
I'm so petty

Tuesday, November 1, 2016 4:41 PM
So a couple of weeks ago I asked this stripper for her number. She was maybe a 7.5, nothing spectacular, but pretty decent. She took my number down, but she didn't give me hers. It wasn't a big deal to me, I wasn't gonna do anything with her number. I wasn't really interested in OTC with her (there are hotter women in LA). I don't know why I asked for her number. Anyways, me being so petty I had to get "revenge". So I'm at the club today. I see her, I give her a hug. She says we should get a drink at the bar, I tell her I just got here, and I'll catch up with her later. There are eight girls working, I tip all of them besides her. I take one of them to VIP. She notices all of this. That bitch will never see a dollar from me again, and I'm gonna keep going to that club showing love to the other girls :)


  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    Fuck her
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    Keep her jelous
  • K
    8 years ago
    "It wasn't a big deal to me,: Obviously it was a big deal or you would not have gone to the trouble of being a bitch to her in the club and then gossiping about it here. You should get a different hobby. This one is not for you if this bothers you at all.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    @K- I'm under no obligation to spend any money on her. I wasn't a bitch to her. I just felt like being petty today. As I said I wasn't gonna do anything with her number, it didn't bother me.
  • JimGassagain
    8 years ago
    If I was to guess she probably had a thigh gap and too small of an ass for you to rate her a 7.5, which brought on you're pettiness? Was this in a black club or mixed? If it was a black club you may have damn well have pissed her off.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    Maybe you should make it rain $30K on each of the other dancers. That would really show her.
  • K
    8 years ago
    No one said you had to spend money on her. its just hard to believe that you want to get revenge (your word) and you post about it here if it didn't bother you. As for being petty, I leave that to the dancers. They are petty enough for all of of us.
  • Ch3ll
    8 years ago
    Yeah we don't owe these dancers shit, but somebody here posted about a stripper stabbing a customer in the club because he refused a lap dance from her. You're getting shit started. I feel you though. As you mentioned, petty. I guess I'm petty somewhat too, but it's usually once I realize they aren't down for OTC, or they start slacking on mileage.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    @K- I put revenge in quotation marks, I wasn't getting revenge, I was just being petty. @Jim-mixed club. Her ass was good enough, her face was only a 7 though.
  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
    I had a similar experience late this summer. I asked a dancer for her number, she refused, but took mine. This usually means "get lost, I'm not interested." About 2 weeks later she did txt me-- completely out of the blue-- and we started talking about setting up something longer term and OTC. But then she asked me to wire money for her kid and I refused. She got pissed and that was the end of that. I would never get petty or upset. You need a thicker skin. What a waste of time.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    Wasn't that shailynn's point acting childish, or am i missing something ?
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    You're not petty, you're just a fucking douche bag.
  • BigPoppa99
    8 years ago
    You are by no means petty. You earned the money. And by no means are you obligated to spend it on her.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    Exactly BigPoppa, it's a business at the end of the day, and us customers have the money. It's the same thing if I text a dancer that I'm coming to the club, and when I get there, she doesn't come over to me immediately. I can make the decision right there to never spend a dime on her again, and I can let her know she fucked up by spending money on all the other girls besides her. It's just part of the game.
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    ^^^ rite
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    Get some big balls
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    Update: I left the club, and she texted me her number. She's a smart girl, she knows there's a lot of money to be made from me.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    Sure she did dick bag. If I were her, I would have been laughing, watching you spend so much money in an attempt to get "revenge." Either this entire thread is made up like all of his other posts or Wait, there is no or, it is complete fiction.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    "Update: I left the club, and she texted me her number. She's a smart girl, she knows there's a lot of money to be made from me." Shut the fuck up. You make a statement on here trying to brag, then everyone rails you for being a douche. Oh wow, all of a sudden you "go" to the club that same night and now the stripper is begging you to spend money on her? Yeah dickbreath - who won that battle, the stripper or you? It's too late anyone, get back to your Algebra homework.
  • Eagle1191
    8 years ago
    You took it so personally it's pathetic, your in a strip club and she is a dancer, this is just you being a little bitch.
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