
Comments by impala (page 20)

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Strip clubs have until Oct. 1 to get rid of dancers under 21
    From my last trip to New Orleans, if I remember correctly (and after the number of hurricanes I might not be), most of the dancers we saw that night appeared to be young, and a large percentage had to be under 21. If that's true, there won't be enough dancers (with all the clubs just on Bourbon Street) for them all to stay open. But silver lining, with all these dancers now having to turn to escorting, the prices of escorts in NOLA should drop.
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    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    With the two party candidates, all I can say is that we are so screwed!
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    8 years ago
    Lust over a Stripper
    I agree with jsbach, your just a kid. First thing, at your age DONT go to strip clubs alone. Second thing, that's how she makes her living and sees you as a means to that. Strippers generally (not all of course but most) aren't looking for relationships, and the hotter and younger they are the less likely they are, but the better they are at making you think they are. Word of advice, if your looking for a girlfriend, don't go to a strip club. If you want some good reading on my journey through strip clubs I recently wrote an article here in TUSCL, pretty good read if I say so myself.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Athletes and celebrities in the strip clubs
    Few months ago I was in Charlotte NC and there were some of the NFL Panthers in the club. They had an area sectioned off just for them. Couldn't get any attention from any of the dancers, but cant blame them, I was told by the bartender that they tip the dancers with $100 bills.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Paying for pussy is over rated if you think about....
    Think about it, most of the pussy you can get for free, is it really worth it?!?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    The men that ask for extras
    If we don't ask, how we gonna find out if available?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    New York
    Frst time
    There was this little go go bar roadhouse about an hour from where I grew up. I was 17 and went with a couple of buddies, we were all underage but got in with the help of slipping the bouncer a photo of Mr. Jackson each. It was dark and run down, and stank of stale beer and cigarettes. The dancers were for the most part older (looking back as a 17 year old, i'd say for the most part late 20's to early 40's), none were show stoppers, but we didn't care, they got naked! I'm sure a couple of them figured out that it was our first time by the way they "molested" us, and i even got a BJ from one for $10 (hey, was a LONG time ago). Been hooked ever since.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    4th of July?
    All depends on the weather. If the weather is good, its gonna be dead. If its lowsey, you stand a chance. Good luck.
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    8 years ago
    The TARDIS Key
    Wait till she has a friend or two over before dropping in and see what happens
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    8 years ago
    Have you ever been arrested?
    Yes, wrongly though. Was for misdemeanor petit larceny. DA kept offering my attorney a plea deal because he knew he couldn't prove anything (because truthfully, I didn't do it). I took it to court and won. Cost me $3500 (plus all the time out of work dealing with it) to prove my innocence. Now, I will tell you, that was the real crime.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    When new management attacks! - OR - What do you think will happen to this club?
    This has happened at this club before, actually a couple of times (once about 15 years ago and then about 8 years ago). Someone new buys the place, tires to change it and charge premium pricing but not providing a premium experience. Your right as that it is a blue class working mans bar, and the type of high roller clientele is not going to go there. Each time it almost runs the place into the ground, someone local buys the place, and it takes about 5 or 6 years for the place to come back. Then someone from outside the area finds the place, thinks if they change it they can make a bucket of money, and, well, the cycle continues. Problem is that with its close proximity to NJ and the more "lenient" attitude there, your just not going to make this place anything more than a corner go-go bar. Just hope they don't kill the place for good, I know for a fact that the downtown merchants would love to see the place gone.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    Anyone have a stripper freak out on you because you LDK'd?
    Had one freak out once because I came in her mouth and didn't warn her first. Actually I didn't really have a chance, she was so good I just exploded. Really got pissed off, then said she wanted an extra $50 for it (didn't give it to her which really pissed her off then).
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    OTC Offer -- stripper calls over a manager
    Mr. Duece, I disagree to a point about not treating them like hookers. I've asked if they want to hang out later, and almost every time it turns into me buying a bunch of expensive drinks somewhere and then leaving with my dick in my hand because they just don't do that ("like I said at the club") or they want a crazy $. Better to be up front about it and do your negotiations there so you know what you're getting into.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Damn diversity quotas, now they have to hire just as many ugly fat chicks so they don't feel discriminated against
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Uproar over strip club advertising for 2016 dancers...
