
Comments by Subraman (page 28)

  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Bottle service.
    Papi, I have no idea, my entire bottle service experience is at a few strip clubs, not enough experience to know how it's usually done. If I had to make a guess, I'd guess that given how much the clubs love when people order bottle service, they probably don't have to sweat group sizes. At Palomino, if I remember right the bottle service levels might also have been tied into the table size -- and I've heard from younger people that "reserving a table" at a club, and getting bottle service, are practically the same thing. That is, if you want a table at a hot nightclub, you pay (say) $2000, and that comes with (say) 2 bottles. That's the only way you can get a table at those clubs, and the hottest girls won't bother with guys who don't have tables... so I don't think the club cares how many guys are going in
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    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Bottle service.
    We've done bottle service in a couple of cases. The most common case is when we all meet in Vegas and head to Palomino, usually on a packed weekend nightshift. In that case, it's already super hard to get a table, much less one that will fit the 5-10 of us. Depending on the bottle service package and the table, often for $150 or less apiece, we can get all the alcohol we can possibly drink over our 5-6 hour stay (3 types of liquor in mini bottles, a whole bunch of beers, bottomless mixers and soda backs), plus a table big enough for all of us, usually in a prime position for stripper traffic and attention. Hell, buying even a single round for 6 guys and their strippers, is probably $150+. $150+ for a huge table reserved all night plus more alcohol than we typically finish? Killer deal. The other time we've done bottle service is on dayshift -- at some of the local clubs where the managers know us they'll put a bottle on extreme discount -- like as low as $250 -- only on dayshift, when they want to clear out a particular brand of liquor they're not serving anymore. Works out fine
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Photographing and scanning IDs
    In most areas I've heard about, some clubs scan IDs and some don't. The clubs that scan IDs would have to be 10x better than the ones that don't, for me to consider them. That said, I'm single, so not worrying about some of the (admittedly lower-probability) things married guys might worry about -- e.g., something goes down at the club, detectives show up to your place to interview you as a witness. But the identity theft angle is worse, especially with so many places using DOB as an identifier. If you and your buddies pile on to complain about it in yelp reviews, etc., at least it gives club mgmt something to think about. Still, while I wouldn't go to a club that does ID scans if I had a choice of a non-ID-scan club, if I lacked that choice, I'd just deal with it rather than not SC at all. SF nightshift is getting closer and closer to that situation; not sure if Gold Club is doing ID scans at night but if it is, there's just little choice at this point for nightshift (The best clubs don't do ID scans during the day, so no worries there)
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    3 years ago
    PL Here...Got a number from a dancer but now what
    bang: don't waste his time with what? What do you think the end game is here, and why is it important for him to text her again right away? If OTC is the end game and he's not in a rush, I don't see any reason he has to send random texts; in fact better off not to text frivolously until/unless she's okay with that. Frankly, if I weren't in a rush to OTC, I'd be fine just seeing her againin a couple weeks at the club (text her in advance adn set up an appointment), and proposing OTC there
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    PL Here...Got a number from a dancer but now what
    Are you considering the OTC option? It can be much more amazing with a stripper who likes you
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    PL Here...Got a number from a dancer but now what
    To me this is your OTC opening. I've had my best OTCs with strippers who didn't hate me, and this stripper doesn't hate you. I wouldn't spin my wheels on whether you're her romantic interest -- you're not -- but that doesn't mean you can't be her favorite customer, with the many YMMV privileges that entails. Sounds like she's your ATF, so this will all work out great. The only way it won't work out great is if you read too much into it and develop unrequited and inappropriate romantic feelings towards her.
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    3 years ago
    One of the lies in this industry...
    I'm with jackslash in wondering whether the Apple Watch is any good at measuring calories burned in activities like dancing. I don't have an apple watch, but I've found a few exercise devices, and all seem to be better at measuring things like running. If I do a HIIT routine that absolutely crushes me for the day, it tells me I've taken 30 steps and burned 6 calories lol... the only accurate thing I've found for that kind of exercise is a heartrate monitor on a chest strap.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Strippers are back on the job but COVID rules are hurting their pay
    If I were heading back to the clubs, this would be a fantastic opportunity to do a little eating and drinking with a pretty girl, and then invite her to OTC. Although even pre-covid, once the emmployee rules kicked in, dayshifts slimmed way way way down on the size of the lineups and it became more common not to be attracted to anyone. I imagine right now it might even be more slimmed down.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Is sex with me and 200 bucks really the worst deal on the planet?
