
Comments by Ch3ll (page 15)

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    Long Time OTC arrangements
    I'm in what I believe will be a long term OTC although much time hasn't passed OTC, but coupled with knowing her it's been close to three years. So, the pitfall I see is being sucked into their drama and becoming an option for a need. I think the being sucked into their drama can be mitigated to knowing their drama. Of course when you explicitly help to resolve some of her drama is when you become sucked up into her drama in my opinion.
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    8 years ago
    Wrong Number... Twice
    The stripper that's at the top of my list as is has given me four numbers since I've known her. I have no idea if the first one was real or fake. I know the two in between were temporary, and now I think I finally have the real one, unless it's temporary too due to her financials. Nonetheless, we've been in contact over the last three numbers she has had. A favorite I like ITC gave me her number and I texted twice and got no response. So, I look it up to see if it's real since I do want to OTC and it says it's a landline. So time passes and I see her in the club again and we chat. I mentioned it'd be nice if you gave me a real number and she said I did give you my real number. So there on the spot she says call her and of course her phone rings. Note, I made a note of the number she first gave me and sure enough it was the same number.
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    8 years ago
    E. is always good. I doubt I'll ever FS in a US club.
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    8 years ago
    Condoms and STDs
    What's the alternative? No condom? You could roll the dice and hope for the best. On the real though have her suck/fuck with the condom on.
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    8 years ago
    Cutting them Off
    Man! Why you got to call me out Papi? I thought I was stepping up to that experienced tier. Back to the drawing board.
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    8 years ago
    Cutting them Off
    Seems I just really need to reach my point with this one in particular that prompted me to start this discussion. I've cut them off before, but that's been the ITC ones. Crazy what a lil pussy might have you thinking. Sound advice from everyone.
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    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    My dilemma
    You have the best of both worlds.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Is it possible to be addicted to a stripper?
    Yeah, I'm addicted to my current OTC stripper of choice. She's a cut above the rest.
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    8 years ago
    Not enough time has passed and he took quite the hiatus, but Bill Goldberg stands out in my opinion.
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    8 years ago
    For those of you who OTC
    I usually dont worry about a boyfriend or SO showing up if it's at the hotel of my choice. I usually choose my goto hotel which has the Presidential level, which requires a key just to move the elevator to that floor and I only get one key when I check in. Yeah, shit can go down in or outside the hotel, but I just remain cautious. It's the best you can do. I treat it like going anywhere else at night. I've been to two of my OTC strippers place. Of the two I only went to one of their place just once. I was cautious the whole time, and just couldnt let my mind go and enjoy the sex. However, after the sex and shower together I relaxed a little. The others place I wasn't too worried the first time because she had a friend girl there, kids, and it was 6am in the morning. So the next visit which was late night, I was just at ease. I personally worry more when at their place of a SO showing up. Hell, I think I worry more of the stripper pulling off the whole job themselves as opposed to a SO being involved.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Strippershit and more Strippershit
    I don't know if it's SS or not. I just take most they say lightly, unless I truly feel they're being genuine. Usually after you know them, the SS is mostly just being flaky.
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    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Hypothetical question
    A. That would be a dream come true and money in the bank.
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    8 years ago
    Help Stripper Move
    Well to end today's story, she did get back to me and said her dad helped her move. The End for Now.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Help Stripper Move
    Yeah, 2am, my heart would probably skip a beat too!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Help Stripper Move
    Yeah, 2am, my heart would probably skip a beat too!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    I'm so petty
    Yeah we don't owe these dancers shit, but somebody here posted about a stripper stabbing a customer in the club because he refused a lap dance from her. You're getting shit started. I feel you though. As you mentioned, petty. I guess I'm petty somewhat too, but it's usually once I realize they aren't down for OTC, or they start slacking on mileage.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Help Stripper Move
    Good humor Clubber "got my heart started again". Well, I didn't end up helping her move. As this all began seemed she was open to help whenever as long as it was before 5 PM per what the landlord had gave her as a time to get out. I went on in to work as I told her I would so I could make sure everything was good at work. As time passed, she seemed to want to back up the time. She said she needed to contact the landlord and her mom. Not sure why she needed to contact landlord. I asked and she didn't say. Her reasoning behind calling mom so she wouldn't have to worry about moving with her two year old in the way. So now she's talking 1 PM. I offered to bring a car seat (I had one) and help move nonetheless. I also told her 1PM would be too late for me and she said she'd see if she could work out something earlier. I told her to get back to me quick, cause it's about 10 AM now, but I never heard back from her. Soooo, lucky me in not having to help her move. I did message her later that if she still needed help Id could be up he way around 830 PM. Not sure if she's read it yet, but she hadn't as of around 4 PM when I checked. Its 6 PM as I post this.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Help Stripper Move
    I'm gonna take the risk. I'll be joining the club with jackslash and mufdvr and anybody else I missed. I'll foot the bill for some shit within reason, but I'm already determined not to be paying for any hotel stay. I asked was she going to be with her mom and she said yes.
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    8 years ago
    Help Stripper Move
    Well jackslash... I meant.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Help Stripper Move
    Well backslash I appreciate the direct experience. I've been okayed to take off so I'll be helping her out. I am doing it to truly help her out, but hey the resulting long term benefits may be well.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Help Stripper Move
    I hope hes not being sarcastic but JS would help her. Shes cool with me and we've done OTC where I'm sure I could have not gave her anything but did, meaning I gave her what I felt like.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Help Stripper Move
    I'm tempted to help. She has just replied and says she has storage.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    a stripper for a workout buddy
    I would have said go for it before you mentioned "wife". Does your wife not workout or is the gym far away? I assume she may become suspicious if all of a sudden you're going to the gym and you already have a decent amount of equipment for working out. It does sound like a tempting proposition, but I wouldn't do it since there is a wife involved.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    How To Setup OTC
    Everything Papi, Subraman, and xxx said is good advice and I've tried/followed. But as they have said I think the most important thing is that you build the rapport, which will mean a few visits. A few visits may be three or it may be x over two years (Yes, 2 years before one finally did OTC with me). Have a few OTCs or talk to enough dancers and you'll eventually hear, "some guys just think I'll leave with them on the first visit" or "I don't know that he's not weird or crazy."
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Stripper kissed me on the lips during lap dance
    Well, I've had a couple that have sucked my finger after in her pussy or ass hole, but we weren't kissing. The ones I've kissed, usually just kiss while letting me finger or lick their ear or them mine. Best my recollection, only one stripper have I been able to kiss and do the stuff you mentioned above in one or more settings.