WTF happened?

avatar for poledancer83
Something that often the guys on here talk about is complimenting dancers. Usually on their bodies. I never realized how much I rely on that for confidence until the other night. I had slept all day and got up and got ready for work. I really took time to get hair done. nails were done. make up was good and hair looked amazing. Well at least I thought so lol. My first few stage sets I was really aggressive and doing my thing. I made a whopping 30 dollars in 4 hours. At nights end I was just over a hundred. I realized for the first time that at least for me I need compliments. The money sucked but I could've dealt with that for one night. It happens but my ego was not so easy to please. I mean it was like I was apologizing all night. i'm sorry your watching the game let me get my ass naked body out of the way my deepest apologies. Now luckily this didn't happen the next night and doesn't happen often but just curious are some dancers just not appealing and don't realize it some nights. I would think a naked girl rolling around would get attention regardless if she is your idea of perfect or not. Whats everyone's thoughts?


last comment
avatar for beguiled
9 years ago
Naked chicks are better than sports. Those guys have no balls.
avatar for poledancer83
9 years ago
My thoughts exactly it was one of the weirdest nights ive had
avatar for twentyfive
9 years ago
Naked chicks and sports together that's a great idea ;)
avatar for mrrock
9 years ago
Must have been a weird night. If the rest of you looks as good as the pics you put up recently there's no WAY I could ignore you! One thing for me is shaved legs. Sometimes some girls are lazy and have stubbly legs which is a turn off for me.
avatar for georgmicrodong
9 years ago
Well, *some* naked chicks are better than sports. PD definitely falls into that category, so we must assume that all the PLs present were blind, or perhaps blind drunk. I could no more resist having those delectable little nips in my face, or those gorgeous pussy lips somewhere in the vicinity of my lap, than I could a delectable dark chocolate covered caramel shoved directly into my mouth. Yes, that *is* a compliment. :)
avatar for poledancer83
9 years ago
LOL thanks micro. And I always shave prior to work. That's part of the ritual
avatar for sclvr5005
9 years ago
Usually anyone who needs constant compliments is very insecure. You sound like you have some issues, and looking for constant validation in a place like a stripclub is a tough way to get thru the night.
avatar for warhawks
9 years ago

Almost all of the clubs by me have tvs on with sports being broadcast on them.

I don't notice the tvs all that much unless it's an important game (super bow, playoffs, etc.). The tvs don't seem to distract the guys all that much in the clubs, in my experience.
avatar for poledancer83
9 years ago
And usually they don't. This was just a weird ass night. Even private dances were few and far between.
avatar for gammanu95
9 years ago
I actually will blatantly ignore a dancer to ensure that she does not occupy one moment of my time that could be spent with a dancer that suits my taste. So, not always with the naked chicks trumping all else. I'm sorry to read you had a lousy night, it happens.

Regardless of what others write, everyone sometimes needs a compliment or kind word to make their day.
avatar for georgmicrodong
9 years ago
@poledancer83: "And I always shave prior to work."

*That* particular little detail wouldn't matter to me in the slightest. :) I'm more than a little partial to some texture. My profile pic, in its original size much easier to see, shows my preference in that regard. :)
avatar for Cashman1234
9 years ago
PD - I understand your point. If the money isn't good - it's definitely nice to hear nice compliments.

Based on your photos - you are a gorgeous - and very sexy - girl. You would definitely get my attention - my complete attention - in the club.

However, some guys shy away from complimenting - and looking at some dancers - if they don't plan to get dances from her. I think certain girls might turn up the dance hustle if they think a customer is interested. Sadly - that might be part of the reason for the lack of compliments.

