Old timers and tats

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Tats have often been discussed on here - most of us don't care for them especially the older guys.
I was a teen in the 1980s and tats back then were not as popular and were mostly associated w/ either criminals or service-men.
I traditionally have not been into tats but they are not a deal-breaker for me - but these days I am kinda warming up to some of them if they look sexy vs thug (in terms of women).
These days a stripper w/ some sexy tats kinda turns me on not b/c I like the tats or the artwork itself but they give me the impression of her being a bit of a bad-girl and that is what I like.
I still don't like big tats such as sleeves or in certain areas like the back of the calf which I think look hideous and kinda low-life(ish) - but a small sexy tat on a boob; thigh; lower-back; can look sexy and make her look naughty/bad-girl(ish).
Has your tats viewpoint evolved at all?
Meanwhile, so many girls have tats at the clubs I go to, that the few girls who don't (1 in 10? 1 in 20? there's often shifts where every girl has at least a small tat) have become a bit of a fetish unto themselves for me! In my real life, I only date women without tats, so not something I think about; but in the strip club, it's so rare, that it actually attracts me. Perhaps it's the opposite of the "bad girl" vibe -- perhaps unfairly, I think of it as a possible indicator that she has a better upbringing, a more refined sense of aesthetics, or at least better judgement. That's attractive.
Tats make women look less feminine, which is why I don't like them.
But honestly, tats only bother me when they're big or excessive. A woman with a small tat or 3 tats on her body isn't going to stop me from being interested in her.
My fav only has one-- a small one near her breast and I kinda like it :-)
I think belly piercings are sexy though. (But not eyebrow or lip piercings).
My wife has none either.
My "girlfriend" has 3, one is rather large around her ankle/foot area. She claims to greatly regret getting them and says she plans to get the large one removed.
Now remember the thread about girls being "hot" the other day. I described my ATF which has several small tats and a tramp stamp. Those tats and how she wore her hair and did her make up were the exact reasons that she could never look classy no matter what she was weary. Hot? Yes but classy, no and part of that had to do with that tats.
I kinda like the thigh tattoo and the lower back one, but that's it.
I like the female body in its purest form, and I think anything that takes away from the natural look is an unwanted distraction. For me, that also includes piercings. I like a girl with a little makeup and maybe pierced ears, but beyond that, I prefer to see women unadorned. I don't even like tan lines (though I know that can be a turn-on for some).
I *will* say that I have seen some really well-done tattoos -- real works of art -- but for the most part, I see dancers with tattoos that are so ugly, or so poorly done, or so freakin' extensive that I just shake my head. I don't like it when dancers show up with green hair or one side of their head shaved, either, but that's temporary. When I see a guy's name tattooed on a girl's body, I'll bet nine times out of ten that it is -- or will become -- a point of regret. And it certainly does nothing for me. To each his own, I guess.
And now that you've finished reading my curmudgeonly rant, you can check out my anti-social media site called GetOffMyLawn-dot-Now. :-)
I grew up in the 70's and 80's and I like to think I evolve with the times and don't try to hold on to old-fashioned attitudes just for the sake of it.
This discussion is about OLD TIMERS with tattoos... hmmmmm.... this is twisted. I have never seen anyone with a fettish for old men with wrinkled skin. The fettish is really bazaar when larry thinks old wrinkled man skin is beautiful.
Same here, I was never a fan of tats but I had an ongoing fuck buddy affair with a hottie that had several tats and her cuteness and hotness made me overlook them. Now when I see a tatted chick it's somewhat of a turn on if I think of the one I was screwing.
Come to think of it, she was probably the only one in the club that didn't have any when she was working, and it was probably the largest club around.
In fact, I've gone the other way and gone full retard on some adornments. Girls with septum piercings, no matter how beautiful, get an instant pass. I COULD ask the girls to just flip the piercing up so I don't see it, and most would comply, but really, fuck you, what kind of person gets that kind of piercing? That's a "fuck you" piercing if ever I saw one. I felt this way even when I was younger, but now even more so. And if you don't like it, you can get off my lawn :)
And yes, it's quite clear that they're not doing it for us, they're doing it for themselves, and they don't care what we think about it. Which, as you point out, is absolutely their prerogative ... they just need to put on their big-girl g-strings and take responsibility for the inevitable outcome, rather than whining about customer reactions.
Often the hiring managers are UMC or UC (as well as older) and it is all in their heads, preconceptions and all. So I don't get tats (at least not yet) as a result so I don't self limit my career.
See threads like this along with the strong negative responses to tats just reassures me that I was, and still am, right about that.
By the way there is a girl at the pink pony on day shift that doesn't have a single tat.
From a purely practical standpoint, it just gets in the way if they want to transition out of dancing into something mainstream later in life. For a young dancer interested in rebelling and expressing her individuality, she's better off dying her hair purple and orange; at least she can change her mind she finally grows up.
Tattoos I don't like and are an instant turnoff: face/neck, calf, forearm, thigh and what I dislike the most is the big tattoos some dancers get on their chest above their tits.
I agree with the original poster, a girl with tattoos sends a message that she's a bad fir or kind of slutty, makes me think she's great at sex and doesn't hold back.
I also love it when I'm somewhere in public and I see a girl with part of a tattoo on her abdomen or hip visible.