
extras less common years ago?

New Jersey
I've read several comments on these discussions that extras were less common 10, 20 or 39 years ago. I've been doing this for over 35 years and maybe nj is unusual but extra ITC and otc were always easy to get. I think it was easier in the 80s and 90s. I recall the route 36/35 corridor of iniquity. We could just stop by before closing time and any dancer that hadn't made her goal for the night was more than willing.
Was the NJ Bayshore area special? Was it really harder to find extras 20 or 30 years ago?


  • jackslash
    8 years ago
    Maybe New Jersey is special. In the areas where I lived 20 to 30 years ago, ITC extras were not available. OTC was probably available, but I was very naive. I thought a stripper would scream and call the bouncer if I asked her to go to my hotel.

  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    Here in Detroit, the 90's were a mixed bag. For quite awhile in Detroit, it was easy pickings. Then Detroit City Council passed an ordinance, restricting activities. A lot of clubs suffered, but came back. Out in Wayne county, the clubs were still quite active with extras.
  • motorhead
    8 years ago
    One of my first times in a club in the 80's a dancer whispered in my ear "fuck you for a hundred". But then it was a long dry spell after that
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    I remember that when I was a young guy there were always a few older guys hanging with dancers that I wanted to hang out with and I figured out that those guys had money to spend and the girls were always trying to out do each other to sit with those guys. One of those older guys had a nice Chris Craft and he befriended me. Before long we were hanging OTC and cruising on the Inter-Coastal and there would always be a few strippers coming along we turned that boat into a floating brothel. I guess I always knew instinctively that extras were available to certain guys.
  • DandyDan
    8 years ago
    IME, extras simply didn't happen years ago, but OTC was always available, especially at certain clubs.
  • Imamutt
    8 years ago
    As a purveyor of services in the industry, I often arrive long before opening. It was more common 20 yrs ago than it is now to see used rubbers laying around the parking lot. I am not sure if this is due to extras being more common itc, bareback being more common, or tougher laws pushing activity further away from the clubs.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    I have been clubbing for a little over 10 years, so my experience doesn't go as far back as most.

    Aside from Detroit, I don't see extras as easily as I did in other cities. Tampa, Houston, Dallas all used to be extremely easy hunting grounds and they aren't anymore. It happens, but back in the day I'd be sitting in clubs in those citites and girls would start making offers right away - that doesn't happen that much anymore.
  • crazyjoe
    8 years ago
  • georgmicrodong
    8 years ago
    I don't think New Jersey was special. Unless NY, NC, MO, KS, PA, VA and MD were special, too.

    Of course, you actually had to go to the club to talk to the girls in the days before cell phones and texting, but extras were there for those who sought them out.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Perhaps the lack of the internet meant many did not know which clubs were down and lack of information overall not knowing that was available (since many of us found out thru TUSCL).
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    ^this but some of these places you find out it's a whorehouse as soon as you walk in the door!
  • chessmaster
    8 years ago
    This was supposed to be true. Don't know why it auto corrected.
  • impala
    8 years ago
    I'm from NE PA and 10-15 years ago ITC & OTC were a lot easier. Girls just are not as hungry anymore, the clubs "watch" more (thanks to technology), and ones that are list on Backpage instead of working the strip clubs.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    As far as the history of strip clubs and the history of P4P pussy, the 80's is not going back that far. Before strip clubs they had bar girls, they would drink with you. And then how frisky things could get varied, but OTC was usually available. Ideas changed about nudity, and so now we have strip clubs. But in many the girls are still serving in a capacity similar to B-Girls.

    Booths and back rooms in strip clubs are new. In times past if they had a backroom the place would be considered a brothel. As I see it, that logic is still basically correct. People just don't say it.

    But lap dancing, in San Francisco MBOT, originally meant lap sitting. If there had been booths or backrooms, they all would have ended up in prison. The authorities tried several times.

    Booths and back rooms came later. I still consider much of what goes on in them to be chump stuff. Guys giving up their money for 'extras', instead of getting nice GFE-FS from a girl they have gotten to know some.

    But I guess from reading this forum one thing is very clear, LE is more committed to controlling what goes on in strip clubs in some places than in others. So probably there have always been places where there were not many limits to what went on.

