
Comments by footballguy (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Taking a phone call in VIP
    I'm confused, you said she started giving you a BBBJ when you were on the phone to get the little heads attention but once you were off the phone she put a condom on you? What's the point of covering if she already started giving you BBBJ? Mid as well finish bareback.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New York
    ITC, VIP room, Plan B, BBFS, CIP
    Haven't done it ITC but have with my ATF OTC (without the plan B). I had fucked her once in the VIP with a condom. I saw her a week later for our first OTC (I had been seeing ITC for a couple months). She gave me a BBbJ which I had from her one other time. She climbed on top of me and I was expecting her to ask if I had a condom (which I did) but next thing I know she just sticks my dick right in and starts fucking. At that point I wasn't even thinking of the STD risk, before I came is asked if she was on birth control and when she said yes I came inside her. Fucked her a few other times bareback but mostly with a condom. Never got an std and she never got pregnant. One other time I was in the VIP with a different dancer. This dancer gave BBBJ to anyone. Numerous times in the lap dance room she gave me HJ (not normal for lap dance room) and gave my dick an occasional lick. I took her to VIP once to fuck her. She started giving me a BJ and then I said I had a condom and asked if we could have sex. I'm convinced if I hadn't taken the condom out she would have fucked me bareback. Definitely didn't wanna do that with her as every time I saw her at the club she would take probably 3 to 4 different guys to the VIP wilhile I was there over the course of a couple hours.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    In a brilliant place!
    Semi-OT: Favorite Recent Pornstar? Or just an interesting recent pornstar!
    4got2wipe is talking about pornstars that started within the last 3-4 years, a lot of the porn stars listed above started well before 2013. As for me, I loved Karmen Karma once she got her boob job, but she's been retired for the last year or two. I also really like Lexi Luna, she hasn't done a lot of scenes yet but I like what she's done so far. Anna Bell Peaks is also really good, I don't normally like that many tattoos but she has phenominal tits.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    The one that got away...
    Wow, someone's really digging through the old posts, nothing like reviving a thread that's 7 years old.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Groping at a strip club is illegal. Who knew?
    Since we don't know the details it's tough to know what happened. It just says an employee, so maybe touched a waitress. Or maybe he groped a dancer and the first time or two she told him to stop but then he continued to do it.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    OT: For those of you in Twitter
    @Hugh There are uncensored topless pics of her on her twitter, so I thinks she's referring full nude as in she'll show a pic with her uncensored pussy.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Older than dirt
    Ho Hum
    @papi You didn't hear? Someone set off the fire alarm at 2am this morning at the hotel the stealers were staying at. The guy that did it wasn't even staying st the hote, he just walked in and did it. Did the Patriots send someone to do that? Doubtful l but you never know. They've cheated twice so why not a third time? But it was probably just some crazy fan.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    OT: For those of you in Twitter
    I agree that her face isn't anything great. It's a little above average but the rest of her body makes up for it.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Arrest Me!!!!
    I'd insist I had contraband on me so she would have to frisk me.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Jacking off on a dancer in the champaion room
    I've done this a few times. There's a few dancers I did a VIP with and they gave me a HJ but weren't able to get me off, so after a few minutes and our time was close to ending they told me to go ahead and suggested I finish myself. So I took over as they either sat on the couch next t me and masturbated themsef or put their tits in my mouth. Obviously I prefer for the dancer to make me cum, either by LDK, HJ, BJ or FS. But there's some dancers that will only do a HJ and aren't incredibly skilled at it, so the next best thing is to jerk myself off while they sit next to me completely nude as they watch me masturbate.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Sports Stadiums Funding
    Just seems crazy to me that some of these NFL teams want to use a lot of tax dollars to pay for a stadium that only gets used 10-13 games a year (2 pre season, 8 regular season and up to 3 playoff games).
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Hottest stripper you've come across
    Another incredible story by Gawker, the man truly is a legend. I think founder needs to create a TUSCL Hall of Fame so the best of the best posters can be honored. Gawker is definitely a first ballot hall of gamer, I'd also include John Smith since he's managed to get three DS's, and LDK since he has perfected the LDK.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    You got some Indian in you? No? Would you like to?
    Grey/silver hair...not blond, brunette or red.
    I've never seen it on a stripper but this is definitely a new trend I don't care for it.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Old timers and tats
    Before I started clubbing I was kind of indifferent about tattoos on women, now I find them very sexy if they are in the right spot. I love tattoos in some combination on her hip, writing on her rib cage (either vertically along the ribs or parallel to the underside of a boob, the small of her back, a small tattoo on a tit, even a back shoulder. I occasionally doesn't mind sleeve tattoos as long as the rest of her body isn't covered in them. Tattoos I don't like and are an instant turnoff: face/neck, calf, forearm, thigh and what I dislike the most is the big tattoos some dancers get on their chest above their tits. I agree with the original poster, a girl with tattoos sends a message that she's a bad fir or kind of slutty, makes me think she's great at sex and doesn't hold back. I also love it when I'm somewhere in public and I see a girl with part of a tattoo on her abdomen or hip visible.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Ever have a stripper move in with you temporarily?
