
Comments by bkkruined (page 20)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    In the wind
    MAGA Cultist: We Should Cancel the Elections Since Democrats Haven’t “Earned” It
    Trump just told Michigan to fuck themselves. That's 16 electoral votes he won by a margin of 11,000 votes. If he lost another 20 (like maybe Biden's home, Pennsylvania) and doesn't win anything new, He's fucked. Looking at Lousiana's coronavirus status, assuming it hits Florida the same, he'll be loosing that state. The 100,000 that are gonna die are all votes he needs. That'll leave him proper fucked.
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    5 years ago
    In the wind
    Survey: 12 percent of at-home workers skip video due to lack of clothes
    And considering who I'm normally in virtual meetings with, uninteresting at best. Does anyone really want to know how often I roll out of bed 2 when the calendar reminder on my phone starts going (or worse, a coworker starts calling to hunt me down)?
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    5 years ago
    In the wind
    Survey: 12 percent of at-home workers skip video due to lack of clothes
    seems low.
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    5 years ago
    In your opinion, what is the ideal dancer turnover?
    I rarely go back to the same club often enough to worry much. There is one club in town that's had 2-3 of the same girls on day shift for years, maybe over 10 years. And I've only ever taken one of them up on a trip to the back. But, damned, she's a freaking pro. It's rare for me to finish with just a BJ, but she'll get it done like that in 2 songs or less, with protection. But every time she acts like she remembers me, and I've been there like 4-5 times over 6-7 years... And I can't imagine there's anything remarkable enough about me for her to remember. And there are a few other stand out that have disappears over the years from local clubs that I miss. And a few others that I've met once, and not sure enough I'd recognize them again, but wish I could repeat. But for the most part, I could give a fuck. If anything, while traveling, going to different clubs 2-3 nights in a row, first time I've been there and probably never come back. I honesty have no idea what the turnover is, but wish it was high enough those girls didn't all have there regulars to stick to, at least some of them...
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    People are going broke over this
    "If you're 20 and healthy the odds of going to the hospital are low the odds of death are even lower" But a few have discovered the hard way, the risk of a horribly experience or death still exists. And "healthy" means no diabetes, high blood pressure, etc... none of the various health related issues caused by obesity and inactivity that often sound way too common in kids these days.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    People are going broke over this
    Two weeks ago I was traveling 50%, on the road every other week. Expensing $2k-$2.5k per trip, airfare, hotel, rental car, airport parking, dinners, taxi, uber, gas... every other week. Add an average of at least $500 a week for strip clubs or OTC calls. Home now, not going anywhere. My company doesn't want me traveling. My customer doesn't want me to visit. All decided before any shutdown orders. If they changed their minds, fuck them, I'm still working remote because I can, and their happy asses will deal with it of fire me (and I'll find a job with no fucking travel cause walking through a goddamned airport today fucked). Even if businesses rebel and open anyways, or Trump orders shutdown orders lifted, people aren't going back.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    People are going broke over this
    There sure are people going broke over this. People are dying over it too. So far in the US, 800 deaths. That's something that started less than a month ago, and is predicted to only get worse, even with lock downs. And while the 55,000 people confirmed infected is probably under reported, most of the under reported people are doing ok, but can spread the disease. The bigger problem is that out of 55,000 people, best estimate I can find is about 10% are averaging a week in the ICU hooked to a ventilator!!! With costs of US healthcare, those people are sure as hell going way broke!!! And that number is going to skyrocket to the point we're out of space and they start taking over convention centers to setup makeshift hospitals... It's going to go way higher, and without the shutdown, we'd be there at the end of this week. Imagine the financials of every hospital bed in New York city occupied with someone in critical care staying there over 5 days? Imagine how many of these people won't have insurance? They will have a lifelong debt they will never end up paying.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    New York
    Trump wants to reopen economy by Easter
    Will we see him in the middle of a crowded church for Easter Sunday services. Nothing to fear, virus contained. Leading by example? Somehow, I just don't think so...
