
Help Stripper Move

Avatar for Ch3ll

Here it is 6 AM where I'm at and I'm getting ready for work, get a Facebook msg from a stripper asking if I'm working today because she got kicked out and needs to move her couches and clothes by tomorrow.

I reply yeah I'm going in and do you have a place to move them to.

Haven't heard a response as I type this, but wanted to ask how many would help a stripper move or help a stripper move and you have a truck? I have a truck and I'vee seen she doesn't have much. Also, I could take off if need be, not too much going on at work, plus mini boss is in charge until big boss gets back.


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Avatar for Jascoi

this could be fun with the right stripper.

Avatar for Ch3ll

I'm tempted to help. She has just replied and says she has storage.

Avatar for motownkid

dude my advice - stay at work - this one could end up costing you a ton of cash. Once you jump into it - you end up owning it and all the problems. Just my opinion.. Wait til she gets re-settled somewhere and needs some cash - then you will be in the right place with limited exposure. Just saying...

Avatar for Ch3ll

I hope hes not being sarcastic but JS would help her. Shes cool with me and we've done OTC where I'm sure I could have not gave her anything but did, meaning I gave her what I felt like.

Avatar for jackslash

As a certified public PL, I have helped a stripper move. I don't own a truck, but there is a large U-Haul Center right across the street from the Flight Club.

I'm always available to help a stripper in distress. What could go wrong?

Avatar for Ch3ll

Well backslash I appreciate the direct experience. I've been okayed to take off so I'll be helping her out. I am doing it to truly help her out, but hey the resulting long term benefits may be well.

Avatar for Ch3ll

Well jackslash... I meant.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

From my POV, it's not about helping her out or not helping her out, from my POV it's about getting sucked into her drama - seems she mslay not have her shit together as she is getting kicked out - so it seems her situation is going from bad to worse and guess who she msy keep hitting-up for help, yeap "Mr Helper", "Mr Comes Thru" - I can see you having to take more time off from work to deal w/ her drama (or at least her texting you during working hours w/ her problems).

Some guys can handle the stripper drama (heck some even seem to like it) and most IMO can't.

Seems she's in a tight spot so I guess hard to turn your back on someone that may not have good-options - to me it's not about helping her move but what comes after that b/c she's probably gonna be in need of additional help and it may be non-ending.

Avatar for mufdvr

Done it several times and the payment for helping was amazing!!!!

Avatar for Subraman

This is both an opportunity, and a recipe for black-belt level stripper drama.

Opportunity: negotiate a great return for your help, or depending on the type of person she is, no negotiation required, she will just blow you away with gratitude.

Stripper drama: Everything that can go wrong, will go wrong. She'll have pot in her belongings when you get pulled over. She'll HAVE TO get access to her belongings at 3am, and since we already know you'll be storing her stuff since she doesn't have a place to do so, you're the gatekeeper. You're going to be involved with her A LOT. And we haven't even touched on the fact that she's made a whole series of lifetime bad choices to end up in this situation in the first place, and now you're her go-to savior.

I think for a sane person, the stripper drama negatives overwhelm the opportunistic positives, easy choice. I'd probably help her :) Seriously though, depending on what kind of person she was, I might consider helping her if I were in a life position to handle some ongoing stripper drama, and on the condition that she get some temporary storage -- do NOT store anything of hers at your house, go over your truck with a fine-tooth comb with her when she leaves to make sure nothing of hers is in there when she calls you later to tell you "My Chi straightener is missing! I NEED IT! IS IT IN YOUR TRUCK? CAN I LOOK?".

Avatar for twentyfive

I wouldn't you see the signs in all of the stores you break it you buy it.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

"... she has storage ..."

