
Comments by Ch3ll (page 16)

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Cutting an OTC Lose
    @pensionking I like your style. The stripper and I last OTC went down like that. I was at ease gambling until those damn losses just kept climbing and climbing. Not to mention I gave her some money to gamble. I'd like to have it that way for the most part. It's just that I usually venture to the club afterwards so the gambling is behind me and is my business. Also, if I don't have OTC lined up, the gambling is "supposed" to be me funding my SC trip, but as of late I haven't been funding shit. Anyway, this stripper did her own thing so I could've easily covered up any loses/winnings.
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    8 years ago
    Cutting an OTC Lose
    Well I texted her last night saying I had changed my number and keep in touch. She hit me back saying she'd save it. For the short duration of our OTC I'll admit I somewhat felt obligated after our first encounter because I said every two weeks. I did follow through as mentioned but only because I wanted to fuck, not so much feeling obligated. I won't fall into that mindset again.
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    8 years ago
    Cutting an OTC Lose
    @Txtittyfag I just don't understand you. Yes, SJG writes some long, crazy shit sometimes, but I'll agree with his front room referrals. @Dominic I like that quote.
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    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Conflicts among tuscl members
    Some time ago txtittyfag would always respond to my comments saying I was gay.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Stripper Lies (From PLs)
    As far as the strippers go, most I give my burner app phone #. Also, I'll say I stay in a city which is between our two cities (I have to travel 90 minutes to the strip club). And I try to not disclose that I like gambling alot. Other than that I keep it real. With friends, family, and colleagues it remains a mystery. I'll say Im doing something else in that city and because I'm separated I don't have to worry about a spouse concern. There is a close friend I tell all to. He knows when I go and when I fall into some OTC, but he doesn't run his mouth about it to anyone.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    What do strippers do with the cash?
    Plastic surgery
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    L.A. All Day
    OTC: Not al its cracked up to be
    I'll agree that the rush fades some after an OTC and even more if you regular OTC with her. In my limited experience (5 OTCs) the aftermath can come and go quickly. Usually the aftermath, meaning after an OTC, with me at least it has always been about getting more money or becoming more frequent. Being that money is involved and you know it's the basis on which you are meeting, makes the rush fades in my opinion too. You may connect some with the stripper, but it's usually just meaningless sex unless you're in contact via text/phone constantly. As up and down as it is, I still go for it while at the same time I tell myself I'm not going to pay a stripper for OTC anymore.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Has a Stripper ever told you too much information?
    Yep, especially if you take it to a personal level. I can't think of one thing that tops my list, but Ill list a few -struggles with drugs -baby daddy drama -club fees, what they've made, how long they've been there that day -residential issues
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    CF Fail
    This is your CF and you don't get dances? So when you are with her is it OTC? Yeah, it was rude on her part to go off into VIP with another customer, but it seems if you said, "I only have $25 to spend" and you gave it all to her she probably figured it was hers being $25 isn't a single bill.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Orlando is a SC desert -- what are options??
    I'd make the trip to Cocoa Beach. I've been twice, this year and last and enjoyed the visit. At least for me touching, some kissing and fingering if the dancer let's you. Only downside in my opinion there are no floor dances at least when I was there at Lido's and Cheater's.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Telling a dancer no.
    At two of my goto clubs the bouncer checks the dancers upon entry, but at the other I haven't seen done so yet. Respectively Ten's and Curves.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    How to proceed when a Stripper gives you her number (and it's real) ?
    Text her that same night or day and say you had a good time with her and mention something specific between you'll or your visit, but keep the text concise. Then, just know its HIGHLY likely it's just a business move that you got her number in the first place whether she texts back regularly or doesn't. Soooo, if anything remember everything after Then,...
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Are any of you guys getting tired of the clubbing atmospherics ?
    @timothyjames I thought me driving 90 minutes was a stretch. You really have to do it up to go.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Are any of you guys getting tired of the clubbing atmospherics ?
