
Comments by bkkruined (page 19)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    just looking for a little human contact along the way
    Porn works better than before
    I've used the "silk" browser on Amazon's fire stick to load shit on xvideos before. Those fire sticks also let you use that browser to sign into hotel wifi portals, unlike some of the similar devices.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Stock Market
    Big institutions, the kind that manage state retirement funds, with trading floors... They're all working from home. I'm sure we've all seen movies of analysts and traders all squished into desks around the floor of some high rise tower, yelling at each other in some large open room.... They aren't there today, for sure, they are working, but from home. All their communications is virtual, and communication with customers is still required to me recorded, so they still have to use company email, IM, phone... (can't just call a customer on a personal cell phone, violates SEC regulations requiring records of the conversation). So, if this gives you hint's how all their activity and behavior might be different and how I might be able to take advantage, let me know...
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    ^^ The flu's pretty bad, considering 70% of people in the US get vaccinated every year and it still kills 20k. Imagine how many the flu would kill without a vaccine? (I guess we'll have a much better idea in 2021 now won't we?)
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    5 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    @Papi_Chulo - They are finding false negatives to be a problem. I've read some guessing China had as much as 50% false negatives, and a different source estimate 30% in the US. The swab has to get pushed like way the hell up your nose until it pushing your eyeball out (or feels like that, I hear) and that, in itself, is a problem for most of the testers to get it that far up most of the tested. And even then there is a chance you you might just not collect enough cells to get some with whatever it is they are testing a chemical reaction to. Considering that in most area of the country, people aren't getting tested unless they show symptoms and seek out testing or medical assistance. And you have to be tested for the flu first? (I wonder, if your flu test is positive, I'm sure you can be infected by both!!!) https://www.wsj.com/articles/questions-about-accuracy-of-coronavirus-tests-sow-worry-11585836001
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    In the wind
    I've always hated Joe Buck.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Automobile insurance.
    Also, on empty streets... There are fewer accidents, for sure. But, without the gridlock to slow everyone down, excessive speed with make what accidents there are more severe.
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    5 years ago
    My bold Corona vaccine prediction
    Someone in Seattle is already testing a vaccine on humans. But, they are only testing to make sure it's not harmful. They are not testing if it's effective. To test if it's effective, you have to expose the test subject to the virus AND have a control, vaccinated subject with the SAME EXPOSURE. Now, who the fuck is going to do that? Well, they use mice. Problem is, that there standard laboratory mice are IMMUNE!!! They can't infect a control group, or tell if the vaccination fails. So, someone found cryogenically frozen genetically modified sperm from someone trying to solve this problem during the SARS outbreak. And then did the test tube knock up of a bunch of mice. Who they then have to wait for to grow up. And then start breeding. So they can test IF they can infect these mutant rona mice. So that hopefully, they have mice to test a vaccine on.... Seriously, I'm not making this shit up. As fucked up as this sounds, it's true. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-03-11/a-coronavirus-cure-depends-on-rare-mice-but-there-aren-t-enough
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Every dancer’s favorite- cause they told me so
    Classic stripper songs
    Reminds me of my vasectomy. Doctor wanted to listen to music, nurse decided on 80's tunes. And on came Aerosmith... Dude Looks Like a Lady, while he's snipping the tubes.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    The view from the other side of the room
    Outdoor Sex
    I grew up in Alaska. If it was warm enough, there were too many mosquitoes.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Automobile insurance.
    I guess I should search and see if anyone's figured out how to hack the mileage on my car's computer, so that I can leave the thing unplugged for a trip or two now and then...
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How long has it been since you visited a strip club or met a stripper OTC.
    February 25th. I was in St. Louis two weeks later considering a trip to the Southern Illinois clubs across the river but instead hooked up with some nice young lady I met on seeking.com several night.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Where there's a hole, there's a way. [HIATUS]
    After sex, what’s the most awkward thing you could say to kill the moment?
    Have fun taking care of my baby.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Holy Cow
    It's a respiratory disease. N95 Face mask, plastic eye shield and a condom!!!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Evil Lair
    Urn deliveries in Wuhan raise questions about China's actual death toll
    They didn't have enough test kits.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Saying China Virus is racists
    I have always found it curious how many American companies had products made in China, and how many Japanese companies did not. Sony, for instance, only had really low end cheap products made in China. Many of there more expensive products are made in Thailand or Malaysia. In one or two conversations I've had with people (Americans) that have worked directly with having products manufactured in China they seem oblivious to the differences (but I'm sure the Japanese know them very well).
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Automobile insurance.
    "I have a device in my car that records such things as miles driver, speed of acceleration and braking, and turning." I have thought about getting one of those, but am afraid they will RAISE my rates instead...
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Saying China Virus is racists
    WOW... While I was generally unimpressed with people cutting and pasting fox propaganda articles before. Now it seems they can't be bothered to skip the ads. I mean, come on, take a little time to make sure the little opinion piece you think deserves to be shared is actually readable!!!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    And now a global condom shortage!!!!
