
a stripper for a workout buddy

My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
I went to see my Megan Fox look-alike at Looker's last Friday. The last time I was there, she -only half-joking- apologized for having a less than great ass. We joked about squats and leg presses which led to a debate about the exercise benefits of doggie vs cowgirl.
This time, she made sure I knew that she had been to the gym. While her ass was fine last time, it was great this weekend. Now, she wants to start working out with me. Not OTC. Not dating. Meeting at the gym, running on the beach, biking on the river. I have a whole bedroom of workout equipment in my house. Treadmill, elliptical, weight bench with with a towers for lat tower and leg raises, pullup bars, and all that. I take my dogs for a run every morning or evening. Not only would it not make sense for me to pay for gym membership, but I just don't have time for it. But she looks like Megan Fox before the plastic surgery, but grinding in my lap. But she's a stripper, and will probably flake out more on gym dates than most do on OTC. A part of me is really tempted to say yes. Anyone have any thoughts?


  • impala
    8 years ago
    Why pay for her to get into better shape so she can make more money and not need you anymore. BTW, tell her sex is an awesome workout.
  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    Tell her you'll be her personal trainer and she can work out in your bedroom every day.
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    She has not asked for me to pay for her membership anywhere, and she talks as if she already has one. However, I suspect that may be one of the other shoes when they begin to drop.
    Two problems with bringing a dancer around the house: 1) I don't want her to know where I live, what I have, where the doors and windows are and how they are latched, where the alarm system is, and that my two big fearsome pit mixes are really just fluffy sweethearts, 2) the wife
  • impala
    8 years ago
    Dude, if you're married under no circumstances take her to your home!!!!!
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    "Hey honey, this is my new workout partner Megan Fox."

    Yeah that'll go over real well! I'd say just stick to giving her workout advice and leave it at that. You can't be seen running on the beach with her either.

    The closest you're going to get to her working out (safely) is if you "bump" into her at the gym.

    Marriage has its benefits as well as cons, and unfortunately this is one of those cons. No strippers in the house!
  • RandomMember
    8 years ago
    I do work out with my SB, @Gamma. Typical date is about an hour of road cycling, followed by showering together and fun in our guest room. Absolutely nothing like that surge of endorphins coursing through your veins before sex. I *am* married and taking a big risk doing this at my place.

    Never mind Megan Fox. In your case, @Gamma, you might consider just going to the gym and having FOX news up there on the monitor while you're working out. Just seeing Bill O'Reilly ranting on would be enough for you to cum in your pants!!!!!
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    Is her ass flabby or flat? If it's flat, the absolute last thing she should be doing is aerobic exercise, running, etc. Strength exercises that work the posterior chain + HIIT is the prescription. I am concerned that proper program-design principles are not being followed

  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    Program design principle... I think kegels should be a mandatory part of all high school and college PE and human health classes for every school- public or private
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    Juice recommends if you want a bigger ass, eating rocky road ice cream and double fried chackin wangs is a good place to start.
  • Ch3ll
    8 years ago
    I would have said go for it before you mentioned "wife". Does your wife not workout or is the gym far away? I assume she may become suspicious if all of a sudden you're going to the gym and you already have a decent amount of equipment for working out. It does sound like a tempting proposition, but I wouldn't do it since there is a wife involved.
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    Tell her you will help her to work out by letting her fuck you for practice!
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
    You can have some fun and be a nice guy at the same time
  • crsm27
    8 years ago
    I have two questions for you....

    1. Does she do either OTC or ITC?
    2. Does your wife know you go clubbing?

    The reason why asking this is because if she has done OTC or ITC with you then I wouldn't venture a fucking thing with her and leave the relationship status quo. Or if your goal is OTC or ITC.... again don't do anything.

    IF your wife knows you club... then not much of a harm here..... unless see above.

    What I am getting at is if you would get a gym membership at this dancers gym isn't that big of deal if you are not looking for anything.... other than someone to work out with.....not fuck. Because you can make it a coincidence that she is also a dancer to your wife if she found out... I know it would be hard to explain. But plausible if you don't make it known u are directly joining that gym because of her....etc. But a slippery slope.

    Now if you were a single guy..... FUCK YEAH get that membership. Then that could lead to OTC for sure and maybe it would be free....ie... civie interaction.
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    No, ITC is very difficult in Ft. Myers, I've only had significant extras once, but it was with two girls so maybe it would be twice?
  • Tiburon
    8 years ago
    What do you consider a "fine ass"?
  • crsm27
    8 years ago
    But never with this dancer?

    Like I said if you don't want extras from her.... no big deal.... if you wife knows u club. it would be like if you worked out with anyone at the gym. But if you want extras or your wife doesn't know u club.... well then I wouldn't do it.

    But it would be nice to see some dancers in work out clothes.... and you would be the topic of everyone in the gym if she is that hot and megan fox look alike.... lol
  • gammanu95
    8 years ago
    No, the wife doesn't know about the clubbing, and she is the jealous type regardless. This is not an extras town, so it doesn't come up often at the clubs. And never with Megan, we hang out and drink and get lap dances, but that's it. Extras only ever happened to me that one time, and it was with a dancer I'd gotten to know fairly well and her friend who wanted to get to know me better. I'll tell you, though, the Megan Fox fantasy has me leaning towards taking her up on it
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    i volunteer. i need a workout buddy and she would do.
  • stripfighter
    8 years ago
    Tell your wife you have a friend who wants to join you in working out. That you're doing it for your health and being healthier and energetic, you'll help out more so around the house. You're doing it for the wife... And when she sees it's your stripper friend take a picture of wifey's face and reaction and make sure to post it here. :)

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