    I read of Asian Hostess Bars in Houston, where it can go to front room GFE. And then in the back room it is just like an AMP, massage table and customer getting fully undressed, and 60min being the standard.

    Never seen an AMP like that here myself, connected to the hostess bar and where there is sometimes front room GFE. I guess in some places you can just get away with a great deal more. Not like that where I live.


    Miles Davis
  • Jackmd
    8 years ago
    Baltimore's block has been the same sleazy high mileage place for the forty years of my experience. Its probably been that way for hundreds of years.
  • K
    8 years ago
    So my history isn't unique. Cool.
    I do miss the variety that was available to me 30 years ago
  • aks451
    8 years ago
    In 1988 a friend took me to Bare Elegance in LA. It was just a little place then, and a wooden bar came between you and the dancer during private dances. A hot 19 year old blonde asked me if I was in staying in a hotel nearby. I wasn't and I was too broke to get one.

    In the mid 90s I frequented Centerfolds in Houston. One night a busty blonde from Ohio (yes I prefer blondes) assured me that we could have "casual sex" the next night if I met her at another club in town. I chickened out.

    Also in the mid 90s a busty blonde in NYC asked if I was into after hours parties. I had no idea what she was talking about. She dropped the topic

    It's been possible for decades. But you have to know how to play. Guess I'm your typical PL. TUSCL s a great investment.
  • K
    8 years ago
    You wrote you had no idea what she was talking about. I am curious, why didn't you ask her? I've never understood why people don't ask? I've always thought that even if I looked like a noob for asking, I would only look like a noob once.
  • impala
    8 years ago
    When I started doing this 25 years ago it was easy and quick to tell what places that extras were available. If it was in town or a full nude place, your chances were pretty slim, but a good go go bar or a road house that had a few dancers, your luck was usually a lot better. It all comes down to economics, and the easier it was (or is for that matter) for the dancers to make money without doing anything else, the less likely they will. On the other hand, a place where the girls don't make a ton of money from dancing itself, the more likely they were (and are) to supplement there income with "other" activities. The biggest changes I see today over back then is LE is more determined, and that technology has gotten a lot cheaper and therefore cameras and recording devices are more prevalent.
  • mrrock
    8 years ago
    I have a MUCH easier time now than I did 15 years ago when I was new to the hobby. But I think experience has a LOat yovfoneith it!
  • impala
    8 years ago
    mrrock, I agree to a point about your comment. When I first started I had no idea how to get extras, and only partook if was flat out offered. But as I gained experience, I learned what to look for and how to ask. Looking back I think of all the opportunities I had that I didn't take, either because I didn't really know what was being offered or available, or just from not wanting to get caught or offend the dancer. IMO I have learned that (for the most part), your not going to offend the dancer. Sometimes if they don't offer extras, they will tell you who does if you just ask (make sure to give them a few bucks for the info). Just because they say no today, doesn't mean that they will say no on future visits (many just want to make sure your not a cop or a creep). Also, a few drinks into a stripper "loosens up" there menu, and sometimes more is available towards the end of their shift vs. when they just arrive. Slow night are better (not so slow that your the only one in the club and everyone see you go to the VIP) as the girls are usually more hungry for cash vs. a busy night where they are making fists full of dollars on the stage.

    That being all said, I do think, though, 10-15 (maybe 20) years ago were easier. I'm not saying that you cannot get what you want today, just that it was easier back then.
  • Cashman1234
    8 years ago
    I think it's possibly dependent upon the club - and the LE in the area.

    When I was back in college - I did some work for a wise guy. I did minor shit work for his marble company, etc. One of the guys was a DJ at a strip club - and I was amazed at the shit that went down in that club. I didn't have to ask - or open my wallet - and things moved rapidly - no pretense at all -

    So I know there were extras 30 years ago in NJ. Definitely extras to be had 10 years ago too.
  • aks451
    8 years ago
    K - I actually did ask her what she meant. But I think I might have said something about having to go to work the next day, so she dropped it. I talked to her on the phone sometime later but duh - didn't think to ask! Didn't think to mention I'd be generous if we saw each other OTC either. Missed connections!
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