how much to stage tip ?

avatar for Dur_Flush
Is a twenty dollar bill to much or just enough ?


last comment
avatar for dtek
9 years ago
SW and TUSCL members will disagree on the correct answer to this question.
avatar for twentyfive
9 years ago
From SW definitely not enough, you should never tip less than a Franklin preferably five of them at a time.
avatar for motorhead
9 years ago
It depends. Is it a show club?
avatar for Dominic77
9 years ago
Here's a cartoon (with dancer input):…

$2/song is fine starting point. Feel free to debate.
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
Motor has a good point. I'd make it $40 if it's a show club.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
I’d think most SCers tip a couple of bucks ($2 to $5) – in clubs where it’s a seller’s market (i.e. sausage-fest w/ lots of custies and not a huge # of dancers), some pay tip $10 or $20 to try an increase their odds the dancer will choose them and come over to where they’re at – but in general tipping more than $5 IMO is atypical.
avatar for maho
9 years ago
I tip $5 if I'm interested in them stopping by after they are finished on stage. My logic is the $5 will hopefully set me apart from anyone tipping a few $1's, and if she ends up not stopping by for whatever reason I'm only out $5.

If I were at a club that wasn't as nice and/or didn't have as much customer competition, then perhaps I could tip a couple of $1's and be fine as far as getting them to stop by.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
Most SCers tip to let the dancer know they are interested; not necessarily to impress them or wow them with their tip-amount.
avatar for jackslash
9 years ago
I don't give dancers a tip. I give them the whole thing.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
9 years ago
2 bucks random tip. 5 for a favorite that consistently takes care of me. 10 if I want her to come over. I've found if the honey won't come over after 10 she wouldn't have come over for s twenty either.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
LOL jack
avatar for maho
9 years ago
Right Papi - but when a girl is hot and multi customers are tipping, does it help to be the guy who tipped $5, or $1?

Girls have told when receiving multiple tips while on stage, a lot of times they will gravitate first to those who tipped the highest because it tells the girls who is the most serious, and the most willing to spend.

Has nothing to do really with wowing or impressing.
avatar for twentyfive
9 years ago
If it is really busy with a lot of guys stage tipping $2-$5 will be fine because when its busy and crowded the girls often don't remember who gave them how much. if you really want her attention ask her to come see you after she finishes her set and being subtle kind of pull out a thick folded bunch of bills and peel off a few singles and hand them to her face to face she will see the wad and more often than not she will come right over to where you are sitting or standing.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
I make sure they see the tent I’m pitching so they know I’m really interested “in their company”.
avatar for Dur_Flush
9 years ago
$1 just seems disrespectful
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
^ I think this is perhaps a dancer in disguise or dude is lust clueless - but I'm thinking the former (hotstuff?)
avatar for JamesSD
9 years ago
Are strippers in Portland that fat, unattractive and entitled as that cartoon posted in this thread?
avatar for JamesSD
9 years ago
$1 per 2 song set is fine.

You can tip more if you want the dancer to sit with you after.
avatar for MrDeuce
9 years ago
$20 is TOO (not "to") much. At clubs that I frequent, $1-2 is enough.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
^ the grammatical inconsistency makes me think even-more it's a dancer

avatar for DaOnion
9 years ago
Like Papi said, the $1 or $2 stage tip is just a formality to express interest. I think this is adequate.

If you hand it to the dancer and tell her you'd like dances from her when she's available, she realizes she's getting more money from you and you're not just asking her to come sit with you for free.

