Widest age gap - OTC

It doesn’t matter much ITC but when you’re out in the real world with a stripper in tow, you start to think about it more. We just keep getting older and the gap will only continue to widen.
I have only seen one favorite so far OTC. We have done the dinner and movie thing plus some shopping. Our age gap was 16 years.
I have my eyes on a new favorite as a potential OTC. Our age gap is 19 years. I will try out the Subraman method of asking her if she wants to grab dinner and drinks beforehand.
I’m not self conscious now but give it 20 years and I start looking like their grandpa, that’s where I draw the line of being out and about with them.
last commentMy ATF and I are 25 years apart. The last dancer I took out of the club was 37 years younger than me.
My ATF IS 40 years my junior ( she was born on my 40th birthday). I’m planning on meeting a dancer who I’ve previously danced the horizontal mambo with at her apartment. She’s 47 years younger than I. About 4 years ago I raised the issue with her and she wrote & sent me a poem saying age is just a number.
This whole issue has been bothering me. I met another dancer’s grandfather awhile ago. He’s 2 years younger than I. He looks like he’s in his 70’s. I don’t FEEL as if I am.
Another young dancer told me I’m only as old as the last one you fucked.
Well, now I don't feel quite so bad about my paltry 28 years. I do not have any theoretical max on the gap -- in theory as I get older, my max gap will be my age minus 21 (since I like drinking with them), with occasional exceptions for standout 18-20s. But, I do also find that as I get older, I'm having less and less interest in hanging with anyone under 21, and am enjoy mid-20s more
I have 2 current favorites that have agreed to meet me OTC at my house for the afternoon and it will include eating out. One is white and I think 51 years younger than me. The other is black and I know is 55 years younger than me. The white one could just be out to eat with grandpa but how do I explain the black one?
My club fav and OTC of last week, will always be 39 years difference as we share the same b-day as well.
Other than lunch we try not to be seen in public.
My current sugar baby is 25 years my junior. She loves walking around holding my hand.
^^ Wait a minute. I can't do math anymore. 57-22 is 35 years. Oh my.
My wife is 20 years younger than me. I am several months older than her parents. The youngest dancer that I hung out with OTC (i guess) is 30 to 35 years younger than I am ... I think. Did not ask her age, but she is in her 20s. I am 56.
Lmao, shadowcat. That was funny. Maybe she was adopted?
Age is just a number, it is how you feel that really matters.
I've dated (civvie) a 19 year old (Thank goodness she had daddy issues).
@shadowcat. These days, just tell them she is your granddaughter. Not uncommon.
"Wait a minute. I can't do math anymore. 57-22 is 35 years."
Yes, @Warrior, you're getting to that "special" age and the cognitive decline won't get any better from here on.
Mine are typically about 30-yrs younger. Sugaring is too common to give it second thought in downtown restaurants, although I wouldn't even consider PDA's. I've also found that girls mature quite a bit between 19 and 21 and that extra two years of college makes a big difference. My current is 21 and she's had a dermatologist and a wealthy business-owner in her past. She's very grown-up and good with men.
It’s funny how the setting is part of how people view me with my ATF. We celebrated our birthday when I was 68 and she 28 by starting with dinner at Scampo, Lydia Shire’s restaurant in the Liberty Hotel. If I remember the cost of a wonderful meal for the 2 of us was over $200 + tip. Most of the other diners were far closer to my age than hers. She dressed elegantly in a yellow flared cocktail dress with just enough cleavage at the breasts, but not at all trashy; and trust me, every male with a pulse in the room, eyed her every move. After an appetizer of oysters she went to the ladies room and upon her return I stood and she stepped up to me and put a lip lock on me which dispelled any thought that she might be my daughter or granddaughter. Shortly after we placed our order another couple were leaving and the gentleman, who looked like Daddy Warbucks, slapped me on the shoulder as they walked past our table. “Have a wonderful night, son” and I saw at least 5 other diners chuckle. I read it as envy and not at all condescending.
I can't beat Gawker or Shadowcat. I have taken out dancers who were 1/3 my age, but I better wait a few years to try 1/4 my age.
I don't do OTC but as far as I'm concerned other people need to mind their own business - none-of-their-business what other adults are doing w/ each other - as far as I'm concerned it's the ones judging that have the problem
the age difference for my two OTC girls is about 35 years. my next OTC experience will be a much larger difference.
My last OTC was 40 years younger. She just turned 21. We want to a restaurant and had dinner and some drinks before going to the hotel. I really don’t give a fuck what restaurant or hotel staff or some random passerby thinks.