    $100 per inch. Seems fair.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Strip Club Customer Etiquette 101:
    I don't think this is targeted to newbies and infrequent club goers, it's targeted at other strippers to get upvotes. The tone is the venting tone other strippers love; someone trying to convince their customer of something would use a completely different tone.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Strip Club Customer Etiquette 101:
    These lists always contain a list of generally good advice, advice that is specific to the type of club the author works at, and just plain subjective preferences of the author. To me, the advice in the last two categories casts doubt on the whole thing -- and article that wants to be generally applicable SC advice, should stick to generally applicable SC advice. While I agree with a lot of the points, the ones I'd question: "If you find a girl you like: make an effort to see her on stage." A lot of guys hate sitting at stage -- I know, I'm one of them, and not the only one. This is a pretty optional thing. This is nothing more than a preference, and plenty of other ways a PL can take care of a stripper "Please don’t touch without asking" is never going to happen, and every guy who goes to an SC is going to roll his eyes at this. There is advice to be given to PLs about touching, but this is so restrictive, unrealistic, and unreflective of how touching works in most strip clubs it makes it easy to ignore everything else. This needs to be re-thought and re-written "Don’t try to haggle dance prices." I'm fine with that. Negotiation over extras is the rule, not the exception. As noted she may be anti-extras so wouldn't have noted that, but an actual useful general list of advice could include it. "Don’t ask us if we can find cocaine/drugs." I never have, and never would, get my drugs from a bunch of strippers. That said, every club I've ever been in, especially weekend nights, has a busy drug trade run by the strippers. Many of them encourage it -- a guy who is doing coke off the stripper's ass in the VIP, is a guy not spending time groping her, and a guy who isn't going to be able to get it up so she won't be fighting him off in non-extras clubs. I've heard this view expressed by strippers any number of time. I realize this is circular -- guys want drugs, so strippers make money supplying drugs, so guys know they're available, etc. But the fact is, although I don't take part, there's a drug market at every big SC, and the strippers who are in that market have helped normalize PLs asking for drugs. They're not going to stop asking as long as it's available. How about just saying "no, I don't have them"? "If you want to watch the game or talk to your buddies or there for the bar, you should go to an actual bar where the bottled Budweiser is much cheaper." While I think it's best to at least tip the strippers on stage if you do this, the fact is, this isn't your call. The strip club sets the policy on how to attract customers. Not every customer who walks in will spend money on you specifically, or any dancer. Every business in the world faces this. Retail stores have people who come in, try on the clothes, then go buy online elsewhere (in fact, you, the author of this, do it too). Every street performer has some people who watch some of the performance but don't put anything in the hat (in fact, you, the author of this, may have done this too). I could go on and on. Grow up and realize this is how businesses work. Not everyone who comes in is there for you, or will spend on you. If you get angry over this, you'll get angry over it forever, since it's not something that will ever change. If lots of your customers are doing this, maybe a discussion with management on what types of customers they're attracting, and with the other girls or with yourself to understand why dancing naked you still can't get anyone's attention, is in order. The mirror may have some answers for you here. Not every customer of a business is going to behave the way you want. I mostly agree with the rest, but the tone is really off, if this were an article you'd want PLs and potential PLs to read and learn from. I'd re-write in a completely different tone. The tone here is meant more as a vent to get upvotes from other strippers, not to convince SC customers of anything.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    Trouble Sending Messages
    Founder has evidently put a limit on how many dick pics you can send to other members in a 24 hour period
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    3 years ago
    Space geneious and inventer of the grunges
    The future of the rick animals
    On the contrary, every year is the year of the Ricks. 2020 just a little less so.
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    3 years ago
    Worst Stage Names
    Hot Sushi. Backstory: There was an incredibly sexy, near-legendary stripper at MBOT, stage name Jennifer York (MBOT always had first and last names for stage names, interestingly enough). One day she walks by Jim Mitchell, who remarks "that's some hot sushi!". She laughs and jokes back "that should be my stage name!" Everyone laughs. She thinks it's a joke. But Jim apparently said "yes that's your stage name". She showed up on the roster, and was announced to stage, as Hot Sushi for like the next 4-6 months. She never adopted the name and always introduced herself as Jennifer, but for the purposes of the club, one of their best girls was Hot Sushi.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Strip club giving Covid shots.
