Who is ✨fat✨?

avatar for PinkSugarDoll

I have never really thought of myself as fat?? I mean sure, like most people I would love to lose 5 pounds, of course. But I am:

37.5 hip, 26 waist, 32DDD, and I’m a little over 5,’ I weigh 126. I would say I have an athletic build, my legs are stacked.

But I see you guys call girls fat on here pretty often, who I don’t think are anywhere near that!

What’s fat to you?


last comment
avatar for Muddy
2 yrs ago

I’ve given up on this fight, on this site if a girl isn’t bulimic she’s fat. I’ll never get the fascination over blonde anorexic girls that weigh 70lbs. I don’t get it.

avatar for PinkSugarDoll
2 yrs ago

I don’t get it either.

avatar for Warrior15
2 yrs ago
avatar for twentyfive
2 yrs ago

Baby you aren't fat you look great.

avatar for Warrior15
2 yrs ago

You're only 5 feet tall ? That's adorable. You probably wear 7 inch heels though, don't ya ?

avatar for Mate27
2 yrs ago

I’m seeing a girl who’s 5 foot 2 or 3 inches tall and 160 lbs. there’s no fat in her because she is athletic. Maybe some in her butt cheeks and tits, but the rest she’s Fit, with DDs. If you’re in shape yiu can carry weight well.

avatar for PinkSugarDoll
2 yrs ago

I run 30 miles a week but idk if I can survive a siege 🤔

My fav heels are 6.75,” I would tell you though most girls fav is 8.”

(Wonder what the other girls here like to wear?)

To me, really skinny girls look like kid-ish 😬

avatar for PinkSugarDoll
2 yrs ago

Is that pic of me on my profile or is it a post?

Jw bc if it’s on my profile can people comment on it?

avatar for PinkSugarDoll
2 yrs ago

I posted this bc Icee always posts pics of girls and someone always comments they are fat. To me, they are never fat but usually a girl who is chubby, not toned and got a bbl so looks more shapely now.

avatar for motorhead
2 yrs ago

I don’t like skinny women. I can’t stand lap dances with bony dancers. I like some extra weight - think Kate Upton - so when a local club had amateur BBW night, I thought it would be great.

That night I learned the definition of “fat”

375 pounders was not what I was expecting

avatar for Warrior15
2 yrs ago

There are comments on it. Lots of them.

avatar for Huntsman
2 yrs ago

It’s on your profile, PSD, and it’s had comments. Good ones. I think you look awesome.

For me, I like a gal who looks healthy. You certainly do and so do a lot of gals that don’t fit any certain mold. Hell, I like slender gals too when they look like it’s their natural build. Same with thicker ones. Same with every look. Another way I’d describe it is athletic. That covers a range of looks and if a gal has some muscle or curves, they sure as hell can fit that gorgeous look.

avatar for PinkSugarDoll
2 yrs ago

It’s on my profile, ok. 👍🏼 I didn’t know you can comment on profile pictures. 🤔

avatar for SanchoRG
2 yrs ago

Weight is not a 100% accurate indicator of fatness, IMO. Muscle weighs a ton. I've been with hot women who were 160lbs and very low body fat.

For men tho, if you weigh more than 240 lbs, you weigh more than Homer Simpson. Just throwing that out there

avatar for psycho_trick
2 yrs ago

I have a 130 lb weight limit and prefer petite. Probably because IRL these are the ones that cross to the other side of the street when they see me coming. But more importantly I fuck the face, so there's some leeway with weight for natural bedroom eyes. There's definitely no cellulite in my fantasy SC world.

avatar for georgmicrodong
2 yrs ago

@PSD, I tend to like women who look like women. By the time she quit, my ATF was what most on here would call chunky. But there was no doubt at all that she was all woman.

BTW, from the pic linked above, you have a body that my mom (yes, my mom) would have called "built like a brick shithouse."

You have a body very reminiscent of my ATF when she first started dancing, before I met her, though you're a little shorter than she was, and her boobs were a little bigger.

avatar for shailynn
2 yrs ago

I think it depends on the body type (man or woman). I was so proud that I weighed the same I did in high school in 2020. I’ve always had a more lean look. Then COVID hit and I’m 15 pounds over that right now. It feels like 50, it looks like 30 when I look in the mirror, and ever since I hit 40 it’s hard AF to get it off.