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Wayfaring Stranger
    Freelancer Cafes/Bars
    Thermae’s is still open (as of last August for sure), relocated to a basement with the entrance just under then door for the Ruamchitt plaza hotel. But really, half the bars in that area of Bangkok are full of ladies trying to hookup with foreigners (for profit), any single local girl you find in a dance club in that area is the same. I'd also mention Safari club at the Grand Hyatt in Muscat, Oman. Not a popular destination, but if you find yourself in town for some reason, there you go. I assume the largest barrier to having places like this in the US, or other western countries, is the number of non working girls that would show up... In most of the places I'm aware of bars or clubs like this, there are local women and foreign men, and the differences are obvious. (ok, often, for instance Singapore, Oman, Dubai, the women aren't local, but of notably different ethnicity than the men, usually Filipino, Thai and Chinese girls, sometimes Eastern European). In America, you'd probably end up with a bunch of girls showing up to just hang out... No way to differentiate the bar without causing legal issues.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Man Gets Coronavirus After Atlanta Lapdance – All Strip Clubs Closed!
    If he named the club, they should get all the dancers tested really quick, and sue him for libel.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    It’s official, border to Mexico is basically closed
    Coyotes will be sneaking you through there tunnels INTO Mexico to visit Hong Kong club...
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Atlanta to shut down all non essential businesses at midnight tonight.
    But Follies is ESSENTIAL!!!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Saying China Virus is racists
    And the Chinese are blaming the US Army... False claims about sources of coronavirus cause spat between the US, China https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/false-claims-sources-coronavirus-spat-us-china/story?id=69580990 Racists are so predictable and stupid.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Detroit, Michigan
    When clubs reopen
    There are enough customers that will be working from home and probably minimal income disruption that there will still be demand in most areas. Hits on the 401k oughta be irrelevant, I don't suddenly start contributing more because it's value went down, not retiring for 20 years, it'll recover. You'd think girls would be clamoring for money to pay debts, etc. But, unfortunately, there may be a mentality that once your drowning in debt, why bother trying? Of course, paid in cash, no garnishment, becomes attractive at that point! Clubs still have to pay leases. But really, from their landlords perspective, who else is going to move in if you boot the club for not paying it's lease while it's closed? For some this isn't going to matter, for some it will. Property or other taxes, too many municipalities would just at the opportunity to shutter places for non payment, if they can. Payment deferrals to keep the economy up and other businesses viable are most probably being rolled out too fast for them to add "adult industry" exceptions so they oughta be able to take advantage. And then there is a certain mindset of some in the industry. They need to make a certain amount that night, it's a goal. Fewer customers doesn't mean reset "your" expectations and drop prices to get them coming back, etc., no, exact opposite, fewer customers mean you have to charge them MORE to make that goal... Laws of supply and demand be damned, they aren't there for free, I'm sure we've all had some experience with that attitude. Anything can happen, each club will be different, each city different.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Paying her cash for a hotel room OTC question.
    Hotels in bad neighborhoods don't go for $140. Even in the best of times. Last year I visited Memphis, El Paso, Las Vegas, Detroit, and a bunch of other cities. All my hotels were 100-150, the worst was in Downtown Memphis, but it was a downtown tower with security. If she books the room, you just get the number and go to the door. How freaking hard is that? have you ever been in a hotel before? Some might need a key card for the elevator or to come get in after midnight. Most don't, she'll know if when she checks in and then you'll just have to meet her in the lobby. Someone's credit card is going to be on file, and they'll have to show ID. Sure, there are some hotels you can pay cash, they are definitely in shit neighborhoods, they damned sure aren't $140 a night. More like $20 an hour. Personally, I'd love it if SHE paid the room and I paid her back. Yes, I do have a shitload of hotel points and can get a free room with 2 major chains. But, if she's booking the room, she's out $140 if she no shows, automatically, immediately, no arguing. And, if she lights up a cigarette, a joint, throws a bipolar shit fit and starts throwing things, whatever... I don't pay damages!!! I can grab my clothes and bail, get dressed in the elevator. It's a nice hotel. She wants to kick back, spend the night, a little staycation for herself. OR she's suddenly transient for a night and needs the room. You're bankrolling it and for that you get to fuck her. Do it twice, make sure you enjoy it.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Corona virus
    And, apparently they believe it's 20 times more deadly than the flu. But consider with the number of deaths for the flu, how many people get a vaccine every year? probably more than 70% of the population, so not only are 70% of people not getting the flu at all, but not spreading it. But, they will get and spread the corona virus. And 2% will die.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Corona virus
    Sounds like the same story from the Iranian Dept. Health Minister, making a statement about it being overblown, while showing symptoms... (his infection confirmed the next day, along with 210 dead).
