and support are also given to families of those with ASD.[2]
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
There is no such thing as Autism, so there are no deficits or problem behaviors. The most important need is to tell the therapist to fuck off and to be ready to back it up with physical violence. These educational interventions and medical managements are just legalized torture. It is all bogus

Once they can get someone to go along with an Autism assessment, or a Mental Illness assessment, then they are exonerating all perpetrators. This is the real reason why these assesments exist.

"Doctor look, my son, he's black and blue all over!"

"Yes I see, Black and Blue all over syndrome. We've been seeing a lot of that. Its a good thing you came here to me, instead of going to the public clinic. See, they might have taken a different view. I of course can see that you are a woman of education and social station, and of course you have selected the very best doctor, so you must have the very best of intentions for your son."


It goes on all the time. Most middle-class child abuse involves doctors.


Nirvana, Come As You Are
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Therapy for autism isn't abusive

And you can't say this is normal behavior

avatar for Trish_Club_Lust
4 years ago
Yay! Donkey dicks rule!
avatar for gammanu95
4 years ago
"Neurodivergent"... is this some new PC term for strokes, spazzes, and retards?
avatar for DoctorPhil.
4 years ago
Yes. Yes it is. TUSCL should embrace it given the number of strokes, spazzes, and retards posting here.

I mean really, when I was in elementary school taking the genius classes there was this short bus - err...neurodivergent - kid that we all called spedmonkey

Calling the guy sped monkey scarred him for life. I heard that he grew up to be a real douche. I’ve considered issuing apologies for the spedmonster I made, but then again I don’t care that much.
avatar for Cashman1234
4 years ago
The term used by NiceSpice was new to me, so I did some reading on the interwebs (as I know everything there is true). Depending on how broadly one defines neurodivergent - the list of conditions can be considered those in the autism and ADHD spectrum - and those are expected - but it can be broad enough to include left-handed as well?

I respect others, and I understand we aren’t here to change or cure them. We should accept folks as they are part of our diverse landscape.

Only about 80-90 years ago, when my grandparents discovered my aunt was left handed, they were horrified. They prayed for her to be converted to being righ handed. They would tie her left hand to the table so she couldn’t use it to eat or write. When I was discovered to be left handed, my father spoke with me about how it might be difficult, and yet he didn’t pursue the same conversion process that his parents did.

After reading through some information, it makes sense, but it’s also a challenge that everyone must face, to accept and include those who are neurodivergent. In no way am I equating left handed with being on the autism spectrum. I’m just offering insight regarding the level of acceptance as differences should not be shunned or “fixed”, but included.
avatar for DoctorPhil.
4 years ago
I’m all down with inclusion when it comes to being autistic or even generally being a sped. I mean really, some speds are also nice guys. Speds need love too!

But I draw the line at douchebaggery. Just on’t call a douche “neurodivergent”

The hard thing from a moral standpoint is when a sped is also a douche. I mean really, do you forgive the douche behavior just because they’re a sped?
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
You can't blame someone for behavior they have no control of.
avatar for Cashman1234
4 years ago
Icee you make a reasonable point. I try to ignore SJG as much as possible.

There are times when I see his lengthy posts and his spamming of non club topics and I think it’s annoying - and I know he needs help. I also know he will never admit to having any issues. I will work harder to just ignore him.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
If that’s true why do you always act-like the turd in the punch bowl
If you have control you’d know most of your posts are truly unacceptable and many are downright offensive
Any time you post we can count on you to be rude and offensive are you saying you can’t help yourself ?
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
I think married men addicted to prostitutes need help. Men who get off on Cumming in their pants. Sex tourists etc. Men unable to relate to others with different life experience. We have to try to be understanding of the mentally deficient but it can be hard. We need a friendly reminder at times
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
^^^ icee if you go that far with men that need help, let's not forget the "men" that need money and drugs to lure a stripper whore into 5 yr GFE.

LOL just a friendly reminder on all the things men need help on. 🤭
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
^ I think you need to mind your own business and learn to listen more and talk less. you talk shit about the wrong people regularly, as a result you are a pariah, you aren't a contributor, not to to this community, you have been banned twice for refusing to follow the rules here, and boy that takes some work, founder is about as laid back as anyone I've ever seen yet you got banned twice. I would have never have let you back you are a real son of a bitch, that was obvious when founder offered to buy you a drink in Vegas and you didn't even acknowledge the offer.
Go fuck your opinionated self you lazy entitled piece of shit.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
^That was to Icee
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
20fqg I think you need to take your own advice grandpa
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
ICEE, the entire concept of Autism is abusive. And all the therapy is to do is to try and make the target believe that this ~Neurological Difference~ has some objective reality. And as this is usually being done on juveniles, still under the control of the parents, that is a big part of the purpose, the parents pay so that the child will exonerate them.


avatar for 8TM
4 years ago
The OP is taking about a guy who articulated a desire to go to a strip club, and was self-aware enough to be nervous about it and express his thoughts to a therapist. I’d say that puts him closer to normal than everyone wants to assume.

I’m very aware of the discourse around autism spectrum disorder and I know a couple friends from childhood who were diagnosed. I see them as individuals.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
I think by definition it's Icee that's autistic, after all the behavior exhibited by that character shows that there is no self control or impulse control and I'm sure it's no different for Icee in real life
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
@twentyfive, to your point, icee admitted several times that "his" junkie stripper whore dumped "him" for being way too controlling. 🤷

(To which "he" vehemently denied. 😂)
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Calling me disabled as a pejorative reflects on you.
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
"OP is taking about a guy who articulated a desire to go to a strip club"

If the guy wants to go he should go. As far as advising him, that might be referenced to other places he has gone which might be somewhat similar. Did he like that? Not everyone likes loud music, flashing lights, loud people, or especially drunks.

On the other hand, strip clubs tend to be some of your more regulated environments.

But here locally, the busy nights at the Sunnyvale Brass Rail tended to be about male bonding and alcohol. The women were just props because the guys did not want to appear as though they were gay.

Brass Rail day time was never like that. Our no alcohol nude clubs are more sedate.

Pink Poodle has always been very well run.

People have written about black clubs in other parts of the country. At night time they become like regular night clubs. Large groups of guys huddled together around a pool table, and throwing money onto the stage. But not really interested in further engagement with the women. And women not interested in doing dances. So if you want more to engage with the women, need to go day shift, or as soon as it opens.

We have places which are really fairly sedate. One where most all of the women do all the OTC they can, even immediate OTC. Always a pleasant place, and the women really interesting to talk to.

And then there are AMPs. And we even have sex surrogates. It really just depends on what the party is hoping to find.

avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
No Icee, calling you disabled is the unvarnished truth, you don't even have the self control of SJG he has more decency in his pinky toe than you have in your whole body
avatar for ilbbaicnl
4 years ago
Stripping is unlikely to provide a steady income for 40 years. Gotta get the most $ while you can. Obviously, a stripper has a right to take a pass on any customer she wants. I feel bad for strippers who feel they have to dance for people who talk a lot of shit to them and seem to enjoy doing stuff the dancer's not down with. But if a customer simply seems clueless about it when he's making a dancer uncomfortable, he could just be mildly autistic, rather than just a standard asshole. It could be workable situation for her to get his money, if she calmly explains what is and isn't OK with her. Explain repeatedly that different dancers have different rules, as variation is challenging for autistic people.

If a dancer has a flat affect with you, could be mild autism, don't assume she's hates you or her job. The haters seem sad and/or grumpy.
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago

NeuroDiversity is simply asking people to plead for pity, and over a completely bogus ailment. They plead for pity while being loaded into the cattle cars for internment.


So what I would recommend instead is Marshal Arts Training, followed by Military Commando Training.

Claude Berr, rather than wearing a lapel tag, he fled to Scotland and got training:




The second and third authors on this are people who had accepted the Autism/Neurodiversity label. But now they reject it. The third author in particular said that in the UK their public health system puts lots of energy and money into trying to get people "accessed". And he said that once he finally took it off of his resume, he got for the first time in his life employment and pay which he felt was suitable for his age and ability level.


avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
4 years ago
SJG said "So what I would recommend instead is Marshal Arts Training..."

So, by 'Marshal Arts' do you mean something like this...


Or, perhaps before you recommend 'Marshal Arts' to anyone, you should learn how to spell 'martial'. Or, perhaps you meant this:

avatar for Tetradon
4 years ago
^ Marshal arts involve running someone over on a huffy
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
Martial arts means not becoming a target of the resurgent eugenics movement or becoming a victim of Munchausen's Syndrome by Proxy.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
4 years ago
No, it means you're a creepy narcissist who likes to sound intellectual to an audience, but is actually a high-mileage moron.

In addition to not taking seriously any strip club advice from the one fuckwit who couldn't finagle an internet connection from the MIDDLE OF SILICON VALLEY during the pandemic. I'm also not taking seriously any opinions about mental health from one of the most creepily deranged people on this site. And that's you in both cases.

Also, there's this:


It's weird that you insist on inflicting yourself into every thread with your own kooky off-topic agenda items, but treat any thread that is relevant to you as if it's invisible.
avatar for Tetradon
4 years ago
Yes SJG, a few karate chops and a crane kick are going to stop people intent on killing you. In fact, they're on their way, tearing through your privacy wall like bullets through tissue paper.

Oh wait. You're not interesting enough for anyone to go after.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
The most deranged people on this site are the ones bragging about fucking hookers younger than their granddaughters. The ones Cumming in their pants. Married men addicted to prostitutes. Men too socially retarded to understand how to text. The extreme right wingers addicted to prostitutes.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
^^^ icee did you forget you staged a faux suicide thread over a coke junkie stripper whore dumping you for a better source of coke.

Add that to your deranged list. Lulz.
avatar for Cashman1234
4 years ago
I think Ishmael makes good points.

I’m sorry - but marshal arts? That’s a misspelling even Juice would be proud of!
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
So are we to make disability labels for those who are left handed, have red hair, or green eyes? And internment camp lapel tags too?

Every group considered deviant needs to have a distinctive lapel tag.


Talks about differences between a child and the parents. And as Solomon explains, by far the one which remains the most controversial is this claim of "Autism".


Look in the table of contents.

And Solomon lays out how the autism advocacy groups formed for one and only one purpose, so that parents could circle the wagons and defend themselves against Bruno Bettelheim.

While Bettelheim will always have some serious credibility problems, the most telling thing he said was that in the faces of the children he saw the same faces that he saw when he was interned in Dachau and in Bergen-Beltsen.

I look at the faces of children they put on Autism Aspergers Digest


And I see the faces of the monkeys that Harry Harlow used in his maternal deprivation studies.


The entire Autism/Asperger's/Neurodiversity Hoax is just wanton cruelty. The practitioners should be prosecuted for Crimes Against Humanity, as it clearly falls within Nuremburg precedent.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago

How would you describe this then
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
When people have grown up in a state of persecution, anything is possible. And there is an entire industry which is always build a case to come very close to executing the supposedly autistic.

Decades ago I read a book about primitive societies and how they find their shaman. They look closely for children with mystical tendencies. When the find one, the first and most important step is to transfer their care to an adult shaman. It is what Bruno Bettelheim called a parentectomy. I feel that this is probably a life saving process.

This is what happens when a parent can use the idea of autism to stigmatize and infantilize a child, and use the child to give themselves an adult identity.


Jane Lytel is a frightening woman, and the hatred she and the husband feel towards their second son Leo, is intense.


avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Look at the video. You can't deny they need help

avatar for Muddy
4 years ago
I’ve never heard that term
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
Muddy, I am not sure what you are referring to. You mean Neurodiversity or Neurodivergent? It is some persons who have gone along with the idea of Autism / Aspergers, who think that by promoting a term like that that they are advocating for themselves. They aren't. All they are doing is capitulating to the abusers.

ICEY, the last thing they need is "help". That is how the therapy system enables the parents to use them. What they need is liberation and vindication. Usually this will take either court authority, or a violent revolt.

Sometimes it gets even worse in families:

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
4 years ago
Does anyone want to post something on-topic to this thread while SJG is building a birdhouse from Popsicle sticks during his morning group activity session?
avatar for Cashman1234
4 years ago
In my view - someone who is neurodivergent going to a strip club could be a great experience - or it could go horribly wrong.

I know it sounds like this could provide a neurodivergent person with a positive sexual experience - and possibly be mind blowing - and that would be cool. I just think it’s important to have more control over the situation, in case things don’t go as planned.

Since strip club bouncers aren’t always considerate of folks who act differently, it would seem best for a neurodivergent person to always have a dedicated wingman.

Just my thoughts on the original topic posted.
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
Autism/Aspergers/Neurodivergence is a cruel hoax. It came out of the Eugenics Movement and the Nazi Party. You could call it Muchausens Syndrome by Proxy, except for the fact that now there are legions of Fix My Kid Doctors who specialize in it. It became popular in the 90's in the United States because of the dotcom boom and the expanding interest in computers, and also because instead of getting executed at Nuremburg, like some other Nazi doctors, Hans Asperger was able to hide his Nazi past and his papers were just getting translated into English.

It is primarily a phenomenon of the English Speaking world. France and the Spanish Speaking countries have never taken it seriously. These are Catholic Countries, so they are not as think with self-improvement teachers, recovery programs, and salvation churches. And as Catholic Countries, they are also Civil Law Countries. So it is just about impossible for anyone to disinherit one of their children. This seems to put some bounds on the degree of family scapegoating. The parents will be responsible in the end.

See, in the US the yellow pages are full of FixMyKid doctors and Troubled Teen Christian Summer Camps.

And when an adult realizes that something was not right, the will often start in the yellow pages looking for similar things, psychotherapists, salvation churches.

Well if you live in British Columbia, you don't have to do that. You still go to the yellow pages, but you start at the beginning, under attorneys. Like Trevor Todd in Vancouver

He will send someone to talk some sense into the senile-suicidals once. If they don't yield, he will file a suit under the Wills Variation Act. He will make sure that the senile-suicidals do not have the last word and that you do not get disinherited.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
It depends on how highly functioning someone is. Even then day shift would be their best bet. And they shouldn't go alone.

I also think they'd require some previous sexual excitement or at least have an understanding of what their body feels. Otherwise it could be a very confusing sensory overload.

Also the dancer should be made aware of their condition. And perhaps the manager.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
LMFAO I think this thread quickly turned into a meta self troll by neurodivergents. Not saying it's everyone, and it's self evident in their posts. 😂

I don't see how going to a strip club matters. A neurodivergent will struggle with it no differently than anything else they do in a social situation.
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
If someone wants to go to the strip club, they should go.

If you are being asked to give advice, look to what other places they may have gone and what they thought of it. Not everyone likes loud music, flashing lights, crowds, or drunks.

But not all strip clubs are the same, and not the same at all open hours.

Find out what they are expecting to find, and then maybe you can steer them in the right direction.

avatar for mark94
4 years ago
“Without help autistic people end up in poverty on ssdi unable to make real connections with others and the risk of homelessness as adults. “

Or, they become billionaire founders of tech companies
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
How many self made billionaires with untreated autism?

Right wing drivel
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Id worry about the disabled person being taken advantage of or causing a scene and getting into trouble. Doing something anti-social to a dancer. I feel like those visits need to be planned out.
avatar for mark94
4 years ago
Yes, yes, I know. The entire world is comprised of two groups of people. Fascist, bigoted, right wing extremists and their victims. No one is capable of caring for themselves. A government program, led by the enlightened elite, is necessary for survival. Anyone who has accomplished anything in life did it by stealing from the woke.

It is criminal to allow people with autism to have the freedom to make life choices. We should institutionalize every one of them. After they’ve been vaccinated, of course !
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Look at right boy. How many self made billionaires with untreated autism?

And yes supporting today's republican party makes you a bad person
avatar for mark94
4 years ago
Silicon Valley has one of the largest clusters of autistic children in the US. This is not an accident. If you were to remove all the Aspergers engineers from Silicon Valley its’ companies would collapse.

avatar for WinningdaChumpsGame
4 years ago
Elon Musk announced he was nuerodivergent earlier this year

Aspies are taking strippers to Mars y'all

avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
Yes, there is definitely an industry which promotes the idea of Autism/Aspergers/Neurodiversity. But just because they say it's so doesn't make it so.

The idea of NeuroDiversity started here:


And what he is saying really just amounts to saying:

"Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me; weep instead for yourselves and for your children,
for indeed, the days are coming when people will say, 'Blessed are the barren, the wombs that never bore and the breasts that never nursed."

Sinclair was raised as female, but now presents as male. There is some enmity between he and his parents, and his essay reflects that.

But it does not go far enough. Today the idea of Neurodiversity just amounts to people who have accepted the Autism/Aspergers label, designing their own lapel tags, cutting the cloth with scissors, and sewing them to their clothes.

Then presumably they will wait for the signs to go up, then assemble at the rail station in neat lines, and wait while the livestock cars are moved into position. And then board in an orderly and obedient manner.

And of course they will be grateful for the chance to perform work which is useful to society.

And then when they learn that a new crew is coming and that they should go to the showers, they will respectfully lie down on the floor in nice neat rows and wait for the Zyklon B.

You think it will not be like this? It is like this already.

avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
^^^^^ If Musk really said that he is ~~NeuroDivergent~~ then he is contributing to a hoax and he is contributing to the abuse of children and adults.


Mexico City

Erik Satie: Gymnopédies & Gnossiennes (Full Album)
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Mark are autistic kids self made billionaires?
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
ICEE, most of the time kids that are being targeted with this Autism/Aspergers/Neurodivergence label would benefit most from Martial Arts and Military Commando Training.

It is unfortunate that Musk does not no better than to perpetuate the hoax.

Someone did the work to unravel the truth:


The White Stripes - Jolene. Glastonbury 2002
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
They lack empathy. Even if they were highly functioning enough to go through training they'd kill someone in an autistic meltdown.

And people with aspergers can't communicate well enough or understand social cues. They don't process what others say lack empathy get lost in repetitive patterns of delusional thought. The last thing they need is to be trained for violence.
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
^^^^^ If someone is targeting them with the kinds of stuff you are, then they need to be trained in the use of violence.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
They lack the ability to be trained unless very highly functioning and even then they'd lack the empathy and ability to comprehend social cues to safely use that training.

They'd end up attacking people during meltdowns
avatar for mark94
4 years ago
ICEE, your lack of reading comprehension amazes

Me: some billionaires are autistic

ICEE: prove to me that everyone with autism is a billionaire

Me: Many Silicon Valley engineers are autistic

ICEE: Children with autism aren’t billionaires
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
What percentage of alleged untreated autistic people become self made billionaires from computer engineering? You're full of it
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
Well, no one who is "treated" for ~Autism~ is ever going to do anything, because the whole purpose of such treatment is to convince them that they have some kind of a defect/difference.

Maybe not everyone will become a self made billionaire, but at least most could learn to stand up for themselves, like to stuff belligerents head first into steel garbage cans.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
That's like reinforcing autistic meltdowns.
avatar for MeNotYou2
4 years ago
I don’t really care what you call it but there are a fair number of folks that have similar issues. The scale ranges from socially ocward to extremely shy to having trouble interacting an all the way yo can’t hardly function. These folks often share similar trades such as a tendency to have issues with some foods from a taste or texture perspective to having increasing level of trouble communicating. And so on and so forth.
At this point in History they are often referred to as Autistic or being on the spectrum (a reference to the extreme range of oh effected folks are by this). At one point Apsberger Syndrom (sp?). Was the preferred term. We are seeing NeroDivergent starting to be used more.
Does this mean we understand what is going on? Probably not. Frankly psychiatry is a long way from truly understanding anything much less this.
But that does not mean that there is not an issue. Just because mankind did not have our knowledge 1000 years ago did not mean that gravity didn’t exist and that atoms were non existent. You fell off a cliff a thousand years ago you still fell.
And just because we don’t understand why these people have issues does not mean they don’t have issues. In WW1 they knew nothing about PTSD but folks still suffered from it.
I know way to many people on various ends of this spectrum to just write it off as not existing.
But to the original point. It would all depend on the person in question. I have a few friends and coworkers who have kids that have problems with noice and light so if the person has that then stay far far away. But if the person is mostly just having relatively minor social issues that is a bit different.
I am highly functional with most social issues nit understanding subltle clues and that kind of thing and I used to be a regular at the clubs. As the post far above said it can really help as in a club you don’t need to interpret “clues “ that I usually either miss or miss interpret.
But from the way the OP describes the person my guess is they would be a bad fit.
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
No ICEY, its simply stuffing bullies into trash cans. What they actually deserve is far worse.

MeNotYou, People who are being targeted with the Autism/Aspergers/Neurodivergence lapel tag, have been targeted their entire life. The conflict usually starts simply because the parents at some level find the child to be an embarrassment.

a frightening example:

So of course this should be settled in a law court. And it all falls within Nuremburg Precedent, bogus medical procedures, for Crimes Against Humanity. The Autism Advocacy groups are just formations of parents trying to defend themselves against Bruno Bettelheim.

It also violates the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child, as bogus labeling and persecution. Not sure if this is ratified by the Senate yet, but in the US, once such a treaty is ratified, it has the force of federal law. Anyone can then sue an individual, an institution, or the government, for violation.

But in the interim, I suggest Commando Training by US Special Forces.

avatar for nicespice
4 years ago
Wow, okay that was quite the navigation through this dumpster fire of a thread. So all I’ll say is welcome to the discussion board, @menotyou2 and that was a really thoughtful answer. I agree that psychiatry is a field still in a baby stage.

I am not autistic myself (and I was tested for it at a young age) but I did have delayed speech and didn’t say my first word until I was 3 years old. And had to do speech therapy until I think I was like 8 years old because my brain worked way faster than my mouth and had a hard time communicating. I was later diagnosed adhd, which counts me in with the neurodivergent label. Idk how that affects me in a club, but I notice I tend to either like the busiest wanna dance no conversation shifts, or the low energy of a dayshift and not much in between. I can either handle a loud stimulating environment or carry a conversation, but doing both at the same time is ick. So I guess I’d be considered a mild case
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
Might it interest you people to know that decades ago, for a little while, I had an Autistic Girl Friend!

At that time I really did not think much about this. I did not challenge the classification. But today I do have to clarify, she was someone who accepted the label of Autism.

At that time I had thought that those with Autism did not speak at all.

At that time Autism was not yet an industry in the English speaking world. We did not have the dotcom boom and a massive interest in computers. And although Hans Asperger had signed to have thousands of children euthanized, he had been able to hide his Nazi past and so he evaded the hanging that befell doctors like Karl Brandt.

This girl was just as talkative and just as communicative as anyone else.

She was at a huge disadvantage in life though just because she was living in an institution.

If her parents were living, or if any of her relatives were living, they had to have had a role in this.

And even if you were to say that the institution was maybe something like an English boarding school, it was still a place where she was being told that she had a defect/disorder.

Today they would say it was a difference. But that still means exactly the same thing, its just that some have decided they want to make their own internment camp lapel tags.


So everyday, she was being told that with the help of her therapists, she can be made passably acceptable to most people most of the time.

And this had to have been a recapitulation of what her parents had told her.

What was she like, what did I think of her? Well she was just like any other girl. I will say though that she had no guile, she was always just right out there, heart on her sleeve you could say.

With no bombshell hair, no makeup, no jewelry, no tight or revealing clothes, no high heels, and no guile, I don't think she would last long in adolescent girl culture. She lived in an institution, so she was not really in charge of her own affairs, and then she was being told that there was something wrong with her.

When I saw,

I did think of her. What was it, a girl who had lived the last 10 years with her parents doing something in rural Africa. Then coming into an affluent predominantly White high school in the greater Los Angels area.

Eventually I did decide that I might be taking advantage of her, and so that I should pull back and not try to get involved in her life or her affairs.

But I emphasize again, there was nothing wrong with her, there was no reason she should be labeled as being somehow different, it was just persecution of the kind we had seen from the Nazi Eugenics Movement.

There is no such thing as Autism/Aspergers/Neurodivergence, but if you want to see the sort of person who is likely to be so targetted, look to the boy Simon in Lord of the Flies, he has definite shamanistic tendencies, and he is the first to be killed by Jack and his pig hunters.


Hawaii Five-O 1968 - 1980 Opening and Closing Theme HD

avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
I did not think of this at the time, but this girl did have strabismus in her left eye.

This girl in this picture could be her:


So especially for a girl, I think people would relate to her differently.

When I first took notice of her, she was sitting on a large rock, maybe about 40' directly in front of me. So I saw this and accommodated myself to it. She never had to see in me a negative reaction.

I approached, we talked, eventually I sat down next to her, and soon we had our first makeout session.

avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
Picture, this girl has longer hair and is probably a bit younger, but otherwise she could be her.

I eventually decided that I should pull back and not get involved with her. I did not think I should come between she and those who ran the institution she lived in. If I was trying to see her, this would have been inevitable. Also I noticed that I had been able to get to her without any of the car keys and wallet types of rituals, without being pressed to have to demonstrate my own peer culture status. This is fine, but I could see that it had gone like this because she was institutionalized and she was at a social disadvantage compared to her age peers.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
4 years ago
Yeah, I'm the one who says wanna dance within 20 seconds when she rolls up. I only like the convo I may get with a dancer when she sees I don't feel entitled to it.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
4 years ago
SJG's wall of privacy sucks.
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago

I thought about this last night, my ~~Autistic GF~~ she was exactly like in the Cathy Cartoon. Exactly the same temperament.

One time I turned on the television and Johnny Carson was interviewing this woman. I had no idea who she was. I listened and then finally I said, she must be the one who draws Cathy.

No Carson was making this into a broad based generally mockery of women. I said, the Cartoon is not really like that. That is just Carson. The Cartoon is self effacing, but only mildly so. Carson is mean, but the Cartoon and the author are not.

Then they called her by name "Cathy".

The total opposite of these Veruca Salt girls, but then they have had a completely different sort of life experience.
Veruca Salt, Live, played really fast

avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
I like those Russian Girls, Pussy Riot.


Veruca Salt is the same sort of thing, a rehearsed act, a kind of an alter ego. Most people can benefit by developing such things. This is why we have theater acting and fantasy role playing games.

Lots of girls are just like Cathy. Thinking about it, I've known quite a few.

We used to say that people who are left handed were possessed by the Devil.

If we said that they were the Devil, then that is like ~~Neurological Disorder~~. But if we just say they are possessed by the Devil, then that is like ~~Neurological Difference~~. More likely then that they will go along with it, which is the real purpose of the assessment and treatment. So always, with the help of your therapist you can be made passably acceptable most of the time. And always it is looking to find the locus of evil, the locus of original sin, in a child.

My ~~Autistic GF~~, she lived in an institution. This was her primary social disadvantage. Maybe it was no worse than an English boarding school. But if her parents were living, they must have been complicit in it. If not, then it was other living relatives who could have interceded.

And then strabismus in the left eye.


No one knows why most people are right handed. Could it be like that, is strabismus usually in the left eye, I don't know. But thinking about it, I have seen other such cases.

Especially for a girl, people will respond to her differently because of that. The reason that I didn't was that when I first noticed her she was seated 40' away and I took the time to accommodate myself to that before I approached her. Then in not too much more time we were having our first makeout session.

avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
It was about 2 years ago that I encountered another girl with strabismus in the left eye. I was visiting one of our colleges. This girl sitting at a computer asked, "Could you help me". I knew that this was probably a flirting invitation, and that was not what I was there for, and the girl looked young enough that it might not look well. But I decided just to be a good sport about it, and so I approached her. Then she turned so that I could see her entire face. I guess I must have reacted somehow, as her countenance changed. I never did hear what she wanted help with. She just said, "Can you leave me? .... I don't need your help."

It all left me rather rattled. But I could see what had happened, a rather young and inexperienced girl, learning to test how people respond to her face. Sitting at the machine looking straight ahead. Seeing me off the starboard bow and calling out to me. Then watching how I would react when I saw her full face.

It had not been like this with the ~~~AUTISTIC GF~~~ as I had spotted her from 40' away and reconciled myself to her face before I approached.

With this girl in front of the computer it did make me think of the ~~~AUTISTIC~~~ girl. Especially for a girl, people really will react to her face.

And then what is this Neurodiversity Neurodivergence idea, if not people who have decided that it is easier to ask for pity than to stand up for themselves? They don't want to indict their parents and to have to face what is really going on. So they swallow a lie.

There is not one scintilla evidence that any such neurological difference exists. And it is just about impossible that anyone ever will have such evidence. It is just a resurgence of the Eugenics Movement in support of NeoLiberal Capitalism.

So Nicespice, I assume that you are the one designing the Neurodivergence Lapel Tag. Let us see it, as we should start ordering rolls of cloth in the right color, so that people can use scissors to cut out their tags and then sew them to their clothes.


Herb Alpert

Maggie May
avatar for TFP
4 years ago
On a somewhat related note, how many SJG threads does everyone have blocked? My number right now is 26 and keeps climbing because this fucker keeps bumping more and more of his own shit.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
4 years ago
^^^ Roughly the same.
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
With the ~~Autistic~~ GF, she was someone very similar to the Cartoon Cathy. Nothing odd about her, except for the fact that she lived in an institution.

