Forgetting I'm Old and Fugly

avatar for Lone_Wolf
I've been SC'ing for so long having young beautiful women eagerly vie for my attention$, I sometimes forget I'm really old and Fugly.

Once in a great while at civie gatherings I'll try to say something smooth to a young hot civie.

I can almost hear them think "Ewwww" as they scurry away as fast as possible. A good reminder to keep my "smoothness" in the SC :-).

Anyone else ever succumb to this issue?


last comment
avatar for wallanon
3 years ago
"Anyone else ever succumb to this issue?"

Nah. I try to be lowkey about it but closed mouths don't get fed. But I also run across hot chicks all the time so don't just randomly hit on them. Especially girls in their 20's, they've got to show they're interested because I'm not going to reach that far without a reason. Now I may make it obvious that door is open lol, but they've gotta walk through it. Plus if I'm looking for something simple there's strip clubs for that.
avatar for Jascoi
3 years ago
I just don't have the swagger of the dos Equis dude...
avatar for psycho_trick
3 years ago
Just the look I give to hot civs guarantees they'll never consider working at a strip club.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
There are hot older women
avatar for Warrior15
3 years ago
^ Yes there are Icey. And they are looking for their next husband.
avatar for CJKent_band
3 years ago
Beauty is in the eyes of the beer-holder, joint-holder, vape-holder, crack-pipe-holder...

Not that there's anything wrong with that!

avatar for shadowcat
3 years ago
I live in a senior citizen sub division. 55+. There are 150 homes and I am surrounded by single women. Lots of them 20 years or more younger than me. I avoid socializing with any of them.
avatar for drewcareypnw
3 years ago
@shadow: so in a 55+ community, there are lots of single women and they are hitting on you all the time? This is not what I would have expected. And you are turning them down? This sounds like an interesting story. Can you elaborate?
avatar for docsavage
3 years ago
Yes, I've done that. It's not really a big deal. It's not a case where they are superior to me. I'm just old and ugly and they are just young and attractive because we were born at different points in time, and I was born first. Someday they will look just as bad as me or worse and young guys will scurry away from them.

I've also had the opposite happen where I am reluctant to approach girls in a strip club because normally girls that age don't want an old guy like me to approach them. When I feel like this I'm happily surprised when they are friendly. In the context of a strip club, your willingness to spend money is more important than your looks.
avatar for docsavage
3 years ago
@heaving, in the context of a strip club I know I shouldn't have a problem approaching young women but it is such an ingrained habit not to approach them that I sometimes feel hesitation in approaching them. This was especially the case when I started going to strip clubs but has gotten better over the years. My mental process has become more like yours in thinking that almost 100% of them want me to approach them.

I have had some girls be unfriendly when I approach them in a strip club. I have found this is almost always a new girl. Young attractive girls often have guys approaching them they aren't interested in and have learned to be unfriendly to repel them. If they start working as a stripper they have to get out of this habit. All the long time successful strippers have an internal switch where they can turn on the friendliness when they go to work and turn it back off when they leave.
avatar for Liwet
3 years ago
I can easily go up to a girl in a strip club and ask for a sexual experience for some amount of money I'm willing to pay but I wouldn't know how to close a deal with a civie woman because I don't have anything to offer her.
avatar for shadowcat
3 years ago
drew - I'm 80 years old and it takes a lot to get me aroused. Old women just don't do it. I've got a cute, petite, 30 YO coming to my house once a week. I'm sure my neighbors think she is a daughter or grand daughter. :)
avatar for motorhead
3 years ago
I just rewatched “As Good as it Gets” yesterday

Film was made in 1997 and at that time I found Helen Hunt to be absolutely gorgeous

She falls in love with old and ugly Jack Nicholson.