$5, $10, or $20 stage tips aren't necessary unless the club is really busy and you are hoping to move to the front of the line. Just my 2 cents.
avatar for Dur_Flush
9 years ago
I guess that explains why I always have dancers sitting with me all night
avatar for MrDeuce
9 years ago
Sure it does, and my $1 tips get me all the honeys I can handle at my usual club -- because they know I buy lots of dances.
avatar for shadowcat
9 years ago
I'm not a big stage tipper because at my favorite club I don't need to be but when at other clubs $1 or $2 is usually my limit and I almost always wait for the last song of their rotation. I do this for 2 reasons. First of all, at a lot of clubs the first dance is usually clothed, the second topless and the final one nude. So I wait to see all of the goodies. I also have a theory that a dancer may remember you more if you are the last customer to tip her rather than the first. Of course all bets are off it there is a whale in the house.
avatar for Dominic77
9 years ago
Most of us don't have to tip on stage to get dancers to hang with us. They rather get dances and tips other ways. :)
avatar for Dur_Flush
9 years ago
So, basically I'm over paying and a $5 would suffice
avatar for JamesSD
9 years ago
It depends. If you don't buy dances, that $20 tip does buy some sitting and chatting time. I can remember a recent trip where a guy threw $20 at a dancer on stage and she sat with him snuggled up for a good half hour. If you're not looking for dances, it can be a good investment...

.... but there's no guarantees. I've seen dancers take $5 or $20 and barely give the guy anyou more attention than they do in the usual free sales pitch.
avatar for MrDeuce
9 years ago
No, Durf, you're overpaying and a buck or two would suffice.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
Many of us on-here have hundreds of visits (& often thousands) under our belts - you would be better off taking our advice.

BTW - what area of d country do you club in - it could make a difference if u club in an place like Manhattan for example.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
@ hot:

U *were* ranting about stage-tipping earlier.
avatar for maho
9 years ago
I tip $5 on stage, but only if interested in a dancer stopping by. I don't randomly tip girls just to be nice, and am not all that interested in how much fun other dancers and customers are having.

A lot of this answer probably depends on the type of club - i.e. high end club vs. dive.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
Most of us on here agree w/ tipping if we get the service that we want - some/many of us just don't agree w/ having to tip for something we didn't ask for from someone we're not interested in inferacting w/ - why should a custy spend his hard-earned $$$ on something he does not want - custies should not be put in a position to have to please the dancers or staff (buy the lady a drink?) - let those that are interested in stage dancing tip & those that r not spend their $$$ on what they do like.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
I would only tip a $20 if it was HotStuff on stage
[now let me go clean off that brown spot on my nose]
avatar for Dur_Flush
9 years ago
I live in Kentucky but save up to club in Atlanta and Detroit
avatar for Dur_Flush
9 years ago
I find it hard to tip just a $1. The girls are so beautiful and I'm so undeserving. These ladies treat me well thus it behooves me to bless them.
avatar for Dominic77
9 years ago
The problem with tipping $1/song for me was that was the standard tip in 1995. So the tip should be adjusted for inflation. I tip $3 myself, but I write $2 online because that seems to be most PLs standard stage tip. I tip my barber $1 in 1995 and $4 today so I have a hard time rationalizing a dancer is is worth less of a tip than my barber.

Like papi says I don't tip every dancer since it creates crossed wires (they think it means interest in dances).

If the dancer show interest, attention, and appreciation for the tip stage side, I may too multiple times per song, eventually tapering to ~$20 for 2 songs, which is my cap**. After that she should either be earning tips for front room action or earning dances in the back room. And if she's that much fun interacting on stage let's see if she'll do GFE either table-side or on the LD couches in the back. Since if I'm spending more, I should be GETTING MORE.