So usually when approaching a girl, she will want some demonstration of peer culture status, currency.

I am not saying this right, but that is how it is with young people. But as this girl had none, I did not have to show any.

So I was able to get to her very easy.

But I could see that there were other people behind her controlling her affairs. I did not wish to come into conflict with them.

You know when you are growing up, going to school, there will be a few kids that you cannot connect to, cause they come from unusual families, ones with strange rules. You cannot challenge the parents, and you cannot try to peel the kid away from the parents. All you can do is back off.

Well it was like this with her. I did not really get into this with her, but she had been made to believe that she had this condition, ~~AUTISM~~.

So if I wanted to engage with her, I would have to wait until such time that she decides to get out of the institution and dump the nonsense.

Otherwise, best just to stand away.

Someone had stuck a lapel pin on her and tattooed a serial number onto her arm. Until such time that she was ready to reject these things, better for me to keep back.

avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
I think of another situation. When I was in my 4th year of high school, a new student came in, in his 1st year. Let me call him C.

Now people were teasing C. mercilessly. It was non-stop. And some even proclaimed a hitting contest on him and were keeping score on the black board.

Now if the school district shrinks got hold of C., that would have been horrible. They would have found something about him which somehow rationalized this.

Maybe not ~Autism~ back then, but they would have come up with something.

I was friends with C.'s older brother.

Their parents could have gone to the yellow pages and looked under psychotherapists. They would have found someway to put it on C., but not to disclose that to the school district.

C.'s parents could have done this, but they did not. They were not that kind of family. They had no interest in finding the locus of original sin in either of their boys.

So instead they did go to the yellow pages, but they started in the beginning, under Attorneys. Soon every member of the School Board received a letter on the attorney's stationary informing them that what was happening was illegal, and that especially with this scoreboard, there was no deniability. And then he let them know that if he had to communicate about this again, it will be delivered by a process server.

WOW! All these teachers who were impotent to do anything about it, now they were all eyes everywhere at the same time.

Sure, each of the bullies was given a talking to, and I think one day suspension. But the high school boys never really were the problem. It was the teachers. "Boys will be boys", "C. has to learn to defend himself", "C. Shouldn't be so sensitive." Well that letter from the attorney put an end to that.

The teacher who told us about the letter from the attorney should not have done so. That should have remained private. But as he did, I will forever be impressed with C.'s parents.


TJ HK Bar Gallery

Modern Jazz Quartet - Concert in Jazz (full album) HQ
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
Act Early Against Autism: Give Your Child a Fighting Chance from the Start

Jayne Lytel, driving her son Leo to doctors and to special schools. And how is it that her life came to revolve around this?

Well, the hatred Lytel and her husband feel about their younger son Leo is intense.

Now you know, sand is kind of neat, and wet sand all the more so. So often at inland lakes they will go to great expense to truck sand in.

So Leo, about 1 1/2 years old, had never seen sand before. His father took him to an inland lake park. Might have been the first time Leo and his father had been alone together.

Leo could not ignore the sand. He kept picking the wet sand up and letting it dribble through his fingers. And then he would press his forehead into it.

The father was freaking out, and checking all around for who might be watching.

He kept picking Leo up off of the sand and putting him down elsewhere, in the hope that he would stop.

I guess he never considered that he could do exactly the same thing, get down on all fours, pick up some sand in a hand, and press his forehead into it.

No, Lytel and the husband are dotcom super yuppies, they measure up to all social expectations, they promote the New Economy.

So soon the ritual would begin, driving Leo to doctors and special teachers.

And it is like Bruno Bettelheim said about such mothers, she will present herself as a saint and martyr. Bettelheim will always have credibility problems. But about this, Munchausen's Syndrome By Proxy, I say he was right.

And so where first? Well the Autism Industry promotes these "Autism Narratives", first person accounts, "I have Autism", "I cannot do this and that", when the book itself shows that none of these claims could possibly be true.

So it starts at the Yale Lab, where so many of these assessments come from.

The Eugenics Movement was not just people like Karl Brandt in Germany and Hans Asperger in Austria. It was an international movement. And the American eugenicists kept up cordial correspondence with the German counter parts for well into the 1930's. It was one such Eugenics Movement leader who founded that Yale Lab.

Science and the Swastika


Art Blakey & the Jazz Messengers - Free For All (1964) {Full Album}
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
With the Autistic GF, I never wanted to tangle with the people who ran her institution. So I pulled back, decided that it would be better not to deal with them. I also decided that it was not really right for me to be involved with her either.

I mean sure, they get paychecks. But even then I knew that they would be people who had more attachment to it than that.

Lynn Kern Koegel


Every nonconforming group needs to have its own lapel tag. But some shapes and colors have already been taken.

As soon as Nicespice tells us the color, we will order the rolls of cloth. We will order matching thread too.

from play by Abby Mann

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
4 years ago
Can we hire Trump to (re)build your privacy wall? Because the one you've got sucks.
avatar for CostaTheCrazyGreek
4 years ago
Even with all the "advances" in knowledge and treatment, mental health is still a 'black & white" issue to a lot of people. A lot of times it gets to the point of "I would have been so much happier if I was born retarded" and I mean like "full retard". That's how fucked up it is.
avatar for theeastcoast757
4 years ago
A lot of people here have undiagnosed mental illness you can definitely tell
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
Mental Illness is a Myth, Autism/Aspergers/Neurodivergence are a Hoax.

In France someone who aids oppressors is called a collaborator. We have a different history, so they are called Uncle Toms.

avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
Heir, Hunter, Field
from play by Abby Mann



Hitler's Biological Soldiers

tell us the color nicespice, we want to make a good impression on our Masters.


We'll wind some of the thread on to bobbins, so we can make nice small zig zag machine stitches.

avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
When I was in elementary school, we saw some of this material on 16mm. Some of it really disturbed me.


15 years later, not remembering any names, just that it was done at U Wisconsin Madison, I turned to those old green Reader's Guide books. Soon I had found something in Scientific American which looked like it was it. So I went to the microfilm drawers, found the film, threaded in into the machine, and yes, that was it.



Love at Goon Park: Harry Harlow and the Science of Affection


Harlow seems to have gotten the ideas for this, from work done with baby rats at Stanford, done under the supervision of Frederick Terman. I think most of the rats died.





avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
What does sewing have to do with mental illness?
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
There is no such thing as ~~Mental Illness~~

But non-conforming groups are to have their own lapel tags sewn on. It helps in isolating them and in eventual interment and euthanizing, like the thousands of children Hans Asperger had euthanized.


Nicespice is designing the tag. Once she tells us the color we will order the cloth and thread.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
@nicespice in retrospect you should have named this thread "Posting to TUSCL while neurodivergent". 😂
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
4 years ago
Nicespice has had to hide her own discussion thread because some creepy prickstain from San Jose decided to hijack it.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
LOL she trolled herself. 🤣🤣🤣

If mental gymnastics was an Olympic sport, san_jose_creep would win the gold medal every time. 🤸🤸🤸

His entire existence has become an excuse for his own inner demons. He comes to TUSCL to post and continue to reaffirm and literally read his own defense mechanisms so he can sustain them. He failed at marriage therefore the institution of marriage itself is at fault. He fails to seduce civilian women therefore they are just not sexually predisposed. He has mental issues therefore mental illness is a myth. Everyday (except Sunday when the public library is closed and he can't get free internet there) it's the same routine. Lather. Rinse. Repeat. All of this is both exacerbated and ultimately because he is...wait for it...a neurodivergent...🤯
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
SirCircleJerkalot, just so long as you don't try to tie your own shoes again, just let your wife do it.

A well written book, POV's from many authors. Shows what should be obvious, that the whole idea of Autism/Aspergers/NeuroDivergence is nonsense.


avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
How did you meet and date a girl in a psychiatric institution?

I've fucked girls on meds for add and depression. Never again...they get psychotically attached.
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
^^^^^ WTH, who is that directed at?

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
You. You said you dated an institutionalized autistic girl
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
I did not meet her at the institution. But yes, and she was no different from anyone else, just zero guile.

She was at a huge social disadvantage, because she was caught in the institution.

I pulled back, because it just did not seem right. But I now see that it was really her parents or other living relatives, and the emerging Autism Industry who were to blame. She need to come to see this for herself, and then get the fuck out.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
@san_jose_creep my wife takes great care of me and would tie my shoes in a heartbeat. Thanks for the advice but she's already got me covered.

What do you do on Sundays when the library is closed and you can't post to TUSCL? Do you have any rituals that get you through the day? Do you have a pretend keyboard and monitor to help? 🤪
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
A lot of institutions are just money mills milking Medicare and insurance companies while offering wub par care.

Family puts them there because they don't want to take care of them. Hence why so many end up on the streets.
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
SirCircleJerk, you are beyond the point where even quick lime would help. A 2800 deg F cremation in an open hearth furnace is about the only way to do anything for you.

The Autism/Asperger/Neurodivergence label clearly falls with in Nuremberg Precedent as a bogus medical label, being used in an organized way to persecute a vulnerable group. It is all Josef Mengele territory. Prosecutable as War Crimes and as Crimes Against Humanity.

avatar for mark94
4 years ago
What if someone came up with a simple “cure” for Autism. One shot, and you were suddenly normal.

Who should take that shot ? The severely autistic ? High functioning autistic s ? Should the shot be mandated for some ? Would the benefit outweigh the cost losing the next generation of Einstein’s, Musks, Ben Franklins, and Thomas Jefferson’s ?
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
It is unfortunate that Musk is going along with the hoax. His doing so will contribute to the abuse of more children and adults.

Einstein, Franklin, and Jefferson were never asked to do this.

We are still waiting for Nicespice to tell us her design for the Neurodivergence Lapel Tag. When she tells the color, we will order cloth and matching thread.


Hans Asperger signed for 1000's of children to be euthanized. Had he not been able to hide his involvement with the Nazi's, he may well have been executed.


Can't find any biological markers:
Autism, do labels and diagnoses help or hinder? - Professor Sami Timimi

At the tender age of 15, Claude Berr recognized that you don't appease oppressors by wearing a lapel tag:



3, the yellow star

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Mark you sound creepy as fuck. That's like primitive trives viewing retardation As a gift so they think the retarded have special powers.

A cure would give the autistic a normal life
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
@san_jose_creep LMAO do you realize that the more you post here, the more that you actually prove that you suffer from autism? You denying it over and over (and over and over) is actually an example of it and that you are trying so hard to stay in denial about it. You've made your same point multiple times now but you still can't stop. Compulsive much? 🤣🤣🤣
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
ICEY, there is no such thing as Autism. So the only impediment to a so called "normal life" is in the history and continuance of abuse and persecution, and the fact that there has yet to be any legal redress.

The entire Autism industry clearly falls within Nuremberg Precedents for Crimes Against Humanity, and it also clearly violates the 1989 UN Convention of Rights of the Child.

If you still think there is some basis to it, read:

1973 book, but the final session with Dominique was 1960. Though the Spanish Civil War was over 20 years, Franco executed someone. Also, Dominique may have just seen some preview clips to "The Longest Day", as he kept intoning the motif.



The Beatles - Paperback Writer
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
If there's no autism explain this behavior


avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
Explain this behavior


And ICEY, you are proving my point. If someone is being subjected to this Neurodivergence label, then they must follow the example of Claude Berr and obtain military commando training.

The Autism/Asperger's industry is just Mommy Guilt.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
You want autistic people to be taught to kill?

avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
If they are being targeted with such a bogus label, then yes, they need to teach themselves to kill.

No different from Claude Berr, facing the prospect of wearing the yellow star.




The Autism industry operated because it is able to turn people into pity seekers.


avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
If people fought back, the Autism Industry would collapse and the responsible parties would be held accountable. More often than not it is starting with the parents.


avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Come on... where do you get your info?

There's no such thing as autism but those labeled as such should kill those who label and treat them

Covid 19 is a conspiracy to deny us universal Healthcare

The progressives are against covid measures the conservatives for.

Hookers aren't fucking for money and a gfe is a girlfriend audition.

Where do you get all this?
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
The Neurodivergent


The Neurotic

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
4 years ago
Icee said "Come on... where do you get your info?"

His own incredibly broken and creepy mind. And if you haven't gotten that by now then you're not paying attention.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Cim I think there's more to it
avatar for Tetradon
4 years ago
^ Severe, untreated schizophrenia.

The simplest answer to a problem is usually correct.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
Q) What is the difference between a neurotic, a psychotic, and a psychiatrist ?
A) A neurotic builds castles in the air, a psychotic lives in them, and a psyciatrist collects the rent!
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
A former friend is a youth pastor. They believe schizophrenics are angels and would lure homeless ones to their church and pray around them thinking they were touched by the holy spirit. Its sick.
avatar for san_jose_guy
4 years ago
Icey yes, that kind of a church, as it with all salvation churches, is really sick.

I helped put someone from such a church into San Quentin, for molesting his three daughters. And his entire church was behind him.

But the Nazi Eugenics Movement is also sick.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Sirlapdancealot acts the most autistic on here
avatar for SirLapdancealot
4 years ago
^^^ lmao yeah you would know coz you read my posts when you have me on pretend ignore.

I just troll trolls and you get so butthurt about it. Lulz.
avatar for BilMorJr
4 years ago
I'm on the spectrum, and there's a lot that goes on at clubs that I don't understand: like how to figure out when a girl is offering extras or when she's going to get upset/weird if I ask. But at least it's transactional and there are mostly clear rules. I don't know how to break the rules like many of you all do, but as long as I'm okay sticking with stuff within the rules, clubs are great and I don't have to worry about whether a girl is being nice because she's interested or because she feels sorry for me: they're just doing their jobs at the club, and that's easy to understand.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
I know a court case where an autistic man who refuses help was given a 24 hour notice to vacate after a judge who doesn't believe in mental illness covid nor social justice accused him of fraudulently attempt to circumvent the system for not knowing how to apply for rental assistance.

Thats the reality of mental illness denial.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Courts and cops have to deal with people who defy the system and the law all the time.

The Autism / Mental Illness argument ads nothing.

If someone is being targeted with the Autism / Mental Illness idea, then they need military commando training so that they will be able to defend themselves with lethal violence.

And usually it is starting from the family, and from supportive white coats.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Some families take the view, "You will comply with all social expectations, otherwise you have something wrong with you", and they find doctors who follow a business model based on backing them up. But not everyone is like this. I do not fully agree with the gifted movement, but it is all very interesting. In the last 18 months I have read a lot of their stuff.

Raising Cain: Protecting the Emotional Life of Boys Paperback


Strip Club Girl Kissing

The origin of (non-extras) lap dancing?
front room kissing in strip clubs

TJ Street
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Real Boys
Rescuing Our Sons From the Myths of Boyhood
Pollack, William S. (1998)

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
My own thinking though probably goes along more with the Post Human and Trans Human movements.

Edge City
Life on the New Frontier
by Garreau, Joel

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Beyond Terman : contemporary longitudinal studies of giftedness and talent / edited by Rena F. Subotnik and Karen D. Arnold. Norwood, N.J. : Ablex Pub. Corp., [1994]

includes: Achievement of eminence: a longitudinal study of exceptionally gifted boys and their families / Robert S. Albert.

Theories of creativity / edited by Mark A. Runco, Robert S. Albert (1990)

Genius and eminence / edited by Robert S. Albert. (1992)

Raising Cain : protecting the emotional life of boys / Dan Kindlon, Michael Thompson with Teresa Barker. (2000)


MistressViolet, understands the importance of high heels and makeup
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Hollingworth, Leta Stetter, 1886-1939. Children above 180 IQ, Stanford-Binet; origin and development / by Leta S. Hollingsworth. (1942)

She is the counter voice to the Terman Study.

Dąbrowski, Kazimierz
Title Positive disintegration / Edited, with an introd., by Jason Aronson (1964)
Polish Psychiatrists very highly regarded in Gifted Movement.

Mental growth through positive disintegration, by Kazimierz Dabrowski with Andrzej Kawczak and Michael M. Piechowski. (1970)

Bullies & victims : helping your child survive the schoolyard battlefield / SuEllen Fried and Paula Fried. (1996)






3 colors





avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
The Social importance of self-esteem / edited by Andrew M. Mecca, Neil J. Smelser, and John Vasconcellos. (1989)

Genius denied : how to stop wasting our brightest young minds / Jan and Bob Davidson with Laura Vanderkam. (2005)

Gowan J. C.
Operations of increasing order and other essays on exotic factors of intellect, unusual powers and abilities, etc. (as found in psychic science) ... / John Curtis Gowan


French Maid

Iris Renee

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
So NICESPICE and ICEY, you two are supposed to be designing the Neurodivergence Lapel Tag. Where is it? Need to know so we can order the right colored cloth and the matching thread. This will impress our Masters.

You know what would also impress them, getting our own rolls of razor wire and setting up our own internment camp.

I don't totally go along with the Gifted Movement, but I know that it is a much more fruitful response to the same things that the ~Autism/Aspergers/Neurodivergence~ hoax is based on.

Some parents have a need to find the locus of Original Sin in their child.


Raising Cain : protecting the emotional life of boys / Dan Kindlon, Michael Thompson with Teresa Barker. (2000)


see table of contents:


The Way Life Should Be
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Icey and Nicespice, maybe you two think going right now to a neurodivergence interment camp tag is going to far too fast. So how about a big rubber stamp for kid's school records, to be stamped in red, right on the front page, "NEURODIVERGENT".

It could be stamped right on as soon as they enter kindergarten.

There could even be a "Suspected Neurodivergent" stamp. So when the child is first registered for school, the school secretary could stamp that. Maybe its because of something a parent said, or maybe its just because of her own impression of the child.

Raising Cain
Protecting the Emotional Life of Boys
by Dan Kindlon and Michael Thompson

from the back of the book:
"... make a compelling case that emotional literacy is the most valuable gift we can offer our sons, urging parents to recognize the price boys pay when we hold them to an impossible standard of manhood."

This the paper back edition. Turns out that the hard cover edition had come out just 12 days before the Columbine tragedy. "National statistics clearly show that school violence nationwide is actually down, and many school administrators in poor urban neighborhoods were dismayed by the amount of attention given to violent incidents in suburban schools following decades of bloodshed in their own schools."

This has been the vantage point I have brought to these incidents, showing that are always in place which otherwise have a very low violence rate. Lots of other places have more violence, more kids with criminal records, and more guns in the schools.

And also, Ralph Larkin, having done some of the best writing on Columbine, has been the one who has written in a similar vein on Elliot Rodger.


Led Zeppelin, Danish TV (really good)
avatar for Mate27
3 years ago
^^^ SJG is neurodivergent!
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Not sure if I go along with the above two authors, but they do seem to go along way towards addressing these boy violences like in schools. For every such incident, there are 10,000 more cases of boys suffering in silence.

Dan Kindlon

yeah, he has other books

Michael Thompson


But again, not sure if I am really going to agree with these two.


avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago

Raising Cain: Protecting the Emotional Life of Boys
by Dan Kindlon and Michael Thompson (2000)


I am making my way through this. It is interesting and well worth the time to read it. It is very thought provoking. I still have not decided entirely what I think about it. I suspect that the views of these authors are too conservative, trying to bolster middle-class norms. But no matter, still well worth reading for the understanding.

They liken it to something I have long wanted to read, because I am absolutely fascinated by Hamlet.

Reviving Ophelia 25th Anniversary Edition: Saving the Selves of Adolescent Girls
Mary Pipher PhD (Author), Sara Gilliam (Author)

And it is not just Ophelia and Hamlet, it is also Laertes. An entire generation is wiped out because of the lies and duplicity of the parents.

I know about Raising Cain because it is mentioned repeatedly in the literature of the Gifted Movement. But this book is really not part of that movement.

I see the Gifted Movement as a counter voice to the Autism / Aspergers / Neurodivergence Hoax. In the Gifted Families uniqueness is celebrated and the parents advocate for their children and get programs which will allow their child to learn something new and challenging every single day.

In the Autism / Aspergers / Neurodivergence families, compliance with social norms is paramount. And so the parents hand the children to programs where they are told that they have a difference, and that that explains everything, as they are handed over to White Coats and pressed to accept their delegitimated status.

Icey and Nicespice are going to design the Neurodivergence Internment Camp Lapel Tag, and they are designing the Neurodivergence rubber stamp which can be stamped in red ink on the front page of a child's school records.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Raising Cain is too conservative of a book, reinforcing gender and middle-class norms. And then what would you expect from counselors at private schools. Certainly they are not going to be criticizing the parents, or otherwise saying things which alarm the parents.

They invoke Geoffrey Canada, and I have read some of his stuff before. He is good.

Geoffrey Canada

Reaching up for manhood : transforming the lives of boys in America / Geoffrey Canada (1998)

The Ethical Slut, Third Edition: A Practical Guide to Polyamory, Open Relationships, and Other Freedoms in Sex and Love


Peter Frampton - Do You Feel Like We Do (Live in Detroit) w/ Bob Mayo

Seven Nation Army

Hot Pants
avatar for Lanechange
3 years ago
Ill keep it succinct. Im probably aspergers ish. Going to strip clubs was part of my strategy to change my scarcity mindset after divorce. I think it was effective. And probably more cost effective than therapy for sure.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Autism / Asperger's / Neurodivergence is a hoax which came out of the Nazi Eugenics Movement. It lives on today because it is convenient for the Neo-Liberal paradigm where everyone is supposed to be advancing themselves in the market economy. It is that and this idea that this so called "Neurological Difference" gives one some special ad aptitude with computers.

Most of the time it is parents who want to find the locus of original sin within their child.


And we hear that Elon Musk now says that he has Asperger's Syndrome.

Well being someone who grew up in a country which practiced an Apartheid system which was derived from American's Jim Crow system, he ought to know better than to be trafficking in a concept originally developed in the Nazi Eugenics Movement which is used today to legitimate the abuse of children and adults.


Ann Wilson - Beware Of Darkness @ George Fest 2014

"Crossroads" - Eric Clapton, Sheryl Crow, John Mayer, Doyle Bramhall II, Robert Rundolph (Live 2008)
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago

Kleinfelter's syndrome a condition caused by an extra female chromosome (XXY), and effected boys have small genitalia and a testosterone deficiency. Clinicians who work with these boys report that they tend to be self-conscious because especially for those on the cusp of puberty who must shower together after gym class. penis size is a visible measure of manhood. These boys tend to get into trouble fighting, perhaps to protect themselves against the pain of this shame and perhaps in part to validate their manliness.



This Boy's Life, Tobias Wolff, with Leonardo DiCaprio. (1993)




I would also like to draw attention to Basketball Diaries (1995), also with DiCaprio. Some super hottie twin girls in that.

And then this is a very disturbing true story

Our guys : the Glen Ridge rape and the secret life of the perfect suburb / Bernard Lefkowitz
Lefkowitz, Bernard. (1997)



Peter Frampton - Do You Feel Like We Do - Live 2016, w/ Rob Arthur on keyboads

GEORGE FEST - Norah Jones - SOMETHING @ Fonda 09-28-14
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Genius Denied: How to Stop Wasting Our Brightest Young Minds

This is what I am going to read next. It is written by two who run a special school and they use a piece of the grounds of UN Reno.

They want documentary proof of IQ 145. That is the top 0.7 % of the population.

My Organization may have some similarity, to this and to Mensa. But we are not interested in IQ tests or in any other kind of standardized tests. Who ever wants to be one of us, can be.

We will of course be snatching up the very best of the young women.

Now anyone with an IQ greater than 105 is at risk of being rubber stamped as having Autism/Aspergers/Neurodiversity, and Nicespice are Icey are designing that rubber stamp.

For anyone being targeted as such I recommend martial arts training and military commando training.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
The Gifted Movement is the counter part to the Autism/Aspergers/Neurodiversity Eugenics Hoax. It is the more reasonable approach. When one reads the autism narratives there is always a common feature, two extremely intelligent parents who do not recognize and honor their own intelligence. Instead they see their child as a problem and an embarrassment. Eventually the child internalizes this, so even if the parents aren't driving them to the doctor, the child will be driving themselves.

The counter view is found in the Gifted Movement. Though I'm sure I don't agree with all of it, the central ideas I do agree with, and I am working to learn more about it. It is simply the way it goes when people decide to honor their own intelligence and that of their child. It what happens when parents stand with their child, where as in the Autism/Aspergers/Neurodiversity families, the parents are exploiting their child.

The Gifted Movement predates the rise in NeoLiberalism in the 1990's which resurrected the Nazi Eugenics concept of Autism/Aspergers. The Gifted Movement and the Post-Human / Trans-Human movements are the reasonable alternatives.

Genius Denied, by Jan and Bob Davidson(2004)
These are the people who are running a special school which uses part of the U Nevada Reno campus. They require proof of an IQ of 145. If you believe in IQ and that it measures anything meaningful, and that the scale is calibrated correctly, than that would be the top 0.7% of the population.

FWIW, in the Organization which I am building we will not be using IQ tests or any other kinds of tests. But I want to read the above text and understand it.

Here I want to list some other references which I plan to avail myself of:

Real Boys: Rescuing your son from the myths of boyhood (1998)

Colangelo, N., Assouline, S. B. (2004), A nation deceived: How Schools hold back America's Brightest students, 2 volumes

R. Orstien (1991) The evolution of consciousness
The Origins of the way we think

John Vasconcelles, 1990, Toward a state of esteem.

Edelman, Gerald (2004) Wider than the sky: The Phenomenal Gift of Consciousness

Briggs, D. (1970) Your Child's Self-Esteem: The Key to His Life.

John Curtis Gowan ( taught at what would become CSU Northridge)
The education and guidance of the ablest / by John Curtis Gowan [and] George D. Demos. With a pref., by Charles Bish, and a foreword by E. Paul Torrance (1964, 511 pages)

The disadvantaged and potential dropout: compensatory educational programs : a book of readings / compiled and edited by John Curtis Gowan and George D. Demos (1966 624 pages)

Educating the ablest : a book of readings on the education of gifted children / edited by John Curtis Gowan and E. Paul Torrance. (1971 295 pages)

Operations of increasing order and other essays on exotic factors of intellect, unusual powers and abilities, etc. (as found in psychic science) ... / John Curtis Gowan (1980 384 pages)

The academically talented student and guidance / [by] John C. Gowan [and] Catherine B. Bruch. (1971 107 pages)

Tyre, P. (2004) The Trouble With Boys

Strang, R. The Psychology of Gifted Children (1965), Helping Your Gifted Child (1961)

Hollingsworth, L. S.

Klein, A. (2002) A forgotten voice: A biography of Leta Stetter Hollingworth

K. Dabrowski, Positive Disintegration and Pschoneurosis is not an illness (1972), Kazimierz Dabrowski (1902-1980)

Nelson, K. C. and Piechowski M. M. wrote about Dabrowski

Spiegel, J. P. the resolution of role conflict within the family, 1957 article.

Levy, D. M. Maternal Overprotection (1943)

Henri Bergson, Creative Evolution (1944)

R. M., Bucke, Cosmic Consiousness, 6th ed 1929

Louis Bulk?? 1926, The Causes of Evolution, Foetalization of the Ape

Dabrowski, K. and Piechowski, M. M. Theory of levels of Emotional Development, 2 volumes, 1977

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
^ continuing from above I want to chronicle a few more references:

Albert R. S. 1994, The Achievement of Eminence, in R. F. Subotinik and K. D. Arnold (eds) Beyond Terman: Contemporary Longitudinal Studies of Giftedness and Talent.
Beyond Terman: Contemporary Longitudinal Studies of Giftedness and Talent (Creativity Research)
by Rena F. Subotnik (Author), Karen D. Arnold (Author)

Yes, it lists the Robert S. Albert chapter, "The Achievement of Eminence..."

and we have some other Robert S. Albert materials:

Parents' Personality and the Creative Potential of Exceptionally Gifted Boys

Title: The Creativity Research Handbook
Sub-title: Volume 2
Editor(s): Mark A. Runco
Publish Date: June 2012
Pages: 294
Format: Paper

Contents: Understanding Organizational Creativity: Toward a Multiparadigmatic Approach, Tudor Rickards and Christian De Cock. Creative Thought: Cognition and Problem Solving in Dynamic Systems, Michael D. Mumford and Sigrid B. Gustafson. Philosophical Approaches to Creativity, Carl Hausman and Douglas Anderson. The Achievement of Eminence as an Evolutionary Strategy, Robert S. Albert. Creativity and Operant Research: Selection and Reorganization of Responses, Patricia D. Stokes. Creativity and Economics, Mark A. Runco, Todd I. Lubart, and Isaac Getz. Creativity as Purposeful Work: The Evolving Systems Approach, Sara N. Davis, Robert T. Keegan, and Howard Gruber. Creativity and Qualitative Research, Michael T. Moore ad Mary C. Murdock. Author Index. Subject Index.

