Hi Liter Phoenix

avatar for mark94
Breaking news: a dancer told me that owners are considering taking out the VIP booths. They need to get Liquor Control off their back and this may be the only way to do it.


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avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Taking out VIP Booths, DRAT!

Thanks for letting us know, and please do let us know what you might learn about the other clubs in that region.

1. Front room makeout sessions
2. Front room DATY
3. Back room FS
4. Walking girls out the front door, mid shift.

:) :) :)

avatar for Subraman
5 years ago
5. Front room ass-to-mouth
6. Walking girls out the side door, last third of shift
7. Back room auto-erotic asphyxiation
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
^^^^^^ you are a little more kinky than me.

avatar for rh48hr
5 years ago
Why not just close the club? No reason to go if there is no VIP. Most guys don't even bother with floor dances anymore because they are so tame.
avatar for Mate27
5 years ago
The liquor license is due to renew in January.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Strip club can always be a place to meet women.

Anyone have experience with other clubs in the Phoenix Metro?

avatar for nicespice
5 years ago
Hmm...a girl on the internet (so I don’t 100% know for sure, but I don’t see why I should doubt her yet) said that Hiliter lets girls come and go as they please. As in, they are allowed to leave the club and return anytime they want without paying another house fee. Even if bleeding over into night shift.

If so, then it seems like OTC would be ridiculously easy if you’re considered trustworthy enough to the right dancer. So if one is on the hunt for naughty activities... 🤷🏼‍♀️
avatar for TrollWarnBot
5 years ago
WARNING - The following accounts are considered to be forum trolls and may not be trustworthy:

san_jose_guy - Commonly referred to as SJG this forum member may have some sort of mental illness and is usually mocked or ignored. SJG has a long history of posting incendiary comments including being pro-rape. His comments should NOT be taken in any way as legitimate.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Yes nicespice, that does sound really good about this Hiliter.

avatar for nicespice
5 years ago
^ Yeah. I did want to eventually try out Phoenix. And despite the, erm, reputation that club has—hearing that made me want to audition there. The more a club respects dancers as independent contractors, the more I respect a club.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
My position has always been that it is best just to let the women do it they way they want.

So that might include FRMOS's, Front Room DATY, Backroom FS, and walking with a guy out the front door mid shift.

By all accounts that is how it goes in TJ. And I have seen it go like that at clandestine US places.

Anybody got an info about other Phoenix places?

:) :) :)

avatar for nicespice
5 years ago
There’s quite a bit of Phoenix intel out there.

avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
People haven't posted many accounts of their other clubs, except perhaps in reviews.

Most seem to go for just a few clubs. My interest is in some of the others which could be more anything goes.

avatar for nicespice
5 years ago
^ Yeah, I can imagine that it’s frustrating for you that most of the TUSCL crowd just like to go to clubs to get grinded on or maybe even airdanced on with strippers.

For whatever reason, dudes here don’t seem to like having sex with or meeting strippers outside the club.

avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
it’s all a crazy mess.
I can say is that I am going to be at bare elegance on 30 October and then I will be down in Hong Kong Tijuana on the 31st.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Right you are nicespice!

That is the basic rift. Though I am not totally alone. Some others see things the way I do, but they just don't need to post about it.

Actually our local strip clubs are the most tame, no touching, really no private dances to speak of.

But the women are for real, they are exactly what they appear to be. Just need to get them outside of the club. And most of all, need to treat them in a civilian manner.

Most all of the girls in our underground circuit are highly regarded OTC providers. And as they know that such clandestine clubs are short lived, they are always lining up all the OTC regulars they can.

I found early on that if you just treat the women who dance in strip clubs as you would any other women, most of the time they really open up and most of them are extremely available.

And then as life went on and I had to make some hard decisions about my marriage, I came to see that I liked some of the OTC providers much better than I liked the women like my wife who were into strict monogamy.

So strip clubs are a great venue, for meeting women and for imbibing an aesthetic. But they are not good for regular sexual gratification. The women who dance in strip clubs, seeing them outside, that is wonderful. And most of them are bored and lonely, even though they are young sexualized hotties.

That's okay, the PL's and Chump's can keep the strip clubs in business. But I'll be the one who is doing photo sessions and MSOG TLN's with the women outside of the club.

avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Also, just like it was on TJA, we have no a bunch of guys who regularly go to TJ. A vastly superior venue. But most of these guys are still Chumps and PLs in how they related to the women.

avatar for TFP
5 years ago
Jesus, Nicespice, this dude can't even detect your sarcasm. Now you got him started up on a Dennis Miller type rant.

Mark94 might wanna go ahead and cancel those email alerts right now, least his box be overloaded with 'San_Jose_Guy has posted a message in your thread' mails.
avatar for TFP
5 years ago
LMAO this dude really said " The women who dance in strip clubs, seeing them outside, that is wonderful. And most of them are bored and lonely, even though they are young sexualized hotties."