**exception one time for a pole dancing queen, whom I would never get dances from, but I made it rain on her with $135 in $5 bills.
avatar for Ugluck75
9 years ago
I would consider $20 total if and only if I wanted private dances from her. Skip the $20 bill though and give her several $1'es and $5'es. If I am only moderately interested then I would give maybe a few $1'es. If I am totally uninterested then $0 and might move away from the stage a bit. Usually I am more of a 2nd row guys anyways and walk up to tip. But depending on the crowd and layout that might not be as easy in some clubs as others.
avatar for IwillLapAdancer
9 years ago
I used to tip a lot for a good stage show, but I realized that the strippers don't really appreciate much. If I tip just a dollar or two per dance, then it really does not matter whether she notices me or not. To tip a twenty and be ignored is just annoying. I have never not been offered a lap dance. If anything, the girls tend to bother me too often whether I stage tip heavily or not. Must be the fact that I have no game, that makes me out to be more the pathetic loser, thus a magnet for gold digging strippers.
avatar for carolynne
9 years ago
How much do u have?
avatar for Cowboy12
9 years ago
I have tipped only $2 and the dancer came to my table, thanked me and even hugged me.
Other dancers I tipped $5 or more and they sometimes don't even stop by to say thanks.
Now I usually just tip the girls that at least look like they are having a good time, and are more outgoing and friendly.
Always tip more than $1 but never more than $ works for me.
avatar for larryfisherman
9 years ago
Juice! Juice! Juice!
avatar for Subraman
9 years ago
In most cases, I give $3-$6 PER SONG. In most clubs I go to, 2 song set gets them $6-$12 tip. Then again, I do NOT sit at the stage often, so normally don't stage tip.

-->"Right Papi - but when a girl is hot and multi customers are tipping, does it help to be the guy who tipped $5, or $1?"

If by "does it help", you mean, will that by itself get you a little attention ... well, sure. Obviously, putting yourself in her shoes -- if everyone at stage is tipping $5 and one guy throws out $20, you'll notice that. On the other hand, I think that's a sucker's game (to borrow from SJG's trademark) to try to buy attention by over-tipping at stage. For me, if I want her attention after she gets off stage, the dollars I put on stage are only there so that she'll have to stop by after her set to scoop up the money and thank me. At which point, I utter the magic incantation, "I'm interested in doing VIPs if you're free, I'm sitting right over there", followed by pointing to where "over there" is. 90% of the time, with a promise of VIP in her head (assuming I really DO want to go VIP with her), she'll pass up Mr $20 Tipper and come straight over to me. THAT is the way to get attention, not by paying for it at stage ... I LOVE stealing the girl right out from under the nose of the idiot who is throwing out $20s.

avatar for 4got2wipe
9 years ago
"I am definitely *not* "DUR_flush, are you shitting me Papi?"

But it would be kind of brilliant if you were Hotstuff69babi! ;)
avatar for Estafador
9 years ago
If you got elephant dollars, then tip her a $20...ONCE. If she doesn't respond to that, then walk away. And now tip the regular dollar per tit or whatever suits your fancy.

OTHERWISE, up to $3 max per stage dance per girl your interested in. She needs to work for them dollars.
avatar for IwillLapAdancer
9 years ago
If you ever find yourself in a dive type club with the stage in the middle of a wrap around bar, then the girls will do a tip walk around the bar. It is in one of these type places that it is good to keep it at a $1 to $3 range per song tip. If you don't tip in a place such as these, then the girls will be calling you Mud for sure.

In a club where you can sit back at a table away from the stage, you don't necessarily have to tip the girl dancing on stage, unless you desire to anyways. Then a $5 or $10 spot for her whole set seems about right. Then again, I have gotten a bit more tight with my tips lately.

That's been my experience anyways.
avatar for flagooner
9 years ago
I asked a questing similar too this a few months ago because I would regularly tip girls on stage sstage a buck or two. Simply to acknowledge their efforts to entertain. I felt obligated since I was in a show club and not a bar. I was basically told that I was being a chump.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
9 years ago
^ being a chump for only tipping a buck or two of for tipping every girl?
avatar for flagooner
9 years ago
Sorry Sorryfor not being clear. For tipping most of the girls. I have cut back on that significantly.
avatar for Dominic77
9 years ago
Sure, tip the dancers. At lease tip them BETTER than the SC staff. The dancers are the reason you are in the SC. Also, be sure to save $$ for dances/VIP, assuming you want an intimate session(s) with your dancers, I know I do.
avatar for ATACdawg
9 years ago
Seabiscuit to win in the ninth race!!!!!
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