Well we have this:

Creativity : theories and themes : research, development, and practice / Mark A. Runco.
Imprint London : Amsterdam : Academic Press, an imprint of Elsevier, [2014]
* 500 pages

And this is widely disseminated:
Beyond Terman : contemporary longitudinal studies of giftedness and talent / edited by Rena F. Subotnik and Karen D. Arnold.
Imprint Norwood, N.J. : Ablex Pub. Corp., [1994]


Weather Report - Weather Report (1971) [FULL ALBUM]
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
The above two posts are mostly drawing from the references in Smart Boys (2001) by Barbara A. Kerr and Stanford J. Cohn, both at Arizona State.

They present the idea that success amongst gifted children seems to be the result of "falling in love with an idea" early in life, and then staying with it.

And most likely this is coming from:

Cradles of eminence [by] Victor Goertzel and Mildred George Goertzel. (1962)

And this 1962 edition is widely disseminated.

Now, Great Potential Press ( a Gifted Movement Press in Scotsdale AZ) published a 2004 second edition. It is far less disseminated.

There are other refs which Kerr and Cohn offer:

Families of gifted children / by Dewey G. Cornell (1984)

Love between equals : how peer marriage really works / Pepper Schwartz (1995)

Common fire : lives of commitment in a complex world / Laurent A. Parks Daloz ... [et al.] (1996 Beacon Press, house organ for the UU's)

He : understanding masculine psychology / Robert A. Johnson. (1989) Johnson also writes about the Fischer Kind and Woundedness in male psychology



Joni Mitchell - Amelia
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
So more of the most interesting refs from Smart Boys, by Barbara A. Kerr and Stanford J. Cohn

Strosser, R. E. (2000) Eboys: The first inside account of venture capitalists at work.

Fried S. and Fried R. (1996) Bullies and victims: Helping your child survive the school yard battlefield.

And it says in Smart Boys that Sanford J. Cohn (Sandy) "has a special interest in the notion that the spark of intelligence began as a highly localized event in a single individual who spawned a new species, Homo Sapiens. Sandy discovered that he wanted to study the emergence of intellectual talent."

To me this sounds rather like "Clan of the Cave Bear", but I not found anything written about any of this from Cohn.


Joni Mitchell, Amelia
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Genius Denied, by Jan and Bob Davidson w/ Laura Vanderkam (2004)

This book is entirely consistent with what the other voices in the Gifted Movement are saying. And they have a long bibliography citing all the Gifted Movement authors that I like, and all the ones that I don't like.

They also argue against this anti-Gifted Movement author who I am going to read:

Mara Sapon-Shevin
Playing Favorites: Gifted Education and the Disruption of Community (1994)
by Mara Sapon-Shevin
Playing favorites : gifted education and the disruption of community / Mara Sapon-Shevin ; [foreword by Jeannie Oakes & Martin Lipton]

So she says that the Gifted Movement is racist and elitist, and that it destroys community. Sapon-Shevin has written other books about how to build community in schools. So I will read a number of her books.

Now the Davidsons probably cut deeper into conventional school, showing really biting examples of how ridiculous and time wasting it is, and how all it does is enforce the discipline of social conformity.

Definitely the Gifted Movement completely shatters the premises of the Autism / Aspergers / Neurodiversity Eugenics Hoax.

The Davidsons talk about the Gifted, and more about the Extremely Gifted. And they define the latter as IQ 145.

They say this would be 1/1000 persons. You might think about your own primary and secondary schools to see how many people this would apply to. And they say IQ 160 would be 1 in 10,000.

I would also say that even if you fit a gaussian distribution to some data, skewness and kurtosis zero, that still does not mean that the data actually follows a gaussian distribution and with skewness and kurtosis zero.

For myself I am not interested in IQ tests, or in any other kinds of tests. My organization will never use any tests for anything.

The Davidsons run their own school, using a part of the University of Nevada Reno campus.


I think what their book really does is just show how totally ass backwards conventional schooling is. All it does is enforce herd think. They say this is so for the Gifted and Extremely Gifted. I think this is true for everybody.


Deep Purple
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Genius Denied, by Jan and Bob Davidson, 2004

Now I read this and it seems like it must be written by Jan. So I tend to refer to the author as 'she'.

She is consistent with the other voices in the Gifted Movement. Some of these voices I like, some I do not, and there are still large areas I an unclear about.

Comparted with the other GM voices, she is more critical about the focus on athletics in primary and secondary schools. Other GM voices don't want to take this kind of a position because for some GM, athletics is their forte.

She is more openly critical of peer culture and of the kinds of things they talk about, than most GM voices are. And then she is focused on the Extremely Gifted, which is probably IQ > 145, and about 0.1 to 0.7% of the population.

Now some people are critical of the Gifted Movement and they don't want any special accommodations in schools. They definitely don't want much money spend there. But in the GM they compare it to Special Education, where a huge amount of money is spent.

Like all educators, she does not like George W. Bush's No Child Left Behind. But Bush did appropriate a huge amount of money for Special Ed. For CA this is over $900,000,000.

She considers pull out programs and enrichment times to be completely inadequate. And trying to restrict a Gifted Child to grade level work is completely ridiculous, as it is to expect them to be tutoring other children after they have finished their assignments. And she doesn't really like having just independent study time either. So she wants special classes, often college level classes. She wants Gifted Children to have access to college classes.

She also notes that some Universities have 4 week summer programs, having gifted children reside in their dormitories and attend special classes. This gives them the chance to learn something more, and especially to be with intellectual peers. And for many this is what they live for, this is the only time in a year which they get this.

I keep reading her because I want to know if there is anything else she says, anything outside the usual gifted movement envelop.

There is one thing already, she lists some of the published detractors and tries to refute them

For example:

Sapon-Shevin, Mara, "Playing Favorites: Gifted Education and the Disruption of Community", 1994

And then some who take issue with the GIfted Movement are taking issue with the amount of tracking in schools. And I would interject that in much of Europe and throughout Latin America and I think in Japan, the tracking is much more extreme.

So there has been conflict with ACORN who objects to the three public "exam schools" in NYC, Stuyvesant, Brooklyn Tech, and Bronx Science.

And then arguing against tracking and effectively against the Gifted Movement we have:

Wheelock, Anne, "Crossing the Tracks: How "Untracking" Can Save America's Schools" 1980

And then of most interest arguing against tracking:

Oakes, Jeannie, "Keeping Track: How Schools Structure Inequality" 1985

And then writing specifically about a court ordered detracking in San Jose CA, Oakes also writes:

Oakes, Jeannie, Kevin Welner, and Susan Yonezawa, "Mandating Equity: A Case Study of Court-Ordered Detracking in the San Jose Schools (Berkeley: California Policy Seminar's Policy Research Program, 1998)

I am going to avail myself of as much of the above counter material as I can. I want to understand it.

I would say that the Davidson's and other voices in the Gifted Movement are trying to say that they are talking about children who are so far beyond the norm, that these tracks don't really apply. But the GM Is still going to interact with the issues over tracking. I have mixed feelings about this myself.

These kinds of issues relate to the views of our two major political parties too. And some in the GM, like the Davidsons, do seem tied to Republican views. But others that I like more do seem tied more to Democrats. But again, this is still supposedly about children who are so far out there, that these political tents might not really apply.

Here on page 178, the Davidsons offer advice to parents, "What Parents Can Do"

"Assure your child that it is okay to be different. Highly intelligent children often feel disconnected from their classmates and other age peers. To learn about how gifted children develop friendships, visit the Parent section of:"


This is good:



That's okay though. We can disregard this and still do it Icey and Nicespice's way. Stamp "Suspected Neurodivergent" in red on a child's school records. And then Icey and Nicespice are designing a suitable Neurodivergent Internment Camp Tag.


Miles Davis - Call It Anything (Miles Electric) Isle of Wight 1970

Stanley Clarke Herbie Hancock & Chaka Khan Live


Boogie oogie oogie - A Taste Of Honey - HQ/HD

OMS - Martinism part 3/5 - Templars, Willermoz, RER & CBCS

OMS - Martinism part 4/5 - St. Martin the Unknown Philosopher

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Berenson says marijuana causes neurodivergence
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Berenson says that marijuana causes "mental illness", and I guess as you say he is saying that it causes "neurodivergence"

Well, there is no such thing as "mental illness", it is myth. And there is no such thing as "neurdivergence". So he is wrong.

But I also want to point out that the reason he is making such statements is not to promote the ideas of mental illness or neurodivergence. These are already accepted within the medical and pharaceutical ....
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago

Mental illness and neurodivergence are already commonly held fallacies within the medical and pharmaceutical communities where Berenson has built his career. He is not specifically trying to promote these fallacies, and his arguments do not depend upon accepting them. He is simply trying to debunk another fallacy, that marijuana is benign. There are even lots of people around who try to say that marijuana is good for you.

So this is what Berenson is trying to debunk. The ideas of mental illness and neurodiversity are secondary to this. You might say that marijuana causes the symptoms of mental illness and neurodiversity. But even this would not be accurate, because there are no symptoms of things which do not exist.

You might say that marijuana causes the alleged symptoms of mental illness and neurodivergence.

I am planning to avail myself of Berenson's marijuana book and interviews, after the COVID Police State threat has passed.

What seems to be making it pass is not that the vaccines are eliminating COVID. They aren't.

Rather it is just because we have reached a new threat, World War III.

The Gifted Movement is not something I am totally onboard with either, don't understand enough about it yet. But it is clearly a totally opposite response to the same sorts of things that the Autism/Aspergers/Neurodivergence Hoax feeds on.

Right now there are people driving their children to the doctor, or to that Yale Eugenics Lab, so that they can be accessed and so that the parents can find in their child the locus of Original Sin.

And then there are some who are just othered until they are old enough to be driving themselves to the doctor.

Now the only people I have found that throw around this idea of Autism/Aspergers/Neurodivergence are the Keyboard Kowards who inhabit this forum.

F2F people instinctively know that they cannot do that. They would stand the risk of getting stuffed head first into a steel trash can, if not worse.



avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
The point is you believe him when it suits your preconceived notions
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
No, I believe the essence of what he is saying:

1. The COVID response is illogical and idiotic, and that so called vaccine is making this worse.

2. Marijuana is not benign.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
But mental illness is a huge part of his premise....
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Yes, well he is wrong about that, and it is not his real point. His point is that marijuana is not benign.

I plan to avail myself of his anti-marijuana material after the threat of a COVID Police State has passed.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
That's what I mean. It's what suits your preconceived notions
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Everyone always interprets things according to what already has meaning for them.

I dismiss his stuff about mental illness and neurodivergence because it is peripheral to what he is saying.

But the wrong he finds in the COVID hysteria and the so called vaccine are spot on.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Heaving it's a conver. You're welcome to ignore it
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Anyone can join in. If you're too neurodivergent to know that. That's on you. If you don't like 7t don't just post to be an asshoke to me
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
You're being passive aggressive and condescending. Fuck off
avatar for BBBC
3 years ago
@heaving, stop making fun of my boyfriends! Us pink team members don't like being called retarded! We like being called faggots instead 😉
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
What the two of you (SJG & Icee) could do is start another thread of your own so that the OP doesn't keep getting comment notifications on a thread you hijacked.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Op can speak for themselves or turn notifications off CIM

but you only posted to be a bitch like always.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
These posts are a response to Nicespice's OP.

So continuing with:

Genius Denied, by Jan and Bob Davidson, 2004

Their bibliography is long and it includes most of the voices in the Gifted Movement. And it is interesting to me that this movement, with its multiple publishing companies and numerous journals, for the most part is in a high degree of agreement. So I want to list some of these voice here:

Gifted Movement voices I like:

Barbara Clark
Barbara Kerr
Nicholas Colangelo
Felice Kaufmann ( in Alabama)
James Curtis Gowan (was at what would become CSU Northridge)
Linda Silverman
James T. Webb (much of his work is in response to a high profile tragic teen suicide)
Joanne Rand Whitmore

Gifted Movement voices I do not like:

Sally M. Reis
Sylvia Rimm
Karen B. Rogers (Minnesota, St. Thomas University)
Lewis Terman

Gifted Movement voices I have not yet read, but plan to:

Susan Assouline
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Deirdre V. Lovecky
Rena F. Subotnik
Stephanie Tolan
Leta Hollingworth
Victor and Mildred G. Goertzel (1962)
Miraca Gross

And Also of Note

Harold Bloom
Howard Gardner
Richard Hofstader, "Anti-Intellectualism in American Life 1962
Diane Ratvitch (education expert from Houston, strong opponent of No Child Left Behind)
John Vasconcelles (retired CA State Senator, known for focusing on the concept of self-esteem in education, something the Right and some voices in the Gifted Movement take exception to)


And on page 62 the Davidson's say,

Gifted kids are acutely aware that they are different. The most confident ones shrug it off, but more wonder "What's wrong with me?" This question rarely leads to a positive self-concept. The more precocious the child, the worse the disconnect becomes. The most highly gifted face what gifted education's Miraca Gross calls a "forced-choice dilemma": achevement or friendship. Gifted children often hide their intelligence to blend in. Those who choose achievement must learn to live with having only a few good friends, who tend to be several years older. ... Many radically accelerated gifted children discover that being years younger than classmates makes them less strange than being years older intellectually.

But we can just disregard this and listen to "Autism/Aspergers/Neurodiversity" advocate John Elder Robison, "They don't owe you an accomodation", as he is getting strapped in for his next zap from the transcranial magnet to induce currents in his brain neurons.

And we can do things Icey and Nicespice's way, stamp "Suspected Neurodivergence" in red on a child's school records, and then start making interment camp tags.


70s Electric Miles Davis Mix (Jazz, Jazz Funk, Jazz Rock, Fusion..)
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
The main reason that I still hold back some with the Gifted Movement is that I see there as being a risk of it just intensifying the kind of child exploitation which is the Middle-Class Family.

And the Davidson's talk about classical music kids, that sounds very scary, and it is suggestive of Tiger Mother Amy Chua.

I mean kids who live under the whip, just because their parents have nothing better to do, and Stage Moms.

Now the Gifted Movement authors, and the Davidson's, don't present it this way. They present it more as children learning to set challenging goals and achieve them. And yes, I agree that this is good.

Their view is that there would be a broad range of elective course selection, and that all kids would always be challenged.

I am just concerned that the parents would be pushing this, and that is the standard critique of the Gifted Movement.

Another critical book they mention, which I want to read, arguing against acceleration, skipping grades.

David Elkind, "The Hurried Child", 1981

The hurried child : growing up too fast too soon / by David Elkind ; with a new introduction by the author. 2010

This Elkind has written lots and lots of books. I need to avail myself of these to have a comprehensive understanding.


OMS 2 of 5
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
They like this and mention it often:

Stanford Education Program for Gifted Youth

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
SJG said "These posts are a response to Nicespice's OP."

Meaning, you don't care because it's more fun for you to hijack a thread rather than start your own.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
No wonder you call yourself CIM fucking troll
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
No CMI, she has promoted this fallacy, Autism/Aspergers/Neurodivergence. What I have posted dispels it.

avatar for nicespice
3 years ago
Some of these recent comments are AWESOME 🤣🤣
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Thanks nicespice,

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
How would you explain this

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
People respond to different kinds of stress in different ways:

Harry Harlow

The Social Construction of Autism: Identity Politics in Our Culture by Sami Tamimi (new)

Most of the time the othering starts with the parents. In extreme cases where there is no outside intervention, what the parent seems to want is for the child to commit suicide. They want vindication, they want to find the locus of Original Sin in their child.

So a parentectomy will often be a life saving procedure.

And this is kind of how it works in primitive societies. They look for children with mystical leanings because they will be the next shaman. When they find such, they remove the child from the parents and place them in the care of an adult shaman.

If you want an idea of what they might be referring to, look to the character Simon in Lord of the Flies. He is the first to be killed by Jack and his Pig Hunters.

If someone is being targeted with this Autism/Aspergers/Neurodiversity Hoax today, what I would recommend is

1. Martial Arts Training
2. Military Commando Training
3. A Very Good Lawyer
4. A shinny new pair of steel toed 187 boots exactly like the ones I am wearing right now

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Playing favorites : gifted education and the disruption of community / Mara Sapon-Shevin ; [foreword by Jeannie Oakes & Martin Lipton]. (1994)

This is the first book of a decidedly anti-gifted movement author. And she has gone on to write other books which deal with some of the same issues. I am not endorsing her, but I do want to understand her, and to be able to do that I need to read her.


Wave of Bomb Threats Terrorizing Historically Black Colleges Continues During Black History Month (shows importance of Black Colleges)

Filmmaker Stanley Nelson on Police Brutality, Black History & His First Oscar Nomination for “Attica” (has that surreal phone call between Richard Nixon and Nelson Rockefeller)

avatar for Mate27
3 years ago
^^sjg you only say those things because youve been identified as being on the spectrum with Asperger or autism. Otherwise you wouldn’t be so against this, which it’s obvious you are!
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
There is no such "spectrum".

They only started labeling lots of Americans that way in the 90's, because of the rise of neo-liberalism, a new surge of interest in computers, and because the works of Hans Asperger were first translated into English.

Fully explained here:

Today anyone with an IQ over 85 is at risk of being so labeled, IF THAT IS WHAT THE PARENTS WANT!

The Gifted Movement is centered around the parents continually advocating for their child, to get them suitable educational materials, and into classrooms where they will be with intellectual peers.

So I am old enough to have missed the insanity.

If some white coat had tried to label me as being on some "Spectrum" you would have read in the newspaper what happened to them. And the Navy Seals could have used photos of it for their training.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Ass burger lulz
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
The entire discussion topic is solely the province of Keyboard Kowards.

People do not even think about such a thing F2F.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Reading about this Gifted Movement, it brings something to my mind.

Most of grades K thru 12 were just a low security prison, nothing good done at all, total waste of time.

But one of the high points was this. We had reading groups, really reading circles. This was necessary because kids need to hear stuff read aloud and they need the chance to read aloud in order to learn to read. And these are ability tiered groups.

Well this one 4th grade teacher decided to make Math Groups, three of them. So he made up a test, 3 problems of multiplying 2x 3 digit numbers together. He gave us all the papers and had us do it, and then he scored our papers. He didn't give the papers back to us, but he then announced that he had divided us into three groups.

Since the groups were about the same size, and since he didn't give the papers back to us, I think he may have had to fudge it some.

The for the next couple of weeks the two lower groups continued to practice multiplying numbers, while we got to learn Set Theory and Geometry.

And I know that getting to present this to our group was the real reason he made the groups. So he taught us all the key concepts and terminology in Set Theory, and then he went on to use this to develop Geometry, like point, line, circle, polygons, triangles, quadrilaterals, trapezoids, rectangles, squares, etc.

I had never heard anything like this before and I was blown away, and ....


X - Burning House of Love (live)
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
I still remember it all very well. I still rely on that treatment of Set Theory and Geometry which he was able to impart to us.

Now if he had a text book to give us that we could study from, and maybe if that had homework problems, all the better. And if it were always like that, totally awesome!

So I think about the Gifted Movement and on most things their authors are completely in agreement. One of their most central tenants is that a child has a right to be learning new things every single day.

Most of school as I saw it was spent handling discipline problems, reviewing stuff from previous years, or just going very very slowly.

So in the Gifted Movement they are saying that it cannot ever be like this.

As I see it, the idea is not so much just to jump years ahead in school. Rather, it is to be learning new materials each day, and especially, to be in classrooms with intellectual peers.

Now I do know that this gets into controversial territory, and I don't claim to have all the answers. This is why I keep reading.

And I have dealt with a father who used religion to sexually molest his daughters. and with his church was saying that he could not possibly have done anything wrong, and with the mother still insisting on this. I got very involved and played a big role in putting him into San Quentin.

I know that there are parents who don't want their children to be able to develop their intellectual abilities and will try to use the same sorts of justifications.

It all serves the needs of the parents, not wanting to take the chance that their kids will not be as fucked up as they are.


X - Around My Heart (1988 Whiskey a Go Go)
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Frances A. Karnes and Ronald G. Marquardt have written three books with titles like this. I don't know what they really deal with.

Gifted Children and the Law: Mediation, Due Process, and Court Cases



Gifted children and legal issues : an update / Frances A. Karnes and Ronald G. Marquardt.
Imprint Scottsdale, AZ : Gifted Psychology Press, [2000]

Federal and state initiatives -- The legal process and gifted education -- Court cases and gifted students' educational opportunities -- A case-by-case look at school policies affecting gifted education -- Negotiation in gifted education -- Gifted education and mediation -- Gifted education and due process -- Other legal issues related to gifted youth -- Gifted children and the Office for Civil Rights -- Gifted legal issues in the new millennium -- Appendix A : Jacob Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education Act of 1988 -- Appendix B : Table of cases -- Appendix C : State offices of gifted education -- Appendix D : State associations for the gifted -- Appendix E : National associations and resources for the gifted -- Appendix F : Position statements of the National Association for Gifted Children.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Playing favorites : gifted education and the disruption of community / Mara Sapon-Shevin ; [foreword by Jeannie Oakes & Martin Lipton]. (1994)
This also has an acknowledgement of Anne Wheelock and Beth Blue Swaderner.

And so Sapon-Shevin, Oakes, and Wheelock are specifically cited by the Davidsons as opponents of the Gifted Movement.

And so I am not taking sides. I am reading this material because I want to understand. And it is challenging.

This was Sapon-Shevin's first book and she goes right at the Gifted Movement. And she has written a number of other books since.

It gets into very sensitive things relating to the Scientific Management in factories from the early 20th Century, and to the ways that the Charter Schools Movement and the Gifted Movement are being used as work arounds for avoiding racial integration in schools.

And then, Jimmy and Roselyn Carter sent their daughter to DC public schools. The Clinton's did not do this, they sent their daughter to an elite private school.

What I can say is this, most of these opponents to the gifted programs are really campaigning against tracking in schools. And the gifted programs end up being the top track.

As I see it, the gifted are not supposed to be the top track, or any track. The idea of being gifted is supposed to pertain to kids that really stand out. And so I guess there are not going to be that many of such.

But as I see it right now, the children of the rich live under the whip. And this is one of the arguments against gifted programs.

So I will be reading this book and a number of others before I really can form my own views.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
What Sapon-Shevin explains that she grew up in the age of Sputnik, as did most everyone in the Gifted Movement. As I know, that was the real impetus.

But she is also saying something else, that it connects to Neo-Liberalism, the Charter Schools Movement, and to opposition to Brown v Board, White Flight to the Suburbs, and to resistance to school integration.

And I agree with her.

And what she does not say is that the Autism/Aspergers/Neurodivergence Hoax is also a product of all of these things, the resurgence of Nazi Eugenics in support of Neo-Liberalism.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
This thread though..... 😭😭
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Sapron-Shevin talks about her first experience with the Gifted Movement. She was looking for a pre-school for her daughter, and was considering the program offered by the Jewish Community Center.

But then a friend of hers had just gotten her own daughter into this gifted pre-school. So in part out of pride, Sapron-Shevin tried to get her own daughter in.

So it was run by the public school system, so she had to get her daughter an individual IQ test through the school district, and the daughter passed and got in.

Sapron-Shevin says that the gifted programs are a form of "educational triage", serving those children for whom inadequate programing and educational failure would not be acceptable while maintaining the status quo for the majority of the school population.

This is pretty bleak, but I am inclined to agree.

The Social Construction of Autism: Identity Politics in Our Culture by Sami Tamimi

avatar for CandymanOfProvidence
3 years ago
What about going to a club while defecation-divergent?
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
^^^ You sound like the one to do that research Candyman.

avatar for CandymanOfProvidence
3 years ago
Already started, in Providence of course... need a large sample size before publishing my research paper
Large number of samples that is, not a sample that is large, which is usual for me
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Continuing with Mara Sapon-Shevin.

My first reaction to what she writes is that she is unrealistic, completely unrealistic. Kids in school are vicious. They will attack anyone anyway they can. And often as not it is being prompted by the parents.

Sapon-Shevin though defines what she means by Community by referencing this time she spent at the world peace conference in a rural place on the US-Canada border. They ate meals together and slept in bunk beds in these barracks like structures.

Then she goes on to talk about an elementary school where kids are put into basic friendship groups of 4. They meet together for the first 10 minutes of each day, where they review the homework.

And the she talks about differences, like race, food allergies, and special educational needs being respected.

To me it sounds like she must have come of age in an Israeli Kibbutz. Or that is what she wants to make.

Our society is not like this. Life is not egalitarian, and kid, egged on by the parents, can be really cruel.

I read on though because I want to know where she goes with this. And I want to read some of the others who are opposed to the gifted programs. And she cites some of the voice I like.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
I think this is going to get to the reason why people feel that there is a need for gifted programs. And it does challenge the concept of "gifted", and I am not one who has really ever gone along with it either.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Some of the gifted movement writers are really very nice people. These are the ones I like. They want school to be a place where kids can be themselves and just learn as much as they can.

Jan and Bod Davidson did not strike me that way.

Timimi is right, these so called "psychiatric diagnoses" work like brands. And some have become very popular.

The Social Construction of Autism: Identity Politics in Our Culture by Sami Tamimi

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
The Gifted Movement authors I like want open ended creativity and curiosity driven educational environments.

Mara Sapon-Shevin wants this too.

Its just that those in the Gifted Movement feel that separation is necessary.

Mara Sapron-Shevin does not want this separation and does not thing the social construct of "gifted" is helpful.

I am inclined to agree with her, but I also note that these open ended creativity and curiosity driven school environments rarely exist.

So if you can get this for the Gifted, you have accomplished something.

But this supports what Mara Sapon-Shevin says, that the Gifted Programs are educational triage. Protect the Gifted while letting everyone else be completely disserved.

And then of course there are those Gifted Movement authors I do not like. They want kids to live under the whip.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
I an see what Mara Sapon-Shevin is saying. I have never been that enamored with the concept "gifted" myself.

But I related how great it was in the 4th grade when for a few weeks out teacher broke us up into 3 math groups. I really loved that and learned so much. Without those groups that never would have been possible. With the entire class such instruction on Set Theory and Geometry would have been impossible.

And math time in class was such a waste, multiplying 3 digit numbers. And then in future grades, long division, and with decimal points.

Most of the class will not ever learn that, so you are just pounding them for no result.

I want to see how Mara Sapon-Shevin addresses these concerns.

But I do not go along with people like Jan and Bob Davidson or Sylvia Rimm, who seem to want a more strict and coercive environment.

I mean we have people in elected office here, seeming to be women, who talk about how they are going to make sure "kids do well in school". They are self-serving menaces.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Playing Favorites, Gifted Education and the Disruption of Community, by Mara Sapon-Shevin (1994)

Some of her references:

************* Anti-Gifted and Anti-Tracking refs

George, P. (1992) How to untrack your school

How to Untrack Your School
by Paul S. George

George, Paul S.
How to untrack your school / Paul George.
Alexandria, Va. : Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, [1992]

Crossing the Tracks: How 'Untracking' Can Save America's Schools
by Anne Wheelock 1993

Crossing the tracks : how untracking can save America's schools / Anne Wheelock (1992)
* this is a widely disseminated book

"One of the most crucial controversies in educational circles today involves the practice of "tracking," or grouping students by ability from the early grades onward. Because the tests that are used to measure "ability" turn out to be a better measure of privilege or deprivation than of innate intelligence, underprivileged children are consistently relegated to the "slow track." Forced into a self-fulfilling and racist prophecy, they must contend with inferior instruction, inequitable resources, and lowered expectations - which all but guarantee their future failure." "Crossing the Tracks is a groundbreaking survey of schools throughout the country that have successfully "crossed the tracks" by reintegrating their classrooms. With all the excitement attendant on any effort at monumental reform, schools from Hawaii to Maine, Minnesota to Louisiana, are changing not only the makeup of their classes but their fundamental approach to education. Wheelock documents the actual experiences of schools as they reduce or eliminate ability grouping and strive to offer superior learning environments to all students." "With chapters on parental involvement, teacher training, curriculum reform, student aspirations, and examples of programs and practices that have been implemented across the nation, Crossing the Tracks is the first book to outline a specific course of action for parents, teachers, administrators, and others ready to join the "untracking" movement." "With its clear writing and many practical features, including a list of successfully-untracked schools and key contact people at each school, Wheelock's text is strongly endorsed by both educators and policy makers. Crossing the Tracks should have a significant impact on our thinking about approaches to elementary and middle-school education and should play a major role in the movement to enrich the learning process for all of our students."

Inclusion: A Guide for Educators
by Susan Stainback (Editor), William Stainback (Editor) (1996)


Inclusion : a guide for educators / edited by Susan Stainback and William Stainback (1996)

Making the best of schools : a handbook for parents, teachers, and policymakers / Jeannie Oakes & Martin Lipton. (1990)
* widely disseminated

Snow, J. A. "Giftedness"
in The Inclusion Papers, 1992
by Jack Pearpoint, Marsha Forest, Judith Snow

Cooperative learning / Robert E. Slavin (1983)
* widely disseminated

************* Pro-Gifted Program voices, these and others

Rensulli J. and S. M. Reis (1993)
schoolwide enrichment

Colangelo N.
Csikzentmihalyi, M. and Robinson, R. D.
Erlich V. 1982
Gallagher, J. J. (1985) Teaching the Gifted Child
Linda Silverman, Barbara Clark. James Webb, Stephanie Tolan

************** Mentions Diane Ravitch

She is in Houston and considered a conservative and she was with Bush on No Child Left Behind. But she is a very thoughtful writer. Not sure where she is at on Tracking and Gifted Programs, but she has come out as a fierce critic of NCLB, and against the Privatization Movement too.

