Political correctness in the strip club

layin low but staying high
While getting a dance, I refer to a club that the dancer used to work at as a “black club.” She says that I shouldn’t use that term. So I say what do I call it. She says it’s an urban club. So from then on I call that category of clubs urban and it’s all good. For context, this was an urban dancer.
Later in the evening I’m getting dances from a white dancer and the subject of black clubs comes up again. I refer to them as urban clubs and she says what the duck is an urban club. I say a black club, and she says that I shouldn't use that term. WTF!
So what do I call what used to be called black clubs. Or can I keep using that term. How about “giant ass clubs?”
last commentSounds like a question that should be handled by Mr Chulo 😉
It's a diverse club :-)
You should message the NAACP and ask for guidance
It should be called a Democrat club. :)
I used to work in the educational arena. The term for a black college was an HBCU (Historically Black College or University). So I suggest HBSC (Historically Black Strip Club).
Porn and Strip Clubs should never have political correctness. Imagine searching for "urban woman porn" on pornhub. It would be a buzzkill
Bunch of faggots
You know the difference between a black stripper and a white stripper?
If a black stripper asks you if her ass looks big, you say YES
Shit can the hypersensitive types and move on. IME delicate snowflakes are less fun than their more robust counterparts anyway.
Urban clubs are probably the most appropriate.
I live in the suburbs and am a black PL, not an urban PL!!!! The heck with those dancers.
Call it whatever they want you to call it if you care what they think. If you don’t care don’t worry about it. There are no rules.
Urban Club is something I have heard before, like Las Vegas, Club Lacey, Foreplay Urban Women.
Anyway, buying dances is a chump's game. Front room makeout session, then when it is time for your own pants to come down, you invite her to the back room. Then take her home with you for more of the same, and continue to see her regularly.
It’s a black club. Screw politically correct b.s.
At Walmart they have an aisle labelled "multicultural products" with shit for black folk like cocoa butter, special shampoo for nappy hair and extra large condoms. So maybe black clubs should be hence forth referred to as "multicultural clubs"
In that situation, I would agree politely with the dancer until our time is over. After that, I'd keep calling them black clubs.
I think the correct term would be an ethnic club.
@meat @vajmon that assumes there's an even mix of races at the club when its majority black
I am surprised that any dancer (white or black) would call you out for saying 'black club'. I've only heard urban club used in a written description sometimes. Who the F says urban club? Whatever. Maybe the girl thinks a black person can call it a black club but others should say urban. Either way, I ain't playing
Call it like it is John
“A club primarily featuring women of color”... err, fuck it.... a black club.
Let me tell you what I, a bleeding heart liberal, would call it: a black club.
Interesting that "black" has acquired a negative connotation. In the 60s, "black" replaced "negro" in the popular lexicon. "Black is beautiful" was the catch phrase du jour. 🙄
Is this satire?
Worlds goin to shit
African Americans is NOT PC either.
White Africans Total population
My take.
I am sick and tired of worrying if what I say butthurts some loser! Put on your big boy pants and deal with it!
As a youngster, "Sticks and stones..."
^^^^^^ Hell yea!
Fuck dem pussys
< https://grammarist.com/usage/african-american-black/ >
We’ve almost come full circle.
When I was a youth, the polite term for African Americans was “colored.”
“Negro” was considered unacceptably harsh - perhaps because of its similarity to other, more clearly hateful racial epithets.
Now “people of color” is gaining wide acceptance.
I think we will soon be able to use the term “colored” again.
I count that as a good thing because I still have a closet-full of the word “colored” that I saved since the early 1960s in case the word ever came back into fashion.
and the key this to remember is if you are a white male,fat and bald, extra points, nothing that immenates from your mouth will be correct.
I have a colored TV. It’s still called an ethnic club.
This is really nit-picky and kind of funny. Criminals don't call themselves, "Alternative Justice Citizens," white clubs aren't referred to as "Suburban Adult Entertainment Emporiums,_------we're talking about strip clubs! They either have a majority of Black, White, Latina, Asian, or some other ethnicity of dancer. So, in describing the club, you put the word for the majority in front of it. Or if it's truly a diverse club (which would mean an equal number of strippers from across the board---which I've rarely seen) then leading with the predominant ethnicity lets everyone know what it is. A strip club is hardly the place for PC stuff unless it's basic human respect but even that is influenced by the most prevalent color of all--GREEN!
Like everyone else they are either "hey you" or "a bunch of peeps".
She definitely gives shitty lapdances.