I’m trying to think of a way to share this with my wife. She’s a similar build as you Pink but without the boobs. Same exact height. She weighs 132 right now and is trying to break 130 - if I told her she only weighs 6 pounds more than a hot stripper that would be such a boost to her ego! Lol

avatar for PinkSugarDoll
2 yrs ago


Man I hate so bad for women to feel bad about themselves. I hope your wife feels great ❤️ She can do it!

I'd love to see pics of the men who call women fat on here all the time.

And op isn't fat.

avatar for nicespice
2 yrs ago

Since I live in Denver, I’m pretty much a land whale.

Luckily there’s guys into that 😀

avatar for Liwet
2 yrs ago

I'd need to see more photos but that one picture of you is kind of borderline. Maybe I'm spoiled by the girls in Vegas.

avatar for shailynn
2 yrs ago

“land whale”


more cushin for the pushin

If you think op is fat or borderline you're delusional.

Post a pic of yourself or the women you get....without paying

avatar for ElDuderino_AZ
2 yrs ago


Little wet...I...I...fuck it, to quote a millennial, "I can't even". But Icee's wrong: you're not delusional, you passed that miles ago. Though I'm surprised you feel spoiled by Vegas, what with getting kicked out of clubs and all.

avatar for wallanon
2 yrs ago

"37.5 hip, 26 waist, 32DDD, and I’m a little over 5,’ I weigh 126"

That's not fat. I think stacked sounds about right.

avatar for PinkSugarDoll
2 yrs ago

I work in Vegas whenever I care to. Remember, you asked to meet??

This thread isn’t about me in particular though, and as others have said if you want to call me fat you can share a pic of yourself. I don’t care what you think Liwet, you openly say that you try to pay girls the least possible lol. I deleted my other pic, if someone tells me how to imbed an image I will leave it here.

avatar for PinkSugarDoll
2 yrs ago

“Luckily there’s guys into that.” Lol.

Nicespice you are definitely not a fatty lol. Good try.

avatar for ElDuderino_AZ
2 yrs ago

"Remember, you asked to meet?"

Insert OOOHHHHHH BURRRRNN! gif here.

avatar for docsavage
2 yrs ago

BMI isn't perfect but it is usually good enough. At five foot and 126 pounds you are just under a 25 BMI. Over 25 BMI is overweight, so you are close to but not over it.

A study was once done showing young men pictures of women and asking them to pick the most attractive ones. They picked women around a 22 BMI. A stripper wanting to maximize her income might want to try for that. There are plenty of male strip club customers who like girls who are heavier than that but not a lot heavier than that. When I see strippers who are obese they usually don't make much money. I've had three regulars who had to quit when they gained a lot of weight.

Americans are much fatter than they used to be. The difference between 1960 and now is 25 pounds. Numerous studies show that when BMI goes over 25 people start having more health problems so our increasing fatness is not a good thing. Two thirds of adult Americans are now over a 25 BMI.

avatar for ElDuderino_AZ
2 yrs ago

BMI can be just as much bullshit as weight without context. D.K. Metcalf is 6'4 229, BMI of about 28. BMI calculator says he's way overweight, should be 152-205. Tell that to his face... (If you don't know who he is, Google him).

152?!? At 6'4?!? I'm 6'3. If I weighed 152 I'd be able to hide behind a string. You'd be able to see my fucking skeleton through my skin.

PSD's not even remotely overweight / fat. That pic looks like a stacked college tennis or soccer player.

avatar for PinkSugarDoll
2 yrs ago

Ooh, yes, please see where I mentioned my waist size. Pretty small actually. So it turns out that bmi doesn’t account for that, or for me competing in club level gymnastics for 10 years and becoming a D1 athlete and maybe that’s why my legs are pretty meaty for somebody who is very short.

Or, as it turns out, I am ALSO a land whale 🐳

avatar for PinkSugarDoll
2 yrs ago

If I don’t know who DK Metcalf is, google him?????