Slaying Goliath: The Passionate Resistance to Privatization and the Fight to Save America's Public Schools Paperback – September 22, 2020
by Diane Ravitch (Author)


I'll try to post some of my thoughts about this Mara Sapon-Shevin book in a bit. This is an extremely broad subject and it all gets into some very deep areas. And she is not just against Gifted Programs, she is against any school tracking, and her sources are too.

And San Jose schools had been under a court order to untrack, but I think this was lifted. So there is much I do not know about this.


this is on the short list of all time greatest punk recordings ever:

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3 years ago
I think back about my forth grade experience of being divided into three math groups and then getting to learn about Set Theory and then about Geometry.

There is no way a school could do that with entire non-ability grouped classes. You'd be teaching kids things which they have no ability to relate to because their parents don't either.

So what do I think about this Mara Sapon-Shevin book?

Well it all gets into some very complex issues, and the kinds of issues which I have not before made any effort to keep up on. But my intitial reaction is that there is a lot of difficulty with what she seems to want. She is not only against Gifted Programs, she seems to be against all tracking.

So I need to read more.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
You couldn't teach the kids about Set Theory and Geometry. The bulk of the students would have no basis for relating to the material because they are coming out of families where there is no relating to such things.

Is this unfair? Well it is unfair to penalize those who can related to it because most can't.

Maybe you can try to get some kids who have no background for this interested and listening, but it will take time.

And then Mara Sapon-Shevin explains that "Gifted" is a socially constructed category.

I agree with this. It goes back to Lewis Terman and to IQ testing. This probably is non-constructive.

But most all schools have some kind of ability grouping, and it seems like you need to.

I introduced the idea that Mara Sapon-Shevin seems to think she is living in an Israeli Kibbutz. Well those places are different. The kids have lived together M-F for so many years. They really do honor differences, and they protect each other.

They supply the majority of Israel's elite troops, and the vast majority of their fighter pilots.

But our society and our schools are not like that. You have to deal with kids as they come from their home and neighborhood environmnet.

Sapon-Shevin develops her idea of community from her experiences living and eating with people at these annual peace camps. Well that was probably a pretty rarified environment, as was the Jewish Community Center pre-school she wanted to send her daughter to.

Now she is down on these Enrichment Programs. I think she does have a good case there. These are disruptive and there kind of an ethic that they are not to be talked about, and that why some kids are in and some are out should not be talked about.

I think these programs should go.

But actually ability grouped classes, harder material, I think that is really good.

And then the social environment? Such groups of exceptional kids are a real plus, from everything I have experienced.

And then 1 room school houses? Some say those are better in all respects. People act their own age in such. It is only in age segregated places that they get to be like prisons. One room school houses are good, but you usually only find them where there is sparse population and very limited funds.

So I have many questions and will keep reading.


Tesla’s 3-6-9 and Vortex Math: Is this really the key to the universe?
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3 years ago
And then writing specifically about a court ordered detracking in San Jose CA, Oakes also writes:

Oakes, Jeannie, Kevin Welner, and Susan Yonezawa, "Mandating Equity: A Case Study of Court-Ordered Detracking in the San Jose Schools (Berkeley: California Policy Seminar's Policy Research Program, 1998)

But this probably not really a standard channels book, it is not so available.

Usually I go for the oldest books first, so I can have a better chance of understanding them.

Here though I will instead start wtih the newest:

Preparing teachers for deeper learning / Linda Darling-Hammond, Jeannie Oakes ; with Steven K. Wojcikiewicz [and 7 others]. (2019)

I hope I can get a broad overview and see what is current, as well as getting some view of what went down in San Jose schools in 1998

I cannot see how you can run schools without ability grouping.

But I can see dumping the "Gifted" label and the IQ tests.

And I also think it is bad when the parents are pushing it.

In CA now, and in lots of other places, the law is Individual Education Plan, and I think that good. But is that still tracking?


70s Electric Miles Davis Mix (Jazz, Jazz Funk, Jazz Rock, Fusion..)
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3 years ago
Some further voices associated with the Gifted Movement

Real Boys: Rescuing Our Sons from the Myths of Boyhood, 1998, Pollack, W. S.
Real Boys
Rescuing Our Sons From the Myths of Boyhood
by Pollack, William S.

We have this:
What excellent community colleges do : preparing all students for success / Joshua S. Wyner ; [foreword by Anthony P. Carnevale] (2014)

but that was not what I was looking for. Supposed to be a book by Wyner called The Achievement Trap. Cannot find it.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
^ continuing from above:

A nation deceived : how schools hold back America's brightest students / Nicholas Colangelo, Susan G. Assouline, Miraca U.M. Gross. (2004, 2 volumes)

The evolution of consciousness : of Darwin, Freud, and cranial fire : the origins of the way we think / Robert Ornstein ; line illustrations by Ted Dewan. (1992)
* well disseminated

Vygotskiĭ, L. S. (Lev Semenovich), 1896-1934. (Russian, did work in learning in 1920's )

Being adolescent : conflict and growth in the teenage years / Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi and Reed Larson. (1984)
* widely disseminated

Becoming Adult
How Teenagers Prepare for the World of Work
Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly
+ many many books

Different minds : gifted children with AD/HD, Asperger syndrome, and other learning deficits / Deirdre V. Lovecky. (2004)

Positive disintegration / Edited, with an introd., by Jason Aronson (1964, Polish Psychiatrist very highly regarded in Gifted Movement)

Mental growth through positive disintegration, by Kazimierz Dabrowski with Andrzej Kawczak and Michael M. Piechowski. (1970)

Creativity and conformity / by Clark E. Moustakas. (1967) author has many books


avatar for CandymanOfProvidence
3 years ago
Toilet Training for Individuals with Autism or Other Developmental Issues: Second Edition // Maria Wheeler (2007)
Excellent book for when little ones are making the poop fly, regardless of whether you believe in autism or not
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
And there are some retired Marine Corps Drill Sergeants who offer excellent training in how to deal with bullies and assholes.


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3 years ago
The Exceptional Child in the Family

Ross, Alan O
Title The exceptional child in the family : helping parents of exceptional children
Imprint New York : Grune & Stratton, [1964]
* widely disseminated

Abraham, Willard
Title Common sense about gifted children
Imprint New York : Harper, [1958]
* widely disseminated

Strang, Ruth May, 1895-1971
Helping your gifted child (1960)
* widely disseminated and very highly regarded

Laycock, Samuel Ralph, 1891-
Gifted children : a handbook for the class-room teacher (1957)

Laycock had a 1951 book, Helping parents to accept their gifted child, but now I see that that was an article.

Education of exceptional children and youth / editors, William M. Cruickshank, G. Orville Johnson. (1975 3rd edition)
should have in it J. M. Dunlap, The education of children with high mental ability, originally 1958

Handel, Gerald. The psychosocial interior of the family : a sourcebook for the study of whole families. (1967)
and it has in it The emotionally disturbed child as the family scapegoat / Ezra F. Vogel and Norman W. Bell

Ackerman, Nathan W. (Nathan Ward), 1908-1971.
The psychodynamics of family life : diagnosis and treatment of family relationships / by Nathan W. Ackerman.
Basic Books, [1958]
* widely disseminated

Levy, David M. (David Mordecai), 1892- Maternal Overprotection (1966)


Miles Davis and Thelonious Monk
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3 years ago
Hey Nicespice, you still reading this?

A test to see if (and possibly when) Nicespice turned off notifications on this shit.
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3 years ago
I get email notifications anytime this thread gets commented on. Sometimes I’ll click on the link to this thread, and sometimes I just delete the email on sight. Just depends
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3 years ago
The psychology of parent-child relationships / by Percival M. Symonds. (1939)

reading old books helps you understand how things got to be the way they are today. And the misconceptions in the old book are very easy to recognize.

avatar for shailynn
3 years ago
^^^ nobody is learning shit by reading your old posts. That’s for sure.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
^^^ Well it is obvious that you aren't, just getting ready for your UK relatives to show up, the ones who brought long horn cattle from Scotland.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Nelson, K. C. wrote about Dabrowski's theory of Positive Disintegration.

Stephanie Tolan wrote about special problems of the highly gifted. Parents can't help their children deal with issues they have not faced for themselves.

Wishworks, Inc.
Tolan, Stephanie S. (2009 young adult fiction)


Miles Davis and Thelonious Monk
avatar for CandymanOfProvidence
3 years ago
Denial: How Refusing to Face the Facts about Our Autism Epidemic Hurts Children, Families, and Our Future // Mark Blaxill and Dan Olmsted (2017)
"Even as the autism rate soars and the cost to our nation climbs well into the billions, a dangerous new idea is taking hold: There simply is no autism epidemic."
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Autism is an industry. A big part of the drive is neo-liberal capitalism, and then the simple fact that some parents want to find the locus of original sin in their child.

Anyone who is being targeted with such, needs to be taught how to fight back.

Very informative:

And the answer to the Autism Hoax, though they don't directly present it this way, is the Gifted Movement.


Now, relating to things said by the Gifted Movement, I want to relate to another school experience of my own.

This was in the 7th grade.

I was reading a book about rocket flight. Actually it was intended for model rocketry.

It talked about how to predict the course of a rocket's flight. And this was allowing for the fact that thrust and weight both change over time, and air drag changes with velocity.

Because of this you had to calculate for small time intervals. At the end of each interval you would have an altitude and a velocity. They recommended 10ths of a second. But going smaller would be better.

Talked about making tables on big sheets of paper and always double checking your calculations and this maybe taking 6 hours. Or maybe a bit less if you were good with a slide rule.

I was going to do it with an electronic calculator.

But there was a problem with this. As I tried to follow their development I came to a place that I could not follow it.

They had an equation with one variable, and they had it direct and then another term where they had it squared.

How can you solve this and get what they had? I tried different ways, but when you have x and x^2, there is no way, or no way that I knew of.

So I asked my father, he acted like he did not know, though I think he had just gotten used to getting buy in life by playing stupid so much that it became habitual.

So I asked my Mathematics teacher. He saw what I meant and he did not know. But he told me he was going to ask another teacher.

So then at the end of the day I came back and he took me to another class room and introduced me to this other teacher. I knew who he was, but I had never spoken with him before.

He sat me down and showed me how factors can be multiplied, First Outside Inside Last (FOIL). And he showed me a squared factor, and then how to take the equation from the book and complete the square. Then he derived the General Quadratic Solution.

Then he explained about how there are two roots. But in this, because of the way they formulated the problem you can just take one of them. And this agreed with what the book showed.

I was blown away. To this day I can complete the square and derive the General Quadratic Solution.

Now, what I was reading in the rocketry book and trying to calculate was completely extracurricular. I would have loved to have been in class rooms then, where such things were the regular faire. But it was not that way.

That time those teachers spent with me made a big difference.

To this day I find polynomials and their properties and the ways to solve them and use them fascinating.

I do not remember how they got the quadratic in the book, but it may have been because distance traveled during a time t under constant acceleration is (a * t^2)/2

If you wanted to show this without calculus you could go the the area of a triangle. And if there is initial velocity you need to add that in, vi * t.


Ginger Baker's Air Force - Today (1970)
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3 years ago
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
^ thanks.

And also I would add, some years later, I was still so taken with the General Quadratic that I would in the coming years, having initially learned to write computer programs, write one for the General Quadratic. And of course it would have three possible outcomes, based on the discriminant.

And this is when I learned that if you want to make computers do math, you need to really understand it. You had to know the realm of applicability and you had to know what the special cases were.

And then fare into the future I would make a simple programmable calculator do this.

And then I would also write a program for make the computer do the rocket flight calculation, with thrust and weight versus time tables.

And then far into the future I would write other time domain simulation programs, numerical solutions to differential equations.

Now this was on the schools computers. But otherwise it was all extra circular. I have no idea what it might have been like if I was being presented with such material in classes, and if I could do such projects for classes.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
And further, the model rocket book never talked about calculus. But when I was first exposed to calculus, I was immediately taken by it, like differentiation meaning dropping one order of exponent, with integration meaning going up one.

And I could relate to all of it because I could see that what was being taught in the model rocket book had to have been based on calculus. And then of course I would learn about Isaac Newton and see that this most definitely was so.

But what if my classes could have way back been treating such things, and if I could have been in social environments where such things were the norm?

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
So I've got "Preparing Teachers for Deeper Learning" in front of me.


Written by many people, but of particular note, Jeannie Oakes, and she is Emeritus UCLA.

Now most of the voices in the Gifted Movement are in Teacher Training, Student Counseling, or even they are Licensed Psychotherapists. This limits what they can say. They can't come out and say that Autism/Asergers is nonsense, because that would be attacking parents. And this they must not do.

Okay, but Jeannie Oakes is not a Gifted Movement advocate, she is an anti-tracking advocate. Not sure how far this goes either. She is anti-tracking, anti-gifted programs. Is she also anti-ability grouping?

I do not know and I do want to understand her side's position.

This book in front of me is quite new, and as it is written by so many people with their works all blended together, I am not going to read that much of it. I just want to get the idea of what they are trying to do.

Oakes was involved in a consent degree to untrack San Jose schools around 1998. I had not been aware of this. But I think it only lasted for a year.

As I know the law here is Individual Education Plans. But I don't know how the untracking camp sees that. Isn't that probably still going to be more tracking?

I have a hard time seeing how you could make school work without tracking and ability grouping. But I am reading so that I might be able to understand.

An older book from Jeannie Oakes
Multiplying inequalities : the effects of race, social class, and tracking on opportunities to learn mathematics and science / Jeannie Oakes with Tor Ormseth, Robert Bell, Patricia Camp. (1990)

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3 years ago
Major Untracking and Anti-Gifted Programs Voice, Jeannie Oakes. Reading her because I want to understand.

Teaching to change the world / Jeannie Oakes, Martin Lipton. (2nd ed 2003, should say about the San Jose Untracking Consent Decree)

Go for this:
Keeping track : how schools structure inequality / Jeannie Oakes (2nd ed 2005)

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
So above I talked about reading:

Mara Sapon-Shevin
Playing Favorites: Gifted Education and the Disruption of Community (1994)
by Mara Sapon-Shevin
Playing favorites : gifted education and the disruption of community / Mara Sapon-Shevin ; [foreword by Jeannie Oakes & Martin Lipton]

Sapon-Shevin is a strong opponent of Gifted Programs and she is opposed to all school tracking.

I read her stuff and it makes sense to a point. She wants community in the class room. And she says the gifted pull out programs are disruptive and they make for some distinction which is not talked about.

I heard her example stories and I cam to the conclusion that she seemed to want something like an Israeli Kibbutz, and that she might have grown up in such.

What she wants is laudable, but it will not happen. School children should not be encouraged to be mean to each other, but they still are.

There isn't community in school classrooms because their is not community in our society. True, those in the Gifted Programs are predominantly from middle-class homes. The parents do not want community with families that are not planning on their kids going to college. End of story.

So now I have read enough of:

Preparing teachers for deeper learning / Linda Darling-Hammond, Jeannie Oakes ; with Steven K. Wojcikiewicz [and 7 others]. (2019)

It is a more tactful book, but I feel that the fundamental ideas have the same problems.

Here on the back cover it says:

"For educators who seek to reduce disparities in achievement and life outcomes..."

And it says about Oakes, "Oakes's research examines the effect of social policies on the education of low-income students of color and investigates equity-minded reform"

And then in the book it gives a good example I think of what they mean:

It is with Freshman class at a low income and minority high school. The teacher gives them a newspaper cartoon, which shows Nelson Mandela. When they imprisoned him he was very small, but when decades later they released him he was very large.

And then they had a discussion about it. And they call this a Socratic Seminar, and you can look it up that way in the index.

I actually remember that cartoon, it might have been in the Christian Science Monitor, as they did cartoons like that.

For the discussion they have one group sit in the chairs in the inside of the circle, and then others in the outside chairs. Those in the outside chairs ask the questions and those in the inside answer. Then eventually they reverse.

And so it became a lively discussion about racism in America today.

This is laudable, as are many of the other things the authors say. But there are also, as I see it, serious problems which will prevent it from being support and prevent it from working.



Have Nots

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X Portland
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3 years ago
I posted on this thread about two fantastic opportunities which came my way, one in the 4th grade and one in the 7th grade, and they pertained to Set Theory, Geometry, and to the General Quadratic Solution.

I posted these because I knew that they would become important.

In a school which deals with the general school age population, you could not at that grade level talk about such things. You would be asking the children to relate to something which nothing in their social background has prepared them for. If you tried to tell their parents about it all you would get is a puzzled look.

So while this tends to promote inequality, it is the best you can do.

Now as I posted about from the Oakes book, a class discussion about a newspaper political cartoon, that has some value. But it is not what those intending to go to college most need. It does not directly prepare them for college admission and for college work. It is peripheral.

Maybe writing a well researched paper would be relevant. But the casual discussion would not be.

Now Oakes etal is strongly opposed to the new emphasis on standardized testing in schools, but the Gifted Movement is no different. They want an end to that too.

And Sapon-Shevin does not like the pull out programs, and the Gifted Movement voices do not like that stuff either.

I remember in the two well watched movies, Blackboard Jungle, and To Sir With Love. In both films the teacher is finally able to reach the students by talking about real life things, instead of narrowly defined academics. Okay, in such a situation this is what you do.

And yes, as Oakes says, the school teaching in the low income schools and schools of color is horrid. And the reason for this is the focus on standardized testing.

And Sapon-Shevin is correct that the Gifted Programs are just educational triage, making sure those top students do not fail because that would be unacceptable.

But stopping Gifted Programs and Ability Grouping just to keep things egalitarian is not fair either. You can't harm some students just to make sure they don't pull ahead of others.

Now, if you did the kind of teaching that Oakes describes, and starting in grade K, the outcomes would be better. And so we should do this. BUt this doe mot mean that we should stop Gifted Programs, Ability Grouping, or Tracking.

Our world is not communal, it is competitive. It is competitive in income, in academic ability, in athletics, and socially. We cannot just by fiat bring a stop to this.

If we educate all people as best as we can, the long term effect will be the best we can expect, and it will come to improve the prospects of those disadvantaged.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Reading Oakes etal, I try to relate to the things they are describing. Not being a class room teacher myself it is difficult.

But you do find such discussions in church study groups. The Episcopalians are pretty literate and have an pretty high education level. They often have programs which are based on a book and they have structured discussion sessions. And there is more of a communitarian ethic than a competitive ethos.

But this still would not work well with the general population of adults.

And then in high school, I think jr year US History, we had this teacher who kept preaching to us about this idea of "concepts" as opposed to just remembering names and dates. And so he would explain this to us, and then he would show us a documentary film and then stop it in the middle to tell us that he sees people writing notes every time a number is mentioned, but no other time.

Well, I am sorry, what he wants may be well intended, but if he expects people to be able to deal with this various concepts which run through US History, he needs to talk about the concepts themselves, not just lecture to us about the idea of "concepts".

And if he wants people to be able to relate to this he has to assign papers or set up class discussions about these. One can only do so much, and with many students none of this will ever work.

So I guess I am saying that you have to have Ability Grouping and Tracks. And though you might not call it such and might never have IQ tests, you do still need to have Gifted Programs.


X Portland
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
There is no such thing as Autism, Aspergers, or Neurodivergence. It is all just a concept invented in the Nazi Eugenics Movement. It has been resurrected today because of Neoliberal Capitalism, and because some parents have such a need to find in their child the locus of Original Sin that they will exhaust all the doctors in the yellow pages trying to find one who will affirm their need.

As I see it, Autism-Aspergers is entirely a Keyboard Koward concept.

Sami Timimi

The Gifted Movement, I am convinced, deals with the same sorts of phenomenon, its just that it interprets and responds to it completely differently. And this is what I find most interesting about it.

And then above I am reading some of the critics of the Gifted Movement, because I want to understand their perspective. They are against the Gifted Movement and they are against school tracking. I feel that I need to understand their perspective before I push further. Maybe there are some on this board who have experience with teacher training and school practices and who might have something to say about this. Jeannie Oakes taught at UCLA, was involved in a court ordered untracking move in San Jose, and is a well known opponent of gifted programs and of school tracking.


X - Burning House of Love (Live at Farm Aid 1985)
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3 years ago
So a little bit more about Jeannie Oakes etal.

She says that school teachers on the whole make 30% less than other college graduates, and this was it the high point which was the early 1990s. It has dropped since.

And if a teacher was the head of a family of 4, they would be eligible for various public assistance programs. A child in such a family would be eligible for school lunches, and at home eligible for Food Stamps.

And Oakes wants to attract the best people into teaching. But notice that she distinguishes the best when it comes to teacher candidates, when it comes to students she wants to minimize competition by eliminating tracking and ability grouping. School kids are not like this and no one really wants this, especially the parents. Our society is stratified.

Oakes etal say that the teaching in schools has depended on wrote memorization, originating form theories on industrial management from the start of the 20th century, and that that won't do.

I agree with her. It should never have to be like that. But some kids will pull way ahead at an early age. That is just how it is and it is unfair to hold them back for self serving reasons, though I have seen this done all the time.

A main message of the gifted movement is that parents have to band together and be constantly advocating for their children to get these programs.

And this is the opposite of what the Autism-Asperger's movement does, focusing on applying a disability label, and one which is entirely socially constructed.

avatar for theeastcoast757
3 years ago
I recently started meds again for OCD and ADHD and it stopped by strip club habit. I don’t think I will completely stop but I’m about to go weeks probably even months without going without feeling like I was not going to be ok. I was picking the club over friends and spending so much money. It was really all about the transactions for me and the compulsive spending. Being medicated is saving me so much money but I’m thankful I had the entertainment when I needed the escape the most.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
^ I think that's great and I'm glad you feel better.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
A couple of other things Jeannie Oakes etal say. She says that school teachers are paid on average 30% than other college graduates. And this was at the peak, the early 90's. It has dropped again since.

I think that the kind of school setting she is building would work if the adults lived communally. They the kids would have a real long term commitment to each other and the school, and so there would be tolerance of difference, and so some of the kids could most of the time be doing independent studies, and that would be fine.

Okay, but most adults do not live communally and so our society is competitive at all different levels. And one big issue is are their kids expected to go to college. For those who are, the parents do not want commonality with those who are not.

Now Oakes etal say something else, and they develop it quite fully. The kind of education our schools have done, and especially in low income areas and with students of color, it was all about wrote memorization. And this will not work today. People need more that that.

And then with this emphasis in the Charter Schools movement, supported here by Mayor Sam Liccardo, it is all computerized drilling and training, the machines keeping track of the time between key strokes. And for for the things people need to know today, that is horrid.

So Oakes's Socratic Discussion Group would be a big improvement there.

But for kids who are already able to do good academic work, I think that kind of stuff would be waste of time and really holding them back.

I know that these race and socio-economic class issues are very sensitive and they always have been.


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3 years ago
Another thing Jeannie Oakes etal talked about were these Individual Education Plans, IEP.

This is the law in CA, and I think in some other places too.

So I guess there is this conference. I don't know much about this.

But Oakes said their can be the child, the parents, a teacher, an administrator and an attorney.

Now this last I had never heard of before.

Oakes etal are involved with teacher's colleges, and they said they role play these conferences.

In the Gifted Movement there is a big emphasis on parents advocating for the child. Their are counselors who work in this capacity, but I don't think really attorneys.

Want to know more about this as I think it makes a big difference.


Venus -- Shocking Blue
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3 years ago
Oakes does not explain this, because she is Anti-Gifted Movement.

But the Gifted Movement writers really center their message on the parents advocating for their child with the school authorities.

And this is what makes it the diametric opposite of the Autism / Aspergers / Neurodiversity Hoax.

And the Gifted Movement writers cannot come out and say that Autism / Aspergers is nonsense. Peter Breggin explains that Autism Advocacy is still just defensive formations of the parents, trying to protect themselves against Bruno Bettleheim.

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3 years ago
Crossing the tracks : how untracking can save America's schools / Anne Wheelock (1992)


Keeping Track
How Schools Structure Inequality

Jeannie Oakes
2005 second edition

Oakes and Wheelock are two of the leading opponents of the Gifted Movement and of school Tracking.

I read this material because I want to understand the perspective. My own views are not absolutely set because there is a lot about schools to day which I don't know much about.

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3 years ago

Keeping Track
How Schools Structure Inequality
by Jeannie Oakes, originally 1985, 2005 2nd ed.

Now, in this second edition

Oakes mentions this reference:

The Tracking Wars: State Reform Meets School Policy
by Tom Loveless (1999)
The tracking wars : state reform meets school policy / Tom Loveless. (1999)
** I need to read this.

I think Loveless is not really a combatant, just someone who is trying chronicle the conflict.

Oakes added to the second edition 2 new chapters, including one she calls "Tracking Wars", and this is what I am reading now.

She counts Diane Ravitch and Mortimer Adler as conservatives but unlikely allies in the detracking push.

Now yes, in the mid 90's San Jose was one of four medium sized US cities under a detracking consent decree. Though I believe that it was lifted only a year later. Not sure how much they untracked, or how that worked out, or what the present state of affairs is.

Oakes sees Tracking as a Second Segregation, after Brown v Board. And yes, she does talk about it like it is a both a war and a morals crusade.

She says that the most adamant protectors of Tracking are those who teach in the Gifted Programs, and that they "came out swinging".

These Gifted Movement people say that they are not for Tracking, only for Ability Grouping.

I can see valid points on both sides, but I still think that something is missing in the arguments.

Back of book says,
"Jeannie Oakes is a Presidential Professor and Director of the Institute for Democracy Education and Access at the University of California, Los Angeles"

Most of the authors in the Gifted Movement are "Professor of Gifted Education".

And so they have these disparate views built into the teacher training programs.


X - Burning House of Love (Live at Farm Aid 1985)
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3 years ago
I reflect on what Oakes is saying and I try to relate it to my own school experiences.

She talks about how bad the mid and lower tracks are in schools, and I agree with her. They have teachers that are substandard in training and experience, they are substandard in supplies and equipment, and the teachers can't give organized instruction. A lot of time just sitting reading the text, and mostly dealing with discipline problems.

And so what is the remedy? Well usually it is Tracking and Ability Grouping, and it is "better schools" in higher income neighborhoods. And it is the Gifted Programs, because behind these is the idea that it is because of something innate about the kids, not because of race or socio-economics.

And so teachers starting out in these kinds of difficult classes, they try to work their way up to get into the better classes and in the "better schools" and in "better neighborhoods".

Now, does this perpetuate inequality? Yes of course it does. But what else can you do?

I don't blame teachers or administrators. How can you expect children to be interested in learning something which seems totally alien to them, and when there is nothing in their social realm which would make it seem important?


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3 years ago
So I think about my own school experiences and yes, it was tracked.

College is tracked because it is only those who want to be there, and only those who can get and keep their grades up.

Jr High and High School were also mostly tracked. Though some things were more tracked than others. I think Math, Science, and English were the most tracked.

The untracked would have been Industrial Arts class, Physical Education, and Driver Ed.

But the first two did not have that much sit down learning.

Driver Ed is an interesting case study, because it tries to teach some things which everyone needs to know. They want you to take cars seriously and own and operate them responsibly. They want you to drive conservatively, cautiously, and defensively. With the simulators, Dodge Monaco consoles, they teach you to keep you speed down and your following distance up, and they teach you to always be using gentle braking. You learn to watch for curious movements of other drivers, pulling away from the curb or out of parking places, or trying to pass on the right. You learn the things that drivers get from long experience, but that would be too dangerous and costly for you to learn on your own.

And people come here from third world countries and learn to drive, and their lack of such instruction really shows.

But everything else is tracked. I think of Math, Science, and English, versus the students we had in Driver Ed. Driver Ed is where you see the students from the other tracks, both boys and girls. You probably recognize from past years. You could not have academically challenging classes with them. They just don't have the background, and the material will not seem relevant to them.

Does this perpetuate inequality? Yes of course it does. But I don't blame the teachers or the schools. What else can you do, it is just the way our society is.

Most of the opponents of the Gifted Programs feel that some students do really well, but it is because their parent's push them.

And of course I do not support this kind of pushing.

And I also note that originally the Gifted Movement was not talking about a top track, it was originally just a very small percentage of children they were talking about, like maybe 0.1 %.

But you can't have special classes for that small of a group, so it became the top 3% or 2%. But even that is too small for classes. So if there are three class levels, then it is the top 3rd.

I am not saying that there should be more pushing of kids to take an interest in academics.

They should take interest in that which interests them.

