
Is sex with me and 200 bucks really the worst deal on the planet?

These strippers and sugar babies just start flipping the fuck out. They get so offended. It's almost become their N-word. First off you getting a a lot of services with all that too, I'm taking you out to eat, drinks on me, I'm basically an Uber we go wherever, I'm playing security, I'm the "Could you run in real quick and get me a monster and cheetos" guy. Point is, your getting a lot of bang for my buck, (and you know what while I mention it maybe we can do multiple bangs please and thank you) And not for nothing many fucking dominoes pizza's does that $200 get you? This is not the worst deal going. You know I think we all feel a certain a way when desperate, meth addicted strippers turn down our reasonable OTC offers, tell me not? It's kick in the balls, World is outta line.


  • Muddy
    3 years ago
    And I know I'm gonna get hate, be called names like Bargain Bin Biatch. But just know before you let loose, I'm out here on the front lines, fighting the good fight against stripper inflation and I'm catching Hell for it big time.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    Cheap Charlie's on the prowl
  • eros973
    3 years ago
    thrifty thriller😈
  • SanchoRG
    3 years ago
    I appreciate the one man war on inflation, but you gotta see her side. $200 today is worth about what $222 a year ago was worth - dollar value took a 10% hit year over year. Combine that with alarmingly high prices on...well...everything and your fight to move prices against the inflation trend will not be met favorably.
  • nicespice
    3 years ago
    No I will not have sex with 200 bucks, I won’t even have sex with one buck. What if those antlers jab? 😐
  • Uprightcitizen
    3 years ago
    Damn that buys allot of meth. Such a baller!
  • MackTruck
    3 years ago
    What is the difference between beer nuts and deer nuts?

    Sometimes beer nuts are over a buck, but deer nuts are always under a buck
  • whodey
    3 years ago
    If she won't take your offer just find another girl. $200 isn't so low that no one is going to take it, but it also isn't so high that everyone will take it either.

    You phrased it like sex with you and spending time with you are among the benefits but she may not see it that way. Think of it like this, would you spend several hours with some random person you have nothing in common with and have sex with someone you weren't attracted to just because they offered you $200?
  • azdd
    3 years ago
    Muddy - aren't you in Phoenix? $200 is below market for most Phoenix clubs, unless maybe if you're at Blue Moon or some other dive. I had a dancer at one of the better Phoenix clubs once offer to have dinner with me for $300, and I assumed I would be buying dinner! I didn't personally see the uptick in OTC willingness during COVID that some reported, but I think that's a function of which clubs you hang at. Good luck with that $200 budget!
  • Subraman
    3 years ago
    $100 per inch. Seems fair.
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    ===> "If she won't take your offer just find another girl. $200 isn't so low that no one is going to take it, but it also isn't so high that everyone will take it either."

    LOL. Maybe in some places whodey, but not in NYC. He'd be lucky to score an ITC HJ from the skankiest non-English speaking dancer in a dive club in the boroughs for $200 all-in. For an English speaking meth addict actually willing to go OTC with him, he's gonna' have to step up. 😉
  • shailynn
    3 years ago
    One thing Muddy has going for him, he’s on a roll lately with his humor.
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    It'd be funnier if he was posting this on a regional NY board rather than a national one. Some of the guys on here from flyover country might actually find $200 to be reasonable, which kinda' blunts the intended effect. One must know his audience.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    ^ I’m sure if you got it so did many others
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    Getting it and finding it to be so outlandishly funny are two different things.
  • Studme53
    3 years ago
    As all your skanks know, you can’t even get enough plywood to build a decent outhouse with $200.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    It really depends. I don't pay hookers but I've had offers as low as $100 . $200 is an average price.

    It depends on how they size you up.

    I once got offered a blow job for a ride home.

    I've dated plenty of strippers. Some of the best dates have been driving around smoking weed. Getting food from taco trucks. Go to a view or the beach for car sex. Its about how you make someone feel. Women are emotional.

  • shailynn
    3 years ago
    ^^ is that why your username is “stud”

    Har har har har
  • rickthelion
    3 years ago
    This rick can answer Muddy-ape’s question:

    It is not the worst deal on the planet. But it is the worst deal in North America. And yes, I am including Mexico.

    Though you may be in luck with Central or South America based on my conversations with rickthejaguar.

  • Rick2Icee
    3 years ago
    Ah yes my counterparts always act superior when they’re really busy masturbating in front of a computer screen at the counter of a CVS photo area.

    2icee goes to taco trucks and beaches by himself because even homeless women won’t go with him for free food.
  • whodey
    3 years ago
    "Maybe in some places whodey, but not in NYC."

    Very true, luckily I mostly club in the midwest where $200 isn't a bad offer. It will get you a 6-7 in many of the extra friendly clubs. I'd say $250-300 is closer to the average for the better dancers but $200 will get you someone decent.
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    I’m not sure where the tipping point might be - so I recommend offering $201 to see if that gets her interested!

    Your welcome!
  • Muddy
    3 years ago
    nice I think I've seen that porno somewhere

    azdd Na I'm in NYC. My cousin is in phoenix so occasionally I'm out there.

    shai thanks man

    subra that dislike on your post is gonna be from me

    whodey true

    cash i'll give it a shot
  • Ggmanspot
    3 years ago
    In the Detroit area it's around 100$ to 150$ you have to shop around
  • SteveSutton
    3 years ago
    Before COVID, I used to pay SA girls $200-$300 or so for an evening of companionship in non-major cities like El Paso, Columbus, Erie, Cincinnati. That went up to ~$500 in Vegas, Miami, LA, Boston. The ladies were mostly 7's, though there were a few outliers north of that as well as south. Don't go for 10's they have GPS!

    IMO, $200 is at the low end of the range, but let's also not call it pocket change. For 3-4 hours of "work" it's $50/hour, with no taxes + dinner at a decent place. And what else can you do in the evening to put two crisp $100 bills in your pocket? It may even be fun (90% of my dates were, or at least very well acted, so they can finetune those skills at a minimum as well).
  • theeastcoast757
    3 years ago
    Was about to say who is really out here having sex for $200 but then saw meth heads and it makes sense now
  • Mate27
    3 years ago
    Simple supply and demand economics at play, for those more attuned to market forces. Depending on her level of attractiveness, she should know her worth depending on how many offers she gets from other PLs. If she gets plenty of offers coming in higher than $200, she’ll move on. If she isn’t getting too many offers above $200 it’s probably because the demand is t there for her and she will take it.
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