My dude, I am a 12, that is my hometown and of course I know who DK Metcalf is.

avatar for ElDuderino_AZ
2 yrs ago

Hahaha I wasn't telling you to look him up. I was telling the guy who used BMI to say you're overweight to look him up.

avatar for PinkSugarDoll
2 yrs ago

Just to be safe, EVERYONE go look up DK Metcalf.

Even if you know who he is (—an overweight land whale).

avatar for docsavage
2 yrs ago

"BMI can be just as much bullshit as weight without context."

ElDuderino_AZ, was that directed at me? I said in the very first sentence of my comment BMI isn't perfect but is usually good enough. If you are a muscular weightlifter, then having a higher BMI is fine but most overweight Americans don't fall into that category. Americans are just too fat. It is leading to increased incidences of diabetes, Alzheimer's, high blood pressure and other health problems and increased societal medical costs to deal with them. We went from spending 6% of GDP on medical care in 1960 to 17% now. As I said before, Americans are much heavier now than then. Americans need to stop trying to come up with rationalizations for why it is ok to be fat and start eating less and exercising more.

avatar for shailynn
2 yrs ago

I don’t know how to feel about this post. PSD and nicespice, two absolute babes with awesome figures worrying about being overweight.

Has social media set goals too out of reach?

I get what nicespice was saying about being considered a land whale. Being surrounded by people who are vegan and think a treat is a beet and banana smoothie instead of tiramisu at Olive Garden…

I guess if you don’t have to use one of those motorized carts to get around WalMart and being 30 years old… you’re doing okay.

avatar for ElDuderino_AZ
2 yrs ago

Doc, yes, it was directed at you because you brought up BMI, and said she was close to being overweight, based on BMI. So I said BMI can be just as stupid as weight, without context... because, well....look at her. She ain't fat. Nicespice isn't a whale. And very soon I'm not gonna be sober, regardless of what the American Medical Association says about snagging Arby's for dinner and polishing the night off with Jameson.

Shailynn you called girls fat on here on more than one occasion. I'm surprised 20fag and skibitch aren't joining the conversation

avatar for crazyjoe
2 yrs ago

"I'd need to see more photos but that one picture of you is kind of borderline. Maybe I'm spoiled by the girls in Vegas."

^ Wow dumbass. No wonder you can't ever get laid and have to try to grope dancers for almost free at clubs...

"I work in Vegas whenever I care to. Remember, you asked to meet??

This thread isn’t about me in particular though, and as others have said if you want to call me fat you can share a pic of yourself. I don’t care what you think Liwet, you openly say that you try to pay girls the least possible lol. I deleted my other pic, if someone tells me how to imbed an image I will leave it here."

^Nice burn there... haha

I agree with the fact that weight does not matter. Sounds like you have good body density from working out and having good muscle tone PSD. Sounds like you have no problem working in any high end club you want no matter how strict the scrutiny is to get hired. You look great!

avatar for Pussylicker2
2 yrs ago

Good social skills dictate that one should never tell someone they're fat. This is because people have delusional beliefs about themselves and their fragile egos can't handle the truth. A bmi of 22 is ideal, but if your bmi isn't ideal, bmi is invalid and not a reliable indicator of good health.

avatar for CJKent_band
2 yrs ago

“I like my women like I like my chicken With a little bit of fat on the ends Not too much and not too little Just enough to make me grin...”


avatar for crazyjoe
2 yrs ago

^ you sound like a ChoMo

avatar for ElDuderino_AZ
2 yrs ago

When Arnold was winning contests as a young man, he was 6'3, 235. That's a BMI of 29.4....waaaaaay overweight and damn near obese (30.0)!

The judges must've been on acid to let that fat fuck win...

avatar for crazyjoe
2 yrs ago

CJKent is a ChoMo

avatar for crazyjoe
2 yrs ago

"The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free"

The truth will set you as free as a jailbird ChoMoKent

avatar for docsavage
2 yrs ago

"When Arnold was winning contests as a young man, he was 6'3, 235. That's a BMI of 29.4....waaaaaay overweight and damn near obese (30.0)!"