Dude really talking out his ass like he knows the status of every stripper in America.
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
do you mean he doesn’t ???
avatar for MackTruck
5 years ago
"Right you are nicespice!

That is the basic rift. Though I am not totally alone. Some others see things the way I do, but they just don't need to post about it.

Actually our local strip clubs are the most tame, no touching, really no private dances to speak of.

But the women are for real, they are exactly what they appear to be. Just need to get them outside of the club. And most of all, need to treat them in a civilian manner.

Most all of the girls in our underground circuit are highly regarded OTC providers. And as they know that such clandestine clubs are short lived, they are always lining up all the OTC regulars they can.

I found early on that if you just treat the women who dance in strip clubs as you would any other women, most of the time they really open up and most of them are extremely available.

And then as life went on and I had to make some hard decisions about my marriage, I came to see that I liked some of the OTC providers much better than I liked the women like my wife who were into strict monogamy.

So strip clubs are a great venue, for meeting women and for imbibing an aesthetic. But they are not good for regular sexual gratification. The women who dance in strip clubs, seeing them outside, that is wonderful. And most of them are bored and lonely, even though they are young sexualized hotties.

That's okay, the PL's and Chump's can keep the strip clubs in business. But I'll be the one who is doing photo sessions and MSOG TLN's with the women outside of the club.


^^^ Amen brother
avatar for TFP
5 years ago
Misterwonderful what's funny is if you made a general statement about the bargirls in HK I'd be more inclined to believe you since you've been there so many times. Yet I bet you still wouldn't do it because although you've probably bedded a lot of women there, there's still A LOT more that you haven't. Because there's just so many girls, and so many different girls all the time.

Yet this asshat, who doesn't even go to clubs, presumes to sit up here and determine that most of the girls dancing in clubs are bored and lonely. If that ain't the epitome of talking out of your ass then I don't know what is. Just because that's your fantasy and what you wish the situation of all dancers was, doesn't mean it's the case.
avatar for SirLapdancealot
5 years ago
LMAO I wonder if san_jose_creep would post to TUSCL as much if he actually went to strip clubs. But that's like wondering what he'll freezing over is actually like. 😆
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
^^^^^^ I guess TFP that it is hard for you to hear basic simple truth. But it is true. Most of the women who dance in strip clubs are outsiders, they marginalized. When it comes to sex appeal they are strong, but as far as social and civil standing, they are marginalized.

But I like them better than those like my ex-wife and her GFs, who are strictly committed to monogamy. Their commitment is really about money and social status.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
5 years ago
^ *hell freezing over*
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
The ignore button is a blessing. Just saying.
avatar for nicespice
5 years ago
SJG —>”But I like them better than those like my ex-wife and her GFs, who are strictly committed to monogamy.”

If your ex wife had multiple girlfriends, I don’t feel as if her commitment to monogamy was very strong. 😮
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Her GF's were just friends. But they all were trying to set up strict monogamy, and my wife was one they looked to for advice. But their monogamy, what it was really about was property and social status. Sex was at best only a means to an ends.

I think this is generally true, a girl who is really into sex is not going to be into strict monogamy.

The ones I call "The Beloved Latina Escorts", the core group from our underground clubs, they were pretty much ready to go with anyone anytime.

avatar for TFP
5 years ago
SJG, prove anyway you can, that your statement is true. You post links to all kinds of hogshit all day every day on this forum anyway. So posting some links to whatever evidence that supports your claim that 'most strippers are bored and lonely' should be no problem for you, right?
avatar for TFP
5 years ago
@Mark94 so you don't get email alerts when blocked people post in your thread?
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Proving what goes on in the head of another person is impossible. But I can just reference my long history of interaction with the women who dance in our local clubs.

One factor to consider here is that our clubs are softer core, so the women can just sell LDKing in the back room. There is more talk which goes on, and often at little cost.

That is the most I can say. But I believe that if others talk to the women in civilian ways, then they will find that the women are very available to them.

avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Also, a couple of other things which work in my favor is that I do not drink. They girls get tired of people who are intoxicated, and so they do comment positively on my sobriety. Also they know that I am treating them like civilians.

Some girls on stripper web have posted that they are smarter than 90% of the customers. I have no doubt that this is often true. Very often I can see that a new girl is favorably impressed from just briefly talking to me.

The women who dance in our clubs are softer core.

But even with those who are known to do OTC and who seem to be hustling for that, they and I get along well and they respond well to being treated in a civilian manner.

avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
One thing about our local clubs is that they are no mileage.

And then one, Sunnyvale Hip Hugger, was really set up to promote talking. And so it is low mileage girls, and there can be lots of talk for low cost.

So the manger told me that their girls were not just strippers, they were also pursuing education and other careers. I agreed and told him that they always had the smartest girls, and that mainly this seemed to be because it was more of a talking job.