It's a guess - and it's not what I do. I'm happy to tell dancers how great they look.
avatar for Tiredtraveler
9 years ago
I only use the sports on the TV to be able to ignore a dancer I find not attractive or annoying.
For me to want to ignore a dancer does not mean she is ugly but I just may not find her attractive that night or am not yet ready for the full court press. Many times when I go to clubs I may not want immediate action and spend all my money right away. Most dancers do not want to spend their time just sitting with someone unless the club is slow or the client is spending. I am usually willing to buy drinks if they are reasonable is I am just relaxing watching the show and passing a pleasant evening. When a dancer like PD sits with me I am willing to spend money but do not blame her if she rotates for greener pastures if a bigger spender comes along. I am there (like all of us) for the fantasy of having a naked or semi-naked younger pretty woman paying attention to my old person with no strings. I am willing to pay for that attention. In the civilian world there are always strings and most single women my age are looking for a "life partner" (in other words Mrs.) Many younger women who are interested on a 60 something are looking for a meal ticket with our without the Mrs..
I will complement a dancer that looks good if she takes the time to chat but I do not bother with the "Wanna Dance" girls.
avatar for chessmaster
9 years ago
I thought strippers(or women in general for that matter) get showered with compliments non-stop.
avatar for gawker
9 years ago
Every dancer I know has bad nights from time to time. One friend used to average $700 per shift, tells me her average is down to about $500 and had a $135 night recently.
She says she also turned down an offer for 3 times a week with one guy OTC for $3000 per week. She swears that several years ago she declined an offer of $4000 for a BJ. Stronger will ghan I.
avatar for jackslash
9 years ago
I think chance largely determines how well a dancer does on a particular night. But dancers believe they must be unattractive when they don't make money. I just had this conversation with my CF, who was incredibly depressed after having a couple bad nights. She was sure it was because she did not look good.
avatar for whodey
9 years ago
Anytime you are having a rough night at the club just snap a few pics and post them here. You'll be rolling in compliments in no time.
avatar for Estafador
9 years ago
Usually when I compliment them on the little attire I can see, namely their shoes, I got their rapt attention for HOURS. Hell I asked one girl about her extravagant tattoos (gonna ruin you old folks imagination but...she was a WHITE spinner MWAHAHAHAHA) on her back and she literally stopped her pole dance (she was on one of those side poles) and discussed it with me before someone else came over and gave her the attention she deserved...but didn't want.
avatar for Estafador
9 years ago
Not all naked women are hot. You seemed to either have a bad game night or had the type of me, your physique and looks did not match their ideal women. Not every man likes slim and pale, hunny. I know these old dogs here LOVE the painted up spinner but that ain't the entire world. You might get one of those nights where the crowd just isn't "spinner" friendly.
avatar for GACA
9 years ago
^^^^totally agree not all naked women are hot and not all hot women are attractive to all guys. So put it in perspective
avatar for dw.buck
9 years ago
guys - i call BS on some of your posts, the way the NBA playoff games are going into overtime i could easily see dudes watching the screens more than the women. plus when there are many naked ones around - once you see one nude you've seen them all. also for guys to say they go to SC to see pretty girls well there is a reason why most clubs are dark, i have seen some light cum on and it changed my perspective.

i dont go to clubs to see "pretty women" and most guys dont either. most of our eyes dont make it that high up for that long! as long as she has a nice body, mildly attractive we all will compliment. i love to complement even if she is a 2 there is something sexii or nice about her. making them feel special and good may be met with making us feel the same way.

SD83- it prop was a good game on or super wired night- plus you look great always with or without being dolled up!!!!!!!!!!!!
avatar for dw.buck
9 years ago
i meant PD83
avatar for IwillLapAdancer
9 years ago
On an occasional night that I am being ignored by dancers, I figure it must be because I'm ugly to them...then I realize I'm ugly to them all the time anyways, so it just must be something in the bottled water.

Seriously though, I believe on occasion people will have something on their minds and subconsciously project it outwardly. It can make others uncomfortable when they notice something seemingly amiss. I could be wrong, and usually I am, lol.
avatar for flagooner
9 years ago
I agree with dw. I spend quire a bit of time at a show club when I go. If a good game is on I will watch it knowing there is plenty of time to get a good grind on when it is over.
avatar for rockstar666
9 years ago
I tell the pretty one's they're smart, and the smart ones that they're pretty. It works out well for me.
avatar for bvino
9 years ago
I tell the pretty one's they are smart also. I never met a smart stripper so I don't how that would work.
avatar for Cashman1234
9 years ago
dw.buck - I agree. I went off on a bit of a tangent in my post. The NBA playoff action has been excellent - and several games have kept my interest until the very end. Those games could keep most of the club interested in the tv's - and distract from the stage action.

I learned my lesson. I am a NY Knicks fan - and back in 1997 - during game 1 of the Knicks-Heat series - I went to VIP with a dancer - and when I came out - half the Knicks team was in a brawl and facing suspensions.
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