
Stirred shit and had to leave lets continue the political talk now that im back

I had to log off shortly after my post the other day so to reply since it seemed like a fun discussion. First off women's rights. Abortions are generally not an easy thing for a women to do. Now don't get me wrong there are some that just don't care and have abortions all the time. From the emotional aspect mothers form bonds with there child in the womb so most often it is a hard emotional step to get over to have one. Also the health factors are extremely high. My point is that while a father may want to be involved in there unborn child's life and it does suck that they don't have some say so it should be the women's choice because its her body. I have seen so many men that love you as long as your a hole to use but the minute it comes time to have to pay bills or step up and be a father they split. No money no help nothing. If a mother recognizes that she cant take care of her baby either with time or money then what's the better solution bringing it into a life of poverty or being shipped around from one foster house to another. Does this screw over good guys yeah honestly it does. Here's another thought what about the drug addicted mother. Good guy has a child with her and wants the baby. mom is irresponsible and has a seriously deformed baby. This requires more money and time from a presumably single father. im not a fan of more government being involved but instead when government gets involved make it better not worse. Right now the only options for a regular person is not work and have the government give you everything for free. Work a minimum wage job and not be able to make it. or get lucky and find a way to get major rich. I think its a little messed up that a basketball player makes more then a doctor that saves lives daily. I also think is messed up that the guy picking up the trash or fixing the roads bring home in two weeks what I can in a night or two and my only skill set is dancing and giving no fucks about getting naked. As far as government giving us things like houses transportation etc. I think they should at least help when there spending a shit ton of money to send to other countries for nothing. Now someone mentioned about having strip clubs close to schools and it seemed as if it was degrading what I do. I don't think they should be close to schools however im sick of people acting like we should be ashamed or keep in secrecy what we do. I mean look at it now most girls who dance do it in towns far away so no one knows. We are treated like puppets who come out at night dance and are supposed to go straight home and not let anyone find out. I think this is a government issue as well. We are being told to be afraid of sex or nudity. Look at the clubs now no booze if shes naked. No contact lap dances. Higher taxes on adult businesses. So while I in no means think we should have schools and strip joints close to one another I think we need to stop being afraid of sex as adult people. Anyway that's my story again lol. Still love you horny bastards and im tired from work but I wanna stay up a bit and see how this goes. :)


  • Bavarian
    9 years ago
    Dang, girl. I just see a wall of text :-)
  • poledancer83
    9 years ago
    Sorry bored and fired up lol
  • chessmaster
    9 years ago
    They say the top 1% owns 90% of the wealth or something like that. Kinda fucked up.
  • jestrite50
    9 years ago
    Is this a discussion or an article ? LOL !! Too much here for my brain to digest. I agree with some and disagree with others. I do want to say though that adoption is a better choice. There are people that can't have kids that will PAY YOU to carry that child to term for them. I know a gal that was paid like 35,000. This is probably an exception but there are people who want kids bad enough to pay. Just sayin !
  • poledancer83
    9 years ago
    lol yeah when I get tired I tend to go off on a long rant lol Sorry about that. Adoption is a good choice but I think it would work better if it was prearrainged like that but not in an accidental pregnancy but I could be wrong.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    I agree this country acts too afraid of sex. Some seem to shun anything sexual as if that is a crime against God and country or something. It is not. Well if you are doing it against the other person's wishes it is but otherwise you are carrying out the command to spread and multiply. I can't even visit Hooters if I'm on company business because the company

