One of my local clubs is under new management and the new owners have mad changes. It's the Fox Gentleman's Club in Bath, PA. The club is 8.5 miles away from Platinum Plus Allentown.
Bath, PA, is a predominantly white, working class area.…Dance Prices:
Before dancers set their own prices. The ones that made money and sold nude dances charged 30.00 / song.
The club has now set the price of a nude dance to 60.00 / 4 minutes. Topless dances are now 30.00 / 4 minutes.
The club takes 10.00 from every topless dance and 20.00 form every nude dance. Before the club took only 10.00 from every dance.
120.00 / 15 min VIP
220.00 / 30 min VIP
400.00 / 1 hr VIP
I don't know the split for VIP.
Dancers must now pay an extra 6.00 for every hour they stay past their designated shift. I don't know if they pay any late fees.
Bartenders and bouncers now work as employees. I believe that means they now have to pay taxes on that income.. Before they were all working under the table.
This is not an extras club. Mileage varies, but two dancers have given me regular VHM. The one has retired from dancing. The other has returned from maternity leave and gives me UHM / GFE level dances at 30.00 / song. She is the only reason I even go to this club at all.
These are the changes I remember being told by this dancer. I made sure to get her number that day, because she may leave the club. I sure don't want to go to a club that charges as much for a dance as I pay for groceries in one week.
I was told that the new owners owned another club closer to Philadelphia in a similar area and ran it into the ground. I was also told they are currently running two other clubs in Philadelphia.
What the hell are these people thinking?
What is the education level of people who run clubs? Do these people have MBAs or business acumen?
Does a club like this make much of its profits from the cut it takes from lap dances sold? Wouldn't most of it's money come from alcohol sales?
Do you think this will go well for these people? I don't.
last commentDon't owners and managers ever listen to customers and entertainers. It's our business they need to prosper and do well. They just don't get it.
I also wonder if those that really enjoy SCs would stay away b/c of $30+ dances if there wasn't another option (i.e. all clubs did the same thing) - e.g. let's say one normally spends $300 in total in a visit getting dances from many different dancers - if the dances were $30+ would they still go and spend the $300 but just on less dancers and still try to get their SC fix?