But I have had good results in every strip club I have ever been to. Not always good every visit. like we have had clubs which only have one or two girls at a time. Not always good, sometimes crossed wires.

But the vast majority of visits and each and every club, usually very good.

Now the worst clip joint in San Francisco is Deja Vu Centerfolds. It is intended for tourists, leading with the DV name.

Girls can extract a lot of money. Very hard and expensive to get them to sit and talk. And harder to get any DFKing out of it. But still possible.

If you intend to be waking up with the girl in the mornings, then still worth the costs.

And we have had other high mileage girl venues, very nice to deal with the OTC providers.

So I have learned from both types of experiences, mostly though by talking. That is how one gets to know a girl and some kind of rapport is established.

But if it can be an onsite UHM and FRMOS experience that is even better, eliminates the need for car keys and wallet dating, the girl has already given up all she had to give.

avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Most of the girls who dance in our local clubs, like the now defunct hip hugger, they show their stuff, all dolled up, and guys throw money at them. But they are still sleeping alone, still getting very little sex.

So when they find a guy who treats them like a girl next door, they are likely to respond very positively.

They will say things like, "This is my social time", meaning that they should not be seen as on duty pros.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
5 years ago
All san_jose_creep's ways with stripper and AMP whores are a system of denial that he's paying them for GFE because his ego is huge. If he acts civilian with them, they want to be his real GF rather than give him GFE. If they kiss him, it's because they like him as a GF rather than it's part of GFE. These are simply forms of paid GFE that he doesn't want to admit. He even has denial as he pays them. It's not payment for the GFE. It's payment out of respect and care for her time as a real GF rather than a GFE service. His ego doesn't allow him to admit he's resorting to GFE with whores because no woman, civilian or otherwise, wants anything to do with his creepy ass in real life.

Furthermore, it's so bad (his ego and his denial) with him that he has to believe that he's figured it all out over TUSCLers that just want to go and get lapdances. He doesn't even want to believe that others actually just want to have fun with strippers and get lapdances. Even that hurts his ego because it takes him back to his personal frustration of strippers that just wanted to do that only and NOT give him GFE.

He's overly obsessed with getting GFE and pretending it's real.
avatar for TrollWarnBot
5 years ago
WARNING - The following accounts are considered to be forum trolls and may not be trustworthy:

san_jose_guy - Commonly referred to as SJG this forum member may have some sort of mental illness and is usually mocked or ignored. SJG has a long history of posting incendiary comments including being pro-rape. His comments should NOT be taken in any way as legitimate.
avatar for jestrite50
5 years ago
I have been to several clubs that let the girls come and go as they please. Yes its OTC fun sometimes. Sometimes it's going out to dinner. sometimes its shopping for new outfits. If the girls are private contractors then they should be able to come and go. There is nothing worse than inviting a girl back to your hotel and she says "I cant go till my shift is over" !
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
^^^^^ Amen, and told to us by an expert womanizer, not a PL who buys dances.

If the club feels that it is getting depleted of girls, then it just need to put more on the roster. Many of the most fun clubs, as I have personally seen, don't use a schedule. Let the girls decide for themselves when they want to come in, and factoring what ever else they have going.

avatar for TFP
5 years ago
@SJG absolutely NONE of your rambling ass posts made above proves that most strippers are lonely and bored.

What your posts DID confirm is that you are a sick asshole with delusions of grandeur. Your fantasy is some organization where you have stripper grade hotties servicing the male members sexually 365 days a year. Yet you preach 'treat them like a civilian'.

You are possibly the most hypocritical shithead on this entire site.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
"proves that most strippers are lonely and bored"

The only proof that one could ever have would be just their own experiences with strippers and young women. That is the only basis of my statements, my own experiences and observations.

If your experiences tell you otherwise, so be it, for you.

avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
TFP fucking nailed it!!!
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
And skibum609 confirms the stupidity of TFP.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
5 years ago
He's (san_jose_creep) a broke ass creep on a bike riding past strip clubs and AMPs that he can no longer go to. He ran out of money and/or he got himself banned. He looks on with envy, fantasizing but never actualizing GFEs with women he can never have without paying. He lost his wife and he has ED.

But by golly he's still got dreams of that organization. And he's got us as his TUSCL support system.
avatar for TFP
5 years ago
@SJG ok you mentioned that your statement 'most strippers are bored and lonely' was made based on your own interaction with strippers and young women.

There is estimated to be 400,000 strippers in the US alone. Wouldn't you say it's a bit unfair to classify most of them as lonely and bored based on your interaction with less than .01% of that number??? I mean that's like me meeting 3 Chinese girls with a big ass, and then proclaiming that the entire country of China must have girls with big asses because of my own experience. Wouldn't that be pretty fucking ridiculous to do?
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Yes, it is an extrapolating from the few local people I have known and interacted with. But on the whole our local strippers are no different from the ways that young women come across, and are portrayed in our entire country.

Sorry if your own experience differs.

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