    Gawker has had his ATF stay him on at least one occasion and it didn't go well. I can't remember the specifics but I know there were issues with her using drugs and some of his house getting messed up.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    How long do you talk before you get a dance? (Trigger warning: SW content)
    im kind of a shy guy until I know someone a little better so usually when it's a dancer I haven't met before it's usually just pretty brief small talk (introduction, how her day is going, etc) and then at that point they usually ask if I want a dance or I ask for a dance. But if she's better at carrying a conversation for a bit then I'll talk a little longer. I usually only visited with a dancer for more than a few minutes before getting dances if it was one of my favorites. Back when I saw my ATF in the club we would usually sit and drink/talk for an hour and then go several dances, come back out and talk for another hour and then do an hour VIP.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    OT: porn star tells all
    Forgot the link, here it is https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCpHZ2Zja5MDrAv1L577Z-TQ
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New York
    ask about mileage/extras b4 the dance? reasking later after a no to mileage/extr
    @wallanon That's what I thought but I dibt thinks that's what did it. The bouncer showed up seconds after I started doing that. He had to have started walking over before I did that cause he was sitting at the other end of the club. Only other thing I can think of is they don't even allow you to touch a dancers ass cause I wasn't very subtle about that.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Sealing the deal
    You've been friend-zoned.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New York
    ask about mileage/extras b4 the dance? reasking later after a no to mileage/extr
    Just to follow up on my post from a few hours ago, I went to the club today so the the dancer. I started off feeing up her ass again like I did last time. A song into our dances (paid for 4 in advance, requirement to pay in advance) she started rubbing her tits on my bare chest. I realized that would be a good time to slowly move my hand closer. I was able to touch one of her tits and she didn't object. My next set was to squeeze them a little while still being discreet. She got on her knees and started titty fucking me over my pants, i used that opportunity to grab both her tits. Again she didn't object, so I started thinking maybe this was a two way contact club with the right dancer. She got back on top of me but then a few seconds later the bouncer came over (he must have been watching the camera from the other side of the club) and politely told me to watch my hands. I though I was being discreet, not sure how he was able to tel on the camera what I was doing. Oh well, I gave it a shot. Still can't figure out how I was able to touch the other dancer and the bouncer didn't see it.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New York
    ask about mileage/extras b4 the dance? reasking later after a no to mileage/extr
    It's kind of a weird layout at the club I mentioned. The regular lap dance area is called the Champgaigne Lounge and has probably 10 leather chairs lined up next to each other with a divider in between each one. There's a wall behind al the chairs with a walkway down the middle that leads into the room and then a walkway along the front of the chairs. Then there's a long mirror that runs across the length of the chairs that you look into as you sit. This is the room where I've gotten most of the dances and touched the dancers ass. There are cameras visible and other people a couple chairs down can kind of see what you're doing cause of the mirror. Then there's a separate smaller room in a different part of the club. It's not called anything but when I agreed to get dances from the dancer that allowed me to touch her tits she took me into this room. It's a little darker but still has a camera. There's a couple couches (no divider) but no one else was in there with us. Is we walked in we went to the right a little bit then sat down. When we sat the doorway was on the wall in front of us but we were to the left of it so anyone that walked by wouldn't be able to see us unless they walked in. It was in this room that she put my hands on my tits, flashed her pussy (topless only club) and kissed me. I just paid for regular lap dances so I'm not sure why we were in this other room. I've only seen this dancer and one other dancer use this room. The next time I saw the dancer whose ass I touched (and want to touch her tits) I asked her what the difference was between the rooms but she really didn't give me an answer.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New York
    ask about mileage/extras b4 the dance? reasking later after a no to mileage/extr
    What would everyone estimate the percentage of dancers st no touch (but one way contact from the dancer, including grinding) clubs eventually allows her tits to be touched? I've been a somewhat regular at w club like this and my mileage has gotten a little better with anparticular dancer. As far as I know it's a no touch club (although there's hardly any reviews over the past couple years). There are cameras (not sure if they work) but no bouncer by the LD booths. I had one dancer say no touching other than her hips and the other dancers haven't said anything. I had been seeing one dancer a few different times, after that I put my hands on her hips and then gradually moved them to her ass. She had no problem with me squeezing her ass. I was very tempted to move my hands up near her tits but I didn't want to do something I wasn't allowed to. At this same club there was a different dancer that encouraged me to squeeze her tits all I wanted in a different lap dance room but I have no interest in getting more dances from her. So I'm trying to figure out if touching if touching is allowed or if that one dancer was the exception. Next time I see the other dancer I think I'll just ask if I can touch her tits.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    feature dancers
    How do the lap dances from pornstars usually work at the various clubs? Do you have to approach the porn star and ask for a lap dance or does the DJ make an announcement and then everyone gets in line that wants a dance? Seems like there wouldn't be enough time for her to actually like a regular dancer would by sitting and talking with customers before giving each lap dance. Just seems like the porn star would constantly have people around her which would make it hard to get a lap dance. Also how is the mileage? I'd imagine it varies but are most of the dancers ok with two way contact? What about one way contact clubs, are the lorn stars able to allow the customers to touch them more?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    New reality show follows strippers as they lift lid on glamour industry
    So is this going to show any of the strippers doing OTC?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Heart shaped areolas?
    Today I randomly remember this post I made a few months ago so I googled heart shaped nipples and read an article about it. Aparently this isn't as uncommon as you would think. It costs about $700 and is a quick procedure. Basically the Dr tattoos the Aereola to make it darker and hangs the shape. It will last for a couple years but gradually fades but it can't be retouched for only a couple hundred. I would like to see a dancer with heart shaped nipples sometime but I'm guessing most guys would be turned off by this. I prefer normal nipples but this is stil sexy since it's different and is an indicator that the girl is very sexual. Kind of like getting pierced nipples or a tattoo on her tits. I also saw another article that implant size is decreasing, C cup are now more common than DD. Some women also are getting their aereolas tattooed just to make them more symmetrical or more round or darker.