    Yeah, I'm tired of it. What is it that you're looking for though? Really get to know some dancers and you'll find out deep inside tbey want to exit the business, but just can't stick to plan, develop a plan, or whatever problem keeps holding them back. That being said, they've lost creativity that may have developed early on, but now know it really doesn't take that much to woo a guy, or should I say next, next, next guy. Enjoy it for what it is, half naked.or full nude women walking, sitting, dancing at the club. There will come a visit where one suits your fancy and you'll think you've found the most awesome stripper ever.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Lacking a voice of reason to tell me NO
    YOLO like Papi said. You'll have your no moments. They may not last long, but you'll have them. I'm in a similar boat, just blowing money on strippers and gambling. Just make sure you can hit the brakes before it's really too late.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Making the first move
    It's rare, but if she's doing the nose to nose or something else that brings her lips within reach of mine I'll move in to see if she pulls away and if not ill kiss, but no tongue unless the kiss is lasting longer than 2 seconds or so. I have no idea how many dancers I've had dances from but I'd say about 6 initiated the kiss.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    I need some advice please
    Just commenting due to all the larryfisherman threads. I haven't read each post larryfisherman starts lately because they're the hot or not type threads. I do remember when he first joined it was like the strip club world was this mystery that was slowly starting to reveal itself, because each thread he started had to do with the SC world. So, just saying I'll join the side on larryfisherman is real.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Most expensive thing you've bought a stripper
    I usually try to avoid drama especially on a message board, but I believe if Shai is salaried and travels as he does that he probably makes more than Larryfisherman. Just saying...I once was in a job that required a bunch of travel and between salary and per diem (varied greatly due to location) one could easily make over 100k.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Most expensive thing you've bought a stripper
    Despite my recent posts about thinking of getting her a cell phone or help with rent, the most Ive gifted a stripper was about $70 when her, her son, and I went to Cheesecake Factory. He was a early teenager but he didnt order from the kids menu.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Indebted to TUSCL
    Update. All this occurs Sat. - Sun. Sat. I gave the hint to the stripper with rent issue that I might be in town so we should get together. She pretty much said okay and that was it. Later, I text that I am in her town doing this and that. She responded, but we never discussed setting up something to meet. So, I do end up SCing Sat. night and still nothing from the stripper with rent issues. At the SC I visit I end up getting offered OTC from a stripper I've engaged about OTC twice but she never followed through. So we agree to terms, we leave the club, and OTC! Only time will tell, but this OTC girl seems to be a likely repeat. Everything went smooth and was enjoyed. Yeah, some OTC probably could have been setup with stripper with rent issues, but it didn't seem she was angling at it that way. More of a you just help me out. Thanks to all for helping me get my mind right, because in the end I found a new OTC stripper.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    You got some Indian in you? No? Would you like to?
    Stripper feet - To bare or not to bare
    I'm all for the dancer taking off her heels. All too often if they aren't a true professional or cautious those heels will hit you somewhere and I don't prefer that. My first fav which I called my my ATF would always take off her heels on the second stage. Yeah, she'd have some low cut black socks on, but I liked it. And when we did VIP or lap dances she always took them off. Nowadays, if a dancer takes off her heels, I'm like yes!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Indebted to TUSCL
    Yeah you're right Papi. I do want to help and maybe get something in return. The cell phone coming from me I would have (thank goodness I didn't) done and really not expected something in return. Now rent, yes, Im going to want it to be p4p. The more I think about it, I don't know her that well to be loaning rent money.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Indebted to TUSCL
    @Papi, Shai, Subraman, and anybody else I missed Y'all are right. I'm getting too emotionally attached to even consider paying, helping with her rent. I definitely dont feel she's 100℅ with me.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Indebted to TUSCL
    I did hit it once and it was P4P and that was a few weeks ago. So the free cuddling has thrown me off. Some do eventually give in to P4P, because when I first met her it was she didn't get down like that.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Indebted to TUSCL
    The phone idea completely came as my idea, but some things just aren't adding up in her situation so thats why I backed off that matter. So we were just messaging through Facebook, then she gives me a number and we start texting. She calls me from this number the day I go over. I notice a nice smartphone and also some piece of shit (looks like a toy) phone that she texted/called me from. I think the smartphone is her friends, but I'm unsure. So days pass and I see her in the club. She shows me this nice smartphone (appears to be the same one I saw) and said something like I got my phone back. So I'm like why Facebook. She says that's how she communicates with everyone. I try to see if the phone has signal, but couldn't tell. So at this point I decided fuck funding some phone. I can't for the life of me figure out her true phone situation, but hey I use a burner app so I guess I can't be too judgemental.