
True Love

layin low but staying high

In the moment before I ejaculate I almost always feel a deep and passionate love for the woman I'm in. This overwhelming feeling of love is particularly strong if I'm fucking her pussy bareback

But within ten seconds of the last spasm this feeling is completely gone. Except for the DS. This feeling for her lingers longer. But for everyone else it goes from 100 to 0 on the intensity scale in a matter of seconds.

So I'm wondering is this feeling true love? In other words, can you feel this same feeling for a woman when you're not fucking her? Does this feeling only happen in an orgasm? Or is true love something totally different? Could true love just be bullshit made up by Hallmark?

I bet SJG read something on the internet that answers these questions.


  • rh48hr
    9 years ago
    In a moment of passion, there is not true love. It's a feeling of euphoria from the fact you're about to cum. True unconditional love is when no matter what a person does you will love then to the end.
    I only have true love for my parents, grandparents, sister, her son and my kids. You also know true love because it's reciprocated.

    I've loved ex girlfriends and my ex-wife and I thought I had true love for my ex-wife. There was a time I would have died so she could live. Eventually I was not willing to deal with how she treated me and she no longer loved me. True love lasts a lifetime not a moment in time.
  • gawker
    9 years ago
    "Everyone loves you when they are about to cum." - Madonna
  • s88
    9 years ago
    @rh48hr dito

    After you cum, do you still want her lying on you? Do you still want to DFK her? Do you look more at her tits or her eyes? Do you want to hear her talk to you? Do you think of her at your day job or do you think of your hot coworker at your day job? Would you meet her even though you jerked off right before meeting her and wont get hard? Does the hair rise on your arms when you think of her? Do you want to spend time with her that isn't in the motel room with you? a theme park or movie with your arm around her? Do you open your eyes for a quick peek while kissing even though you know you shouldnt? If she is a civie and you are in a concrete jungle city, without saying a word, and just eye contact, do you just push her to the nearest building wall corner and make out on the concrete jungle street for, fuck I dont remember how many minutes? Only later do you discuss what happened on that street corner.

    IME hookers and strippers all have a no kissing policy and condom policy. They wont cross the line between customer and love. Love means not giving a fuck about condoms and pill, if you have a kid with her you dont give a fuck because you want her forever with you. With my ex, a couple seconds of DFK every time we meet in public was requirement with hugging (really discretely grabbing her tits). You want something from her, that she can't reserve for anyone else. You want to be in her head, so she will go jump off the bridge without you, you also want her in your head so you will jump off the bridge without her. At your job you can't stop thinking till the next time you see her regardless if your are horny. You and her both text each other in the morning and you both agree to skip work not giving a fuck, because 9 hours apart is too long, then goto a motel, then for lunch, then a movie theater (motel twice in 1 day is expensive). Love is dangerous, it leads to suicide attempts, psych ward trips and jail. How do men deal with it I never figured out.

    Be careful dont let a stripper take advantage of you when it is one way love or infatuation. You don't want to be staring at the water contemplating suicide from a suspension bridge over a girl. If you choose to jump, make sure the is concrete below you, not water, for maximum death (dont ask how I know). SCs are great way to get a new obsession and stop thinking of your last obsession. At the last SC I visited, in the bathroom there was a guy saying "Im shooting a video for worldstar, remember we aren't together anymore" lmao. Keeping looking at the future, dont look back. You can never repeat the memories of the past, only create new ones that are greater than anything before. Dont let what ifs eat you inside, they will destroy you. Just think of stripper you haven't met yet.
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    I don't know what true love is but I know the definition of eternity. An eternity is the length of time between when you cum and she leaves.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    25, so if you don't want her to leave afterwards, is that true love?
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    It's long been known that repeated raw sex with the same woman engenders at least some affection in men for that woman. The difference between raw and covered is statistically significant.

    It's the way men's brains are wired, John, so yes, it could be the beginnings of true "love," whatever chemical/spiritual underpinnings apply.
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    It might be John or maybe its an infatuation.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    That's how it works John.

  • vincemichaels
    9 years ago
    If it's a dancer, I could care less.
  • sclvr5005
    9 years ago
    @JS69-With the types of things you post and the frequency in which you post them, I am seriously beginning to think that you are a 14 y.o. troll.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago

    Funny, but not really true.

    JS69 is just another middle aged survivor of that torture chamber known as marriage.

    He's lucky that the chemical enhancers are even effective.

    With time though he should be finding that these are unnecessary and I'm sure he'll be sounding different.


    Deep Purple, Fireball
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    sclvr, since you don't like my posts, there's an easy solution to that. But at least I try to create and post interesting discussion topics whether I succeed or not. That's a lot more than you do.
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    Too bad she doesn't love you.
  • Bavarian
    9 years ago
    I thinks only John has the balls to admit he loves a stripper. Most would just say I'm in lust with a stripper to avoid being mocked.

    Sadly, 99.9% of all stripper/customer relationships are one sided.

    Women also become attached to a man who cums inside them and gives them orgasms. I'm surprised the DS is not attached to John by now.
  • larryfisherman
    9 years ago
    Quite simply, right after you cum, if you want the bitch to leave, then it ain't true love.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    No Bavarian, I've always made it clear that I always treat all women as civilians, and in all situations.

    JohnSmith still has quite a ways to go.

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