I have talked about some of my best school experiences. These were always because somewhere along the way I got exposed to something, quite extraciricular, and then decided I needed to learn more to really understand. And this came to things like the General Quadratic Solution.

I never accepted this idea that you have to accept living under the whip, to get into college to get a good job. That makes no sense and that is not really how the world works, and I don't think kids should accept that.


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3 years ago
Jeannie Oakes
Keeping Track
2005 2nd ed

This is getting more interesting and I am starting to feel that Jeannie Oakes is right.

She has this sociologist Maureen Hallinan who says that it is much easier to teach in tracked schools.
Restructuring schools : promising practices and policies / edited by Maureen T. Hallinan (1995)

And then she has this Adam Gamoran who talks about how to do tracking differently, with summer and afterschool programs for those who want help catching up. So Oakes asks "What could be wrong with that?" And she answers, "Absolutely nothing

Transforming teaching in math and science : how schools and districts can support change / Adam Gamoran [and others]. (2003)

Oakes says the problem is though that if you have any kind of tracking in place it will get miss used. Attitudes about race and socioeconomic status are deeply ingrained. And she has data, even for San Jose, which was used in court to show that Latinos and Afro Americans who have the same test scores are still not put into the same classes that the Whites and Asians are.

The most interesting is she has this

Joseph Renzulli, who says that the needs of the gifted can be served in regular classrooms with students of varying ability. And he wants high end learning to be provided to all students.


director of the National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented.



Enriching curriculum for all students / Joseph S. Renzulli, Sally M. Reis (2008)

Identification of students for gifted and talented programs / Joseph S. Renzulli, editor. (2004)

The Multiple menu model : a practical guide for developing differentiated curriculum / by Joseph S. Renzulli, Jann H. Leppien, and Thomas S. Hays ; with a foreword by Carol A. Tomlinson. (2000)

And she has this Carol Tomlinson
How to differentiate instruction in academically diverse classrooms / Carol Ann Tomlinson. (2015)

So I am getting dazzled. One the one hand you have a Gifted Movement that says you have to have separate classes. And then you have the Anti-Tracking advocates like Oakes, who say that you can't have any tracking and that it is always racist and classist.

But then we have someone who talks about how to do tracking that Oakes concedes would not really be tracking. Its just that no one does it that way.

And then you have this Joseph Renuzulli and Carol Ann Tomlinson who say that the needs of the gifted should be met in regular classrooms!

So these two developments have totally broken open the seeming standoff.

I have much more to read. But this is challenging some of my views.

In my experience is is not Latinos and Blacks who bring in a bad attitude, it is a lot of Whites. And the real problem is always the parents, not the kids.




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3 years ago
So Andy Gamoran has looked at various ways of doing tracking, and some are worse than others.

Most of all he wants greater mobility between tracks, and for there to be more students taking the high track classes.

He wants better instruction in the low track groups. He wants regular assessment of student abilities. and this new information to be used in making assignments. He does not want students to be locked in, especially to a low track.

He wants schools to offer tutorials during the school year and the summer so that students can make up what they have missed by being in a low track class.

And so Oakes endorses this. She says that such type of tracking would not cause the problems it does, but it also would not be tracking either.

She does cite some school reforms that did create high quality low track classes, but the all acknowledge that this is very difficult.

But she shows that the tracking reflects deep cultural and political tensions in American Society.

I would introject that I had know a retired school teacher from the CA central valley. Named G.. He was very smart in some areas and sort of New Agers. But he was also a piece of work. He had extreme racist and classist attitudes. And he told me that he had been the Gifted Teacher for the 6th grade.

I had gotten him into a kind of a job. But then some years later I also helped to run him out of it and to run him out of town. And now finally, RIP.


Killing Me Softly
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3 years ago
I try to relate all of the above to my own experience. Hard to make sense of it any otherway. If found 98% of school to be just a low security prison. It wasn't until I was well into my second year of college that I found that what was being taught was no beneath me, and so I saw that it was finally worth it to me to try and apply myself.

I mentioned on shining exception, the time our 4th grade teacher separated us into math groups and the top group got to learn about set theory and then geometry

I know that back the the school was trying to adapt to the New Math and it was having a hard time.

I think that kind of an idea, especially based on Set Theory had to have come from the Bourbaki group.

But more importantly, you could not have done that with the whole class. They would not have been able to follow it, and really they would not have cared. You would be trying to teach them things which had no social relevance to them, and it would not have been relevant to the parents either, and I think that is the key.

So now we have an organization committed to the premise that the needs of the Gifted can be met in regular class rooms.

I have seen that with the vast bulk of the population you can only get them interested in things like that if the see it as part of path to college and to high wage employment.

And while people may want that, that is still too too limited a way of looking at things. We no not live by striving to meet goals. We live by what we find to have intrinsic value.

And then I also gave the example of the material in the book about Rocketry and the teach showing me how the math worked by showing me how to derive the General Quadratic Solution.

The vast majority of children and adults would take no interest in anything like that. If any its back to that goal of college and high wage employment.

And that high wage employment if probably just getting credentialed to be a bureaucrat.



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3 years ago
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3 years ago

Jeannie Oakes
Keeping Track
2005 2nd ed

Talks about this AVID program program for high schools and the extremely good college graduation results it gets with low income Latino and Afro-Americans.

Talks about this Futures program. Students produced original research, became research collaborators, rather than simply subjects, in our study.

These classes, supports, and summer seminars were sustained from grades nine through twelve, during which time the students presented their research to a broad array of critical audiences: school and community groups, civil rights attorneys, graduate students and faculty at several universities, and directors of college access and university outreach programs. (colleges, especially the private ones, would roll out the red carpet for such kids )

Initially, the Futures students associated their courses, their status at school, and their treatment by teachers with their track placements, and they had taken this status to be a natural and inevitable outcome of their personal worth. This changed as they studied these phenomena and drew connections between their personal experiences and the structures, practices, beliefs, and politics that sustain or disrupt patters of inequality in the schools.

Then goes on to delineate the outstanding results.

Social and cultural reproduction theorists help us understand the ever-present toxicity. American public schools mirror a highly inequitable economy. For the past century, at least, schools have provided students with separate, different, and unequal schooling schooling experiences as was seen to be appropriate for that economy. Citing students' differential merit, differential schooling has been deemed to be both fair to students and compatible with democratic capitalism. After all, as adults, students will occupy very different positions in the highly differentiated workforce.

Detracking schools, then, challenges not only school structures but also the broader economic and class structures that are foundational to tracking. These schools venture out ahead of more cautious reformers, testing the safety of our social atmosphere. They challenge deeply rooted values and assumptions about merit and fairness, and they disrupt the accepted distributional patters of educational resources and opportunities. As they do, they become vulnerable to stifling cultural and political pressures. Their victories, like the canaries' singing, help the rest of us know what is possible in our democracy.

In doing so, they parted company with those warning of the damage that would be done to high-achieving students in mixed-ability classes. In part, the discourse about gifted students requiring separate classes has softened with a growing consensus that mainstream class rooms with accommodations probably provide the best settings for most students with special needs. In part , as IQ has become discredited as a single criterion for identification of giftedness, and as a wider range of more relevant criterion for identification of giftedness, and as a wider range of more relevant criteria are included, "gifted" students themselves are becoming a more heterogeneous group both racially and in the type and range of their skills.

I part however, the research and discussion on detracking have resonated with those researchers of gifted education who have looked carefully at the evidence about the harms of tracking and the potential benefits of mixed classrooms.

So this Laura Miller has children in the Enriched Program, and she is a teacher of "regular" students. "Miller was unhappy with the cliquishness and an uninspired academic curriculum that her own "enriched" children experienced at school, and she was enormously saddened by the disheartened and self-deprecating attitudes of her regular students, who she saw as far more capable than they saw themselves. In her search for better pedagogy , Miller regularly attended summer workshops on Gifted Education at the University of Connecticut. There, she learned that neither ***** rigidly exclusionary grouping practices nor stodgy, enriched curriculum in the special district program conformed to the best thinking in gifted education. A gifted educator from another state first suggested to her that gifted youngsters could be served better in high-level, heterogeneous classrooms - a message she brought back to *****."


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avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
So here I have talked about how hard it is to get people to seriously think about mathematics

And above talk about how the Anti-Tracking Movement and some of the Gifted Movement want to have heterogeneous classes in school and to have no tracking.

And here Thomas Cuthbert talks about the effects of these commercial stupidity computer programs:

minimum-seeking methods are often used when a modicum of thought would disclose more appropriate techniques. They are the first refuge of the computational scoundrel, and one feels at times that the world would be a better place if they were quietly abandoned. ... The unpleasant fact that the approach can well require 10 to 100 times as much computation as methods more specific to the problem is ignored -- for who can tell what is being done by the computer?

And so here on these thread I talk about what Cuthbert is saying and how I can relate to it.


It isn't just teaching math in schools which is hard, it is getting adults to relate to it, and to actually use their heads and not be stupid.


George Fest
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3 years ago
Maybe there just have to be outside math programs for kids. Except they aren't really programs, and they aren't really even schools, and certainly not in anyway credentials. They are just Math Clubs. And they aren't tracked, they are just for who over wants to participate.

This way they should not attract the attention of pushy parents or of STEM Program promoters. They won't have any kind of legitimacy so they won't attract that kind of attention. They really should be as painless as possible.

Anyone who actually wants to learn will be able to. I am sure of that. It is just in the context of school that this is screwed up.


George Fest - Handle With Care [Official Live Video]

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3 years ago
I wrote before about the anti-tracking advocates who say that this is better for everyone, including the upper track and the gifted track.

I read it but I still have reservations about it, mostly because most of the population has a very limited interest in mathematics. They only take it seriously if it is part of completing a college degree, and then they will purge their memory banks afterwards. And I actually think this is worse among adults than it is among children, even the low track kids.

So I had suggested a Math Club, where kids and everyone could learn all the math they want. It would not be a school, not a program, not accredited. So it would not attract the attention of Ambitious Parents or STEM Program Promoters.

But I can hear the response now, "If you let kids learn all of this math, then they won't listen when they are in school".

Well yeah, I guess that is my idea. Tell the school to fuck off.

Can all kids be gotten interested in math? I don't know, but I do think that if it were approached in a different way, that it would be a lot better than it is today. And I think adults could use more math too.

I related the story of how in the 7th grade I was trying to follow a derivation in a book about rocketry whereas you could predict the height a rocket would reach by calculations. But you had to do it for small time steps, like maximum 0.1 seconds.

You did not have to solve any quadratics to do these calculations, but the derivation was based on solving a quadratic. The book did not explain this. So I was trying to use algebra to follow it and I came to something which had x and x squared, and I could not solve it.

I asked my teacher, he saw what the problem was and he told me he was going to show it to another teacher. And so at the end of the day he took me too this other teacher and he showed me how to derive the general quadratic by completing the square. So you have something like (x + a) squared.

From that you can get a general solution.

I was blown away, and that has resonated with me ever since.

But now I think about having formally learned about such things in 9th grade Algebra. It was the college preparatory track, but it was not an accelerated track or an AP or Honors Track, and it was not a Gifted Program. I don't know if they even had these things.

Anyway, so we learned to factor quadratics. And then we learned to do it where the x squared coefficient is not 1. That introduces a whole lot more possibilities. But you can see that the problems are rigged so that they come up as integers. If you tried it with floating point numbers you could not ever get to a result. And if you introduced fractions, factoring both numerator and denominator, the possibilities would multiply up again, but it still doesn't really fit the bill for real world problems.

So you need the general quadratic, and we did eventually derive it. But I now think there was way too much time spent factoring these integer cooked up examples.

I try to read more coming from these anti-tracking proponents. One of the keys does seem to be that you will have kids in the same class room who are not working on the same material.

So with that, and with the Math Club hypothetical, I have talked about the variable types found on something like an HP-48 calculator. Could there be more? Well yes certainly their could, and object oriented computer languages are where you are encouraged to make your own variable types and make the methods for accessing them.

So making some around the eigenvalues of a differential equation comes to mind.

For a polynomial there are only so many roots, and when it is the characteristic equation of a matrix it is the same.

But with the Schrodinger Equation for Quantum Mechanics there are an infinite number, going up to higher and higher energy levels.

With the basic Schrodinger Equation for an electron around a nuclei, there is just one quantum number, energy. But then there have been key experiments which show that there have to be 4 quantum numbers, and this is what finally agrees with what is seen in the Periodic Table of Elements and which agrees with observed material properties.

But to understand this you really need computer software which you can play with and which can render 3D surfaces into 2D.

And it is not just the elements in the periodic table, it is the compounds which are important, and then it is solid materials in crystalline form for which quantum mechanics is important. They want to make more and more exotic semiconductors, and using more and more exotic methods of fabrication. And they want more and more extreme magnetic materials, and for this you do want high angular momentum.

Physical Science always depends upon understanding complex mathematical relations. Otherwise it is just buzz words, advertising slogans. And the tech sector is dominated by people who can only think this way.

Solid State Physics problems involve molecular orbitals, and there is this Walter Harrison theory of Linear Combination of Atomic Orbitals. There are other things. And then more and more people are working to get quantum mechanical solutions accounting for electron to electron interactions.

All of these things can be explored, but you have to build up a base of computer software with which to do it.

Today this can be open source software which is shared.

So would a Math Club work, or could ordinary school be something like this?

Well of course you can have all manner of books, paper and digital.

You can have video lectures. Usually there the problem is in following what is being written on the back board. And this is very important. If you cannot follow and replicate the derivations, then you do not understand it.

So this could be done with special computer software which has the video and the audio, but also a box for what is being done on the back board. But this material on the black board could be developed by rehearsing the lecture several times before live audiences, and it could computer type set. And then when you watch, it is uncovered line by line. But you can if you want stop the video feed and just uncover all of it.

And people could write commentary and supply extra lines which help make the derivation understandable.

Could kids learn this? Yes of course they could. Could they all learn this? I think the issue is just that it is getting into something for which they have no social context.

Jeannie Oakes said that these untracked school experiments challenge school teachers and administrators. But more than that they challenge deeply held ideas about race and class in the entire adult community. It is the parents and it is the community leaders.

I need to learn more about all of this, but I think school at all levels could be far better than it has been.


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3 years ago
So continuing with Jeannie Oakes and the Untracking work.

Detracking schools, then, challenges not only school structures but also the broader economic and class structures that are foundational to tracking., These schools venture out ahead of more cautious reformers, testing the safety of our social atmosphere. They challenge deeply rooted values and assumptions about merit and fairness, and they disrupt the accepted distributional patterns of educational resources and opportunities. As they do, they become vulnerable to stifling culture and political pressures.

There is a group in this that they referred to as the "Mothers of Excellence", resisting any and all detracking.

About one school,

If you're in the 'haves' group, it's one of the best places in America to go to high school. If you're in the 'have nots,' it's like a lot of places -- it's full of failure.

As one teacher put it, "The teachers I most connect with are the ones who really sense that we can't afford to waste anybody. We just can't afford to say that we have this group of kids [the high achievers] that will carry us. You know, they'll be our leaders. ... I'm convinced we don't live in a world like that anymore. We can't afford to lose those [other] kids.


Highway to Hell - Jeff Healey
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3 years ago
I remember that by Senior Year in high school there seemed to be a class solidarity and an understanding that we would finally act like adults, which I had not seen before.

Jeannie Oakes:

Fear of Blight, White Flight

I need to read much more about all of this to really take a firm position.


avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
I have said before that one of the best things in school for me was SRA.


Not sure who originally developed it.

But you start with reading circles, and kids need that because language is first aural. And so there are reading circles and they have to be of modest size, so there are more than one of them and they are ability grouped.

But after that you can get into SRA.

It came in one file folder sized box with everything. Something for the teacher to put into their grade book, and info for scoring the quizzes.

So they get you into one of the color coded levels. Then for your level you get out of the box a selection to read for your code level.

They you answer the questions on a multiple choice quiz and bring it to your teacher.

Based on your scores on a couple of these you could be moved up or down a level.

Kids who read a lot at home will quickly graduate from the highest level, so they can just read regular books.

If you could teach math and science this way I think it would be great. You could have video lectures, lots available, and you could back this up with text books, and then you could have computer programs to do things with, and eventually kids could partake in the development and sharing of these programs.

I think it would work and it would be great.

As far as what kids will go for, I think it is cultural, and this does correlate to SES and race somewhat. But school can help broaden the kids.

They say that for gifted kids, if you can select schools and are interviewing teachers, you want teachers that are committed to and practice lifelong learning.

I think this is best for all teachers, and really for all people. But I think most people have just been turned off.

For me, once I got out of college it was like I can really start to learn now, on my own, for the first time. And this is how it has been.


Will Smith

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avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
So Jeannie Oakes makes a pretty compelling case that vocational schooling tracks were developed to keep low income and minority children from aspiring to universities.

She does not say this, but I would say that striver programs are set up for the same reason, like Financial Literacy themed programs and motivational programs. Someone on this board has talked about Junior Achievement. I would say that this most definitely applies to this. You don't see students reaching for elite universities and the doors that such opens, in this striver themed stuff.

Oakes brings out some pretty proactive and widely circulated references:

Schooling in capitalist America : educational reform and the contradictions of economic life / Samuel Bowles and Herbert Gintis (1976)

Learning to labour : how working class kids get working class jobs / Paul E. Willis (1977)

Interesting. I can see this. I still need to see more of how the needs of the top track and gifted children can be met in heterogeneous programs. Oakes and some others contend this. And this runs contrary to the orthodoxy of the gifted movement, but some go along with it and feel the heterogeneous classes can be better.

I need to read more. But I have to ground this in what I have seen and experienced.

Introductory Physical Science, or IPS, I think this still exists. It is a hands on lab class, probably for the 8th grade. It is pretty good. They have replaced ring stands and Bunsen burners with peg boards and alcohol lamps, keeping the costs down.

It is good, but I think it could be better with computer software that you can put your lab data into and then get a printout of the analysis the software did.

But could it work for the lower track kids? They might need some extra help to catch up, but that is what these authors want, optional extra hours and summer program. If you gave them that quality of teaching all the time, I agree with Oakes, there would not be a lower track.

But I think there is still a problem, the social contextual problem. Especially what it comes to things more abstract like math, you are teaching kids stuff which the parents have no knowledge of. And the parents may not want the kid to be aiming for college, especially not an elite college or an an academic or scientific career. They many not like costs. They may feel jealous of the kid, having been frustrated at some point in their own education. And in general frustrated and jealous of anything which is not bureaucratic and striving to get ahead.

And these issues are certainly not limited to minority or low income families. I think they are more common than not across the board.





science lab supplies

Another one of the voices in the Untracking Movement

Crossing the Tracks
How "Untracking" Can Save America's Schools
by Anne Wheelock, forward by Jeannie Oakes

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3 years ago
Crossing the Tracks
How "Untracking" Can Save America's Schools
by Anne Wheelock, forward by Jeannie Oakes

Wheelock in in Massachusetts, and it is a most interesting book!

It is challenging things I have always assumed to be true. The soil of America is made from the idea that families have to live in well-off neighborhoods if they want there to be good schools. Doesn't matter how much money is put into the schools or what policies of plans they have, it is believed that you can't have good schools unless you have well-off White people.

So Wheelock does a good deal to dismantle this, though I have to read more to really understand this. And she dismantles what the Orthodoxy of the Gifted Movement wants and believes is necessary, separate classes. Some in the Gifted Movement now reject this, they want the needs of the Gifted to be met in regular classes. So I have much more to read.

page 13

Educators today also know more about the nature of human intelligence itself. Although no one would be foolish enough to claim that everyone enters life with identical abilities, it is clear that intelligence is not fixed forever at birth. Human beings can become intelligent and can learn intelligent behavior; what students derive from the classroom depends to a great extent not on an "I.Q. factor" but on academic environments that equip them to use their intelligence as lifelong learners, citizens, parents, and workers. Moreover, intelligence grows as students are challenged to apply learning in setting where they interact with others who have strengths different from their own.

And I had always made it clear that I had reservations with the Gifted Movement and did not really take it straight.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Crossing the Tracks
How "Untracking" Can Save America's Schools
by Anne Wheelock, forward by Jeannie Oakes

pg 30, middle school which had untraced is saying:

... explained the school's core beliefs and described hurdles to their implementation: society's belief, shared by children, that intelligence is synonymous with speed, and a fear of improvising and venturing opinions on the part of the children concerned with not getting the right answer: He asks how many parents have heard themselves or others say "He seems to do this effortlessly," as if to discount hard work, or "My brother is the smart one. I had to work hard for my grades," as if to imply that working hard at something is a sign of limited intelligence.

I can understand and relate to what he is saying. I grew up hearing stories of highly intelligent people and it was never about what they did by working hard, it was always about how effortlessly they did things. And at some point I realized that that was not good. Doing things effortlessly means that you are not being challenged.

Now the Gifted Movement always says that the problem with the gifted is always chronic underachievement, and learning how to get by with just doing nothing.

I did not engage with school until well into my 2nd year of college.

Now here on page 29, Wheellock is quoting people from some of these schools that are detracking. They talk about this California Test of Basic Skills (CTBS), which sound like it is some type of IQ test.



Now they are talking about the Gifted Program, and the nominal requirement is a CBEST score for an IQ of 130. I would point out that they say that on an individual IQ the scores can be as much as 10 points higher, and getting into those kinds of numbers, that makes a big difference.

But here they are talking about who should be in the Gifted Program, and they also are looking at some achievement scores. They had 26 in Gifted Classes out of 250 students. But just on the basis of these scores, they still found that they would need to enlarge the Gifted Program to make room for 55 students.

And this jibes with what I have seen, that a lot more students could do well in such programs if the opportunity were offered to them.

Then on page 76, we've got some of the common questions about detracking:

"It seems to me that mixing groups of students together is going to hold back the learning of the smarter students."

And from the Albany CA school district we have some answer:

They talk about a child needing to explain their reasoning to another child, a group of students figuring ways to measure the length of a hallway and the height of the building.

And they talk about kids in the heterogeneous programs doing better in reading and writing.


I still have a lot more to read to really understand this, but I have become very skeptical. The idea that the most capable kids do better with heterogeneous class rooms seem dubious. I think it depends on what you expect. I you are looking to kids as being future community organizers, then being good at talking to everyone would be important.

But is that what the objective is. Suppose you started with the premise that the top kids will complete doctorates the physical sciences or mathematics and will more quickly to make original contributions?

How does this untracking help?

The Gifted Movement talks about high schoolers being able to go to the community college and take classes, mostly math. And they sometimes talk about being able to take even the first two years of college math while still in high school, and even having these courses offered by the community college on the high school campus.

How do they feel about that, is that the same as tracking?

I though high school Chemistry and Physics were a waste, completely beneath me. If we could have had college classes, that would have been totally different.

And then what about these AP classes, which seem to be becoming more common. Wheelock says that very few have completely untracked, and some are keeping the AP classes, as required by local district rules, or by law.

Are these really the same as college classes?

And then with the Gifted Movement there has always be the practice of skipping a grade or two. They call this acceleration. And it remains controversial. How does Wheelock feel about it.

And then we have someone on this forum whom they wanted to have complete high school and go on to college at age 16. How do the untracking advocates feel about this?

I have posted on this forum about the author Chris Guillebeau. He was able to skip out on all 4 years of high school and go directly to college.

Now it turns out that the college limited him as to how many units he could take at one time. So he get simultaneously enrolled in three colleges, so he was able to complete his 4 year degree in 1 year. What do the untracking advocates think if that?

Just changing practices in high schools does not change our entire society.

So I am increasing skeptical of what they are doing.

I do agree though that the mid and lower tracks are worthless, just aging vats. So they have to be made better. But this amounts to making all high school college preparatory. There was an attempt to legislate this in CA too. It did not pass.

And some have said that the lower tracks and the vocational programs are all that kept them in high school.

I think this is complicated, but in trying to teach say college level math, you are going way beyond what there is a social context for in the lives of most adults. And so you are fighting against this.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Wheelock has a good sized section about teaching math. And she says that this is what they are slowest to detrack.

I read all this and I am not convinced. They don't seem to be going to an independent studies model. They seem to be upping the pace for the lower track kids, but otherwise it seems to be more cooperative learning.

This does nothing for those aiming to be in competitive science and math programs in well regarded universities.


Jeff Healey
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3 years ago
You can't change the entire society just by changing how high schools work.

For some, college is just not in the cards. And money doesn't have to be the factor. Sometimes it is just cultural.

And then learning Math or Physical Science, that is even less likely for some.

When I say cultural, I mean that there is just not a social context for it. The adults see it is a meaningless. They don't know it and don't talk about it.

Sure, this is unfair. But just knocking out the upper track high school classes does not remedy this, it just makes it worse for everyone.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Crossing the Tracks
How "Untracking" Can Save America's Schools
by Anne Wheelock, forward by Jeannie Oakes

Talks about "asking the right questions". And often parents really have no idea what is up. And this is more often true with minority and low income parents, as school authorities usually don't tell them about the various tracks.

Wheelock talks about 15 levels for each subject in most schools and sometimes as many as 20. I have never been aware of that. But I do see that in jr high and senior high, there were more levels and more tracking than I was aware of. And the middle and lower tracks really are worthless.

But Wheelock still has not convinced me that for the kids who can do college level work while in high school, that untracking would be better. The world in intellectually competitive, and so kids who are going to play in this, they need all the background prep they can get.

avatar for CandymanOfProvidence
3 years ago
In Defense of Elitism - William A. Henry III (1995)
Now that is an author's name that seems authoritative on the topic, with so much disambiguation of it on Wikipedia.
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3 years ago



7 min audio:


So Anne Wheelock talks about "Expecting the Best".

"Students from whom more is expected produce more; students from whom less is expected produce less, even when this result is not intended."

Wheelock talks about Jeannie Oakes and her husband Martin Lipton, tell, "of a high school that, after adding an 'honors' calculus class to its math program, found that student performance declined overall. With the establishment of a "top track," students and teachers alike came to assume that only students ranked at the top could achieve at the highest levels, and all involved expected less than before of those in the regular class."

I have to take some exception to this view. Our society is not egalitarian and it is not fair. You cannot change the entire society just by changing how things are done in high schools.

I do agree with Wheelock, Oakes, and Lipton that there are huge and necessary improvements in school middle and lower tracks. But when it comes to dumping the upper tracks I have to take exception.

Those in the upper tracks are probably planning on college, and they need to be well prepared to have any chance. These kinds of collaborative work projects will not give them what they need for many college majors. High school cannot be just a rite of passage to socialize. People need to be able to learn some specific and demanding things. And these are often very far outside the social realm of most of the students and adults.

I would suggest this. Maybe you do want to wipe out all tracking in high school and jr high. But you also want to have it so that while in high school a very capable student can also be taking college level class. So these count for college entrance, college prerequisites, and college graduation. It is done on the high school campus. It might also constitute simultaneous college enrollment.

And then while in jr high the most capable students should be able to be taking sr. high classes in the same manner. So thus you have eliminated tracking, but you have some who are moving into high school work and into college work very early.

I think what kids have an aptitude for is mostly just a matter of what they are exposed to.

Wheelock has a big chapter about teaching math, and she shows that it is the subject to be mostly likely tracked, and the one least likely to be untracked.

I would say that Chemistry and Physics should be treated this way. By the time I got to high school Chemistry and Physics I already knew quite a bit. So I considered it beneath me and I did no work outside of class time. If instead I had access to the college level classes at that age it would have been completely different.

Also, I had posted about about this IPS (Introductory Physical Science) program, and it seems pitched at the 8th grade. I believe that it still exists, unless they have come up with something better. I think it could be improved by letting students use computer software, open source software, to do curve fits and to present their lab data. Getting to do this as early as possible would be the best. Just classify it as high school science, and make it be open in the 7th grade.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Crossing the Tracks
How "Untracking" Can Save America's Schools
by Anne Wheelock, forward by Jeannie Oakes

I have finished this, and I feel that it is completely wrong headed.  Now yes, the middle and lower tracks are just a total waste, and they could be improved upon greatly.  And how kids end up in those tracks is completely unfair.  It is mostly tied to race and socio-economic class.  The parents don't know what questions to ask and they are not told what options there are.  And they don't feel it right to push the school.

While these things need to be corrected, this does not make it fair to have the more advanced students having to do work which is way beneath their level.
Maybe the solution is to get it so the advanced students are simultaneously enrolled in college while they are in high school, and in high school while they are in jr high school.

They say that students make 5x the rate of progress in the top classes that students do in the lower tracks.  I have no doubt that this is true.

I think that by grade 12 you could have the more advanced students doing second or fourth year college math.  And they would know it like Math Majors, ready to do any proof at the drop of hat.  And it wouldn't just be algebraic proofs, it would also be geometrical, topological, and the kind involving limits for calculus.

But you could not ever expect to teach this to the general student population.  I don't know that the especially talented students have more innate intelligence.  It's just cultural.  For most students trying to teach them anything more than the most rudimentary math would be like trying to teach them classical music.  They just don't see it as relevant to anything.

