
Where to meet other local SC goers?

I only started checking out the local strip clubs here in Jacksonville recently and had a good time so far, but sometimes it feels awkward and I wish i was with another dude to chat with between VIP dances. None of my friends are into it though, and I'd feel way awkward starting a conversation with a random guy there, siiiince obviously it's the girls they're there to talk to.

Any ideas on how to make friends in the SC scene? Any city-based sites or forums that are good for meeting like-minded people?


  • edgewise
    5 years ago
    I have yet to find a decent SC wingman. You are better off gaining the experience and confidence to fly solo
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    I have no problem sparking up conversation with people in the SC. However, I do not care to actually become OTC Friends with any of them.
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    Most hardcore SCers often prefer to go solo so they can focus on the girls and enjoy the girls - you should not feel awkward about going alone - it's quite normal for guys to hit the strip club solo and many prefer it that way - one of the easier ways is to reach out to a fellow TUSLCer in the area but don't be surprised if they are not up for it b/c many SCers either wanna keep their anonymity or just prefer clubbing alone so they can do their thing w/o distraction or having to coordinate w/ others.

    Some guys use the strip-club for socializing and some use it to just get physical fulfillment from the dancers - the latter group is probably less-prone to wanna do meet-up w/ other dudes.
  • minnow
    5 years ago
    +1 on other's comments for getting used to flying solo in the club. Even if you have a wingman, suppose he get's a bunch of dances during your down time, which puts you back at square one.

    Several tuscl members (including me) have met up at club with other member(s). Some socializing occurs, but it's tacitly understood that nobody is going to get in the way of having fun with one's favorite dancers. Members come and go on their own schedule in their own vehicle. PM'ing other JAX area members always an option, but don't be surprised if you don't get a warm reception from everyone. If I were you, I'd get a few more solo club visits and reviews under your belt before going PM route.
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    It seems like every January there is a meetup at Tootsies in Miami? You can try showing up to that.

  • wallanon
    5 years ago
    If there's a bar, sit at the bar. If striking up a conversation seems awkward, chat up the bartender about something interesting and eventually someone will chime in. Our pick a dancer to say something about and see what someone else says. A strip club bar is a bar at a strip club, so the social dynamic is about the same unless it's a total rathole or BYOB. A lot of guys at the bar are there to avoid extended time with dancers tableside and stretch their dollars. Not hard to spot. Some of those dudes will talk your ear off to have a reason to stick around and not look cheap or broke.
  • roshi
    5 years ago
    Honestly starting convos in the club might be your best bet. Just asking a guy that just got a dance how it went can spark conversation. And you’d be surprised at how much guys will start talking, especially if it was a bad dance lol. I’ve actually made a friend from the club and all he did was start talking to me randomly and we realized we had the same taste in girls and kinda hit off. It can be nice because you can warn each other of girls that give terrible dances. I’m never at a club to talk to dudes but I’m friendly and sometimes it does get boring so I’m down for some small chit chat, and some other dudes will be too.

    Alternatively some guys here do post that they’re going out and specify the club, but that’s rare and highly unlikely to be in your area. But if you hang around here you’ll learn who’s in your area and maybe can go from there, just be normal about it.
  • Subraman
    5 years ago
    I've never done it, but notice that there are regulars who sit at the bar, basically they're club furniture who mostly just buy the girls drinks, who all seem to end up knowing each other.

    I SC with my buddies and think it's 10x better than solo, for the reasons you cite plus many more. But if your buddies aren't into it, you gotta go make more buddies maybe :)
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    Like many here, I started by going in groups. But over time I found that men my own age are more and more prone to gossiping like teenage girls who are constantly seeking approval. So for a long time now I've been going alone. There's one guy I'll still club with now and again, who is from the older generation and knows how to keep his shit (and mine) to himself, but otherwise I don't trust anyone to keep their trap shut and discretion is key for me.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    But I also find most guys to be anchors anyway. It's much more complicated arranging a quick and easy club to hotel OTC event when I've got someone else to worry about, especially when we travel there together.
  • FishHawk
    5 years ago
    I go solo, I tend to pick one girl for visit, I like it to be just the two of us. Next visit could be a different girl but only one per visit.
  • Tiredtraveler
    5 years ago
    I have always gone solo. I usually go clubbing when I travel since the clubs in my home city stink(both literally and figuratively)
    I like solo because I can do what I want, leave or stay.
    I will sometime bounce from club to club in a city until I find one I like
    (just the right amount of slutty LOL some times the high end clubs are more flash and $$$$ than fun) and if I have someone with me they may balk at paying more than one cover.
    I will also sometimes start at a show/grind club with 10's on stage but no other fun and end up at a menu club with 7's.
  • wallanon
    5 years ago
    Topic was how to meet fellow mongers without it being weird, not tell us more about how you like to club solo. Just sayin'.
  • shadowcat
    5 years ago
    Each club has it's own discussion board. I don't think they are widely used but it could be worth posting on to see if anyone wants to meet up.
  • Subraman
    5 years ago
    -->"Topic was how to meet fellow mongers without it being weird, not tell us more about how you like to club solo. Just sayin'."

