
Comments by Cashman1234 (page 48)

  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    dam zaddy got all my lips smiling
    LD/VIP: Then And Now
    Is this a Rick-story? It sounds like a lion going after it’s prey. Was random at a local zoo for the beast mating ritual?
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    2 years ago
    Dancers who avoid grinding on boners?
    This makes it even more obvious the OP is a teen boy posting. Who uses the word boner as an adult? The next discussion will be whether it’s acceptable to wear Spider-Man Underoos to a strip club and ask if a dancer will allow him to shoot his Spidey string on her tits…
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.
    Is Icee really a Nicole troll account?
    What? NiceSpice is really Nicole - and SJG - and CrazyJoe and MackTruck? That’s a lot to digest in one comment! But Icee claims to have been friendly with Nicole? It can’t be possible - Icee lied about that too? Don’t tell me the suicide attempt - and heart attack were lies too? What’s next? No Vegas pimp either? Managing angels who are more beautiful than Elizabeth Shue?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.
    Is Icee really a Nicole troll account?
    After examining Icee’s comments, it’s becoming clear that they are a Nicole persona. When a Vegas level stripper wants to meet up, the men here would likely jump at that chance. PSD runs, has a top notch sexy body, and she’s into cars - she’s one of the hottest dancers here.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.
    Is Icee really a Nicole troll account?
    I stand corrected. They are Egyptian. One of my favorite music videos involved Suzanna Hofs - and Mark Gastineau - and Egyptians! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Cv6tuzHUuuk
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    2 years ago
    If I Assault Someone With A Shitter..
    No - it’s assault with a deadly crapper! Your bowels should be considered high capacity automatic weaponry!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    He/Him - He’s a filthy pig. That’s him in VIP with another whore.
    Is Icee really a Nicole troll account?
    We know a few things. First - Icee isn’t a pimp. Second - Icee isn’t black. Third - their opinions are well known - even when they have no knowledge of the topic they are opining on. I am going to use the pronoun they when referring to Icee, as this appears to be a non binary gendered individual. They might be Nicole or they might not be Nicole…
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Don’t tell them you are Cal Ripken and expect free entry in a Md club? Even Cal Ripken doesn’t get that discount. I appreciate Icee - my n*gga giving props to Muddy! That’s good ma dawg! “your right wing ramblings. Misogyny and racism covered with lame attempts at humor. And your meltdowns about hookers not being cheap enough“ This guy sounds funny! Damn! Icee you nailed it!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Different City
    There is a club in New Jersey - with a continuous run of sexy girls - and I think the owner will behave himself for at least a little while. You have a great body, and I know you will make great money anywhere. But, you could give northeast NJ a shot. I think you would make very good money, and it’s not as cutthroat (no offense to Blah) as NYC clubs. https://tuscl.net/discussion.php?id=79907
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    2 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    The importance of titles in your review.
    If I want an entertaining review to read - Muddy usually fits the bill. His reviews are funny and interesting. He doesn’t seem to look for the filth that I want, and that’s fine, someone here must have the standards that I lack. I will take note, and make sure my next review includes an interesting title with titties!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Top 5 Contributors to TUSCL
    I agree with Warrior’s list. Those folks add to the information provided by this board. It’s a very short list - and it leaves many out - but those are the top five in my view too.
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    2 years ago
    Forgetting I'm Old and Fugly
    I believe it’s important to read the room, for lack of a better characterization. If I am out at a gathering, and there is a sexy young 20 something there, my thought is to say hello and chat, but not in a sexual way. If that 20 something girl is with a group of friends, it’s not a group I should attempt to get into, so I would just smile and say hi. I would also never approach a woman of my age and try to drop a sexual one liner with the expectation that she would find me desirable. In a strip club, I would likely be approached by the dancer, and I’m always friendly. I chat without making overt sexual innuendo. It can sound very unusual when an old pervert asks how good a girl is at performing a rusty trombone. Once I was at my club, getting dinner at the buffet. My daughters were there, and seated and eating. I had arrived late, and as I was waiting at the buffet, a woman 20 years older saw I was sweaty. She began blowing on me, to cool me down. It was not a good visual, and my daughters still tell me how bad it looked. So, I think of it from that perspective. If it will look bad - it’s best to not do it.
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    2 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    Should PLs feel like vultures?
    We all have choices. When I was in my early 20’s a guy (of a similar age) drove past me, and shouted from his red Mercedes to inform me that selling drugs got him that great car. He made a choice to sell drugs, and he was enjoying the benefits. Whether his drug selling would provide a good income as he aged, and whether he would be able to support a family, was yet to be seen. Strippers are faced with similar choices. They can choose the stripper route, and start making good money at a young age. The danger is, after they’ve stripped for 10 years, they have become accustomed to men giving them things, and that becomes less realistic in other occupations. I wonder if there is a proverbial tipping point where a stripper must move to a different line of work, or she will end up aging out of her field? We aren’t vultures. We are providing dancers with money (based on services provided). That’s all this is.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Football coach "fined" for political opinions
    I understand the opinion of the coach. It it likely true, when you compare the damages resulting from both events. However, the violence, and economic damages resulting from the BLM riots doesn’t fit a media narrative, and it is unacceptable to mention. There is a huge difference between peaceful protests and civil disobedience - and the violence inspired by the BLM movement. The truth is, the January 6th insurrection was horrible to watch. I don’t condone either action. Both were basically groups of thugs who tossed aside law and order, and attempted to take law into their own hands. The coach is a public figure who works for a team that is part of a very woke and left leaning league, so he should have considered the potential issues his comments might cause. I can’t make public statements like that either, as my employer would likely fire me. It’s wrong (as it stifles free speech), but it’s important to understand the ramifications of your actions and words before you do something.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Owner busted for sexual assault on club dancer
    I doubt these charges will stick. I could be wrong. Johnny won’t let a dancer bring down his money train. This would be a very stupid thing for him to do. Even for a NJ based club owner, this is stupid.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Who is ✨fat✨?
    I think it’s easy for guys to throw the word fat around online. They would likely never use that word when meeting a woman in person. It’s wrong to demean a woman’s body regardless of the forum. The photo you posted, makes you look great - and in great shape too. I know you are a runner, and it is a great way to stay in shape. I think guys know they will get a reaction when they pull the fat comment. So, rather than tell a woman that she looks great, and point out some very attractive attributes, some guys will go for the asshole role. Their comments are memorable, but not for a positive reason. Since PSD dances and makes good money dancing, that’s basically the proof that her body is hot and she looks great. Very few guys could make money dancing, and those who throw around the word fat are likely not going to make money either.
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    2 years ago
    Getting gay with the PM’s
    Wake me up before you go go Mr Muddy…
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    2 years ago
    OT: Too Gun - Maverick
    Scrubby is so cute! I wish he wasn’t so cute, so I wouldn’t find him so attractive. Come over for a glass of Chardonnay tonight Scrubby. We can watch the sunset from my patio, and see how much of my cock you can swallow…
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    New App For SJG
    I agree Mate. It’s not something a person would pick up and just start using - like a regular calculator. It was a useful tool for a specific financial segment, and it was very useful before there were laptops (and well before smart phones). They appear to be selling for $50-70. That’s not too bad.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Stage names
    goldmongerATL - that’s the kind of girl I would take for dances - one who wants to use the stage name of c*nt!