
The importance of titles in your review.

Atlanta suburb
When it comes to approving or rejecting reviews I scan the list of unpublished reviews. I first look for the clubs in my area or clubs I have an interest in. That leaves a lot of other clubs pending. Why should I read any of the others? One way to get me to read them is to have an eye catching review title. I have read many review that I normally would not have read but the title caught my attention, I read it and almost always approve them.


  • Jascoi
    2 years ago
    A good title catches my eye. better chance I'll read it.
  • docsavage
    2 years ago
    When I read reviews submitted, I don't think of it as me doing them a favor reading and approving them. I think of it as them doing me a favor by spending time writing a review and submitting it. I know I don't get paid for the reviews I submit. Is that not generally the case? I almost always approve reviews unless they seem really bad. When something seems on the border line I just leave it up to the other members to decide if it should be rejected.
  • Electronman
    2 years ago
    I agree with Shadowcat. A catchy or accurate title does attract my attention. However, I have also encountered reviews where the title is either misleading or has nothing to do with the content of the review. Under those conditions, I will often ask the reviewer to revise and resubmit the review, making sure that the title and the content of the review are linked.

  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    At first glace I thought the title of this thread was "The importance of titties in your review". So now I'm disappointed.
  • Muddy
    2 years ago
    I definitely try to put some creative energy into mine personally sort of in the same vein as the Simpsons would for their episode titles. Although some names you keep seeing the Cheetahs, Ricks and Spearmint Rhinos it make it tougher each time to play off just the name.

    Although I don’t always read the reviews I might glance at the titles. My titles do nothing for anybody but I have a feeling the most helpful titles would just be an overall grade of the club experience “7/10” just that quickly let’s me know what’s to probably expect.
  • motorhead
    2 years ago
    I woke up bleary eyed and honestly thought it said “titties”

    So the comment made zero sense - I thought you wanted size, shape, quantity in reviews

    I reread it this morning - makes more sense
  • Warrior15
    2 years ago
    ^ If Titties are in the Title, that would get my attention.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    Titties are always good in your face, in your review, titties are good everyplace.
  • gammanu95
    2 years ago
    The title of a review is like the hook at the beginning of a speech or presentation. While it does not determine the value or importance of the information to follow, it is a major factor in determining how much of the audience will pay attention.
  • Dolfan
    2 years ago
    A humorous title is more likely to get me to read and approve, for sure.
  • MackTruck
    2 years ago
    I bet shadowcat is looking for a review of Ron Jeremy in da tittie's
  • Tetradon
    2 years ago
    Titles are great, though I won't reject a review solely for having an unimaginative title like "Friday night visit."

    Titties, however, are vital to any review.
  • Pussylicker2
    2 years ago
    When I'm looking for a club to visit, I'll look for one in the general area I'm located. Once I identify a few candidates, I'll read the reviews for those clubs. I don't care what the title is, I'm looking for a club to visit so I can get my dick sucked. I'm looking for information. The information I seek is:
    (1) Is there mandatory valet parking. I will never surrender my keys to the valet guy.
    (2) Is the club safe? I don't want to get mugged.
    (3) Is the club one of those that nickel and dime you and basically rip you off.
    (4) What are the prices of cover charge, parking fee, drinks, tableside dances, private vip dances?
    (5) How hot are the girls and how available are extras?

    I could care less what the title of the review is. When I read unapproved reviews I read the whole review, often twice, and approve or not based solely on how useful it is for either a regular or first-timer.

    I wrote an article about what makes a good review. I mentioned many things, but the title was not one of them.
  • georgmicrodong
    2 years ago
  • gammanu95
    2 years ago
    For a masterclass in review titling, and a good chuckle, read Muddy's member reviews.
  • Cashman1234
    2 years ago
    If I want an entertaining review to read - Muddy usually fits the bill. His reviews are funny and interesting. He doesn’t seem to look for the filth that I want, and that’s fine, someone here must have the standards that I lack.

    I will take note, and make sure my next review includes an interesting title with titties!
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    I think titles don't matter. And every review doesn't have ti list prices or describe the layout of tye club. Its a personal experience.

    You should be more concerned about reviews naming dancers.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    ^ you’re such a prolific reviewer we should all follow your example.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    A review is a retelling of a personal experience. That's it.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    ^ so you’ve had three personal experiences and you think you’re an expert
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    I wrote 3 reviews here. You have to be mentally retarded to think ones experiences are solely linked to reviews they post here.

    A simple review would start with an intro a description of the events and then ones thoughts on it. That's all.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    ^ useless frenulum
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Go troll someone else. You'd never go around saying frenulum to people's faces. Fucking troll
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    ^ Come on down here I promise I’ll say Frenulum to your face, pussy
    You love to dish it out but boy you sure can’t take it.
  • Longball300
    2 years ago
    I think it is very important. Guys, I do my absolute best to provide this everyday. Long research, comparing material, the process of downloading and editing when necessary. Couple that with the selection of timely material, not overloading the TUSCL membership with similar info or god forbid, the same material more than once which I have caught myself doing. Then I have to laboriously upload the material and come up some type of semi-witty comment to include because otherwise it will not post because I believe ALL you peeps deserve the absolute best in titties, as many titties as I have time to post..... wait, what?..... TITLES?.... well shit,

    I'm sorry, nevermind.
  • Papi_Chulo
    2 years ago
    Some people are not good at writing - but often times a sucky-title is indicative of a sucky-review in that the PL puts little effort into both.

    Some effortless titles are ones like when they just put the day of the visit in the title which is already part of the review heading; e.g. "Tuesday Visit"; or when the title is just the name of the club e.g. "Baby Dolls Visit"
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