    Hard to resist telling someone they're trying to have fun wrong :) I usually can't resist telling people how much more awesome SCing with friends is, as long as the friends are PLs, so it goes both ways.

    Unfortunately, there's no good answers. Make some friends here on tuscl (although they'll be more like acquaintances), become a regular and become acquaintances with the bar furniture PLs, or (best option but hardest) make friends IRL who love SCing. Regarding that last one, maybe the one thing to note is, chances are any friends you make IRL won't be a PL -- your buddies just need to be open to going to the SC with you, and then have such a good time they start their PL journey
  • Papi_Chulo
    5 years ago
    There's no right or wrong way to SC - it's called having preferences
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    Subra said—> “Regarding that last one, maybe the one thing to note is, chances are any friends you make IRL won't be a PL -- your buddies just need to be open to going to the SC with you, and then have such a good time they start their PL journey”

    I hope it’s not rude to pry. And feel free to ignore if so...but are you Indian?

    I could have sworn you said you were white, but the only reason I ask is that it seems that’s the one racial group where clubbing with buddies is the most common. And where there is the most of a “share” mentality in a table with regard to dancers and less of a pretense of “just hanging out being casual—don’t really do stuff like this”

    It’s been only twice that I’ve sat at a table talking to multiple men trying to request me to do OTC at a gangbang rate—and you guessed it these men were Indian.
    It seems (in general) white guys who go often prefer to go solo. Or maybe the frequent fliers will drag a friend but one will be more into it than the other. Idk

    And then Mexicans and Asians are more in-between on that spectrum.
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    Anyways @OP I think it depends on the club environment you’re in. But know there are trade offs. I personally enjoy large groups because I like angling the table to egg guys on to buy each other dances and I go for a quicker sales for lots of dances in volume and enjoy the convenient concentration for lap hopping.

    subra seems to have managed it somehow to have a large group but nonetheless curtail the faster hustle...I guess thanks for showing up to dayshift at the right club.

    But *in general* I think if you don’t manage things properly you’re going to lower your potential to have a closer interaction/banter with a dancer before and after dances.

    ...if you just simply like a good lapper and don’t care about the interaction, then that’s not a trade off to consider. But just something to keep in mind.

  • Dolfan
    5 years ago
    I'm a bit late to the party, but I regularly go to clubs alone and I regularly sit at the bar.

    I'll +1 the whole "sit at the bar and talk to people" approach for what you're trying to accomplish. I see it all the time. Guys jump into my conversations with the bartender or strippers pretty regularly. While I'm not particularly interested in that sort of "friendship" with other customers, I don't take particular offense nor do I make it awkward. That said, you do need to be a little conscious and look for cues that the dude you're talking to isn't interested and leave him alone if needed. I've noticed certain shirts lead to being approached by random dudes. If I wear a hurricanes shirt, people always wanna talk football. I avoid wearing the shirt for that reason, but maybe you could try the same with a local team.

    There's a few guys at my favorite club that I'll say hello to at this point. They're mostly customers of my favorite strippers stripper-friends. Since the stripper-friends tend to work the same days, we tend to visit the same days. Since the stripper-friends do things like go to the bath/dressing room together we end up at the bar with time to kill at the same time. Nature kinda runs its course.
  • Subraman
    5 years ago
    -->"I hope it’s not rude to pry. And feel free to ignore if so...but are you Indian? "

    I come from a long line of movers and shifters

    Just kidding. If I were any whiter, I'd turn blue
  • Subraman
    5 years ago
    -->"Anyways @OP I think it depends on the club environment you’re in. But know there are trade offs. I personally enjoy large groups because I like angling the table to egg guys on to buy each other dances and I go for a quicker sales for lots of dances in volume and enjoy the convenient concentration for lap hopping. "

    Yah, I think most groups of guys are the "it's our one trip to the strip club this year wooooo!" guys. I imagine that'st the kind who I'd imagine love to buy into a Buy Your Buddy A Lapdance Challenge. I agree with most others here, I do not find it particularly fun to SC with those kinds of groups; or rather, when I get invited to things like that (most recently, a bachelor party), I basically consider it a "drinking with my buddies, and there's strippers around" night, versus a "real" SC trip. It's SCing with close buddies who are either also PLs, or PLs-in-training 🤣, that I enjoy, and blows away solo SCing.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    I have a few very close friends whom I hit some clubs with, not really sure how it started, it was originally just something to do with tha boys, after poker or golf, not really wanting to head home just yet, and sort of became a bit of a tradition, I’m also good friends with a few posters here, I think I’ve met a few dozen, and occasionally we get together and hit a club, not sure how you’d make friends in a strip club with another patron, most don’t really fraternize beyond a few remarks usually about a ballgame on one of the screens.
  • jackslash
    5 years ago
    We white Anglo-Saxon Protestants like to do everything alone. We are aloof and standoffish. We don't want to meet other customers, and we can barely tolerate the strippers.
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