I pointed out to you above that BMI tables don't apply to muscular weightlifters. Do you have a reading comprehension problem or are you just engaging in trolling now?

avatar for ElDuderino_AZ
2 yrs ago

That wasn't directed at you, doc. That was directed at the pussylicker who probably hasn't licked pussy without paying for 50 years.

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 yrs ago

Echoing comments already posted. Weight is relative. BMI is outdated and bullshit. It’s not even a good ballpark. It’s bullshit for today’s body types. Pictures can lie, but PSD and Spice aren’t fat by their pics. Not even fucking close.

^I am Captain Obvious

avatar for shadowcat
2 yrs ago

The new wokness states we can no longer use fat or obese. We must use people in large bodies.

On here fat means a girl who isn't shaped like a teenage boy.

Bmi doesn't take into account muscle mass bone density and overall weight composition. And you can't argue that it's valid for some not for others. In that case its not valid since it meant to be a general measurement.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 yrs ago

nice and PSD are whales? Call me Ishmael.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 yrs ago

Among my pictures of women who are particularly beautiful to me, these are the two heaviest I think: https://tuscl.net/photo.php?id=8955 https://tuscl.net/photo.php?id=4688 . I'm with Huntsman, healthy looking is sexy looking. Male-pattern abdominal fat seems to be what's unhealthy, according to the latest Science I think. I've never looked up at the stage and thought, dang, I wanna hit that BMI.

From what I've seen, it's best if dancers just give zero shits about the PLs who are not into you. You want to be a dancer who rolled up on 100 PLs in a shift, even if she only got 20 yeses. Not the one who got yeses 50% of the time, but only rolled up on 20, cause she's too worried about the nos.

If you're one to shaft a chick out 60% of her money, I can see why you'd pick the ones who are too weak from low caloric intake to kick your ass.

avatar for Longball300
2 yrs ago

Just a matter of personal preference; Body type / shape has nothing to do with being fat and weight / BMI means even less. I am "obese" on the BMI but, pretty sure I am not "fat".

I prefer slender to athletic looking ladies, think AVP beach volleyball players, that are in the 5'8" to 5'10" range and "weigh in" usually at ~ 130-140 lbs. Not into thick curvy girls... to each their own.

avatar for Longball300
2 yrs ago
avatar for MackTruck
2 yrs ago

I like da fat Flapperjack tiddyz!!!

avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

I am not sure what fat is, but I do know that 5', 126 lbs, is not. The idea looks anything like the fat, ugly, plastic, wrecks that Icee posts is laughable.

avatar for docsavage
2 yrs ago

BMI is not useless. According to Walter Willett, Professor of Epidemiology and Nutrition at Harvard Medical School, the consensus of numerous studies shows that the risk of dying prematurely starts rising above a BMI of 25. To quote Professor Willett: "that means almost everyone with a BMI over 25- except for extremely muscular bodybuilders- would be healthier with a lower BMI."

avatar for PinkSugarDoll
2 yrs ago

Again I didn’t mean this to be a discussion about me particularly.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 yrs ago

Medical studies are notorious for preferring to have male rather than female participants. And correlation is not causation. Probably, in the US, knowing Spanish correlates with a lower average income. But you can't raise your income by not taking Spanish classes. High BMI may correlate with other unhealthy things, like a low-fiber diet, or not exercising.

avatar for ElDuderino_AZ
2 yrs ago

IMO, fat / overweight needs an eyeball test. Period. And eyeball opinions from people like Liwet don't matter because those opinions are absurd.

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 yrs ago

BMI is horseshit. It was created in the 1830’s FFS and doesn’t take into account the factors Icee listed, nor does it factor in race. It’s ancient crap.

While all fat or obese people have a BMI over 25, the inverse is not nearly true in this day, nor has it been for decades. I’m not even taking about physical freaks like Arnold or DK Metcalf. It’s not true for a lot of regular healthy people.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 yrs ago

Most women don't have the body type to be runway-model thin, and there are also women who can't carry extra weight in a flattering manner. It comes down to body type and knowing what looks good for a particular woman. After that, as it is for everyone else, it comes down to diet and exercise. Even plus-size models have to be disciplined regarding both. Of course, at either end of that bell curve, you get into what generally unattractive on any body; those who are some version of gaunt or simply obese. Though there are guys out there who are in for that. They are mostly outliers, though.