"LMFAO you old fucks are pathetic. You think those girls actually find you attractive? The only thing they find attractive is your wrinkly old wallet. "
...but, but, but,...she loves walking around holding my hand!
Some beautiful young women really are interested in older men, and the reasons are complex.
By coincidence same topic is being discussed on Reddit
"LMFAO you old fucks are pathetic. You think those girls actually find you attractive?”
I’m not sure who said that; I guess it’s someone I have on ignore. But my response is: why should I care if she really doesn’t find me attractive? What does that have to do with anything?
^^^ TUSCL has always been a place where middle-aged guys brag about their prostitutes. I take part in the bragging too but try to bring myself down to reality now and then. There’s no chance I would be dating hot 21-yr-olds at my age. By the time you get to 3-decades of age difference, it’s very uncommon for vanilla dating to take place without an exchange of money. Uncommon but not impossible.
I’ve had two gals who I’ve seen where there’s a g-normous age difference and no specific quid pro quo, but there has been lots of gifts, phone calls asking for $60, etc. one of the two I first schlepped in the club when she was 21. She stopped dancing did some very high end SB work, got peripherally drug involved and we’d go out for coffee, tal’ for 2 or 3 hours and end up with a BJ. Then the next week call and say she had to pick up 3 prescriptions and could I send her $100? Usually Yahtzee’s translated to $14 at the drug store, 3 $20 bags of crack, two glass pipes and a box of chore.
The other one desperately doesn’t want to be a whore. So I buy furniTure, hair extensions, dental work, etc. and she rows my boat. When she and I smoke some strong weed, we’ll sit and talk for hours. Occasionally we’ll just chill, watch a movie, have sex. Once again, no direct tit for tat. I’m not foolish to think they have amorous feelings for me, but in both instances it’s a more realistic circumstance, it’s not overt prostitution, and I honestly think it makes for an enjoyable evening.
I also occasionally will get one. Talking about their recreational sex and I’m the first to recognize that I can’t begin to keep up with the young guys. But they both compliment my skills in cunnilingus. I’ll put a few pictures on my home page photos if anyone cares.
I'm 52 and pretty much all the girls I see OTC are about 28 years or more younger than me. I'm also on the heavy side and only "date" slim/spinner types. So as you can imagine when I go to a restaurant, movie, shopping, etc with my "date", we usually get more than a few stares. On occasion I've even had people confront me and call be a " pervert", etc. Like Doc said, I don't give a shit what other people think or say. I intend to meet up OTC with strippers and sugar babies that are 18 to 25 years old as long as I'm alive and my dick works, no matter how fuckin old, fat and ugly I am!
19 year difference with my favorite otc girl and it was the best time of my life. She wasn’t from this country and was unfuckingbelievably cool. Granted I paid her for that treatment but I got everything I paid for and would do it again in a heartbeat.
You're only as old as you feel. Right now I'm feeling a 26 year old.
@TexTttyHomo is the clown who posted last month about talking to 6-year-old girls (look it up). Hopefully he’s not an Epstein wannabe. But he should be flagged by LE.
I don't take them out in dating situations, so I don't really have to deal with this. Usually it's just a trip from the club to my hotel room under the cover of darkness.
Maybe I will feel the urge to do this as I get older, but I somehow doubt it. I've had my share of springtime romance over the years, with marriages, children and a lot of fun dating in between. I have no interest in playing out a faux version of it with a girl multiple decades younger than I. This is no criticism of how you all spend your time and money, just my own personal feeling. It's their turn now, the turn of my kids and the younger generation and I'm OK with that.
My ATF and I were 26 years apart.
OTC is very rare for me but when I was 27 I did an OTC with a dancer that was 49 years old. So 22 years has been my widest. I paid for the dinner and drinks but fucked her at no additional charge.
Present girl is 32 years younger and we hit the town and have a great time. We usually don't get too many looks but she is also asian which means she could be older than she looks. When I was at the casino with her some guys next to me thought we were a thing.
My current fav/friend is 43 years younger than I and is fairly affectionate out in public. We have gotten a few looks and I've noticed people talking as they look at us but as others have said, a shit I do not give.
"... You're only as old as you feel. Right now I'm feeling a 26 year old ..."
LOL - nice play-on-words
Currently playing with a 29yo dancer who has a 14yo daughter. That makes it a 30 year difference. We started playing itc a little and then she asked if I wanted to go further - hell yes was my answer.
Her idea was to play at her apt so there would be no blow back on me because I stay in corporate sponsored condo after we played once at the condo. Much to my surprise she had me set up with all my fav bathroom gear and fav whiskey on my first play date.
Her daughter usually does sleep overs when I’m around.