
Comments by Subraman (page 70)

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Straight outta tha NC, comin' atcha with an AK ready to steal your daughter. ROAR!!!
    We need a rick room
    -->"Can you give me some tips on how to become a rick?" As if a non-rick can simply become a rick. Such hubris! I'd say the best we can aspire to, is to merely become more rick-like. Every day, in every way, I'm getting ricker and ricker
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Rhode Island
    A shortish SA exchange...
    My wife and I are still pissed at you about this
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    DFW, Texas
    Discovering Extras
    -->"What was the going-rate ($$$?) back in the late-90s/early-2000s for extras at MBOT?" It went up over that time, as the place got full of hotter and hotter girls. But for much of that period, as a regular, I could score $140 HJs, $200 BJs, $250+ FS. The girls asks for non-regulars was a bit higher than that, up to $200 for HJ, $250 for BJ, FS starting at $300-$350. The first few years, there were no timers on the rooms, so basically you went however long you lasted. Eventually the club decided there was too much money being made, and added timers and pay-boxes on the rooms, so you'd have to pay the for the room on top of the previously quoted prices -- but not on the cabanas, which means that as long as you didn't mind standing up, you could still take your time. Prices rose past what I jsut described in the early 2000s I realize all those prices are probably still way higher htan many of you guys pay today. But this was SF, everything was always insanely expensive compared to everywhere else. Plus, these were Spearmint Rhino or Sapphires Las Vegas quality girls, which made it a bit special
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    5 years ago
    DFW, Texas
    Discovering Extras
    SirLap came, SirLap saw, SirLap fucked shit up!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    DFW, Texas
    Discovering Extras
    In 1996, Willie Brown (former lawyer for the Mitchell Brothers) became mayor, and I began hearing rumors there were extras going on at O'Farrell Theater (MBOT). At the time, MBOT's lineup was as gorgeous as any strip club anywhere, absolutely breathtaking whenever I walked in. So the thought of getting extras, THERE, was pretty exciting. I went in, met a hot chick, went to the cabanas (a line of curtained-off phonebooths) with her, and there received one of the best HJs I'd ever gotten. Delighted and horrified, I pulled together my buddies -- one of whom was a high level police officer who is well aware of law enforcement priorities in this area -- to debrief on the experience (to an onlooker, I imagine I must have looked like Danny McBride in the "I cum all over" scene from This Is The End), and get a ruling from our LEO buddy on how big of a risk I took. He told us "the city does not give a fuck, there's no law enforcement activity, and the DA wouldn't press charges if they did". Thusly cleared, I brought all my buddies up to what for the next 10 years, I claim is the best strip club that has ever existed on American soil. Vegas-hot and LA-hot level girls, doing extras. I was a variety-seeking extras hound until 2007 when MBOT imploded from the lawsuit, subsequent consent decree, dancers moving to employees, etc. I switched over to OTC-focused non-extras ATFer after that, since MBOT was now useless.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Alternatives for Seeking Arangment?
    -->"Whether it's a stripper, a SB, or an escort of any variety, it would take a *very* long time (and a lot of good behavior) before I trusted the girl enough to go to her place or let her come to my place." Fuck yes.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    God Bless Dancers
    The Perfect Strip Club
    Rick, I am hoping you're write a trip rickport ASAP
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Alternatives for Seeking Arangment?
    Yeah, SA is absolutely not safe. Don't get me wrong, you find the right girl, it's awesome. But until you know you've found the right girl, stick to the best practices, IMO. Since the decline of SCs in this area over the past couple of years, aside from looking for "legit" SBs, I sometimes use it for shorter-term things, but I still start with the initial public meeting, even if we end up going to a hotel -- hotel, not her place -- afterwards. With escorts, you have the advantage that you can often find reviews, or if she asks you for a reference, you can always ask your reference escort whether she knows her. On SA, totally anonymous, you are starting off with less research than a random escort, IMO.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Alternatives for Seeking Arangment?
    I definitely agree with the last point. If anything, I'd strengthen it up. Whatever illusions anyone has about SA, you'll run into far more outright scammers there than you will ROBs in a club, and that's not even counting rinsers (probably more analagous to ROBs), etc. You sleepwalk through it, the best outcome is you'll merely get rinsed
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Alternatives for Seeking Arangment?
    Justin: to me you're conflating being in the sex industry, with offering the exact same experience. A stripper, professional dominatrix, escort, AMP girl, independent FBSM girl, camgirl, and sugarbaby are all in the sex industry. Are they all offering exactly the same experience? Not to me. A professional dominatrix is offering a completely different experience than a camgirl; an escort is offering a completely different experience than a (classic style) SB. I can say this definitively -- I do not like the escort experience and don't patronize escorts. My experience with SBs is totally different. The notion that "SA girls are innocent young girls looking for a helping hand from a father figure" is a strawman you set up; you can knock it down if you want, but I don't give you any credit for it :) Camgirls are not FBSM providers are not strippers. You'll get a different experience with each, there are different norms, etc. They're all part of the sex industry, but we have different words for them, because what they're offering are completely different from each other. Yes, it's absolutely the case that there are escorts (by which I mean, women offering a completely straightforward, transactional, $-for-time-with-anyone) experience on SA. I use the term "escorts" for them, because it's exactly an escort-like experience. An SB isn't better or worse, and she's certainly part of the sex industry, but we have a different word because the experience is different, the norms are way different (no such thing as a platonic uncompensated meet and greet with an escort, for the most part)
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Alternatives for Seeking Arangment?