    considers the business to be sexually oriented and they have a strict policy against anything sexually oriented on company expenses. They can do that with their money but it falls in line with the statement that this country feels ashamed of anything sexually oriented.
  • poledancer83
    9 years ago
    exactly I mean no one forces you to come into a club. No one forces me to work there. and in all honestly with the alcohol and no nudity in some places its hard for me to understand the reasoning. I should be allowed to have a drink and also be fully nude in that type of environment. And you as a customer should be allowed the same options. Its not church its not family friendly. I am not ashamed so why should the governments add more rules to outlaw it. Its sex and most people find it fun lol
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Ask a parent if they won't let their kids see a movie where someone got shot in it or got in a fight. That is violence. Most will say, it doesn't concern them that much or they will let their kids watch the movie. Now ask them if they can see a movie with naked tits. Oh, can't have that, kids can't handle that. We have to restrict that. The kids might want to see more. Some will even say we need to protect kids from such horrible things as tits and nudity and sex. We let them see someone get beat up or shot and or get even but when it comes to anything sexual, kids have to be protected. I find it all hypocritical.
  • Clubber
    9 years ago
    You know what the difference is, in a nutshell, AGE, plain and simple. Most here were raised in a very different time then I was. My values are based on those of my parents. Luckily, the wife and I seem to have done a pretty good job of passing them on to our children.
  • poledancer83
    9 years ago
    So clubber and I am not trying to call you out but you go to strip clubs and chat on a strip club sight. You look at the pictures I post and I believe have even made comments but when someone tries to speak out and say that the religious morals stuff is sometimes to much you hide behind how you were raised. I am not saying your a good or bad person and im not saying that some morals are good to have and I do believe things like protecting children is important. At the same time morals aren't high in this business. Most of us drink heavily. Some to most are on drugs or have been at some point. I can assure you that in all of my jobs dancing they never once asked about my morals. In fact I got the don't get caught fucking for money or doing drugs here cause we can fire you speech. So not only did they not care about morals they assumed mine were low.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    Just an FYI but I do believe in protecting kids to only expose them to what the parents think they can handle. I think we expose kids to too much violence and worry too much about kids seeing titties or nudity. We were all born naked. I assume I was a lot more restricted even as a teenager than most are now. That was way overdone in my case. Parents are afraid of kids having sex and creating baby problems before they leave the house so they restrict the hell out of their kids or they used to and I had no personal phone or Internet as a kid.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    Since childbirth is WAY more dangerous than an abortion, any laws pretending that limiting abortion for woman's safety is a sham.

    Also, since conservatives want to see as few abortions as possible (as do liberals like me), why don't conservatives want to double the money for Planned Parenthood, since most of what they do is provide birth control to people who otherwise couldn't afford it? More money to PP would mean less abortions.
  • ATACdawg
    9 years ago
    As a Christian, I obviously want to see life protected. However, I also believe that if we are going to put limits on abortion, we have to be equally ready to deal with the consequences, like childcare for single mothers to enable them to work, like real pursuit of fathers, and like serious aid to mothers. Of course, much of, even most of the religious right views pregnancy as God's righteous punishment for bad behavior and are all too willing to self-righteously congratulate themselves for saving the baby's life with no thought to the quality of that life.

    In the final estimate, it is the mother who is most affected, and the decision to abort or not should be hers, hopefully in concert with the father.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    "So many men love you as long as your a hole to use but the minute it comes time to pay bills ...they split."

    Pd, you are hanging around too many worthless stripper boyfriends. Every time I love a stripper who gives me one of her holes to use, I always end up paying some of her bills.

    But seriously I'm not a feminist, and I'm about as far from liberal on most issues as you can get, but I agree that the woman should choose. Unless the guy wants to carry the baby in his body.
  • jestrite50
    9 years ago
    I have paid bills for dancers that I've never used their holes. LOL !!! Just cause I'm a nice guy LOL !!!
  • s88
    9 years ago
    Banning abortion is needed to depress the value of proles to slaves. You want your heffers to spit out as many calfs as possible. The heffer has no choice, they are your property. The bourgeois needs endless cannon fodder to play their ego war games. When the chicken stops producing eggs, it gets killed.
  • ilbbaicnl
    9 years ago
    PD is somebody stage tipping you with ritalins? If so, pace yourself, m'ok?
  • flagooner
    9 years ago
    WARNING. This posting is going to go all over the map.

    While I don't agree with abortion as an option I think should be even considered in most instances and especially not as a preferred birth control option, I also don't feel right in imposing my belief on others.

    "My point is that while a father may want to be involved in there unborn child's life... "

    First time I've seen a pro choice argument that admits it is an unborn child and not just some inanimate object or tissue.

    I am pro choice in one respect, if a woman wants to have sex with me I support that choice.

    We all have choices but we also pay consequences for those choices. This is an extreme example, but if a woman chooses to have sex, there are consequences and ways other than abortion to handle it.
  • MrDeuce
    9 years ago
    TL;DR. Use paragraphs, please.
  • Clubber
    9 years ago

    We all have our darkside, don't you think?
  • ilbbaicnl
    9 years ago
    If someone lacks the higher brainwaves that indicate that they are above a vegetative state, the law allows for them to be disconnected from a respirator and for their organs to be taken for transplant. They are legally dead. Those higher brainwaves don't show up in a fetus until after the 6th month of pregnancy. Therefore, it's consistent with the legal, scientific definition of what a living human is to allow elective abortion in the first 6 months of pregnancy.
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