Anything can happen. :)
avatar for gammanu95
3 years ago
I spent the weekend in Tampa in a townhome community where Goldman Sachs executives have summer homes. I have never seen so many trophy wives and smoking hot au pairs in my life. At the pool were many old men, some in Speedos (I cannot unsee it) obviously intimate with women who would be top earners in any strip club. So, it's not that your old and ugly, you're just not rich enough.
avatar for rickdugan
3 years ago
During most of my civilian social interactions I'm in parent mode, which keeps me grounded. Having children in the house is a constant reminder that, to them and anyone near their age, I am old. Certainly not as old as some on here, but old enough that hitting on a girl in her 20s would probably come across as creepy.
avatar for Iknowbetter
3 years ago
Money is the great equalizer. Regardless of age, or civvy vs club, hot women are looking to be paid. The hot 50 yr-old divorcee sitting in a bar in Mizner Park in Boca Raton has the same dollar signs in her eyes as the hot 25 yr-old dancer at Diamond Dolls in Pompano. So regardless of age or civvy vs club, this is an occupation to these women, and you’re going to pay either way. There are a lot of old, short, fat, bald, but wealthy guys walking around south Florida with hot women on their arms. But it’s not cheap. They’re paying for it one way or another.
avatar for rickdugan
3 years ago
^ Idk but I don't think I'd ever want to be THAT guy, trying desperately to hang on to some notion of springtime romance by paying a girl decades younger than me to be my companion. Sure part of me misses those years when I could pull an attractive 20-something off a dating site and have a wild time with her, but I had those years, wives, children and countless short-term flings all included. It's just not my turn anymore. Now I'm raising a new generation of human beings and would never want to set that kind of example for them.

For me, payments for temporary dalliances work wonders. I get my physical needs met and some social time as well. I may even eventually dip my toes into SA to beef up the social interactions a bit, but I have zero interest in parading a clearly mismatched trophy [insert description here] around in my real life.
avatar for shailynn
3 years ago
Been there done that. Probably never again.

Dated strippers, had sugar babies, married women, divorced women, side pieces. Too much drama. In the end they just wanted more. More money, more time with me, more txting more phone conversations more meetings.

As I age and was able to self reflect a lot during COVID, I just want to go in somewhere, pay $XXX get my rocks off and be on my way. It’s just how I’ve progressed, there was a time in my life where that stuff was needed, not now. Maybe again sometime down the road, but not now…

^^^ see even Rick is in the same boat…
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
There was a 17 year age difference between me and my first wife, and we had a running joke back then I married a woman who would be able to take care of me as I aged, neither one of us ever expected her sudden untimely passing.
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
I believe it’s important to read the room, for lack of a better characterization. If I am out at a gathering, and there is a sexy young 20 something there, my thought is to say hello and chat, but not in a sexual way. If that 20 something girl is with a group of friends, it’s not a group I should attempt to get into, so I would just smile and say hi.

I would also never approach a woman of my age and try to drop a sexual one liner with the expectation that she would find me desirable.

In a strip club, I would likely be approached by the dancer, and I’m always friendly. I chat without making overt sexual innuendo. It can sound very unusual when an old pervert asks how good a girl is at performing a rusty trombone.

