Different City

Im looking to start traveling more ,and was wondering what city or clubs that anybody here might suggest for a lady with my body type? Im not really looking to go alll the way to the west coast but up and down the east coast im open to ….. Thanks In advance for any suggestions 💋💋
last commentWell I wouldn’t reccomend it for the average customer (maybe a high roller though) but for dancers at least, Manhattan clubs the girls there do tell me it’s slow but every once in a while a true whale will come in and they get life changing money.
A lost track of how many dancers I talk to danced at some point somewhere in the Miami Metro. Gotta be something good goin on down there for dancers.
How about Lexington and Louisville during certain times of the year. I don’t follow horse racing at all but apparently the money gets great at certain times.
And did you try Charlotte yet?
You might want to give Atlanta a shot. There are also a number of good places to dance down the east coast of FL, starting with Daytona.
I wouldn't suggest NYC right now for any number of reasons: (1) It's slow; (2) the house fees are very high; (3) it's expensive to stay in the city; and (4) it's hard to get hired in Manhattan if you're not a barbie type, so you'd probably have to work in Queens or Brooklyn. If you're going to travel strip you probably don't want to start out several hundred dollars a night in the hole until you're sure that you can make it.
Good luck!
How about Tampa ? I've got "position" I would like to Fill :
^ And there I was NOT recommending Jacksonville because I didn't want to be selfish. 😉
There's definitely money to be made here, but it has been inconsistent lately.
For club info I’d recommend using the search engine on r/stripper, the dancer’s resource app, and also the search engine in Facebook groups (if you’re in any). And the reviews on this site of course. :)
There has been a slowdown in a lot of places, so things are probably going to be hit or miss. But no harm in being the new girl somewhere and getting away from the toxic rut if the home club is being like that.
If you have a car, I recommend just planning your driving route (so that you don’t get caught up going here and there and everywhere sporadically…I’ve done that before haha).
One thing you could do: Up and down i95 there should be plenty of clubs around nearby. Just write up a list of clubs that are easy to access from there. Call the clubs a day or two ahead of time and ask when you can audition. If everything goes well, then great. After work, either sleep in the car or get a hotel right after your shift. Then the next morning, go ahead and book for the next few days. If one particular place doesn’t work out, then just keep driving either north or south (depending on what direction you’re going) to the next spot.
If you have specific clubs in mind, that could probably make it easier to answer any questions.
Best bet is Miami, Fl. Otherwise try Baltimore clubs Milstream or Penthouse if since these may not not be too far. NY is expensive living expenses, no and value for naturals.
Your "body type"? You mean the single most desirable body type on the planet? Um,yeah.
I'll echo Muddy's comments about Louisville during convention season (from February to May, culminating in the Derby Festival), but the rest of the year, PT's downtown is the one that makes the most money for the girls.
There's money in the other clubs for either hustlers or hookers, and plenty if you're both. No shade if you're not interested in extras; there's still plenty of money if you don't fuck.
I’d advise you if you’d rather not be pressured into extras to avoid the Miami-Pompano area, right now it’s slow season and the clubs are cutthroat with competition, and rents down here are amongst the highest in the country, there is good money to be made but there’s a lot of drawbacks.
muddy - i havent looked into any of thise but Charlotte. honestly i just feel like i wanna get away from nc since ive been here most of my career. Louisville and Lexington are in Kentucky correct ? Ive wanted to try Miami and New York for a while but have always been worried as Im not barbie doll type nor do i have any work done.
Look I’ve seen you in person, you’ll be just fine anywhere, you gonna make money either or, don’t overthink it. Just try it. You don’t need to have work done or be anorexic to make money in NY or MIA
I’ll agree with Muddy your pix look fine, and the Barbie look is overrated just do what you feel reach out to the girls on here they’re a great bunch, good luck wherever you end up.
Yeah, Muddy is right, you shouldn't have any problem anywhere in the country where anything resembling a reasonable standard of beauty exists.
And Louisville and Lexington are in Kentucky, yes.
Is muddy the hiring manager at one of those Manhattan clubs? Is he willing to waive her very high house fee if the club is slow and maybe kick in for her (expensive) hotel? Or maybe he's a customer willing to commit to visiting the NYC club and guarantee that her trip is worth it?