    You see story this every year.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Car key and wallet dating your sister
    OTC Offer -- stripper calls over a manager
    I've seen it once, but the guy was very drunk, very loud about it, and very very instant.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    How did you first learn that strippers offer extras?
    It was about 1993/4, had been clubbing for a few years. I had a few lap dances, but never anything else. I was in a little roadhouse/go go bar in northeaster PA having a beer, dancer sat down beside me and asked me to take her to back for a lapdance. I said no thank you as that I had just got there and wanted to have a beer or two. I still remember the look on her face when she just looked at me and said "Hell, it's been slow today, I only will charge you 30 bucks for head". I've never looked back since.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    New Jersey
    extras less common years ago?
    mrrock, I agree to a point about your comment. When I first started I had no idea how to get extras, and only partook if was flat out offered. But as I gained experience, I learned what to look for and how to ask. Looking back I think of all the opportunities I had that I didn't take, either because I didn't really know what was being offered or available, or just from not wanting to get caught or offend the dancer. IMO I have learned that (for the most part), your not going to offend the dancer. Sometimes if they don't offer extras, they will tell you who does if you just ask (make sure to give them a few bucks for the info). Just because they say no today, doesn't mean that they will say no on future visits (many just want to make sure your not a cop or a creep). Also, a few drinks into a stripper "loosens up" there menu, and sometimes more is available towards the end of their shift vs. when they just arrive. Slow night are better (not so slow that your the only one in the club and everyone see you go to the VIP) as the girls are usually more hungry for cash vs. a busy night where they are making fists full of dollars on the stage. That being all said, I do think, though, 10-15 (maybe 20) years ago were easier. I'm not saying that you cannot get what you want today, just that it was easier back then.
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    8 years ago
    New Jersey
    extras less common years ago?
    When I started doing this 25 years ago it was easy and quick to tell what places that extras were available. If it was in town or a full nude place, your chances were pretty slim, but a good go go bar or a road house that had a few dancers, your luck was usually a lot better. It all comes down to economics, and the easier it was (or is for that matter) for the dancers to make money without doing anything else, the less likely they will. On the other hand, a place where the girls don't make a ton of money from dancing itself, the more likely they were (and are) to supplement there income with "other" activities. The biggest changes I see today over back then is LE is more determined, and that technology has gotten a lot cheaper and therefore cameras and recording devices are more prevalent.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    New Jersey
    extras less common years ago?
    I'm from NE PA and 10-15 years ago ITC & OTC were a lot easier. Girls just are not as hungry anymore, the clubs "watch" more (thanks to technology), and ones that are list on Backpage instead of working the strip clubs.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
    State stripper registry
    Really, when it comes down to it, it's all about money. The state is looking at making money through either fees or by fines. LE is looking at making money through fines, extra funding through taxes for enforcement, or in some cases from pay-offs. Club owners I'm sure are looking at is as having to pay the state more so they will have to raise their prices. The dancers are going to have to pay to get listened be making the same as before so their either going to have to work more, or expect more money from the customers. And when it comes down to it, we as the customer are going to be the one that ends up paying for this.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    What is/should be the biggest factor in lap dance prices?
    By how drunk you are! That being said, b and the d
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
    State stripper registry
    dw. buck, I did some research and a actually a similar bill was put through last year by the demarcates in the state house and it was defeated by the republican majority, so don't blame the republicans, or at least the ones in my state. I don't want to get into a political party discussion, or at least in this forum. But as they say, the best government is one that does nothing. Anyways, after talking to several people that are involved with state government, it seams to be that the big push for this is not from the legislates, but from the state police and local police departments. Also, from what i was told, they were actually behind the bill the was put forth last year also. Officially they says it is to prevent sex trafficking and drug issues, but unofficially it is so that they can have unfettered access to establishment where "less than undesirables" frequent. I personally think that all it is going to is cause a lot of clubs to be harassed and a lot of crooked cops to get rich from pay-offs.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    The People's Republic of Pennsylvania
    State stripper registry
    Like I said, he was told it was in an informal committee meaning there would be no record of it, only once reached a regular committee is there a record. Pennsylvania is the typical Big Brother state, and if they can pry into your life just a little deeper "they can save you from yourself"!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    ATF dumped me
    Ditch the bitch. Sounds like she has a boyfriend now and that is that. Revisit her in a few months, see how she is doing, if she is the same then move on. Good luck, stay safe, and monger on.