And as we have seen on this forum, even those who have completed math intensive 4 year degrees will often not be using any math.  So how then can you expect high schoolers to take any interest?
And Wheelock and her people want students to learn that math is collaborative, communal.  Well, for the most part this is not true.  I remember in high school we participated a few times in a math competition.  There was no team roster, just the teacher invited a few people.  So we went.  It always looked like the problems, time limited, had no answer.  But eventually you could find it.  I believe that I always found it and the team did well.

I can't remember the teacher ever inviting a girl, or any of the other schools having girls.  But one time the teacher said that he wanted girls to be cheerleaders.  One of the girls pressed him about the propriety of this.  He said that they have cheerleaders for football.  But the girls just blew that off and I think he was getting out of line.

One guy I knew in college was in this special Creative Program, and he was taking a calculus class.  So I asked him what was different about it.  He said it was more creative.  So I asked him to elaborate.  He said, well your professor assigns you a book right?  Yes.  Well our's does not, we just all run up to him at the end and ask him if their is some book we can get to help us understand this.

And then often in class it ends up with every single student up at the blackboard trying to work out how to prove something.

Well yes, that kind of a class is collaborative, and that is how it should be.  But you could never expect the general population to go for something like that.

One of the things which comes over loud and clear from the Gifted Movement is that the parents have to be constantly advocating for the child, and teaming up with other parents to do this.  They fight for these more advanced and challenging classes, and for these college level classes.

I think this really is predicated on the child going to college.  And some parents might not like this.  They might be concerned about the money, or they might just want the kid out of the house, or they might be people who were frustrated themselves in getting a suitable education and so they don't want the child to get it any better.


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MONTROSE ROCK THE NATION HQ SOUNDhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JWzPH4…

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Peter Frampton + Joe Bonamassa - While My Guitar Gently Weeps - 2019 Mediterranean KTBA Cruisehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iznYvo…


Joe Bonamassa - Just Got Paid/Dazed & Confused - 4/20/13 BonaVegas - Pearl Concert Theatre (actually includes other songs in medley)https://www.youtube.com/watch?…

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Stairway to Heaven, keyboard synth instead of acoustic guitarhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbhCPt…

Rod Stewart ft. Ron Wood - Maggie May / Gasoline Alley (Live from One Night Only!)https://www.youtube.com/watch?…
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3 years ago
The Multiple menu model : a practical guide for developing differentiated curriculum / by Joseph S. Renzulli, Jann H. Leppien, and Thomas S. Hays ; with a foreword by Carol A. Tomlinson. (2000)

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3 years ago
Joseph S. Renzulli and Carol A. Tomlinson are two in the Gifted Movement who say that the needs of Gifted Children can be met in regular classroons. Jeannie Oakes makes much of them.

But now after reading Anne Wheelock and seeing what the untracking people really believe, I am skeptical.

But still I have to read Renzulli and Tomlinson to see for myself.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Reflecting more on all that I have read from the Gifted Movement.

I think the whole idea comes from a commitment the parents make. I think it is this more than it is any innate intelligence. They are telling the child that it is good to use their powers of observation and rationality, and that this is appropriate.

But they are making a commitment to the child here. They are seeing that the child isn't going to be Homer Simpson. By the 12 grade they will be years ahead of the kinds of knowledge that most adults use.

So they are committing that the child will go to college, and that it will not just be a token degree, it will be enough of an education that they will be able to actualize their intellect.

Not all parents will really want this. Many will have just gone along with having a child to win approval, so that their own parents won't disinherit them, and to placate a spouse.


TJ Street
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3 years ago
I think the limits of intelligence are cultural, not genetic.

You might have parents who have been frustrated in their own education and who don't want the child to have it any better.

And they have not been able to actualize their own intelligence, they live by playing stupid, until they really turn into Archie Bunker.

And you can now see how that the Gifted Movement is saying is the total opposite of the Autism / Aspergers Hoax.

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3 years ago
Wolfgang Ernst Pauli (1900 – 1958) was an Austrian theoretical physicist and one of the pioneers of quantum physics.

I read that Pauli was a "bona fide child prodigy". As a graduate student at the age of 18 he wrote a paper about relativity which got the attention of Einstein.

So is this really a good thing? I hear prodigy and I think about Mozart and Beethoven. Today we would recognize this as child abuse.

But with Pauli, he had to be in school anyway. And so he got to be over 4 years ahead. This was the only way he could be in class rooms with his intellectual peers, and it was the only way he could be learning new material everyday.

I don't think getting so many years ahead in school was really the objective. It isn't really that important. It is rather being with intellectual peers and learning new material, and then being with people who could be effective mentors, so that he can see that all that he is learning leads somewhere and is legitimate.



George Fest - Let It Down [Official Live Video]
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3 years ago
So I read about Wolfgang Pauli, "bona fide child prodigy". As a graduate student at the age of 18, writing a paper on relativity which drew the attention of Einstein.

I guess some would be able to do things like this, if they were given access to the right materials. And it wouldn't be just for one day or for one year, Pauli was at least 5 years ahead in his schooling. This takes time to pull off.

From what I read from the Gifted Movement I think this really starts with a commitment from the parents. And the Gifted Movement literature always makes advocating for the child central. They have to constantly be making sure that they are getting access to suitably challenging stuff, and not just being a target for teachers' criticisms.

And so the objective is not just getting ahead in school, the objective is learning at your potential, being in classrooms with intellectual peers, and hopefully to be finding mentors. And the parents obviously don't see school as a necessary exercise in socialization, an exercise in conformity, and necessary to teach their child that they never should try to use their abilities.

Now, I contrast this to the Autism/Aspergers/Neurodivergence Movement. And talking about this, as I see, it is entirely a Keyboard Koward affair. People don't throw casual talk about this around f2f. This is a diverse world, and you find all kinds of temperament in people. And if you don't want to end up on the Coroner's Autopsy Table, you don't throw eugenics terminology around.

But with the rise of the Internet, there has been a huge rise in talk about Autism. and in belief in it. So I read the Autism narratives and they always seem so similar:

1. Evidence of very high intelligence in both parents.
2. But those parents do not actualize their intelligence.
3. Instead they have learned how to get by in life by conforming to social expectations and by being part of the herd.
4. So at some level the child is an embarrassment to them, and they see the child as reflecting very badly on them.
5. An example written in a pro-Autism book: Son 18 months old, first time he encounters sand, at a lake park. He is fascinated with it and is down on all fours and he is picking the wet sand up in his fist and letting it dribble out between his fingers, and he is pressing his forehead down into it. The father is totally freaked out by what his son is doing. He is looking around to see if others are watching, and several times he picks the child up and moves him to try and stop him. Of course the father never considered doing exactly what his son was doing.
6. So soon it was the Yale Lab, started by a leader in the Eugenics Movement, and then it is the mother driving around franticly trying to make sure her son gets 40 to 50 hours of Applied Behavioral Analysis each week, and launching herself as a Autism Advocate by writing a book about this.

If Hans Asperger were not able to hide his affiliation with the Nazi's and the fact that he signed orders to have thousands of children euthanized, he likely would have been executed like a number of the other Nazi doctors.

Icey is designing a Neurodivergence Internment Camp tag. He needs to come up with the color and shape, and some have already been taken.



avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
I continue to read material from the Gifted Movement, and they all agree that the real problem for the Gifted is underachievement, just disengaging from school because it is beneath them.

I think for it to be otherwise there has to be suitably new and challenging material, and the child has to know that it all means something, that it will be part of their future life. And mos tof the time this will mean college, and just just a token sampling, probably a doctorate in a challenging subject.

Well this costs money, lots of it. And it may be alien territory for the parents. And they may not use that kind of knowledge themselves. And they may become jealous of the child.

But also the parents may have boxed the child in by discouraging high school interests in employment or entrepreneurship.

I think it really comes down to the parents committing to the child and standing behind them.

And then we also need free college and college debt forgiveness, and we have to take out of action the Fix My Kid Doctors and the whole industry of things like Autism/Aspergers/Neurodivergence.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
The Multiple Menu Model
A Practical Guide for Developing Differentiated Curriculum
Joseph S. Renzulli etal, Forward by Carol Ann Tomlinson

What this book describes is interesting, and they do prescribe that there be college level textbooks available. It is a flexible multi subject curriculum. And clearly it is easier for students to engage with and better for students in the lower and middle tracks.

Renzulli and Tomlinson are the ones the Un-Tracking advocates cite as saying that common classrooms are better for the Gifted too.

This is hard to see evidence of. A child who is committed to graduate level studies in a competitive university would not even want to waste their time in these kinds of classes. They want to arrive at the university better prepared than any other students, and they want advanced placement. For them education is competitive, and they know what things they will need to know and what books show all of this. They will want to make progress everyday. This more cooperative program that Renzulli and Tomlinson are showing does not support this adequately.

other by these authors

Light up your Child's MindLight up your Child's Mind, Book
Finding A Unique Pathway to Happiness and Success
by Renzulli, Joseph S. (2009)

Enriching curriculum for all students / Joseph S. Renzulli, Sally M. Reis (2008)

Differentiation for gifted and talented students / Carol Ann Tomlinson, editor (2004)

I have much more I must read.

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3 years ago
Gifted Children and Legal Issues, An Update (2000)

Dr. Frances A. Karnes, Director of the Center for Gifted Studies at The University of Southern Misissippi.

Dr. Ronald G. Marquardt is Professor and Chair of the Department of Political Science at the University of Southern Mississippi. A specialist in constitutional and admnistrative law.

This pair had written 2 earlier books about such legal issues.

If you care about something, you follow the case law.

Legal issues means that some of this has ended up in court.

This means people are fighting for their gifted child in court.

This is the total opposite of the Autism / Asperger's Families where the parents find the child to be an embarrasment and want the child labeled and to be subjected to therapies which resemble dog training.

I read the book, because otherwise I will not know what they are talking about.


Nirvana Reading 1992
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3 years ago
Initial look at this it seems to involve lawsuits.  They don't talk about things which were settled through mediation, as those would not leave a record.  One was of a School Board which sued the State Budgeting Office.  The rest of the suits are all parents.  Some are federal. 

Some have tried to get 14th Amendment Protected Status for the Gifted and this has not worked.  Most of the suits are state and it is many many states.  Some are suits to get into programs, and others are suits to even get into a school. 

In one case a boy had gone to a private kindergarten, then his mother sued to get him into the public 1st grade.  The school required being age 6 by Sept 1.  But this boy was still 2 months short.  The school system's rules did allow exceptions to be made, but they wouldn't do it.  So the lawsuit.  Interesting way to enter the school system.  I get the impression that a lot of these suits do deal with things where administrators seem to have discretion.  And trying to get the courts to decide it often does not work.  I am surprised that there are that many parents who want to play this kind of hardball with the school system.

Not found anything in this yet which resonates for me, but I have just started with it.  Frances Karnes has written lots of books about Gifted Education.
They put this out under Gifted Psychology Press, "GPP", but though they never give this other name in the book, the GPP graphic is the same as is used with Great Potential Press.  Both are in Scottsdale.


In Pasadena CARuns its own school in Mississippi, though this might be just summer programs
This is the accrediting thing, Burlingame, CAhttps://www.acswasc.org/

So this was the death of Ronald G. Marquardt, Hattiesburg MShttps://www.legacy.com/us/obituaries/h…


Okay, this Southern University of Mississippi is a public 4 year, with the main campus in Hattiesburg.

Now there is something here in the book which is interesting, it relates to college costs and divorce.
This resonates with the Rachel Canning case, Morristown New Jersey.  Parents threatened to cut her off because they didn't like her BF.  She sued to try and make them pay for the rest of her Catholic high school and for college.  The parents were not divorced and this was a closely watched case because there is stuff in New Jersey law which differs from other states and which could have won such a suit.  There was evidence that the parents behaved in a reprehensible manner, but the suit failed badly.

So here page 94:

"Divorces often occur when the children of the marriage are quite young and college expenses are not as momentous as who gets the house, car or other tangible goods.  Neglecting the issue of college costs in the divorce settlement, however, especially for the academically talented, is a serious mistake."

So we have Mcentire v. Malloy (1993)  And we have their son, Brook, 4yo when the parents divorced, who entered college at the age of 12 and who was on track to receive his BA at the age of 16.  They had a daughter too and the father said that there was no way he could afford the college costs of both children at same time.  This was in Arkansas.  These cases sometimes revolve around good faith oral agreements the parents had made.

There are others like this on in New York.

5 criteria the courts look at to determine if there are "special circumstances".
1) Educational background of the parents
2) environment in which the children were raised
3) expectations of the parents for their gifted children.
4) children's superior academic agilities
5) father's excellent financial status

And then there are cases dealing with Child Custody, Available Education Opportunities, Stable Education Environment, and School Choice.
This all gets into the finer nuances of family law.  I think this is far more interesting that parents suing a school district over purely procedural stuff.

And then Rachel Canning's case was handled by a divorce lawyer.

And this relates to Elliot Rodger, 2014 Isla Vista Shooter. 
Step Mother kicked him out of the house, but she was just reflecting that attitude of the Father.  Birth Mother took him in, but Elliot was still supposed to be spending his time looking for menial jobs.  None of his three parents had ever done anything like this.

Finally the Birth Mother hatched the idea of sending Elliot to UC Santa Barbara.  And she bought him the BMW.  But it was still all construed as Elliot was a problem to be solved.

As the father Peter would tell Barbara Walters, "He is the family enigma."

Elliot got screwed over when Peter took him out of ordinary high school and sent him to a school for "Troubled Boys".

In my opinion a commitment from the parents to college is the usually unstated issue behind this concept of Giftedness.  And it will often be an extremely accelerated college preparatory track.  Like above, starting college at 12yo, or Chris Guillebeau, starting college at 14yo, or Wolfgang Pauli, a Physics Grad Student at 18yo.

Without these accelerations it is just more years of herd socialization by bullying.

And this is all happening at a time when college is becoming extremely unaffordable, aide and scholarships seem to be drying up, and then we have this ridiculous predatory lending system.


Antonin Artaudhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Icekus…

The Pretty Reckless - Take Me Down (Official Music Video)



School of Rock Gimme Shelter (real good!)
Stairway to Heaven
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3 years ago
A Nation Deceived: How Schools Hold Back America's Brightest Students (The Templeton National Report on Acceleration, Volumes 1 and 2) Paperback – January 1, 2004
by Nicholas Colangelo (Author), Susan G. Assouline (Author), Miraca U. M. Gross (Author)


These are all mainline authors in the Gifted Movement.


The reason that we have this Mental Health Industry and the Autism - Aspergers Industry is because we live in a society of advanced industrial and information technology, and so to uphold the Work Ethic and to keep the securities and real estate ponzi schemes going, we have to designate some of the population as scapegoats and pubic symbols and put them into medical internment camps.

The alternative would just be to have Universal Basic Income, Public Housing, and Medicare for All.

We are surrendering a sizable portion of our population to be scapegoats.


The School of Rock plays Gimme Shelter with Special guest star Orianthi
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3 years ago
Talking about the coming mid-term elections, David Brooks talks about some sentiment against Democrats because of efforts to close Magnet Schools and Gifted Programs.

Brooks and Capehart on midterm elections

I am not accustomed to hearing these kinds of things discussed in political news.

Can I find any other news about this?

Looks like we get one free article from The Atlantic per day

The Left’s War on Gifted Kids





Yet across the U.S., blue-state educational authorities have turned hostile to academic testing in almost all of its forms. In recent months, honors programs have been eliminated in Montgomery County, Maryland, and Seattle. On Long Island, New York, and in Pennsylvania and Virginia, curricula are being rethought to eliminate tracking that separates more- and less-adept student populations. New York City’s specialist public high schools are under fierce pressure to revise or eliminate academic standards for admission. Boston’s exam schools will apply different admissions standards in different zip codes. San Francisco’s famous Lowell High School has switched from academically selective admission to a lottery system. At least a thousand colleges and universities have halted use of the SAT, either permanently or as an experiment. But the experiments are rapidly hardening into permanent changes, notably at the University of California, but also in Washington State and Colorado. SAT subject tests have been junked altogether.

I've not taken a position, I am looking at these things because I want to learn and understand.


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3 years ago
Trying to appraise and understand this:

Yet across the U.S., blue-state educational authorities have turned hostile to academic testing in almost all of its forms. In recent months, honors programs have been eliminated in Montgomery County, Maryland, and Seattle. On Long Island, New York, and in Pennsylvania and Virginia, curricula are being rethought to eliminate tracking that separates more- and less-adept student populations. New York City’s specialist public high schools are under fierce pressure to revise or eliminate academic standards for admission. Boston’s exam schools will apply different admissions standards in different zip codes. San Francisco’s famous Lowell High School has switched from academically selective admission to a lottery system. At least a thousand colleges and universities have halted use of the SAT, either permanently or as an experiment. But the experiments are rapidly hardening into permanent changes, notably at the University of California, but also in Washington State and Colorado. SAT subject tests have been junked altogether.

Special programs don’t poll as well when the questions stipulate that many Black and Hispanic students would not qualify for admittance. But the programs’ numbers rebound if respondents are assured that students will have equal access to test prep. The New York Post reported earlier this year on an education-reform organization’s findings that almost 80 percent of New Yorkers would want to preserve selective testing at the city’s elite high schools if it were combined with free access to test-preparation coaching for disadvantaged groups. (The organization is supported by Ron Lauder, the cosmetics heir and Bronx Science graduate, and Richard Parsons, a former CEO of Citigroup and economic adviser to President Barack Obama.) The New York City Council is currently considering a bill that would fund just such test prep for all middle-school students. Adams, the city’s likely mayor-in-waiting, has proposed expanding the number of selective high schools and guaranteeing more spots to top middle-schoolers from across the five boroughs. His fund-plus-reform policing formula may have secured him the Democratic nomination. In the same spirit, coach-expand-test may meet the wishes of urban voting publics.

But rather than expanding gifted programs, many self-proclaimed reformers are moving to shut them down, public opinion be damned. The intention behind the changes is equity. The result is to ignite a thousand local battles over race, class, and opportunity.


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3 years ago
McCaughey: Dems go on the attack against smart kids

Attacking gifted education is bad policy and bad politics

^^ sounds like the current wave cam from this Fordham Insitute.


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3 years ago

Haley Taylor Schlitz was in the 5th grade when her parents realized traditional schooling wasn’t going to work for her. She struggled for recognition as a gifted student and her parents ultimately decided that homeschooling was the better option for her, giving her more time to learn at her own pace while pursuing the things she wanted to accomplish.

“Many girls and students of color are left out of our nation’s gifted and talented programs. Society will lose out on the potential scientist who cures a major disease, the entrepreneur who starts the next Amazon and so much more. All because of their gender and/or skin color,” said Taylor Schlitz.

At the age of 13, she was able to graduate from high school, going on to earn an undergraduate degree from Texas Woman’s University. At just 16-years-old, Taylor Schlitz was accepted into nine different law schools, making the choice to enroll at SMU’s Dedman School of Law. Since then, she has been extremely engaged around community and public policy discourse, sharing her thoughts in communities on Facebook and YouTube, serving as a mentor in the Young Scholar Program (YSP) which focuses on developing leadership skills in young Black girls, and working as a regular opinion columnist for sites like Blavity, The Grio, and Teen Vogue.

And of course, in honor of the OP, and because Icey supports that, consider what would have happened to this Taylor Schlitz if her parents had thought like they do in the Autism Families. She would have quickly been turned into a basket case.


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3 years ago

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3 years ago
I wouldn't normally site this, Reason Magazine. But I am trying to appraise the full range of opinion here:

The Rise of the Gifted Kid Candidate

Several candidates in this year’s Democratic primary have branded themselves to fit this gifted kid archetype — namely, Pete Buttigieg, Elizabeth Warren, and Andrew Yang. These candidates have all combined degrees of policy wonkishness with a general nerdiness to win over the hearts of voters (to varying degrees). They have also each put their own spin on the gifted kid persona. Warren’s tactic of unveiling lengthy policy proposals (see her slogan: “Warren has a plan for that”), combined with her background as a Harvard Law professor, assures her status as a gifted kid candidate. Buttigieg’s resume — valedictorian, Harvard grad, Rhodes Scholar, U.S. Naval Reserve Officer, hometown mayor, etc. — looks like a LinkedIn algorithm running for president. Coupled with his poised demeanor and references to Ulysses, Buttigieg possesses all the cultural signifiers to be a top-tier gifted kid candidate. Lastly, former entrepreneur and underdog of the group, Andrew Yang, advocates for imposing a sort of business logic onto federal government, evidenced by his campaign selling merch onto which solely the word “MATH,” short for “Make America Think Harder,” is printed. Yang has also promised to deliver the State of the Union speech in Powerpoint. This crop of candidates has campaigned on using their legal, professional, or entrepreneurial proclivities to optimize government.
So how do we end the gifted kids’ dominance? Maybe the answer lies not in replacing the gifted kids, but in replacing the pedagogy at the foundation of gifted education. In a paper titled “Paradigm Shifts in Gifted Education,” C. Owen Lo and Marion Porath describe the changing philosophies underlying the gifted education movement. In Terman’s time, Lo and Porath write, the defining paradigm shift was the “demystification” of gifted individuals through positivism, the idea that IQ could be quantified and studied. But now, research at the cutting-edge of gifted education has shifted its focus from identification (i.e. who can be gifted) to transaction (how one can be gifted). Lo and Porath identify a “growing distaste for identifying a special population who would traditionally be served in a gifted program” and a “growing interest in making education gifted.”



The School of Rock plays Gimme Shelter with Special guest star Orianthi


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3 years ago
A Nation Deceived: How Schools Hold Back America's Brightest Students
Nicholas Colangelo, Susan G. Assouline, Miraca U. M. Gross

The Templeton National Report on Acceleration

Vol 1 of 2

This is a large format book, but just under 70 pages. Authors are all long standing voices in the mainline Gifted Movement.

School acceleration has always be controversial for many reasons. These authors try to answer the skeptics.


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3 years ago
So the three authors are talking about school acceleration, and they cite 18 forms of this. Mostly it seems to be:

1. Getting started in school earlier.
2. Skipping ahead in one or more subjects, or skipping entire grades.
3. AP classes.
4. Some colleges have online AP classes because some high schools don't have them.
5. Dual enrollment in high school and college at the same time.
6. Going directly to college earlier. Some talk about after the 10th grade, some as early as the 9th, or as early as the 8th.

These authors feel that with some students all of these are beneficial.

They point out that these forms of acceleration cost next to nothing. They are the lowest cost means of meeting the needs of the gifted.

And while some say that these are only for the wealthy, they point out that the wealthy can afford private schools and private tutors. Acceleration can be used with those at all economic levels and of all races.

Now, I add some take of my own. Acceleration has always been controversial. Some say that the child will be less mature than class mates when accelerated. But these authors say that for many acceleration puts them in the best place.

Some are against tracking in school and they say it is always completely unfair. Well, acceleration is one way to do it without tracking, sort of.

I had pointed out that Gifted Programs are not really supposed to be a top track. The Gifted are really just supposed to be a very small number of children who really stand out. And it is not supposed to be that parents are pushing them, and these authors are against such pushing, and they say so directly.

Usually for school programs they say Gifted is the top 2%, or sometimes 3%. But the original idea of Gifted would have it be a much smaller portion.

Jan and Bob Davidson, who I found a little bit off putting in their tone, they are well accepted within the Gifted Movement as evidenced by this book.

The Davidson's are talking about an IQ of 145, which is the top 0.7%.


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3 years ago
So you can't have special classes for only the top couple percent or less.

And the Gifted Movement seems to look to Leta S. Hollingworth, instead of Louis Terman. Well Hollingworth was talking about IQs of 180.


So unless you go to full independent study mode, you have to use acceleration. You can't have a top track for 1 in a million.

So the above book is The Templeton National Report on Acceleration.

John Templeton Foundation

Institute at the
Belin-Blank Center


A Nation Empowered: Evidence Trumps the Excuses Holding Back America’s Brightest Students
Edited by Susan G. Assouline, Nicholas Colangelo, Joyce VanTassel-Baska, and Ann Lupkowski-Shoplik.

A Nation Empowered provides an update to the watershed work initiated by A Nation Deceived: How Schools Hold Back America’s Brightest Students.

So the first two authors are with


at University of Iowa, Iowa City

Second author Assouline seems focused on teaching Math and Science.

Third author, Gross, is in Australia. Though MENSA has its most members in the US, it had started in 1945 in Austrailia and she has been given an award by them. And the is the first non-Anerican to get the Leta Hollingworth Award.


this is quite interesting, Delaware
Rolling Stones - Gimme Shelter - Shine A Light - March 3, 2012 [Cover]
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3 years ago
So all three of these authors are "Professor of Gifted Education". Before I started reading these books I had never heard of such a thing.

They are careful not to fault class room teachers, but they do find problems with Teacher Training Programs in that they don't do enough to cover gifted issues.

Speaking to a question about "social adjustment".

page 7:

"Although the evidence on social success in accelerated setting is not as clear-cut as the evidence on academic success, it is still much more positive than negative. Acceleration broadens the friendship group. Many gifted children gravitate to older children, so making friends becomes easier."

Now I want to interject my own take too. The gifted movement writers are in teacher training and school counseling. They have to moderate what they say. They cannot attack normalcy or the ideas which justify it. And most of the things around children's schooling are driven by reactionary people with reactionary ideas.

Some resources:

CSU Sacramento has an early entrance center, grades 9 thru 12.

Stanford has a distance learning program for Gifted Youth

Johns Hopkins has a Math and Writing program for Talented Youth.

And this is just a skimming of the programs. Lots of stuff about Math, Chemistry, and Physics.

This book is fully endorsed by the National Association for Gifted Children, by its President, and by its President Elect.

Hollingworth Center for Highly Gifted Children

Like it said in the Paul Tippler book, Wolfgang Pauli, born 1900 Vienna, was a "bona fide child prodigy", by 19yo a Physics grad student and writing a paper about relativity which caught the attention of Einstein.


this is quite interesting, Delaware
Rolling Stones - Gimme Shelter - Shine A Light - March 3, 2012 [Cover]
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3 years ago
so on page 7 they also try to answer objections to acceleration:

"It's bad to push kids. Teachers and parents see acceleration as hurrying children through childhood."

Acceleration is allowing a student to move at an appropriate pace. By worrying about hurrying, a chance is missed to match the enthusiastic, passionate, bright child who has the ability to move ahead with the right cirriculum. They ignore the bright student's rage to learn.

I want here to interject my own take. I think in some of the top college prep and AP tracks the kids are being pushed. They are parent pleaser kids.

But the Gifted Programs are not supposed to be like that. A much smaller sample of kids who really stand out, and who otherwise would have no place in the school system.

I do think though that this raises issues with parents. Getting to college like 4 years earlier? There is in this a commitment being made to the child that they are not just going to graduate and then go on to work at Walmarts. There is a commitment that they are not going to be measured by peer culture standards, that they are going to go on to college, and that it will be a demanding program in a competitive university, and probably graduate school as well.

Now of course this is the exact opposite of the Autism Parents.

But even more their are likely to be high college costs. And all of this takes more years. And then there may be unresolved issues for the parents, issues of their own education and career path, and perhaps feelings of inferiority too.

Some adults get by in this world by playing dumb.

And some will have agreed to the project of having children just to placate a spouse or their own parents. Their real feelings may be quite mixed or worse.

Some parents play dump, some live by reactionary idiocy.

And then this gets far worse when you have white coats and Munchausen's Syndrome by Proxy using the Autism - Aspergers Hoax.


Rolling Stones - Gimme Shelter - Shine A Light - March 3, 2012 [Cover]
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3 years ago
So the three authors speak of the history of acceleration in America.

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

In earlier times there were many gifted younger students to be found in colleges and universities. They were prepared for this by tutors or in one room school houses. Before major corporations and large school systems became the norm, individualized education was standard practice.

The one-room school house let students learn at their own pace.

I would interject that in such an environment, ideas like Autism-Apspergers-Neurodivergence would not have made any sense to people and they would have been dismissed out of hand.


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3 years ago
As America's culture became more collective and standardized, one-room school-houses were replaced by schools that grouped students according to age instead of by ability or motivation.
It also paralleled the American belief in the efficiency of the industrial model of organization.

What was lost was an appreciation for individual differences.

General Characteristics of Gifted Preschoolers

Early verbal ability
Strong mathematical skills
Long attention span
Early ability to reason abstractly
Early interest in time

Martin Luther King, Jr., the leader of the Civil Rights Movement and the recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, graduated from high school at the age of 15.

While the myth says that students who skip will rarely fit into society, the reality shows taht those very students tend to lead American society to greater heights. Young people who achieve their individual dreams are often the ones who inspire us to understand what our national dreams really are.

[ I would also again add that this is exactly the opposite of how they think in the Autism-Apsergers-Neurodivergence Hoax families.]

We have the Iowa Acceleration Scale and the IAS Manual, from Great Potential Press,


to help in deciding what it is warranted.


