A "Detailed" review
Usually I just read Northern Ohio reviews and pass over the others but the title caught my attention so I dived in and I did enjoy reading it!
When certain TUSCLers say details should be included it is meant details such as costs, describing the dancers (vs talking about just one girl), describing the mileage available/allowed at the club
I don't recall anyone stating a review should not be published bc it didn't have layout details - details are not about the damn layout.
That was a waste of a review and a temper tantrum from someone that doesn't get a review is to pass info on to the readers vs just bragging and basking about what you did with Bambi and you just have to tell somebody.
I did get the idea that this club is not a 'must see'.
The original was useful information, even if it didn't conform to the guidelines -- guidelines that were written for normal operating procedures, not other types of incredibly useful information like "club is closed" or "Here's what the club is like post-bust". These are useful.
I realize I'm a contrarian practically across the board on reviews, but my main touchstone is "did I learn some useful information".
Tell me about the current state of the club and allow me to make my own decision as to whether it may be worth it to me; just saying it's not worth it to you is not the end-all be-all for every custy snce we all have different ways of clubbing (e.g. perhaps I'm not a guy interested in extras just good two-way dances and perhaps these are still available at the club? Etc).
To me, that review basically says, "the club has changed for the much worse since the bust", and that's useful to anyone and everyone reading the older reviews that make it sound awesome. I'm assuming this is new info -- that there aren't 10 previous reviews all saying this same th ing
in the past when I've taken SC trips it was a PITA trying to get pertinent info on many clubs and often one had to read multiple reviews just to get a good grasp of the club - someone shouldn't have to 5 reivews to find out the dance cost or VIP house-cost; especially if one is trying to research multiple clubs or may just be in town for a short time and can't dedicate multiple hours to getting that info - good reviews that inform the reader well are not necessarily the norm on TUSC,L and the more reviews w/o good club info that are published means good chance more reviewers will follow that example of "hey club info is in other reviews" and basically kick the can down the road to where finding informed reviews becomes harder.
Not taking an extra 10-minutes and a couple of sentences to describe the club (cost, dancers, mileage; etc) is leaving a good chunk of the readers in the dark and only serving a smaller % of those that are already familiar w/ the club - I argue that informing those not familiar w/ the club is a much better use of reviews than informing those already familiar w/ the club.
I mean it's not like we all write reviews as good as Papi, but that's a piss poor excuse to not even put in a legitimate effort.
^ This! And I still think the review was entertaining.
Anyone offended by it should ease up a little, you're taking your privilege to approve reviews a little too seriously. There's no reason to rehash the same details over and over again in every review. Sure we want and should expect accurate intel on the clubs but we're all different and expecting everyone to write a review exactly like you want is unreasonable.
Founder laid out some guidelines, they're guidelines not commandments that have to be followed verbatim.
Newbies with no reviews and no history asking for intel in their first post in discussions get a bigger pass than someone that actually took the time to write a review. If you want to crack down on somebody they're more suitable candidates IMO.
Yes the reviewer was a wiseass in some respects but I understand his frustration in being denied over how he originally wrote his review since the "missing details" that some are demanding are available in many previous reviews of that club.
At least I'm glad that others saw the humor in his response.
Correction, I should have said, "At least I'm glad that others saw the "sarcastic" humor in his response."