Very often on here, when someone posts an image or a link, the aggressive declarations that she's "fat" is more of a response to the person posting the images, and less about the woman in those images. Without her knowing it, she's just collateral damage in a long-running online grouse.

On the flip side of that, I see what some TUSCL users post as comments when a dancer posts an image here and I wonder why they bother to do it at all for all the hateful "locker room" comments they get.

Also, you're not fat, for what it's worth.

Cim thanks for saying calling women I post fat is just the trolls on here trolling.

And why do you bother with hateful trolling?

Men on here are insecure af. They keep putting dancers down to make themselves look better

20fag admitted to weight problems before and calls girls pigs and fat and disgusting in other threads. Claims to only be into tall thin super model types coz he's a millionaire

avatar for twentyfive
2 yrs ago

^ Iceegag Voted most boring troll of all time.just picking fights 24/7 Why don't you go inject some more crystal meth, ran out of money again.

How much do you weigh?

avatar for twentyfive
2 yrs ago

Not as much as that fat ass you posted on your latest thread.

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 yrs ago

My BMI is 24.6 today and was 25.1 a few days ago. I’m glad I’m not obese anymore. I’m eating a big lunch though and could be definitionally obese in a few hours.

avatar for PinkSugarDoll
2 yrs ago

Icee you started out solid in the thread and then you just had to go downhill.

The amount that you contribute here, if you would just be normal—you could probably be a respected and valued member.

avatar for twentyfive
2 yrs ago

@PSD Now you see why we need the two way block.

Psd. I just concurred with ds. 20fag is a malicious old drunk troll. Read about the way he body shames women in other threads. Or him calling a girl fat ass in this thread.

avatar for FishHawk
2 yrs ago

First of all neither PSD or nicespice are fat. Furthermore, everyone has a different opinion on what they like. The gentlemanly thing to do is respond positively towards women who post pictures you like and just be silent on those you find less attractive. It takes a bit of nerve for these women to post pictures of themselves. We don’t want to discourage those that do

Unfortunately there are a few guys on this site who are not gentlemen and hide behind there handles to lob insults at people. Frankly their behavior disgusts me.

avatar for MaxMaxima
2 yrs ago

Spinners are sexy AF IMO. What creates a draw for me is they are becoming more and more rare as in general we're becoming larger people in general. It takes effort to maintain a body like that and that has appeal. Fat has more to do with with how weight is distributed in addition to how much meat is on the frame.

avatar for twentyfive
2 yrs ago

This is why we can't have anything nice, there's always a troll poster that thinks that no matter the discussion if it's not about them they have the right to change the topic. Its a pity, but it the truth, and y'all know it.

You're the biggest troll here 🤣

20fag on women with tits and ass What kind of grown ass man talks like that?

"Not as much as that fat ass you posted on your latest thread."

"I imagine she might look good after getting completely obliterated on meth or crack but since my drug of choice is alcohol she's whale maybe if she'd go on a diet and lose 75 or 100 pounds and wear a mask she might be doable, but I hope my friends don't see me with that monstrosity."

avatar for twentyfive
2 yrs ago

^ Weirdo why are you ruining PSD's thread same as you did to znice's thread a few weeks ago.

Those are your words troll

avatar for Cashman1234
2 yrs ago

I think it’s easy for guys to throw the word fat around online. They would likely never use that word when meeting a woman in person. It’s wrong to demean a woman’s body regardless of the forum.

The photo you posted, makes you look great - and in great shape too. I know you are a runner, and it is a great way to stay in shape.

I think guys know they will get a reaction when they pull the fat comment. So, rather than tell a woman that she looks great, and point out some very attractive attributes, some guys will go for the asshole role. Their comments are memorable, but not for a positive reason.

Since PSD dances and makes good money dancing, that’s basically the proof that her body is hot and she looks great. Very few guys could make money dancing, and those who throw around the word fat are likely not going to make money either.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 yrs ago

@MaxMaxima there is a huge general problem many women are interested in dancing, but think they don't have the "right" look. I don't know how you could spread the word that what customers find attractive varies a lot. And even if only 10% of customers are into you, you can still do better than most other jobs as a dancer. Lots of beautiful, slender women think they are not hot because their butt doesn't keep shaking for 5 minutes after they stop twerking.

avatar for JimGassagain
2 yrs ago

Yo mamma!