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3 years ago
A Nation Empowered, 88 page pdf

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3 years ago

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3 years ago
pg 16

THe Boredom Factor

Students who ae carefully selected for early entrance to school generally perform very well, both academically and socially.


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Pleaser 10", strapped on, 4 colors
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3 years ago
^ continuing

By starting school early, an unchallenged child doesn't learn what it's like to be bored. Instead of finding out that school is easy and that he can succeed without having to work, a child who is placed in the right classroom, right from the start will learn that striving to improve is a wonderful part of learning.

Many gifted students don't find friends among age-peers. They tend to be more emotionally and socially mature than their age-mates. Their ideas of friendship are different. Bright students may be looking for a rue friend to share thoughts and feelings, at an age when most kids see a friend as someone to play with.

For the child who is placed ahead because he is already ahead, there are rarely negative social consequences.

Students who are skipped are more likely to earn advanced degrees.


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Pleaser 10", straped, good heel support, 4 colors
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3 years ago
Professor Julian Stanley of John's Hopkins University has studied testing and mathematically precocious students for over 60 years. One day he met a 12 year old who changed his life.

Junior high student, 12 years old, helping graduate students with FORTRAN.



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Pleaser 10"
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3 years ago
from above

So at age 13 he started at Johns Hopkins. He took Physics, Computer Science, and Calculus. He did very well. By age 17 he had a BA and an MA from Hopkins.

In 1971 Prof Stanley got a $266k grand to help the mathematically talented.

Having them take tests, often SAT or ACT, or some other test (while in jr high school)

Started with one student, and then a dozen, by 1979 had 2000.

Started Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth (CTY)

CTY with its spin offs at Duke, Northwestern, and University of Denver serves 200,000 7th and 8th graders.


pg 29

American high schools are becoming hiding places for a lot of untapped academic talent.

Advanced Placement

Dreamed up by Ford Foundation in mid 50's.

Gives a taste of college level learning.

Those who have taken one ap class have a 33% of completing a Bachelors Degree.

With two AP classes 59%

With three AP classes 76%

And 3 out of 4 who have taken one AP class will complete a Master's Degree within 15 years.

And I again emphasize that the central theme of the Gifted Movement is that students have to be challenged every day, and that Parents Have To Advocate For Them.

And this is the diametric opposite of what you find in the Austism Families.


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3 years ago

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3 years ago
The voices in the Gifted Movement are usually people involved in teacher training or school counseling, or they can even be licensed psychotherapists.  So the Gifted Movement advocates are generally not free to denounce Autism-Aspergers-Neurodiversity.

In an Autism family, Autism is their mythology.  So if you attack that you are declaring nuclear war on the parents.

But the gifted movement advocates still let you know.  Their position is that the parents are always to be advocating for the child, getting them the challenging education that they deserve.  This is the diametric opposite of how it goes in the Autism families, where at some level the parents consider the child to be an embarrassment, and they are looking for school and therapists to correct the child.

So lets look here to an old book. John Curtis Gowan taught at what would become CSU Northridge:

The education and guidance of the ablest / by John Curtis Gowan [and] George D. Demos. With a pref., by Charles Bish, and a foreword by E. Paul Torrance (1964)
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3 years ago
A Nation Deceived: How Schools Hold Back America's Brightest Students
Nicholas Colangelo, Susan G. Assouline, Miraca U. M. Gross

The Templeton National Report on Acceleration

Vol 2 of 2

So this second volume is three times as long as the first volume.

National Association of Gifted Children, positions on acceleration:


Mandating Access to Acceleration

Ability Grouping and Acceleration Can Help Teachers and School Leaders




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Landing Strip, WOW!
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3 years ago
So the above work has lots and lots of references. But more than half are journal articles, and these are harder to get.

Now I just looked for one of the books, and it is not readily available.

There are books about the idea that children are twice exceptional. Once is for being gifted, and the second is for having a learning disability. Now this is interesting because the gifted movement writers are not really free to say what they think.

So looking out side of the above books refs I find:

Raising Twice-Exceptional Children: A Handbook for Parents of Neurodivergent Gifted Kids (2021)

Raising twice-exceptional children : a handbook for parents of neurodivergent gifted kids / Emily Kircher-Morris
Kircher-Morris, Emily, author. 2022



I think the real meaning will be more in what this book does not say because the authors felt that they could not say that because that would be a direct attack on the parents, than in what it does literally say.


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3 years ago
Neihart, M. Reis, S. M.

The Social and Emotional Development of Gifted Children: What Do We Know?
by Maureen Neihart, Sally Reis, et al. | Jan 1, 2002



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3 years ago
Differently wired : raising an exceptional child in a conventional world / Deborah Reber. (2018)

a book like this read critically will show, in contrast to the Gifted Movement books, how much nonsense Autism/Aspergers/Neurodivergence is.

The Social and Emotional Development of Gifted Children: What Do We Know?
by Maureen Neihart, Sally Reis, et al. | Jan 1, 2002

The social and emotional development of gifted children : what do we know? / edited by Maureen Neihart, Steven I. Pfeiffer, and Tracy L. Cross (2016 second edition)

Raising Twice-Exceptional Children: A Handbook for Parents of Neurodivergent Gifted Kids (2021)
and this will show how absurd Autism/Aspergers/Neurodiversity is.

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3 years ago
Raising Twice-Exceptional Children: A Handbook for Parents of Neurodivergent Gifted Kids (2021)
by Emily Kircher-Morris


Okay, this book, now that I see it and scrutinize it a bit, its a bogus book.

This author is not a recognized Gifted Movement voice.

Rather she is a "Neurodiversity" Hoax and Mental Illness Myth author, and she is using the concept of Giftedness to promote these other two falacies.

If a Gifted Movement author were to talk about the idea of these Twice Exceptional Children and that being the Autism-Aspergers-Neurodivergence, then it would quickly become obvious that Autism-Aspergers-Neurodivergence is a hoax.

Okay, but Gifted Movement authors are all in Teacher Training, School Counciling, or Psychotherapy. Hoax or not, they are not free to directly challenge established orthodoxy. And in the Neurodivergence Families, that is their mythology. Telling them that it is bullshit is a direct attack on the parents.

The Gifted Movement and the Autism-Aspergers-Neurodiversity Hoax are incompatible. They are both operating in the same space, but coming from completely different perspectives. The Gifted Movement is the antithesis of the Austism-Aspergers Hoax.

And this author is not a Gifted Movement author, she is just someone who is trying to use that as a cover for doing something extremely malicious.

I would not be able to say this unless I had gotten the book in hand.

And above it is claimed that "Neurodivergence" is a woke term.

Well, Libertarianism is a completely bogus political doctrine. It is just a repackaging of the old Social Darwinism.

So yeah, Neurodivergence, Soical Darwinism, and Nazi Eugenics will be woke in some circles.


PBS Friday
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3 years ago
Prufrock Press was a Gifted Movement publisher. But it has now become part of Routledge. So below is the angry message I just sent to Routledge.


Horrible Book! Parenting Twice-Exceptional Children by Emily Kircher-Morris

This is not a Gifted Movement author. She is an Autism-Aspergers-Neurodiversity author. She is using the idea of giftedness and the Prufrock Press name to promote her venom.

The Austism-Aspergers-Neurodiversity Hoax is just a repackaging of Nazi eugenics ideas. It is not compatible with the Gifted Movement.

Gifted Movement authors though tend to be in teacher training, school counseling, or psychotherapists. So they cannot say that Autism is nonsense. In the Autism Families, that is their mythology. And so to challenge this would be to declare nuclear war on the parents.

The Gifted Movement has no commonality with the Autism-Aspergers-Neurodiversity Hoax. It is the diametric opposite.

The Prufrock Press name never should have been on a worthless book like this.

Now being part of Routledge, I guess we have to completely write off the Prufrock name.

And if that is not enough, this book is a pedagogy manual. All that is is a set of instructions on how adults can use children for the own purposes. This is Autism-Aspergers, but the Gifted Movement has nothing to do with this.

Angry Reader!
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3 years ago
Yeah, I found the extremely offensive book mentioned above, and so seeing that it came out because Routledge bought Prufrock, I sent them an angry message.

Now I have also written to a prominent Gifted Movement author. This is the first time I have ever attempted such a communication.


Counterfeit Gifted Movement Book:

Raising Twice-Exceptional Children: A Handbook for Parents of Neurodivergent Gifted Kids (2021)
by Emily Kircher-Morris

I had assumed that this book, by talking about the Gifted Movement and the Autism-Aspergers-Neurodiversity Hoax side by side, would let one see how ridiculous Autism-Aspergers-Neurodiversity is. Gifted Movement parents are always advocating for their child, to make sure they get suitable course materials and that they are not being unfairly targeted by teachers with their own problems.

But we have the Austism-Aspergers Hoax because some parents have decided that their child is an embarrassment, and so they want doctors to validate this. It is a version of Munchausens Syndrome by Proxy. Autism-Aspergers-Neurodiverstity is not compatible with the Gifted Movement.

I see though that this book is not a Gifted Movement book. The author is not a Gifted Movement voice, and her references are not Gifted Movement. The author is part of the Autism Hoax, and she is just using the idea of the idea of Giftedness to peddle her venom.

Gifted Movement authors are in Teacher Training or School Counseling, or they are in Psychotherapy. Hoax or not, they are not free to directly challenge established orthodoxy. And the Autism Families have built a mythology of deficiency. Telling them that it is nonsense would amount to a declaration of nuclear war.

The Gifted Movement and the Autism Hoax operate in the same space, but they are mutually exclusive.

Prufrock Press was a Gifted Movement publisher. But it has now become part of Routledge. So I just sent them an angry message about this book and about what they have done to Prufrock.

Below is the angry message I just sent to Routledge:

Horrible Book! Parenting Twice-Exceptional Children by Emily Kircher-Morris

Kircher-Morris is not a Gifted Movement author. She is an Autism-Aspergers-Neurodiversity author. She is using the idea of giftedness and the Prufrock Press name to promote her venom.

The Autism-Aspergers-Neurodiversity Hoax is just a repackaging of Nazi eugenics ideas. It is not compatible with the Gifted Movement. Those promoting a disability based understanding want children to believe that they are perpetually in need of correction and remedial instruction.

Gifted Movement authors tend to be in teacher training or school counseling, or they psychotherapists. So they cannot say that straight out that Autism is nonsense. The Autism Families have built up a mythology of deficiency. And so to challenge this would amount to a declaration of nuclear war.

The Gifted Movement has no commonality with the Autism-Aspergers-Neurodiversity Hoax. It is the diametric opposite.

The Prufrock Press name never should have been on a worthless book like this.

Now being part of Routledge, I guess we have to completely write off the Prufrock name.

And if that were not enough, this book is a pedagogy manual. All that is is a set of instructions on how adults can use children for the own purposes. This is Autism-Aspergers, but the Gifted Movement has nothing to do with this.

Angry Reader!


Deep Purple - Hush - 2013 School of Rock AllStars Team 4
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3 years ago
So Prufrock Press is a real Gifted Movement Publisher.

Or at least it used to be. Once it was absorbed by Routledge, not sure yet. The above book was a worthless Medicalization and Munchausen's By Proxy book.

Okay, but here in front of me is a Prufrock book before Routledge.

The Social and Emotional Development of Gifted Children (2016)
ed by Neihart, Pfeiffer, and Cross.


And this is an update to one they came out with in 2002.

And this is also supported by the National Association for Gifted Children.

Now the book covers lots of territory, but lets start here

Steven I. Pfeiffer
Serving the Gifted: Evidence-Based Clinical and Psychoeducational Practice (2013)


Now, they introduce the established concept of the Twice Exceptional, Gifted and with Learning Disabilities. And though they don't come out and say it directly, they do still largely dismantle the fallacy of Autism-Aspergers

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3 years ago
So Gifted Movement Authors are Psychologists, School Councilors, in Teacher Training, or even Licensed Psychotherapists. They are not really free to challenge an established orthodoxy like the Autism-Aspergers-Neurodivergence Hoax.

And then for the families that believe in that, that is a mythology which they depend on. If you challenge it that would be a declaration of nuclear war. So these Gifted Movement Authors cannot do this.

But they still can communicate that Autism-Asperger's is not really anything. They say that it is not immutable.

They say that sometimes at school or from home, a Gifted Child might be exposed to "normalizing pressure". And this is always bad.

And then they say that what people are calling Autism-Aspergers is no immutable. It depends on how much support the child has a home, and how much support from the parents. And they try to compare to Gifted Children who do not have this ~disorder~ ~diability~, and again it just depends on how much emotional support the child has, at school, and from home.

So now I'm going to venture beyond what these Gifted Movement Authors can say.

Autism-Asperger's-Neurodivergence is just a concept invented to abuse children and adults. If you read the Autism Narratives you always see evidence of very high intelligence in both parents. But rather than developing and celebrating that intelligence, they have learned to live by fitting in and getting buy.

So when it comes to the intelligence in their child they find they child to be an embarrassment and they make this understood.

So what these educators are seeing then in the child is just the reflection of the scorn of the parents, simply because the parents have not learned to accept their own intelligence.

So the child is being used, and seriously so and with potentially debilitating effects.


Living Thelema
Sexual Magick & Mysticism
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
So I have much to read in the above book. BUt then:

The tracking wars : state reform meets school policy / Tom Loveless. (1999)
** I need to read this. YES


Jeff Beck and Rosie Oddie

Pleaser 10" 4 colors
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Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
It loads fine for me.

Heaving this thread applies to you....
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
So continuing with:

The Social and Emotional Development of Gifted Children (2016)
ed by Neihart, Pfeiffer, and Cross.

This book is crammed with references. The Gifted Movement has many journals. 95% of the references are to these journals. But the journals are hard to get. So with still so many book refs, the journals are really not worth the trouble. So I just look at some of the books:

Kazimierz Dabrowski, 1964, Positive Disintegration

Dabrowski, Kazimierz.
Title Positive disintegration / Edited, with an introd., by Jason Aronson. (132 pages)

and they go by L. Hollingworth, not Terman.

Marcia, J. E. (1980) Identity in adolescence. In J. Adelson (ed) Handbook of adolescent psychology
Handbook of adolescent psychology / edited by Joseph Adelson. (1980 624 pages)

Piechowski, M. M. he writes about Dabrbrowski

Ruf, D. (2009) Self-Actualization and moreality of the gifted: Envirnmaltal, familial, and personal factors, In D. Abrose and T. Cross (ed) Morality, Ethics, and gifted minds

Morality, ethics, and gifted minds / Don Ambrose, Tracy Cross, editors (2009) availabity in question
But Tracy L. Cross has multiple books.


avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
refs from above:

Creativity : flow and the psychology of discovery and invention / Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. (1996, written lots and lots of books)

Gifted lives : what happens when gifted children grow up? / Joan Freeman (2010)

Rhoda Myra Graces-Bacsal (lives in Singapore), has she written any books?
can't find any


The Autism-Aspergers-Neurodiversity Hoax starts at home

Icey's Rules

Dio - Holy Diver - 2015 School of Rock AllStars Team 4 - Wicker Park Fest
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
looked at in a favorable light:

Coleman, L. J. (1985) Schooling the Gifted
not available

but this is the same author

Being gifted in school : an introduction to development, guidance, and teaching / by Laurence J. Coleman & Tracy L. Cross (2001 Prufrock Press)

A parent's guide to gifted children / James T. Webb ... [et al.]. ( 2007 Great Potential Press)

A handbook for counseling the gifted and talented / Barbara Kerr ; with contributions by Kirk Hallowell and Stephen Schroeder-Davis ; foreword by Nicholas Colangelo (1991)

Marcia J. E. (1987) The Identity Status Approach to the study of ego identity development ( here it is in this:)
Self and identity : perspectives across the lifespan / edited by Terry Honess and Krysia Yardley.
Imprint London ; New York : Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1987.

ANd Steven I. Pfeiffer is one of the editors of the book in front of me.

Handbook of giftedness in children : psychoeducational theory, research, and best practices / edited by Steven I. Pfeiffer (2008)
Availability unclear

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
does she have any books:
megan foley-nicpon



APA handbook of giftedness and talent / Steven I. Pfeiffer, editor-in-chief ; Elizabeth Shaunessy-Dedrick and Megan Foley-Nicpon, associate editors
Imprint Washington, DC : American Psychological Association, [2018]
but not available

But this:


not available

The social and emotional lives of gifted kids : understanding and guiding their development / Tracy L. Cross. (2005)

Goertzel and Goertzel, Cradles of Eminence, 1962, and the Great Potentials Press 2004 2nd edition

Simonton D. K, 2004 Creativity in Science ....

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Continuing to list references:

Simonton, D. K. (2004) Creativity in Science: Chance, logic, genius, and zeitgeist.

Simonton D. K. (2009) So you want to become a creative genius. In Cropley, A. J. Cropley, J. C. etal. The dark side of Creativity
The dark side of creativity / edited by David H. Cropley ... [et al.] (2010)


The Autism-Aspergers-Neurodiversity Hoax starts at home. And it is not even necessary that the parents had ever even heard the Nazi Eugenics terminology. It all predates that.

Icey's Rules

How come nothing I ever got to do in high school was like this?
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Bullying at school : what we know and what we can do / Dan Olweus (1993), I think in Sweden, done the most to deal with school bullying.

avatar for Mate27
3 years ago
^^ this thread should have been re-titled specifically for you, SJG, as “Going to the library while neurodivergent!”
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
The essential guide to talking with gifted teens : ready-to-use discussions about identity, stress, relationships, and more / Jean Sunde Peterson (2008)
but availability is in question.

Developing talent in young people / Benjamin S. Bloom, editor ; contributors, Lauren A. Sosniak ... [et al.] (1985)

The talent code : greatness isn't born, it's grown, here's how / Daniel Coyle (2009)

When gifted kids don't have all the answers : how to meet their social and emotional needs / Judy Galbraith, M.A. and Jim Delisle, Ph. D (2015)

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
The myth of ability : nurturing mathematical talent in every child / John Mighton (2003)

Peak Performance for Smart Kids
Strategies and Tips for Ensuring School Success. Neihart Maureen, 2008

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
The Genius in All of Us
Why Everything You've Been Told About Genetics, Talent, and IQ Is Wrong
Shenk, David, 1966- (2010)

The international handbook of giftedness and talent / editors, Kurt A. Heller ... [et al.]
Giftedness and talent (2002)
J. T. Webb in above

Owlweus, Dan, The School Bullying Expert

Talented teenagers : the roots of success and failure / Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Kevin Rathunde, Samuel Whalen ; with contributions by Maria Wong
Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly. (1993)

The Cambridge handbook of expertise and expert performance / edited by K. Anders Ericsson [and 3 others] (2018)
availability is uncertain

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
The underachieving gifted child : recognizing, understanding, and reversing underachievement / Del Siegle
Siegle, Del. 2013 prufrock

How to reach & teach children & teens with ADD/ADHD : practical techniques, strategies, and interventions / Sandra F. Rief
How to reach and teach children and teens with ADD/ADHD
* not a gifted movement book!

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
The Tracking Wars
State Reform
Meets School Policy

Tom Loveless

Brookings Institution Press 1998

I believe that Loveless is an objective journalist trying to be fair to both sides in what has proven to be extremely controversial and is part of an ongoing conflict.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
I was expecting that Tom Loveless would have been a parent of a child in the Gifted Program. It is usually they who are the most adamant about defending tracking. So I was expecting I would be reading the suburban real estate section of the news paper.

But no, Loveless taught for 9 years in CA public schools. Then he went to U Chicago to do a doctorate. The work for this book started with his thesis.

As Loveless explains, the Anti-Tracking Movement started in CA and MA, and a little bit in NV and MD. And it was mostly because of the Jeannie Oakes book, Keeping Track (1985), and also because of Annie Wheelock in MA.

I talk about reading the Oakes book above.

Other Loveless books?


Loveless also invoked the work of this John Kingdon, to explain how untracking became such a political issue:

Agendas, alternatives, and public policies / John W. Kingdon. (1995)

Basically decades after Brown v Board we still have this racial achievement gap.

And so there was a hunt for the cause and it looked like the cause was school tracking. This was mainly coming from Jeannie Oakes and her UCLA mentors.

And yes, decades ago tracking was done by IQ tests and it was quite racially driven. But this is not the case today.

And going back to the 19th century, organized labor originally opposed having vocational programs in high schools.


avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
By the 1890's though organized labor changed positions. They were strongly committed to having vocational programs in high schools, as they have remained ever since.

They'd seen the rise private trade schools, and they did not want support siphoned away from the public schools. They say the public schools as the best opportunity for economic advancement for their own children.

And this was before there we IQ tests!.

Now, the efforts to remove tracking have only gone so far. In urban schools you have had the most untracking, and it is the remedial programs which have most likely gotten cut. Suburban schools still have the most tracking.

The subjects most tracked, in order are:


And then English Dept's are quite receptive to untracking. It is Math where there is the most commitment to tracking.

Even Oakes talks about this, when you untrack, what you often go to are cooperative learning enviroments, and these often involve team teaching and oversize classes.

To me this sounds like stuff shown in the movies To Sir With Love and Black Board Jungle.

If you want world class knowledge, even putting aside concerns about college, these types of exercises do not do it.

And also I would say that the Gifted Movement is not supposed to mean a top track. The original idea was of some few students who really stand out. And then what is usually wanted are things like AP classes, grade acceleration, and early college entrance.

AP is like a top track, but the other stuff is not.

There was also this Middle School Movement. This was teachers who did not want jr high to be like high school. They wanted it to be more like elementary school. So they sent the 9th graders to high school, and then often they extended the lowest grade do to the 5th.

They wanted it all untracked and they wanted generally qualified teachers, not narrow subject specialization.

ANd then of the racial achievement gap, it got to an all time low in the late 80's.

BUt then it started widening again. Is this untracking or school defunding or the rise of charter schools?

Public schools are still the best for achieving equality and tracking, or at least ability grouping, is part of how this is accomplished.

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3 years ago
The education and guidance of the ablest / by John Curtis Gowan [and] George D. Demos. With a pref., by Charles Bish, and a foreword by E. Paul Torrance
Gowan, John Curtis (1964)

Gowan taught at what would become CSU Northridge.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Creativity and giftedness / Donald J. Treffinger, editor
Books & Journals | Corwin Press | c2004.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Want to know how people used to think about things and they used to talk about things? Then you have to read the old books.

The Education and Guidance of the Ablest

John Curtis Gowan and George D. Demos

Charles C. Thomas Publisher, Springfield Illinois (1964)

500 pages on surprisingly thick paper

Gowan taught at what would become CSU Northridge and Demos taught at what would become CSU Long Beach

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
^ this book is provocative and maybe revelatory in ways I did not expect.

First, I see now why this Gifted Movement literature seems biased towards the West. Its because what the Gifted Movement is really about is making things work in the public schools. In the North East the wealth have private schools, so they do not need gifted programs or school tracking.

Now my reservations about the Gifted Movement have always been that it is just to enforce class division and race divisions too.

But I keep reading.

Now, I experience this book as just Gowan because i know about him more.

Here, page 351

acknowledging the primacy of Sputkik.

"The cult of mediocrity in the United States died abruptly when Russia launched the first satellite."

Now it says this, but this book was 1964, and many of his references go back to the early 50's.

Now talking about the best places for school gifted programs being Upper Middle Class Suburbs

An upper middle class "bedroom" suburb, where there is little assesed valuation except in residential property, is often among the best in eductional provisions.

Then he goes on to relation IQ scales and distributions to socio-economic levels. What?

and "no community with intellectual standards or traditions needs to be poor" Huh? Horatio Alger?

Real estate has always been the number one racket in CA. And that is what this seems to be about.

"truly residential district of middle class houses with their characteristic badge of large green front lawns."

Then he goes on to say how such neighborhoods fall apart, come to have honky tonks, until hopefully federal money tears them down to build a freeway.


avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Looking to this book more because I want to discern the social views of its authors. Allot of the in my view is fluff, tables about 120 kinds of intelligence and theories about this, taxonomies of knowledge.

I am no fan of IQ tests. My organization will never use anything like this. I only talk about it here because the book deals with it, and because it is commonly used.

As I know the mean is supposed to be 100, and the standard deviation 15. But here it says the standard deviation if 16.

So by std deviation and IQ score, and the number of people out of 10,000:

1.0, 116, 1587
1.5, 124, 668
2.0, 132, 228
2.5, 140, 62
3.0, 148, 13
3.5, 156, 3

And then what i have read is that comparing an individual test with a group multiple choice test, the individual test can come out as much as 10 points higher.

And I notice that these books talk about some real high scores. Usually they say 130 or 132 is gifted, and that is about 2% of the population. And you can't have special programs for even that small of a group.

But Terman used 140. This Davidson institute wants 141.

Some talk about 160.

And this Leta Stetter Hollingworth used 180. How hard it would be to find such people.

And of these last two scores, people debate whether the modern tests even work at those levels. And no one believes that these kinds scores are immutable and unchanging over time, not anymore.

a) The academically talented above 115, 16% of population

b) The Superior, above 125, 5%

c) The gifted (Terman's use) above 140, 0.6% of population

d) The highly gifted, above 160, 0.007% of population.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
I would not want to be a Republican on the ballot now!

Sen. Klobuchar: If We Can Take Back 2 Senate Seats We Can Codify Roe v. Wade Into Law

My view on the above is that it is hard to get things through the Senate!

The law in CA is pretty much the same as Roe v Wade.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
There is no such thing as neurodivergence. It is just part of a concept invented to legitimate the abuse of children and adults.


The Education and Guidance of the Ablest

John Curtis Gowan and George D. Demos

Charles C. Thomas Publisher, Springfield Illinois (1964)

500 pages on surprisingly thick paper.

hundreds of refs, but the vast majority are journal articles, hence too hard to get. And with this the books are so old. Only interested in a few.

First let me check up on something not listed:

Cradles of eminence / [by] Victor Goertzel and Mildred George Goertzel
Goertzel, Victor, 1914- (1962)

But they do list an article written by the above two.

Okay, so they also list:

Strang, R. The Adolescent Views Himself (1957)
The adolescent views himself ; a psychology of adolescence / Drawings by Sally Donaldson
Strang, Ruth May, 1895-1971. (1957)

someone Taylor, C. W. might have been in Utah.


NYC School of Rock

The best because it is actually live and w/o acoustic guitar

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Heaving. You're one to talk retard
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
The Education and Guidance of the Ablest

John Curtis Gowan and George D. Demos

Charles C. Thomas Publisher, Springfield Illinois (1964)

So trying to glean what the real socio political view behind this extensive book is. It talks about lots of things, but I would say that most of it is not important.

What they do talk about though is the important of getting these most able students to go to college. They fault our society for not putting enough emphasis on that. They fault the people in rural places for not emphasizing that enough, and they fault working class parents and those who have not go to college themselves for that.

The main issue underlying giftedness, in all the books, is underachievement. And these authors site study after study. For them it is a kind of anti-social bent.

But most of all the want the gifted to be placed in special classes, special tracks. And then the easiest way to do this is acceleration, getting grades ahead in school and being able to start in college early. They look to about 2 years as best.


Dio - School of Rock (worth hearing this first girl sing)
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
^ I have mixed feelings about some of the above.

Some of the Gifted Movement writers I like better than others. I thought John Curtis Gowan would say things I would like. But not really.


Dio - School of Rock (worth hearing this first girl sing)
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
The Education and Guidance of the Ablest

John Curtis Gowan and George D. Demos

Charles C. Thomas Publisher, Springfield Illinois (1964)

From the above:

Cutts and Moseley, Teaching the Bright and Gifted (1953)
Teaching the bright and gifted / [by] Norma E. Cutts [and] Nicholas Moseley
Cutts, Norma E. (Norma Estelle), 1892-1988. (1957)

Brumbaugh and Roscho, Your Gifted Child: A Guide for Parents (1959)

Educating gifted children at Hunter College Elementary School / by Gertrude Howell Hildreth in collaboration with Florence N. Brumbaugh [and] Frank T. Wilson
Hildreth, Gertrude Howell, 1898-1984 (1952)

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3 years ago
Talented teenagers : the roots of success and failure / Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Kevin Rathunde, Samuel Whalen ; with contributions by Maria Wong
Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly. (1993)


Creativity: Flow and the Psychology of Discovery and Invention (Harper Perennial Modern Classics) Kindle Edition
by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi


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3 years ago

нейродивергентный Сан-Хосе ползучести
neyrodivergentnyy San-Khose polzuchesti
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3 years ago
Talented teenagers : the roots of success and failure / Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Kevin Rathunde, Samuel Whalen ; with contributions by Maria Wong
Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly. (1993)

This is a Gifted Movement type of book, but they are breaking away from the narrow defn. So they don't say Gifted and the won't be talking about IQ scores.


But as is the standard issue in Gifted Movement books, they will focus on Underachievement and what causes it.

Lead author born 1934 in Hungary

Spent his later career at this Claremont Graduate University in Southern California.

3 miles west of Upland.

Csikszentmihalyi has written a whole bunch of interesting looking books, not confined to the Gifted Movement and how it views things.