If the answer to any of those questions is yes then by all means give the Manhattan clubs a shot. If not then one should carefully consider whether putting yourself easily $400 in the hole every single day is prudent, especially when the NYC clubs are struggling at the moment.
I'm not saying that Jazzy isn't very attractive because she is. But it's easy for a couple of goofballs on a customer board to breezily spout off when they don't have to actually worry about the potential consequences, but quite another to put your own ass in that sling. There are plenty of places in this country where she can make good money without having to take on those risks.
@nice Where do you sleep in your car that's safe and you won't get hassled? Do you shower at a truck stop?
@OP I think it's going to depend a lot what level of contact you are comfortable with. Seems like it's going to be hard to find the best place without touring in many places. As a customer, I'm never very sure how well the dancers are doing. I was in Onyx in Charlotte last fall, it's huge and looked very busy, many dancers had money bags twice as big as a pillowcase, that looked half full. But all the money was in singles, and there were a lot dancers, maybe one for every three or four customers. If a club is good $, I'd suspect other dancers don't want to encourage others to come and take a slice of the pie.
I think most clubs would want to hire you, except for some weird ones. When I was a PoleKatz in Illinois near Chicago, the dancers were so thin, I felt like I should have brought some double cheeseburgers, to feed them so they wouldn't pass out.
"@nice Where do you sleep in your car that's safe and you won't get hassled? Do you shower at a truck stop?"
Exhibit A of exactly not the question to ask in front of the world lol.
What's wrong with sleeping in your car, if you sleep soundly, are left alone, and can find truck stop showers that are not all booked up? I've never been one for conspicuous consumption.
@OP DM me if you have any questions about clubs I've reviewed. Probably true of most review authors. But you probably already know to take answers with a grains of salt, as many here have strong feelings about what level of contact and dance prices you are "supposed" to be OK with.
@Rick there are plenty of much less attractive girls that do it. I’m not saying do NY or else I’m just passing along what I’ve been told over there, that’s all. And her looks would definitely play. To act like Manhattan is only filled with a bunch of Gisele Bunchden’s is fucking asinine.
—>“@nice Where do you sleep in your car that's safe and you won't get hassled? Do you shower at a truck stop?”
There are several spots one can go to. Walmart parking lots are super common and if you’re paying attention, it’s easy to spot who is likely doing that late at night. Granted, don’t do it in places like Florida or California because both states have a lot of areas with active crackdowns on that type of thing. Also helps to to have a just decent enough sense of whether your vehicle would be able to “blend in” or not. Most cops don’t really care unless a local area has banned sleeping in vehicles. In which case, just stick to rest stops and gas stations near the highway. Realistically, if cops see you as a traveler they would much rather you not be driving on the road really tired and a safety hazard.
Link to more detail:
@Muddy: You've clubbed in Manhattan more recently than I have so I'll take your word on the current dancer mix. But casually telling a girl not to "overthink" putting herself on the hook for $400+ every single day, with no guarantee that she'll make her nut on any given day given current conditions, is even more asinine. She very much needs to think about what her breakeven is going to be and what she may need to do to earn it. She's not going to cover a daily nut like that and make a profit on top by just selling $20 LDs.
OTOH there are several good club areas in other parts of the country where she can work at a much more manageable cost structure and still have significant upside, like Atlanta and various parts of TX and FL.
Now I'm not saying that she should never work in Manhattan, but trying to do so right now as a travel dancer is risky. Right now offices are still mostly vacant, yet hotels are still running at expensive Summer tourist rates, so I'm merely suggesting that she might want to consider holding off until conditions improve more.
JaazyJaaz01, by listening to Muddy, if you try NYC clubs, after couple of weeks you are definitely going to feel you wasted your money and time. Unless someone gives free accommodation and guarantees low house feee, don’t try NYC, both not going to happen. So, try smaller cities where rent is within 1500 range and low house fees and good VIP fee structure. I know dancers who went to NYC and burned their fingers. So don’t listen to illogical stupid nonsensical ideas of going to NYC as dancer.
Some cities have ordinances against sleeping in your car or even parking overnight in some places. And safe places like safe lots require reservations.
I wouldn't recommend for a woman to sleep in her car. It can be dangerous.