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Say yes to the sex industry!
    The Media's Insanity Convinced Me to Vote for Trump in 2020
    Anyone look at the deficit lately? Remember how bad Obama was for borrowing so much money? Guess how bad it is now? Making the economy great by not paying you credit card bill!!!!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Every woman's local ATM while in da club? How else they paying for their Boob jobs?
    Should you drive or fly to Tijuana?
    ^^^^What Greenbeans said ^^^^^ It's been maybe 20 years ago... But referencing an HK shuttle sounds like it's only gotten safer and easier. I remember driving from L.A. to San Ysidro (already in L.A. for work) parking and walking into Mexico through a turnstile, no line, no security, no nothing but a couple police with rifles over in the corner half asleep. Taxi to zone roja (?) was $5. Taxi back was $5. crossing border back to the US at 3:00 am had no line, looked at my white ass, glanced at my drivers license and welcomed me back to the US. I know you need a passport, or passport card to reenter the US, but I'm not sure much else changed? Flying into and out of Mexico directly, I'm sure you're using the same airport immigration as every other International flight, and that's gonna be time consuming. And, I doubt you'll find an airport with more convenient ground transportation to where your going. Driving in Mexico, for starters, your insurance is probably no good. Rumors and jokes of petty police corruption have existed for decades, and are likely true. It won't feel too petty when you're ticketed for $100 on the spot "fine", because they can. And you really don't want to get lost. All these guys that have been there are quick to tell you how "safe" it is. Yes, but it's really just this little protected corridor carved out to keep them safe. Venturing outside that, driving around TJ lost is a bad idea.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Is this sustainable?
    With the current issues regarding homelessness and public attitudes towards police disregarding petty crime (or really almost any property crime), in Seattle. I doubt anyone in an elected office or appointed directly by someone in an elected office wants a strip club sting hitting the front page of the local paper.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Stripper names
    Stripper walked up and asked if I wanted to taste the rainbow... Her name was Skittles.
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    5 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Stripper names
    Still have never met a girl use BJ as a stage name.
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    5 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Stripper names
    The best I heard was "Riot". And she looked the part, torn fishnet, black lipstick, goofy ass high heeled combat boots, etc.
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    5 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Stripper names
    I've met strippers who couldn't remember there own stage names. Strippers who've introduced themselves with real names, before remembering they have stage names. Had one get a new phone number and start text me, ask who she is, gives me her real name... And only then realize I dunno her real name and haven't caught on to who the fuck is texting me... Another stripper put her number and contacts into my phone, commented on how she might get into trouble for giving her real name (and number). And never answered my texts. Went back to the club and realized I dunno her stage name when I was going to ask about her. Strippers who've changed stage names between clubs and not realized the other club was were they'd met me before. And strippers getting pissy about some other girl using a name that sounded like her's, but was spelled differently. (cause spelling's gonna matter?). And she was always confused which one of them was getting called on stage. And ya, one time a stripper was giving me her number and I asked how to spell her name... She stared at me like I'm the dumb one, OK, yes, I am....
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Would you join the mile high club with this Brit? I think I would.
    She looks like something I'd enjoy for an hour in the VIP room. But on a four hour flight with her drunk causing a scene, no pussies worth the trouble she's going to get you into!!! If she had a hotel room, that'd be great. But I'm not even sure it's worth risking the drama of how to kick her out of mine.