Once I was at my club, getting dinner at the buffet. My daughters were there, and seated and eating. I had arrived late, and as I was waiting at the buffet, a woman 20 years older saw I was sweaty. She began blowing on me, to cool me down. It was not a good visual, and my daughters still tell me how bad it looked. So, I think of it from that perspective. If it will look bad - it’s best to not do it.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
Nah. Almost all of the dances I get are from favs. My favs realize pretty quickly I don't want them to be phony with me. So I don't get any delusions they like me like that. From time to time, a fav will give indications she'd be open to an LTR with me. But only because women are often open to the idea of an LTR with a man who appreciates them, but with whom sex would be just a chore. Or, they think they could hack it, and end up fucking the hot pool boy.
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
I don’t act inappropriately with women at all, generally I try to read the room, and go along with the level of interaction that is happening, what’s appropriate in the strip club isn’t usually appropriate elsewhere, but there are occasions where I have noted flashes of interest generally in places where money speaks the loudest, my own interest isn’t generally in those very young, girls, I’m quite happy with women that are well cared for in their lat thirties thru courts and in some cases I’ve been known to have an interest in women that look great that are over fifty.
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
^*Courts should have been fourties damn spell checker
avatar for drewcareypnw
3 years ago
When I was in my forties I worked overseas 1/2 time, and had lots of time to develop a side piece and a couple of backup options for when she was being a pain. My company put me up in a nice hotel in the fancy part of town with a mostly unlimited expense account, so I had time, place, opportunity, etc. to woo horny civvies. This was during the early days of tinder, when it was a pussy goldmine. I would get more sex in a single two week trip than I would in 2 months back home. Those girls were in their mid-late 30’s and I was pretty excited about how hot they were relative to me. Now I’m in my 50s, not traveling, balder and fatter. I don’t get much unsupervised time, and even if I did I can’t imagine closing on hot 30 something or even hot 40 something civvies … like others have mentioned I have nothing to offer them. Plus, no time to get through all the steps from “hello” to fucking. The extras friendly sc’s in my area are conveniently located <15 min drive away, providing hot willing girls, place, security, privacy, known pricing, and an established protocol that gets me from “hello” to sex and out the door in less than 1 hour. 30 minutes if I’m in a rush. All on my timeline, aka the timeline where I’m out from under the eye of Mrs C. Haha

So yeah for me, it’s pretty much impossible to beat the sc experience.

avatar for rattdog
3 years ago
"She began blowing on me, to cool me down. It was not a good visual, and my daughters still tell me how bad it looked."

it's great in that you raised your daughters well.

but there are some daughters out there that might have perceived it as, "well damn. my father is a badass and still has it."
avatar for georgmicrodong
3 years ago
Have to agree with the OP and rickdugan on this one. I'm <em>nice</em> to women I meet, regardless of their age, but I'm painfully aware that a 20-or30-something civilian is gonna have no interest in socializing on a one to one basis with someone who could be their father or even grandfather.

I get all the attention I need from that age group in the clubs, from women who are there specifically to provide that sort of attention.
avatar for drewcareypnw
3 years ago
Also to be perfectly honest, I have very little interest in the concerns and ideas of a 20 something. The new generation is tedious for even us gen x liberals. All the gender and race and whatever politics is boring, even annoying. The constant phone checking etc, annoying. So anything more than a brief encounter with someone under 35 is probably going to get on my nerves. It’s better to keep things short and sweet.
avatar for rickmacrodong
3 years ago
Liwet you could do the same at bars, clubs, restaurant waitesses etc but it just has to be approached in a more subtle way. Not everyone has the confidence or desire to be a stripper as a job, but plenty of people are open to under the radar p4p. Especially younger college girls who aren’t from rich families etc
avatar for nickifree
3 years ago
I chat up quite a few good looking young women at the gym. Over the past ten or so years I "hooked up" with women as young as nineteen (just like the steely dan song). I think it's just this hookup culture now where there's no such thing as a monogamous relationship. Girls would just as much fuck you as shake your hand. It certainly wasn't like this way when I was in the 20's and early 30s.
avatar for wallanon
3 years ago
"I've got a cute, petite, 30 YO coming to my house once a week. I'm sure my neighbors think she is a daughter or grand daughter. :)"

Or they know exactly what she is to you and it's why you're so popular? If they know you're taking care of a young thing like her then imagine what you could do to them lol. And for the record I'm not imagining, just sayin'.
avatar for shadowcat
3 years ago
Wallon- I'm surrounded by 60-90 you women that own their own homes. I doubt any of them are interested in anything I have. Now one does have a grand daughter that waves to me. :)
avatar for goldmongerATL
3 years ago
Get her one of your famous tee-shirts: My Grandpa has a Huge Cock"

The OTC Griffin Girl, not the neighbor's granddaughter. WTH get her one too.
avatar for shadowcat
3 years ago
goldmonger - She is not one of the Griffin girls. She lives on the north side and I have already given her a t-shirt. :)
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