I don't think it's about cities but the clubs. You have to strategize around when they have auditions.
But it doesn't seem like the best time. If you have a home club where you make decent money stick to it
Oh a van, you must park down by the river.
Nothing about showering. I guess nice dances for these guys: youtu.be
Showering can be done through either:
Having membership to a gym chain where you can visit any location
Nicely asking truckers if they can give you one of their shower credit vouchers at truck stops. Most truckers end up getting more of those things than they know what to do with, so it’s easy to find somebody willing to part with one.
If you’re really curious about that type of thing, you should skim a vanlife blog or two. This is 101 stuff I’m saying.
@heaving yeah you’re right, rest stops would be the simplest thing to do.
Hear that truckers, make it rain shower credit vouchers when you're up in the club.
you would do well at several clubs in NJ.
Atlanta is not a good city for traveling dancers. For clubs within the city limits you must get a permit for $270 and that only permits you to work at one specific club. I've been told that it is a 3 step process and is a pain in the ass.
That's fucked up, why doesn't Atlanta tax the clubs if it wants its pound of flesh. Leave it to the gubment to shit on a way for people from low-income families to have some upward mobility.
Atlanta, Key West, Vegas, San Diego, state of Washington, Birmingham…
Ridiculously expensive licenses are thing in more than one place.
Do you want to travel veca you genuinely want to? Or because it's slow where you're at? If it's the latter - don't. It's literally shitty all over the US right now.
Idk, we all have different risk tolerances. But I can say my most recent trip to Austin was a welcome respite when I have been wanting to 🔪🔪🔪 the customers who have been in Denver lately. I’m not saying Austin is the place to be by any means, but a change of scenery can be a good thing.
All travellers should have a planet fitness black card. When we drive cross country I can bring my wife into any of two thousand clubs and we can shower and clean up.
bubbleyum … I wanna travel because id like to see what other states have to offer overall. ive always wanted to travel and dance but my life was the most stable im at a pretty stable point so i wanna give it a shot
Looks like blah has competition for TUSCL's stabbiest dancer.
This was quite a few years ago, but a couple of dancers told me Myrtle Beach is good in the fall, lots of golfers vacationing their without their wives. You might want to DM PinkSugarDoll: /discussion.php .
There is a club in New Jersey - with a continuous run of sexy girls - and I think the owner will behave himself for at least a little while.
You have a great body, and I know you will make great money anywhere. But, you could give northeast NJ a shot. I think you would make very good money, and it’s not as cutthroat (no offense to Blah) as NYC clubs.
ibbaicnl …. “stabbiest dancer”??
Please ask this on stripperweb, this place will lead you astray on travel dancing bc the men only know their side of things.
Almost every single place mentioned in this thread I would tell you to avoid, and some are ok but with caveats. Go to stripperweb, this is not the place.
Additionally, I would strongly suggest finding a travel partner to share expenses. It is a VERY BAD time to travel and hotels and air bnbs are more expensive than ever, not to mention gas. You are at risk of spending all your earnings on expenses by going somewhere that you’ve never been, and during slow season.
Wish you best of luck 👍🏼
Also do not go to Kentucky, people are broke there. I usually do great everywhere I go and when I went to Lexington I literally worked a shift and drove home the same day bc it was that bad. I have never don’t that before, or since.
blahblahblah copes with frustrating customers by fantasizing (we hope just that) about stabbing them. nice generally keeps her stabbing fantasies more private.
@PSD obviously strippers, not PLs, know which clubs are the best hunting grounds. But I'm skeptical as to how willing they'd be to share that info with potential competition. Have you had issues anywhere getting hazed as a new dancer?
People ask for info on clubs or cities on stripperweb and girls do give info.
I don’t have issues as a dancer because I am aware of the environment, choose clubs carefully, and am nice whenever possible. But most of the time, working in nicer clubs, girls are a little nicer too.
Definitely ask on StripperWeb, and r/Stripper, and r/Strippers on Reddit. There's a travel dancer Facebook group that's private. I can pm the link for it if you'd like.
PF and TS ftw
Come to Hampton Roads VA
Would love to meet you, but I can't say I've heard anything very positive from local dancers I know about clubs near me.
^ Ilbbaicnl, if you have nothing real to add then just STFU already.