    Really sorry that happened, man, but holy shit did you ignore so many red flags.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Alternatives for Seeking Arangment?
    -->"She invited to have me over for drinks." Ah, gotcha! Without seeming harsh, you basically threw all concern and common sense around your own safety out the window. So, the standard norm and safety guideline for meeting an SB for the first time -- and I emphasize SB, I realize many guys are using SA just as a way to find escort-like activities -- is an UNPAID platonic meeting in a public place. First intimate date in a hotel room. There's a lot of good reasons for this: - SA is absolutely full of scammers, criminals, hustlers, and rinsers. Many of those won't invest their time in an initial unpaid meeting. You'll weed out 90% or more of the bad actors right there - Given the above, meeting in public is essential. It doesn't matter whether you're looking for an SB or for an escort -- meet her in public first. This goes 10x for SBs; it is not safe for an SB to invite a stranger to her house for the first date. I'd raise an eyebrow over just the invitation. - Given the above, safety-wise initial date in a hotel room is similarly a good practice. Hell, I've even done the initial platonic uncompensated meeting, and it went so awesome that we both agreed to have sex immediately. No thanks, I don't want to go back to your place, let's grab a hotel. With all due respect, SA is not "safe" on any level. You need to show common sense and care for your own safety. If you want to use SA to find escorts, that's totally your choice; but you do need to be smart about it. Meet in public. Have sex the first time in a hotel room you obtained.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Black vulture lives matter! Squawk!
    True adherents of the rick agenda
    That's a solid rickpology right there
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Alternatives for Seeking Arangment?
    -->"OMG. I had one of those potentially dangerous experiences tonight meeting up with a new SB. Two thugs walked in within minutes of my arrival. No violence but could have easily gone that way. Never had anything like this in my life. " I don't understand, they walked into where? And by "meeting up", did you follow the norm of an initial platonic meet & greet in public (in which case, I don't see what the safety issue is)? Why did you think the thugs were there for you? Not trying to be difficult, just don't understand what happened
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Black vulture lives matter! Squawk!
    True adherents of the rick agenda
    It would be fitting if we could keep this thread going as a place where people could come seek rickvice, seek therickpeutic counseling, share trip rickports, and generally receive commentary from the various assembled ricks. Just a dream of mine.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Strippers that don't strip?
    Some clubs allow a stripper to pay to stay off the stage. One of my ATFs routinely did that. She wasn't a great dancer, but she was both incredibly beautiful and incredibly charming. It made sense to her (and to me) that dancing on stage was not her route to glory, staying on the floor and selling her best asset (herself) face-to-face was.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    How to convince a woman to allow me to lick her boots?
    You are losing your touch, juice
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    What's an example of conflicting emotions?
    lol ... thoughtful joke this morning
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Hi Liter Phoenix
    5. Front room ass-to-mouth 6. Walking girls out the side door, last third of shift 7. Back room auto-erotic asphyxiation
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Big Booty Bartender
    You see all that foam? They are running their taps much too warm.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
    A nude girl dancing
    Wow, hardbody! The tittys are... unfortunate
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    A "Detailed" review
    25 and Papi, again, I know you disagree, just giving my perspective, but ... to me -- and I admit, I haven't checked -- there's probably a year's worth of reviews that give all those details. No sane person makes a decision to go to a club based on a single review, so the fact is, you'll be looking at the recent 5+ reviews anyway, probably. To me, the salient info is that the club has completely changed and gone to shit, and every other review that reports hot strippers may no longer be accurate. To me, that review basically says, "the club has changed for the much worse since the bust", and that's useful to anyone and everyone reading the older reviews that make it sound awesome. I'm assuming this is new info -- that there aren't 10 previous reviews all saying this same th ing
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    A "Detailed" review
    Given that we all agree that there is a special situation where no detail is required -- that is, to confirm an SC has closed -- you guys don't think there are other situations? Whenever I put myself in the place of a local who is wondering whether his fave club, that just got busted, is back up to speed, I feel that even his one-paragraph experience confirming things have gone to shit, is amazingly useful. I don't understand why he should re-confirm the drink prices, the dance prices, the entrance fee, where the stage sits vis-a-vis the bar, is really required. The one fucking thing I'm interested in knowing is there: the club has gone to shit since the bust. The original was useful information, even if it didn't conform to the guidelines -- guidelines that were written for normal operating procedures, not other types of incredibly useful information like "club is closed" or "Here's what the club is like post-bust". These are useful. I realize I'm a contrarian practically across the board on reviews, but my main touchstone is "did I learn some useful information".
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Detailed enough?
    I find your middle urinal theory quite ingenious, and do intend to incorporate it into my own restroom practices
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    A "Detailed" review
    I found his middle stall theory quite ingenious, and do intend to incorporate it into my own restroom practices