One of the people who has written about Kazimierz Dąbrowski who I suspect is a major influence in his own thinking.

also about Dabrowski, a gifted movement book

Living with intensity : understanding the sensitivity, excitability, and emotional development of gifted children, adolescents, and adults / Susan Daniels and Michael M. Piechowski, editors.



Song Remains the Same, School of Rock
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3 years ago
and this

Dabrowski's theory of positive disintegration / Sal Mendaglio, editor (2008)

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3 years ago
Talented teenagers : the roots of success and failure / Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Kevin Rathunde, Samuel Whalen ; with contributions by Maria Wong
Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly. (1993)

So they start out crediting Terman. So they are starting from Gifted Movement territory. But they move to "Talented" which is broader and it sounds less eugenic.

So they are using the Experience Sampling Method. 200 subjects, wearing these special pagers and carrying these small notebooks. Pagers go off at unexpected times. They are then to write about their thoughts in these small notebooks, making a one page report. They got over 7000 of these reports.

Starts off talking about a 14yo girl staring high school, believed to have very strong potential in science. But by the end of high school she has largely given this up. Her life is just full of too much family drama. It distracts her and prevents her from giving her attention to her talent.

Lots of talented youth end up doing stuff which does not require high levels of talent.

( My own addition, people get tracked into STEM fields. These were people who had talent. But the STEM programs track them into work environments controlled by Frat Boys and Strivers, people without this talent, people who just want social approval. )

And of course in homage to our OP, the Autism-Aspergers-Neurodivergence Hoax is mostly just parents trying to break their talented child because they see he or she as some kind of an embarassment.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
So they talk about Jean Piaget, the master on Cognitive Development.

complex attentional structure, or a complex consciousness, or a complex self.

Can only deal with one demanding task at a time.


Aquarius - Hair - Team 5 2019 School of Rock AllStars
avatar for TheeOSU
3 years ago
The creep is #LOUD AND PROUD!

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3 years ago
So following Piaget, talking about two opposing forces, assimilation and accommodation, and how this creates psychological growth.

As I am understanding this, to learn something new you have to assimilate the new material, but then you also have to re-evaluate everything else you thought you knew.

So this takes real work, it is tiresome, but we all need to be continually doing this. This kind of growth is best captured in dialectical models.

So in this book they are going to call this integration and differentiation. And the lead author likes to talk about Flow and Complexity.

I want to read his book about Flow:

Flow : the psychology of optimal experience / Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (1990)

Now they are going to talk specifically about talent (and I can see how they have broken out of the bonds of what has been the "Gifted Movement", and they are less subject to what are considered to be the race and class based prejudices of that.)


Sounds like this School of Rock works by music summer camps. Then at the end they give a big concert.
SOR - Never Been Any Reason (Head East)
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
So for talent they talk about Matthew.

Talks about Indian mathematician Ramanujan.

Talks about Development of Talent, talent is not just some fixed thing, needs to be seriously developed. ( I would note here that they really are breaking with most of the problems with the Gifted Movement ).

"will have to learn to perform to state-of-the-art standards"

And sometimes their is support in a field for this, other times there is not or support can be withdrawn, and then even a prodigy will be unable to find a job and develop her or his talent to the fullest.

Talks about physics doctorates often being under employed. Talks about people pulling away from medicine due to horrible conditions in urban hospitals where they would have to do their residency.

Talks about support for athletics, but they mean Olympic Sports, not High School Football.


The Rolling Stones - Gimme Shelter ('Havana Moon' Live) w/ Sasha Allen
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Talented teenagers : the roots of success and failure / Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Kevin Rathunde, Samuel Whalen ; with contributions by Maria Wong

Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly. (1993)

So they are specifically looking at students with talent in Math, Science, Music, Athletics, and Art. In particular they are looking at the first three.

And this was not done with IQ tests. They have the PSAT test, but then they also have teacher recommendations.

They wanted those who the teachers thought could build a professional career based on their talent.

And then they wanted to see what factors contributed to the development of this talent, as opposed to impeding this.

They note that in times past talent development was not done in school, it was with mentors and apprenticeships.

Now sometimes it is easier to do this kind of research with younger children, as you can better order their lives. But these authors feel that adolescence is when the critical decisions are made and the important habits about the use of time are developed.

So using this experience sampling method, the students wearing pagers which will go off at various times when they will have a notebook to make an entry in. Seems like much of what is being asked on the report forms is multiple choice or numerical ranking. This is because someone will be transcribing this into a computer data base.

And these authors say that when the talent is not developed, people will tend to end up doing things which really don't need any kind of particular talent. They give the example of: Selling Cars.

Really I would say that today it is Selling Cars, Selling Real Estate, Financialization, and Multi-Level Marketing.


Dakota Cohen - Heart - Heartless with the School of Rock 2017 AllStars Team 7
avatar for 48-Cowboy
3 years ago
Is this thread about going to a club with desertscrub and skibum?
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
That would be something.

No, it is about the hoax of Autism/Apsergers/Neurodivergence


Khatia Buniatishvili is hypnotic
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Csikszentmihalyi etal do talk about their being a problem when parents discourage abstract thought. I mean then, they are also discouraging critical thinking.

And I talked about this before pertaining to ability grouping, for say mathematics. Often you would be teaching math which goes beyond anything the adults use or relate to. So if their is nothing in the child's social environment which legitimates this it is going to be hard. And it is tough if the only rationalization for it is getting into and graduating from college.

And I think you can see just from this, how the idea of Talent or Giftedness relates to the Autism Hoax. If the parents want to suppress the child, suppress their intellect and development of linguistic and cognitive abilities, that will get you to this Autism/Aspergers/Neurodivergence Hoax.


Khatia Buniatishvili, she's hypnotic
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
What Csikszentmihalyi etal say about the influence of families is complex. I just want to explain my own take on it. It is a big benefit when you have parents who are lifelong learners and who maintain and stay current in talents of their own.

But often you will have families that have collapsed. The parents have not dealt with historical abuses, they are not living up to their own values, they are trying to hide behind children. Doing this was the only reason they had children. Often they are trying to repress the child.

A premise of the Gifted and Talented Movement is that parents are always advocating for the child, to make sure that they are getting access to sufficiently challenging course work.

And then in the Austism/Aspergers/Neurodivergence families you have parents who have decided that since the child seems different they are an embarrassment and they need to be broken by "therapy".

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
talks about John Dewey's "Experience and Education".

Undivided attention: The Experiential Mode of Committed Students

Flow and Commitment to Talent

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Meet the 10-Year-Old Prodigy Already Attending College | The Oprah Winfrey Show | OWN (2020, but actually from 1999, Greg Smith)

To me he sounds like Greta Thunberg. Though when I first heard her she was 16yo.

Also, the first time I heard her she went along with this Asperger’s label. Later when I heard her again, a bit older, more relaxed and used to speaking to people in English, she completely pooh-poohed this idea of “Asperger’s”

This CHILD GENIUS' God-Given Talent Is Worth MILLIONS! | Super Human: Geniuses | Curious

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Csikszentmihalyi has written with Rathunde, K.. But it is all stuff in press or sent for publication.

Okay, it is Kevin Rathunde, one of this works co-authors. So nothing else I can really get of his.

So they talk about "comlex families", meaning those that offer both integration and differentiation.

And then in a different light, they site:

other ref I cannot find.

Anyway, but organizing this around "Talent" instead of "Giftedness" these authors break free from some racist and classist underpinnings.

And in making it about Talent, it is still clear that they are talking about something of which muggles know not.


Khatia Buniatishvili plays Piano Concerto No. 2 by S. Rachmaninov

This piece must be really pushing the limit for how fast notes can be resounded.

I think this is in Turin. Interesting place.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
And of course, it can never be said enough, that the fundamental premise of the Gifted/Talented Movement is that parents are always advocating for the child, to get them the challenging course material that they need.

Where as in the Austism/Aspergers/Neurodiversity Hoax families the parents are jealous of the child, jealous that the child might be able to develop the potential which the parent has had to give up on. So to prevent this the parents invoke Nazi Eugenics concepts.

But don't expect that these Gifted Movement writers are going to come out and say this. They sometimes come close, but to really say it out in the open would be to declare nuclear war on the parents. These Gifted Movement writers work with school children and are involved in teacher training. They often will not be able to say what they really think.



Khatia Buniatishvili plays Piano Concerto No. 2 by S. Rachmaninov

This piece must be really pushing the limit for how fast notes can be resounded.

I think this is in Turin. Interesting place.

PBS Newshour, today
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
So the above authors talk more about "complexity", meaning psychology which supports both differentiation and integration.

I want to read more about this, but it will not be found in this volume. So what else is there?

Csikszentmihalyi has written lots of interesting looking books. But I think I first want to look in another direction.

Dabrowski's theory of positive disintegration / Sal Mendaglio, editor (2008)

And Csikszentmihalyi etal talk about:


page 80

self-directing or self-rewarding describes the set of personal characteristics that enables a person to sustain and enjoy the intensive dialectic that results in the experience of flow.

Csikszemtmishalyi and Larson, 1984, Being Adolescent


School of Rock Concert
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
So the book I just read was 1993

This was 1984

Being Adolescent: Conflict And Growth In The Teenage Years Paperback – October 9, 1986
by Mihaly Csikszentmihalhi (Author), Reed Larson (Author)


Being adolescent : conflict and growth in the teenage years / Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi and Reed Larson.




PBS Newshour Today
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Dabrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration
Sal Mendalio editor.

Great Potential Press, Scotsdale AZ 2008.

Now GPP is a major Gifted Movement Publisher, and Dabrowski is very highly thought of in the Gifted Movement.

He was a Polish Psychiatry, tortured by the first the Nazi's and then by the Communists.

He came to Canada and to the US and he had work groups and students, and many of these wrote the chapters in this book. I recognize some of the names.

Michael M. Piechowski, Linda Kreger Silverman, Nicholas Colangelo.

Now, what exactly is Positive Disintegration? I have long wanted to know. I will have to read it to find out.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
So Michael M. Piechowski was the one who really promoted Dabrowski in the Gifted Movement.

Theory of Positive Disintegration, in Dabrowski's theory, personality is not a fixed, universal attribute; personality must be shaped -- created -- by an individual to reflect his or her own unique character. Positive disintegration, the process by which personality is achieved, is a twofold process of: (1) disintegration of a primitive mental organization aimed at gratifying biological needs and mindlessly conforming to societal norms, and (2) re-integration at a higher level of functioning, in which the individual transcends biological determinism and becomes autonomous. Personality, shaped by positive disintegration, develops primarily as a result of the action of developmental potential, which is a constitutional endowment that includes overexcitability--a high level of reactivity of the central nervous system, and dynamisms--autonomous inner forces, assumed to be normally distributed in the population.

Dabrowski to an interest in Rudolph Steiner's Anthroposophy and in Alice Baily (Theosophy UK). Parasychology and Eastern studies,and he practiced meditation daily.

He saw emotions as directing forces of development.

Got into areas covered by DSM., things he came to call Psychoneurosis. And he said, Psychoneurosis is not an illness.

These serve the transition from lower to higher development by generating the disintegration process.

Reading about Dabrowski here and knowning that his first major English language book was in 1964, I can see that being trained as a psychiatrist what Dabrowski was doing was serving as an anti-psychiatrist, in the same manner and Frantz Fanon, R. D. Laing, and D. G. Cooper.


Figueroa St.

Jane - School of Rock

VANILLA FUDGE_You Keep Me Hanging On_BB Kings_6-22-13

"LADY" - Beck, Bogert & Appice

The Yardbirds (feat. Jimmy Page) - I' A Man & Outro (1967)


BLACK SABBATH - Live in Paris (1970 considered one of the best rock performances of all time)

Drive My Car - MonaLisa Twins (The Beatles Cover)

Janis Joplin - Down On Me - School of Rock All-Stars Team 2

The School of Rock plays Gimme Shelter with Special guest star Orianthi

Rainbow in the Dark -- School of Rock

School of Rock Led Zeppelin Stairway to Heaven ( no acoustic guitar, all electric. Little girl playing 1' recorder, soprano, for into )
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Looks weird when Heaving is blocked too.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
So Deleuze and Guattari are clear that clinical mental illness is created in the mental health system, its the drugs and its the talk therapy.

But they do say that there is one genuine mental illness, Neuroticism, and it is incurable and it is fatal.

Well, Dabrowski decimates the conventional notions of mental health. He describes that as psychoneurosis.

His idea of Positive Disintegration is something which is happening on multiple levels simultaneously. So there is always intense flux.

And it is always the disintegration of biologically determined and social conformity drive structures. So there is this biologically determined mental development.

Then there is this autonomous mental development, which is what we want. Transends the demands of biology and social norms.

Then there is also this one-sided mental development which is anti-social. It is egocentric and manifests in crime and paranoia.

Dabrowski takes apart the views that Mental Health is the absence of mental disorders or is a state of psychological integration.

Dabrowski's ideas revolve around his concept of Overexcitability.

He writes in 1970:

[Overexcitability] first provokes conflicts, disappointments, suffering in familily life, in school, in professional life--in short, it leads to conflicts with the external environment. Overexcitability also provokes inner conflicts as well as the means by which these convlicts can be overcome. Second, overexcitability precipitates psychoneurotic processes, and, third, conflicts and psychoneurotic processes become the dominant factor in accelerated development.

Dabrowski called a lot of this "positive infantilism" or "positive immaturity", and this is all associated with creativity and accelerated development.

And so inner conflicts and frustrations are inherent in positive disintegration. And so one with high developmental potential will become more introspective, more aware of possible choices and consequently, more conscious of different levels--higher and lower--in his or her feelings, thoughts and behavior. In his or her feelings, thoughts, and behavior. In these internally and often externally tumultuous conditions, such an individual "introduces into his life a new controlling factor, where higher feelings [being to control] the lower forms of instinctual, emotional and congnitive functions".


Jane - School of Rock, do you like the lead singer in this? I think she's a real trip. I think she's a real trip, and it's not just her voice or her looks. It's the whole persona.
avatar for DenimChicken
3 years ago
> his thread looks really weird when you have san_jose_guy and 2icee blocked hahah.

Dude I was just going to say the same thing. It's so pathetic that these two losers are having a public DM thread - only a fucking idiot would be able to read it.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Denim there is content in my posts. If you weren't such a knucklehead you would be seeing that.


Jane - School of Rock

The Pretty Reckless - Take Me Down (Official Music Video)
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Continuing with Dabrowski's TPD.

Theory of Positive Disintegration (TPD) places emotions in a central role.

TPD: A Grand Theory of Personality

Kawczak, attorney, who later was academic philosopher in Canada

Conflict and Psychopathology: Essential for Development

Emotions: Directing Forms of Development

Levels of Development

Level I: Primary Integration

Level II: Unilevel Disintegration

Level III: Spontaneous Multilevel DIsintegration

Level IV: Organized Multilevel Disintegration

Level V: Secondary Integration

So Dabrowski did talk extensively with Abraham Maslow and they became friends. The only reason he did not adopt Maslow's theory is that it lacks the multiple levels.

Michael M. Piechowski did a great deal to make Dabrowski known.

Living with intensity : understanding the sensitivity, excitability, and emotional development of gifted children, adolescents, and adults / Susan Daniels and Michael M. Piechowski, editors. (2009) Great Potentials Press

Mental growth through positive disintegration, by Kazimierz Dabrowski with Andrzej Kawczak and Michael M. Piechowski. (1970)

Found many subjects for extensive research project, but also used the writings of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.

Compare with Carl Roger's Client Centered Therapy.

For Level V they considered the worlds greatest religious leaders. They considered Dag Hammarskjold. They looked at Eleanor Roosevelt.

Looked at Mildred Norman (1908)

Three forms of development:
1. Biologically determened
2. Autonomous Mental
3. One-sided (this is pathological)

All revolves around Overexcitability.

Five Forms:




Vanilla Fudge - Keep Me Hanging On - Chicago School of Rock Show Team

Bonnie Tyler - Total Eclipse of the Heart - School of Rock All Stars Team 2
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Dabrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration

Dabrowski talks about development potential, and he can best gauge this in Overexcitability. He sees this overexcitability as being the best way to detect giftedness, better than any kind of aptitude or IQ tests.

Nicholas Colangelo and Linda Kreger Silverman are the ones who went to Canada and worked with Dabrowski and then propagated his ideas throughout the Gifted Movement. He in Iowa and she in Colorado. I have read each of them and they are good.


Electric Light Orchestra - Telephone Line - Chicago School of Rock

Dio - Rainbow In The Dark - Team 1 2016 School of Rock AllStars
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Dabrowski was a champion of Authentic Education.

He put more stock in EQ than IQ, which back in the '60s was unheard of. He saw emotions as primary.

He did not accept conventional ideas about mental health. He stood the idea in its head. He felt that mental misfunctioning was caused by Emotional Dysfunctioning and that the emotional ruled the intellectual. ( I agree )

With low emotional functioning people use their intelligence to meet selfish needs. (To me that sounds like what Dabrowski called one sided development. It is also what you seen in Libertarians and Financializers).

Dabrowski felt that American education was based a lot on behaviorist psychology, where as that should only be relevant to lower animals.

Pythagoras, Plato, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche


Down on Me
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Also Bergson

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
So for Dabrowski, Authentic Education is built on his Theory of Positive Disintegration.

I think that if you wanted to create Rosicrucianism, putting Dabrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration at the center of it would make a lot of sense.

You might not all it Rosicrucianism, but that is still what it would be.

And Dabrowski was a follower of Rudolph Steiner, Alice Baily (Theosophy UK), and Henry Bergson, and he did daily eastern meditation.

pg 86

Intelligence alone is not the sole goal of authentic education, but rather the way an individual uses his or her intelligence. Intelligence in the service of higher human values, such as concern for others as opposed to serving egotistical self-satisfaction, is the measure of the authentic student. When high intelligence is lacking imagination and emotion regarding others and is utterly self-serving, we can have a psychopath, regardless of his or her degrees or prestigious position in life.

I think Dabrowski has delineated what is the dark side of INTJ. But I also think he has characterized a lot of the Libertarian Financializers we find on this board.


School of Rock - Jane
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
This book is mind blowing. It exceeds my ability to describe it here. It is also showing me that to really understand I need to avail myself of a lot more related books.

Some of the works are buy Laurence F. Nixon, Chair of Religion Department, Dawson College, Montreal Quebec.

He writes:

"When I first encountered the theory of positive disintegration, I was struck by the fact that the stages articulated closely fit the process of mystical development as described by scholars of mysticism, the authors of mystical manuals, and the autobiographical writings of mystics themselves. My interest was further aroused by the fact that the author of the theory provided not only a systematic description of the underlying personality structures at each stage of development, including the connections between the structures at different levels, but also further further identified a set of causes for the growth process--developmental potential and external frustration combined with some measure of environmental support.

Nixon subsequently applied this to a review of meditation in his own M.A. thesis.

Andrew Kawczak was the lawyer turned philosopher associated with Dabrowski.

Text references D. D. Palmer, Kierkegaard for Beginners, 1996

Kierkegaard for beginners / written and illustrated by Donald D. Palmer. (1996)

Palmer writes books, like this, 150pp. They are fun.

No L. F. Nixon

Irina Starr (1991) Eight Rungs on the Ladder. A personal passage (Ojai CA)

Coming out of Ojai, she might have been with the Theosophical Society. Here they are calling her non-denominational Christian mystic.

The theory of positive disintegration hypothesizes that the interaction between heredity and environment activates certain autonomous inner forces called dynamisms." (Piechowski)

five channels of perception: psychomotor, sensual, intellectual, imaginational, and emotional.

I would add that as the book develops this some narrow it down to intellectual, imaginational, and emotional, especially when looking at mysticism.


In My Dreams
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
So Dabrowski was trained in Poland as a Psychiatrist, but from early on he was clearly serving as an Anti-Psychiatrist in the model of Szasz, Fanon, Laing, and Cooper. And his stuff is completely antithetical to Mental Health.

page 204, "Of the five forms of overexcitability, the most important, in terms of developmental potential, are emotional, imaginational, and intellectual."

Talks about Therese of Lisieux, a highly regarded 19th Century Carmelite Saint.

Irina Starr

p212: "Darowski's statement that personality development cannot take place "when all basic needs have been satisfied," is a reference to Abraham Maslow (1971), who took exactly the opposite position. For Dabrowski, negative life events and frustrations were occasions for growth, and persons who possess psychic overexcitability ar the ones who can best take advantage of negative environmental conditions in general and the experience of loss in particular."


In My Dreams
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Dabrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration
by Sal Mendaglio, editor

some info they give:

Expressions of Anger at the 5 levels

1. Obstacles in the realization of basic drives; Spontaneous, brutal; Fear of reprisal

2. Personal confrontation; Less automatic and aggressive; Social standards

3. Discrepancies between one's own intentions and actions; Less anger toward others; more anger toward oneself for personal shortcomings; Personal standards of behavior

4. Injustice, unfairness; Controlled, somewhat diminished; Respect and empathy for others

5. Moral, ethical, and social wrongs; Calm resistance to transgression; Universal love and understanding

The Expressions of Joy

1. Satisfaction of basic needs; Uncontrolled displays of pleasure; Failure, losses, powerlessness

2. Support and kindness of others, security; Enthusiasm but with reservations; Self-doubt, ambivalence

3. Self-discovery, over coming inner conflicts, unselfish actions; Passion for ideals; Negative traits in oneself

4. Inner strength, service to others; Controlled pleasure; Slowness in reaching out to others

5. Authentic self; all encompassing love, realiztion of ideals; Contentment; Injustice, inequality, exploitation and suffering of others


avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Open-Ended Items (abridged)

1. Think of times when you have been strongly affected by what others think.

2. Think of those questions that cause strong doubts within you, that frustrate you, and perhaps result in anxiety or depression.

3. Recall times when you have felt inadequate, unworthy, not good enough.

4. Consider those situations that have caused you to feel frustration or anger toward yourself.

5. Think if there have been any times when you have tried to stand back and look at yourself objectively.

6. Think of your "ideal self" and those qualities that you think are best for an ideal life.

Level; Values; Self; Others

1; self-serving; egocentric; superficial

2; stereotypical; ambivalent; adaptive

3; Individual; Inner Conflict; Interdependent

4; Universal; Self-Directed; Democratic

5; Transcendent; Inner peace; Communionistic

1; Egocentric

2; Ambivalence

3; Inner Conflict

4; Self-Direction

5; Inner Peace

About Laurence Nixon, "the inner struggles reported by many mystics [ including Buddhist, Christian, Islamic, and Neo-Confuscian] correspond to Dabrowski's psychological account of the higher levels of personality disintegration.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Living with intensity : understanding the sensitivity, excitability, and emotional development of gifted children, adolescents, and adults / Susan Daniels and Michael M. Piechowski, editors.
Scottsdale, AZ : Great Potential Press, c2009.

More about Dabrowski from the people who follow him, and really suprising because it is so against "Mental Health"

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
^ and also clearly in opposition to the Autism - Aspergers - Neurodivergence Hoax.

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Living with intensity : understanding the sensitivity, excitability, and emotional development of gifted children, adolescents, and adults / Susan Daniels and Michael M. Piechowski, editors.
Scottsdale, AZ : Great Potential Press, c2009.

^ Would have been really good. But sticky to get it right now.


Mental growth through positive disintegration, by Kazimierz Dabrowski with Andrzej Kawczak and Michael M. Piechowski.

basically the same crew and the same ideas, but 1970.


Heart - Heartless - 2016 School of Rock AllStars Team 1 - Crofoot Ballroom

avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Books not flowing, not as available as they should be, get:

Dąbrowski, Kazimierz, Positive disintegration / Edited, with an introd., by Jason Aronson (1964)

also making provisions for this now:

Living With Intensity: Understanding the Sensitivity, Excitability, and the Emotional Development of Gifted Children, Adolescents, and Adults Paperback – Illustrated, November 1, 2008

Kazimierz Dabrowski s Theory of Positive Disintegration, a Polish Anti-Psychiatrist, most revered in the Gifted Movement, anathema of the mental health and autism industries


Chicago School of Rock - Houses of the Holy

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 years ago
Kazimierz Dabrowski's Theory of Positive Disintegration (1964)

a Polish Anti-Psychiatrist, most revered in the Gifted Movement, anathema of the mental health and autism industries

ed and intro by Jason Aronson, Dept of Psychiatry, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School.

from back of book:

The theory recognizes and emphasizes positive aspects of what are usually described in Western psychiatric literature as negative or "pathological" symptoms of mental illness.

See, I figured out for myself that the Gifted Movement is the anathema of the Autism / Asperger's Hoax. It's just that their people do not say that. They can't. They are involved in Teacher Training, School Counseling, and even Psychotherapy. To challenge the Autism / Asperger's Hoax would be to declare nuclear war on the parents.

Well a kind of inner circle of the Gifted Movement holds Dabrowski as scripture. And that is interesting as his work was not originally pitched as Gifted Movement. He is coming from another kind of a society.

But as I see more of this I see that his theory is also the anathema of the Mental Health System!

And we need someone like Dabrowski to fight the mental health system, tortured by both the Nazis and the Communists.

Our state mental health apparatus continues to expand without bounds, until now it is a lot like what it must have been like behind the Iron Curtain.


4 pitch notes, the first four notes of the E minor scale
avatar for san_jose_guy
2 years ago
"Kazimierz Dabrowski's theory of positive disintegration is outside the current modes of personality theory; it stems from sources at the present neglected in the United States, it views "pathological" symptoms as generally positive factors in personality growth, and it was developed in Poland, a country that has been largely isolated from the West in recent decades."


School of Rock, Jane
avatar for san_jose_guy
2 years ago
People need to know much more about Thomas Szasz, especially at this time when the Mental Health Movement if exploding. CA Governor Gavin Newsom has gotten his Care Courts Psychiatric Police State law passed and support for this in the legislature was near unanimous. Most people believe that everyone is on some Mental Health Spectrum and that they should be disclosing their affairs to psychotherapist and that we need more psychotherapists.

Positive Disintegration, by Kazimierz Dabrowski, 1964, Intro by Jason Aronson.


Like Thomas Szasz, author of Myths of Mental Illness, Dabrowski rejects the medical model of “illness” for psychiatric disorder. Szasz’s definition of psychiatric disorder as “disturbances in patterns of living” is congenial to Dabrowski’s point of view, but Dabrowski regards slight psychiatric disorders as necessary for personality development and would not consider them wrong patterns.

Szasz in Hungary and Dabrowski in Poland. We here in CA and the US are using the concept of Mental Illness in exactly the same way that had been the norm in the Communist East Block.

Dabrowsky talks about Erich Lindemann and Erik Erikson, neither,

"... has written specifically on the positive functions of acute psychoses. The anxiety, even psychoneurosis, may have a positive function in personality development is not inconsistent with current attitudes in Western psychiatry, but that psychoses - the persecutory delusions of paranoia, the hallucinations and the withdrawl of a schizophrenic, and the wild hyperactivity of a manic - may play a positive role in an individual's maturation falls strangely on our ears. e tend to view psychosis as a failure of defense, the surrender of attempts at adaptation. Yet Thomas French and Jacob Kasonin some years ago and Batesome recently have suggested that psychosis may have a positive function."

Percival's Narrative: A Patient's Account of his Psychosis 1830 - 1832. G. Bateson (ed) Stanford Univ Press, 1961


Perceval's narrative; a patient's account of his psychosis, 1830-1832. Edited by Gregory Bateson. (1961)

Bateson, "suggests that schizophrenia is a "vast and painful initiation rite conducted by the self," and that it has a definite course to run leading to the birth of a new identity. "... congruent with Dabrowski's emphasis on te positive function of acute psychosis.


What is Hip - School of Rock Kansas City
avatar for nicespice
2 years ago
<a href="https://ibb.co/R3zLrMW"><img src="https://i.ibb.co/Byq8W7R/BE026…" alp ="BE026397-3-CCB-4772-8-D88-B4-E47-DDCACB7" border="0"></a>
avatar for nicespice
2 years ago
Wtf, how do you do one of those HTML image breaking thingies?
avatar for nicespice
2 years ago
<img src="file:///Desktop/website/img/cu…" alt="Photograph of a chocolate cupcake.">
avatar for nicespice
2 years ago
<a huff="https://ibb.co/R3zLrMW"><img src="https://i.ibb.co/R3zLrMW/BE867…" alt="BE026397-3-CCB-4772-8-D88-B4-E47-DDCACB7" burper ="0"></a>
avatar for datinman
2 years ago
@Nicespice, It only works if you post a full nude selfie.
avatar for datinman
2 years ago
Oh well, it was worth a shot.

@Call.me.Ishmael please help her out to close this thread.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 years ago
Valient effort nicespice, but time to throw in the towel. You are not going to beat SJG as the rando-ness champion of this thread.
avatar for san_jose_guy
2 years ago
Great Potential Press


Smart Teens' Guide to Living with Intensity: How to Get More Out of Life and Learning

Continuation Thread:


avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
Nicespice what's it like working in a club while being neurodivergent?
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