Somehow I get the feeling you're gonna be paying the storage fee, if not a hotel for a couple of nights, since yiu know you're "doing it to trully help her out" (which is the easiest and fastest way to get sucked into the drama)

Avatar for Ch3ll

I'm gonna take the risk. I'll be joining the club with jackslash and mufdvr and anybody else I missed. I'll foot the bill for some shit within reason, but I'm already determined not to be paying for any hotel stay. I asked was she going to be with her mom and she said yes.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

oh good she told hou - you don't have to worry then :)

Avatar for Clubber

Don't see why she can't handle it alone. Many dancers I've known are excellent movers. Granted, they only move cash from me to themselves. :)

Avatar for Clubber

Seriously, if you felt the need to ask here, that would be a "don't do it", in my book.

Avatar for shadowcat

Best thing I ever did was trade my pick up truck in on a Mustang. :)

Avatar for shailynn

You know if I were you I'd email those mover and packer guys always advertising on here.

Avatar for stripfighter

Sure. I'd ell her to give me her box of panties to take and then drive off :)

But seriously, it would depend on well I know her. For me, if she's asking, she's likely a fave and have established some rapport/trust/ground rules, so I would. YMMV

Avatar for crsm27

I would help her out too.... but need to becareful not to get dragging into too much shit. But helping her move a few things.... and payment could be good.

Go for it

Avatar for motownkid

Just remember - these girls hustle for a living... Her "Mom" is probably a huge out of work drug dealer who abuses women.. he might need help soon too...

Good luck.

Avatar for Imamutt

Moved the ATF 3 times in 8 months. 2 weeks since the last and she is already talking moving again.

Avatar for Clubber

I had forgotten this, but I did help "move" a dancer once. I was sitting at my computer one evening about 1:30-2:00. There was a tap on the window directly in front of me. Once I got my heart started again, I cracked the blinds and saw my son's ex-GF. She had been evicted from living in my home by my son. Anyway, she wanted some things she had forgotten. I let her in to get them. She asked if she could go get them alone. Needless to say, I stayed with her to get the items myself. To be even more cautious, I didn't trust her to not put something in the house that should not be there. She asked me empty a drawer for her. It was full of dancer wear and such. I put it all in a bag along with some other normal underwear of hers from another drawer. Then I escorted her out to her car. She left and I never saw her again.

Avatar for Ch3ll

Good humor Clubber "got my heart started again".

Well, I didn't end up helping her move. As this all began seemed she was open to help whenever as long as it was before 5 PM per what the landlord had gave her as a time to get out.

I went on in to work as I told her I would so I could make sure everything was good at work. As time passed, she seemed to want to back up the time. She said she needed to contact the landlord and her mom. Not sure why she needed to contact landlord. I asked and she didn't say. Her reasoning behind calling mom so she wouldn't have to worry about moving with her two year old in the way. So now she's talking 1 PM. I offered to bring a car seat (I had one) and help move nonetheless. I also told her 1PM would be too late for me and she said she'd see if she could work out something earlier. I told her to get back to me quick, cause it's about 10 AM now, but I never heard back from her.

Soooo, lucky me in not having to help her move. I did message her later that if she still needed help Id could be up he way around 830 PM. Not sure if she's read it yet, but she hadn't as of around 4 PM when I checked. Its 6 PM as I post this.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Good for you, looks like you didn't get a flaky one

Avatar for Clubber


You try that sometime, peacefully sitting at about 2am at your desk snd someone taps on the window 3 feet in front of your nose! Lucky I didn't crap my pants!

Avatar for Ch3ll

Yeah, 2am, my heart would probably skip a beat too!

Avatar for Ch3ll

Yeah, 2am, my heart would probably skip a beat too!

Avatar for Clubber

Plus, I had no idea why she was there. Wasn't a pleasant breakup (drug use involved), ergo my concern with her in our home. She knew I went to clubs, and that was something that was our secret. I saw her dancing in one, Also, I found out she worked with and was "friends" with my ATF. And my ATF knew my son. All kinds of thoughts ran through my head.

Avatar for Ch3ll

Well to end today's story, she did get back to me and said her dad helped her move.

The End for Now.

Avatar for Clubber


Typical stripper drama!

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