    Three weeks, at $250/hour. But don't worry, "I guarantee you'll have fun!"
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Some Highlights from My TUSCL Messages (with redacted usernames)
    "Hi, You will be a standout in porn if you ACT. Talk about your feelings, your body parts, his body parts and what you want him to do to you and what you are going to do him. Do not just grunt and moan; be an actor. It will take quite a lot of mental ability and forethought. Decide whether you want to act as an innocent girl, a slut or and out right whore. " That one is easily my favorite. I love when guys explain things like this. See, you have to ACT. Emphasis. That's it, that's the brilliant insight no one else could have, you ACT. You are welcome for the lesson. Then, my absolute favorite, I love it when they give you your choicepoints between virgin and whore.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Vegas strip clubs
    I'm talking about locals who have a shred of credibility on this forum though.
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    3 years ago
    Vegas strip clubs
    Liwet: " If you treat it as a place where you can grope the breasts of really, really attractive girls for $60 a piece, you'll probably have a good time." This is, at least partially, what I mean by "Vegas! Woooo!". It's not really what most of us PLs are after, but hey, when in Rome pistola: "I’ve gotten extras in every Vegas club" One thing that is always consistent: insiders -- locals who are regulars -- will learn how to work the system. Hell, I learned how to have an amazing time in SF clubs, which were atrociously terrible before the switch to employees, and then got astonishingly even worse. I certainly believe there are Vegas local PLs like you who are getting PL-like experiences, I just don't think most random guys going to SC in Vegas are likely to be able to reproduce them without $$$$$$ (or just getting super lucky).
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    After 3 Long Years... I'm back.
    Welcome back GACA!!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Vegas strip clubs
    "Not understanding the Desertscrub hostility towards Subra. Then again, I don't understand most of his hostility, I just chalk it up to him getting older and crankier." I honestly don't have the slightest idea either, since we fundamentally agree on Vegas SCs, but I'm not sure I've ever been on the receiving end of a desertscrub screed, and I'm happy to have that box checked
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    3 years ago
    Your on a date with a stripper...
    $50 shots? Damn where you taking her man? I like taking my OTCs to nice restaurants, especially if we've known each other a while. Good food with a hot girl is a simple pleasure I enjoy, so I always go to decent restaurants and decent hotels, and if she's an ATF we'll go to increasingly nice ones. That said, I agree completely with Rick that there are fantastic restaurants with amazing ambiance that aren't necessary $50 a shot. And, on top of that, I've just never had this happen, even though in places like Saratoga and SF there's plenty of opportunity for it... perhaps partially due to the fact that I'm not taking a stripper to a really expensive restaurant unless I know her well. This notion of "$75 a plate, you barely know the girl" isn't something that I'd do.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Vegas strip clubs
    "a complete CUNT among PL's" This may be the nicest thing anyone's said about me all month! Thanks bro!!! 🤙
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Opinions on open dances?
    To continue the chorus, depends on the club. That said, IME clubs that have open dances are more likely to be relatively lower contact; not just no extras, but relatively less contact in general. The good news is, there is a review site around here, maybe someone will send you the link because I lost it, where you might be able to find some reviews to get an idea of contact levels. I go to lower contact clubs specifically to recruit girls for OTC, so I don't mind the lower contact dances (although if they have private or semi-private VIP rooms I'll always choose those over lapdances)
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Shitting around women
    I don't want to brag, but I typically go months between afternoon/evening shits. Every day, for months on end, I wake up, shit within two hours, shower, done until tomorrow. I can count on one hand the number of times each year I shit past 11am. I realize many of you will feel this sort of bragging is meant strictly to impress you all -- and I'm sure it worked, for several of you, your hearts probably skipped a bit -- but it is nevertheless true. As a result, of my 99 problems I have with OTC, shitting in front of them isn't one.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Vegas strip clubs
    * $120ish each is just table and bottle service. Dances are extra lol