The problem is when people express their preference or lack off with hostile words. They come across as idiots who you know would never say those things jn person.

avatar for blahblahblah23
2 yrs ago

I'm a great land 🐳

Adopt me 😊

avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

Icee would have nothing to say in person because it's easier to lie about 100% of things on-line. I think it's great that men seem to judge women solely on looks and women judge men solely on money. Both theories are fucking stupid ways to determine with whom you will have a relationship, or children, or both and they make my customer base grow. I love spinners and make no secret about that, but that is related to strippers only, not real life. When my Wife and I were dating she was heavy, between a size 14 and a size 20. She skied, hiked, rock climber, but her wedding dress was a size 20 and too small. Decades and decades later she's a size 4 on the bottom and a size 6 up top (big boobs) and my feelings for her are the same. A long-term relationship isn't about looks or weight. If you think it is, you are simply 100% wrong and here's my card.

avatar for AmeliaSmith
2 yrs ago

I already know that majority of the members on this board would call me fat. 5’8 200lbs, 36DDD 32 waist, 48 hips. I don’t even try to audition at upscale clubs because I already know I’m too thick. I’ll stay at my urban clubs and dives till the day I die

avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

We all have limitations for employment and smart people stay within theirs. I surely stay within mine at work.

avatar for blahblahblah23
2 yrs ago

Maybe it is not so bad to be in some of those clubs... in the last 2 years I've been finding that guys seem to expect much higher mileage of me at "nicer/better " clubs than some "dives" that everyone likes to shit on. I seem to get away with doing the bare min at those dives. Then I go to "nicer" clubs and I deal with old ugly western european trash men trying to make me feel bad about myself and I deal with fucking trash ass octopus customers that get confused that i don't want to be molested.

avatar for nicespice
2 yrs ago

Yeah and if you’re still in Dallas, it’s not worth the effort to go balls to the wall to try to slim down if you’re black anyways imo. I despise the anti-black hiring in Dallas (and Austin too). Can’t have black dancers because they will turn a club ghetto, but it’s totally A-okay to flood these clubs with these Cubans who can’t even speak English. (Because not being able to talk to customers is totally classy 🙄)And even if you manage to get in the door, there’s a bunch of extras expectations anyways all over, so it would only be worth it for the 10 minutes of “woo, I got in somewhere more prestigious”, but I doubt working there is actually better.

Put me down as well for preferring unpretentious places that have more diversity.

avatar for Huntsman
2 yrs ago

The older I get, the more I like the dives, neighborhood bars-with-titties, urban clubs, rural clubs or anyplace not trying to be upscale. Nicespice summed it up well. “Put me down as well for preferring unpretentious places that have more diversity. “

Amelia, I would be buying dances.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 yrs ago

Lap dancing may be gradually going extinct. The dolla dolla bill style of dancing seems to be the most popular with guys under 30, and involves less contact than the typical lap dance. More and more, "Lap dance" clubs where dancing isn't generally done at the stage or tables are unfriendly to dancers who don't do extras. They're in effect brothels in all but name.

My idea of "upscale" is a club with PLs with enough class to not undie twist that other customers have different preferences from themselves.

Violence-prone black men are typically self-hating, so they have a preference for non-black dancers.

avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

I was reading about lower contact in dive clubs and I thought of Bridgeport and Pleasant Moments. I laughed so hard at that silly comment it took me forty minutes to type this. I feel bad for dancers because while I don't hate my clients as much as many hate us, the emotions are the same.

avatar for VanessaM
2 yrs ago

Men are stupid. They gonna like what I put in front of them or feel the wrath of my angry blk women ancestors and that includes my pistol whipping cousins Harriet Tubman 😌

avatar for twentyfive
2 yrs ago

Hot damn Bharlem I don't ever want to get on your bad side, and holy shit you teamed up with Blah Blah would be Murder Incorporated. ☠☠☠☠☠☠☠☠

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