    The story is pretty clear about interruptions in production. The price of latex right now is so low that I know of some small scale farmers that aren't even collecting it from their trees. Doubt there is a shortage with it. (because, ya, I do know someone with a condom plantation!!!)
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Anybody have an opinion of onlyfans.com?
    Locally, there are a couple of bikini baristas that have content on onlyfans. And I have been tempted to look, wanting to see a bit more of a few of them. But am too, um, polite to go ask them if it's only some glam nudes or if they are doing solo porn, toy insertions, and such, cause I'm sure just a could nice nudes aren't enough to bother paying. Beyond that, dancers I've met, I could be interested but none have ever told me about content they have. I'm really more interested in meeting, and touching. But, a nice personal video is always better than nothing when I can't make it in person. And it I haven't met them. Forget it, plenty of free porn is available. There are a few times I've had girls let me pull out a camera... And it's always cool to go back and watch. Seeing her by herself might also be nice, even if we've never gotten that far before. But I've just never really been quite interested enough to complete the transaction.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    People are going broke over this
    25, He realized people would expect to see him in Church Easter Sunday...
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Saying China Virus is racists
    Comparing Trump to China is NOT comparing AMERICA to China. Sure, Trump hasn't had anyone "disappeared". But really, how the hell could he? It's not like him and Bill Barr are going to show up at some reporter's apartment at 2:00 am and stuff them in the trunk of his car? Because if you haven't noticed, that kinda loyalty to him isn't that deep, and even anyone reporting to Barr would probably just as soon tell him to fuck off and tell the journalist about it than commit a deeply illegal and immoral act like that. (ya, deep state. following the law). (How many times has he tried to call criticism of him treason?) (It's not like the guy hasn't gotten a crowded stadium chanting to just go lock up an political rival before.) And China, for all there issues, has made huge progress over the last 30 years. I was in China 35 years ago, when I read about people visiting North Korea, I'm reminded of the rules we were given while visiting. It is far more open and free than it was in the past. The pressures the caused them to change should continue, but isolating them for decades didn't work before, it won't work again. Whatever responsibility you think they had to stop this virus assumes that they actually could. However regulated you think China might be, really not so much (do you guys know how available prostitutes are?). And if you think they were trying to cover this up, they weren't doing a very good job, I was reading about it in January, before there was a single case in the US. Whatever they didn't do to save lives, we haven't done either. And that doctor who discovered this... Trying to raise alarms... Ya, after seeing 8 patients? Do you think anyone in the US political leadership would be listening to some doctor in Detroit about something like this (or maybe something like lead poisoning in the water?). The world is just an imperfect place, it's not all some conspiracy.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New York
    Trump wants to reopen economy by Easter
    Warmer states? like Louisiana? starting to drop, no... It's freaking skyrocketting. Yes in California. BECAUSE PEOPLE ARE TAKING ISOLATION SERIOUSLY THERE!!!! And if you have 10% chance of dying, there's about 30% chance of spending 5 or more days at a hospital bed, probably sedated with a ventilator shoved down your throat trying to force your lungs to be inflated. (what doesn't kill you won't make you stronger if 30% of your lung capacity had permanent damage, BTW). Like so many other issues, unfortunately too many radicals see this as a black and white issue. Live or Die, not considering how horrible getting that sick is even if you do recover.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    People are going broke over this
    3 days ago I mentioned there were 800 dead. Checking this morning, it's over 2000. 1200 dead in 3 days. And that RATE is escalating. Averaging 400 a day now, when only 800 total 3 days ago? It will be over 1000 a day by Friday. It's gone South, BTW. Any of you in Florida should probably check out the maps. And for the argument that "there are only 50", that's 50 confirmed infections, people who have become sick enough to bother testing, and probably had to prove exposure to another confirmed infection to be tested, because there aren't enough test kits. Many people believe the real infection rate, counting all those not showing symptoms or just mildly sick and not getting tested, but all are still able to spread the virus. So, 500 infected people, and 200 of those probably don't know they are spreading the virus as they stand in a supermarket check out line and cough once or twice cause they think they have a cold... Without shutting everything down, instead of a supermarket check out line, that's half a restaurant. Maybe two dancers at the club, who spread the virus with no symptoms to every guy they ask for a dance in the next three nights. And just think about a school!!!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Saying China Virus is racists
    China shut down a city, banned travel, forced isolation to stop the spread of the virus. Trump's telling everyone to get together in church!!! I think Trump virus is really much more appropriate. I'm sure it's going to hit those self proclaimed "proud deplorables" really hard in another 3-4 weeks.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    How has the chinese virus affected Your daily life?
    Staying at home. No Big deal. But watching the impacts of the virus as time progresses... The US now has more confirmed infections than anywhere. (#MAGA) And I am noticing that Seattle, the initial US hot spot, is not getting exponentially worse. Unlike Florida, people there seem to be taking it seriously, shutting things down, staying isolated. And looking at where the numbers of new cases are rising fast... Well, except for NY, overlaying this on an electoral map from 2016, I think we should really just start calling this the Trump virus, rather than Chinese....